TIL I HEAR YOU SING (Brass Band) - Lloyd Webber & Slater - Wormald, Christopher
Easy - from the musical 'Love Never Dies'
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
'Til I Hear You Sing - Andrew Lloyd Webber - Christopher Wormald
Estimated dispatch 5-10 working days
Guess What I Wanna Do - Bernard Trulsrud Seland
Pa den tiden da Guess what I wanna do ble til, tidlig i nittiarene, var jeg sa utrolig heldig a vaere medlem av Oslo Groove Company, et kruttsterkt storband fra miljoet rundt musikkhogskolen. Bandet vant en spellemanspris med sin forste utgivelse Anno 1990. Alt stoffet vi spilte skulle vaere egenprodusert, noe som gjorde at mange i bandet provde seg, meg selv inkludert. Jeg hadde fatt med lata Frontal Separese,(blanding av frontal lobotomi og cerebral parese), pa Anno 1992, noe som selvfolgelig ga meg blod pa tann! Jeg husker jeg var opptatt av a fa til en stilig bassgang, og sa hadde jeg hort om kvarter. Resultatet ble Guess what I wanna do. At jeg fikk spille baritonesax solo pa lata var ogsa stor stas!Bernhard Trulsrud SelandEn storbandinteressert kompis introduserte meg for CD-en Anno 1996 da jeg var tenaring pa slutten av nittitallet. Jeg ble umiddelbart veldig glad i Guess what I wanna do - en utrolig toff og fengende lat med en bassgang man ikke glemmer! I mitt seinere liv som arrangor har jeg alltid hatt denne laten i bakhodet, med en tanke om a gjore den for korps, slik at den saledes blir tilgjengelig for enda flere musikanter. Og da jeg lanserte tanken for Bertnes Brass i 2019 var de umiddelbart klare for utfordringen! Arrangementet er blitt til med stotte fra NOPA.Andreas Heier Roe
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Nar snoen smelter fra Tre notter til Askepott - Astrid Smeplass
Astrid Smeplass, better known under the artist name Astrid S wrote "Nar snoen smelter"( "When the snow melts")in 2021 as the title track for the remake of the famous movie" Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella" from 1973. She also debuted as an actress as Cinderella in the movie.Astrid S came fifth in Norwegian Idol in 2013. She has released songs such as "Think Before I Talk", "Emotion", and collaborated with Shawn Mendes on his debut album "Handwritten", which topped the US Billboard charts in 2015.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Sorgemarsj (til minne om Rikard Nordraak) - Edvard Grieg
Edvard Grieg composed this funeral march in memory of Rikard Nordraak who died i Berlin in 1866. The work present both pompous and magnificent thems as well as melancholic melodies.The solemn funeral march is a typical national romantic work.This instrumentation was written in 2018 in conjunction with the 175th Anniversary of Edvard Grieg's birth.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Abstractions - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Verket ble bestilt av Norges Musikkorpsforbund som pliktnummer til NM for Brass Band 2. divisjon (na 1. divisjon) 1990.Satstitlene er abstraksjoner der synsopplevelser er tenkt gjenskapt som musikk, altsa en abstrakt fremstilling av et motiv, likt et abstrakt bilde der man ikke umiddelbart kan se likheten.1. Aurora Borealis (Lento espressivo) Inspirert av Nordlyset som kan vaere svaert intenst vinterstid.Det er aldri i ro og antar nye fasonger og farger hele tiden mens det farer over nattehimmelen.The first movement is inspired by the northern lights. It constantly changes in colour and shape.2. Rocks (Moderato ben ritmico)I denne satsen er tittelen et ordspill. Ordet "rock" er velkjent i musikken, men er ogsa en enorm stein eller del av et fjell.The title of the second movement is a play with the word "rock" is a well-known word describing a musical genre. But it is also a giant stone or a part of a mountain.3. Seascape (Allegro)I denne satsen forsoker jeg a fange ulike aspekter ved havet, samtidig som satsen samler opp musikalske ideer fra de to foregaende satsene. Denne satsen videreforer, oppsummerer og avslutter verket.The third movement is inspired by different aspects of the sea. It also sums up different ideas that occurs in the two previous movements to round off the whole piece.Tredje utgave - 2015Third Edition - 2015
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Neverland - Christopher Bond
"All children, except one, grow up" wrote J.M. Barrie about Peter Pan in 1911; the first line and an expression of beautiful melancholy and fantasy, coming to represent one of the best-loved children's stories of the twentieth century. 'Peter & Wendy', as the book was first released, has subsequently been transformed into adaptations for film and stage, with subsequent books based on this iconic tale. In writing this new work for brass band, the composer has taken three of the main themes from J. M. Barrie's book, and used these themes to create new musical material, forming a work in three contrasting sections. I. Journey to Neverland The opening of the work, mysterious in its style, reflects the opening chapters of the story - a leafy London street, still in the dead of night - with the music transforming quickly as it builds in texture and momentum - a Journey to Neverland through the night sky; Second Star to the Right and straight on 'til morning. "Then Peter knew that there was not a moment to lose. 'Come,' he cried imperiously, and soared out at once into the night, followed by John and Michael and Wendy. Mr & Mrs Darling and Nana rushed into the nursery too late. The birds were flown." II. The Windows that Closed The central section of the work takes its inspiration from the sense of longing throughout the book, mainly by Peter Pan, the Darling Children & The Lost Boys. Distant memories of life before Neverland, memories of the Lost Boys' mothers, and regret at what the children have missed. Peter says "Long ago, I thought like you that my mother would always keep the window open for me; so I stayed away for moons and moons and moons, and then flew back; but the window was barred, for mother had forgotten all about me, and there was another little boy sleeping in my bed." III. Aboard the Pirate Ship The final section of the work takes its inspiration from the Pirate Ship, and Peter Pan's ultimate battle with its infamous Captain Hook. "In person, he was cadaverous and blackavized, and his hair was dressed in long curls, which at a distance looked like black candles, and gave a singularly threatening expression to his handsome countenance. His eyes were the blue of the forget-me-not, and of a profound melancholy, save when he was plunging his hook into you, at which time two red spots appeared in them and lit them up horribly."
Estimated dispatch 5-10 working days
Rendezvous - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Rendezvous was commissioned by Krohnengen Brass Band for their 50th Anniversary in 2019.Rendezvous is devided into three sections. Each section are referring to Edvard Grieg's own titles. but twisted, to make sure that everybody understand that this music is a mash-up of themes Edvard Grieg used in opus 54 (for piano) and opus 61 (songs for children).1. Trolltog med avsporing (March of the Trolls derailment)March of the Trolls is a famous part of Edvard Grieg lyric pieces, opus 54.2. Klokkeklang i feil sang (Bell ringing in wrong tune).Bell ringing show that Grieg was one of the first composers to write the way impressionists did. What happens if this beatiful piece is combined with several other themes from the same book? It somehow works in its own way.3. Pep talk til Blakken (Pep talk to Blakken)The riff used in the first part becomes an important part of the third part: a funky treat of the childrens song "Kveldssang for Blakken" (Evening song for Blakken).I felt that a rather tired old horse needed a pep talk more than a slow tune. So that is why you get this music(!) - and this is how my rendezvous with Grieg ends.Not sure what maestro Grieg would have thougt... But, I have read that the fiddlers that played the tunes Grieg used was not happy with the way Grieg used them.So there you go...Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days