A Western Suite - Andreas Ludwig Schulte
The atmosphere of the Wild West is caught in a striking and most imaginative way by young composer Andreas Schulte in this work. A caravan of gold- and fortuneseekers launch themselves into a big adventure and begin their rush westward. The first movement desciribes these first days of buoyancy and optimism in a crisp march. Near the campfire the pioneers rest themselves, and the music expresses feelings of romance, nostalgia for the past and hopes for the future. A wistful melody very characteristically communicates these feelings. Relaxation takes place in the third movement which is a musical characterization of a rodeo and its attendant festivities.It is obvious that sometimes something goes wrong and this aspect can also be heard. Nevertheless, the valiant rider wins in the end. With a flashback to the beginning, the journey is completed musically, thus giving the composition a dignified finale. Let the mystic Wild West entrance you. (Wagons ho ....!!) De sfeer van het Wilde Westen wordt door de jonge componist Andreas Ludwig Schulte op een uiterst treffende en beeldende wijze geschetst. Een karavaan van goud- en gelukzoekers stort zich in het grote avontuur en begint de grote reis naar het westen. Het eerste gedeelte beschrijft de eerste dagen van opgewektheid en optimisme in een vlotte mars. Bij het kampvuur komen de pioniers tot rust en worden gevoelens van romantiek, heimwee (verleden) en hoop (toekomst) muzikaal weergegeven. Een weemoedige melodie verwoordt die gevoelens op een zeer kenmerkende wijze. De ontspanning vindt plaats in het derde deel waarin een rodeofeest muzikaal wordt verklankt. Met een flashback van het begin wordt de tocht voltooid en de compositie waardig afgesloten. Raak in de ban van het wilde westen!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Invocation - Marc van Delft
In this work the Dutch composer Marc van Delft attempts to bring together two parties (former friends), after they have grown inexplicably apart. For this reason he calls in the help (Invocation) from the medium of music.At first, 'Invocation' radiates a sense of serene calme, from which the composer gradually creates an atmosphere resembling a conversation.Half-way there is an increase of suspense, ending once again in calm.The listener remains uncertain, however, regarding the finish. In dit werk probeert de Nederlandse componist Marc van Delft twee partijen samen te brengen (vroegere vrienden), nadat ze op onverklaarbare wijze uit elkaar zijn gegroeid. Daaromroept hij de hulp in (Invocation) van het medium muziek. In het begin straalt 'Invocation' een gevoel van serene rust uit, waaruit de componist geleidelijk een sfeer creeert die lijkt op een gesprek. Halverwege is er een toename van de spanning, die weer in rust eindigt. De luisteraar blijft echter onzeker over de afloop.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
At Henry's Table - Peter Martin
Composer Peter Martin received his inspiration from the period of the versatile Henry VIII and the accompanying sparkling late-medieval music. At Henry's Table describes the atmosphere at the court of the English king. Music that stays with you because it is so special.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Verona - Timothy Travis
A march full of atmosphere in the Italian style. Verdi would be jealous.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Peking Duck - Peter Martin
If there is one country whose music everyone can recognize, it is China. Both the pentatonic patterns and the atmosphere will take you there. And Peking Duck is a delicacy that you simply must try!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Mixed Bag - Peter Martin
'Mixed Bag' stands midway between a collection and a hotchpotch. It is a colourful compilation of four completely different pieces, each with its own specific character. The first part is called 'Tanguillo' : as its name suggests, this Spanish dance is related to the Tango. In the next part, 'Maybe next time ....' a repeated bass line (Passacaglia) can be heard, first solo, but thereafter gradually the other instruments join in. The third part forms a huge contrast did the former part have a Baroque atmosphere, 'Rock Hard' seems to have come directly from the Rock 'n Roll era, reminding us of stars such as Bill Haley and Elvis Presley. The finale is acheerful, inciting movement called 'Gypsy Dance'.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
On the Movieset - John Emerson Blackstone
Glitter and glamour, good-looking people, a lot of Bling Bling and fast cars images like these will cross our minds when we think of the movie world. However, reality proves to be different : as a rule, a tremendous amount of work will have been done on the set before a film is ready to be shown on the big screen. A visit to an actual movie set inspired John Emerson Blackstone to write a composition bearing the same name. He had both seen a number of characteristic attributes and heard the typical phrases used in film making, and he incorporated them into 'On the Movie Set' . In the first part, 'The Clapboard', a 'director's assistant' is supposed to shout "Quieton the set'" and "Action!", as is done before a real scene is shot. Subsequently, in order to create the right atmosphere, the clacking of a 'Clapboard' should be heard. During a romantic scene we should be transported to another world by means of sweet sounds in the background, so romantic music is of course heard in the next part, 'Love Scene'. At the end of a long working day 'It's a wrap' is called on the set to inform everyone that the filming on that day is completed. Now there is only one more thing left to dream of : an Oscar..... Perf. Note: The use of the right props will add to the performance and appreciation of 'On the Movie Set'. A red carpet and a glamorous reception should give your audience the feeling they are attending a real 'opening night'!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Variations on Shalom Chaverim - Andreas Ludwig Schulte
Shalom Chaverim is an ancient Hebrew (farewell)song, which was originally sung at the end of a celebration or meeting. It was and is mostly sung as a round. Freely translated the words mean "Goodbye, friends, goodbye and see you again!". The varying moods at a parting have been captured very well by Andreas Schulte in his arrangement 'Variations on Shalom Chaverim'. The composer himself says about the song, 'Although the melody is in a minor key, the overall atmosphere in the song is positive. one wishes each other all the best. Saying goodbye, however, also hurts. When you slow down the pace of the melody and add 'blue notes' in the harmonies, this can be sensed immediately.'Schulte refers here to the first variation. The second variation is very intense with possibly even deeper-felt emotions. 'Variations on Shalom Chaverim' ends on a cheerful and positive note, in fast tempo, and with oriental elements in the melody: 'L'hitra'ot, Shalom' (See you again, and farewell!).
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Sumba Samba - Ron Gilmore
The Samba is a Latin American dance, which is mostly associated with parties, as a result of the fast tempo in which it is usually played. 'Sumba Samba' forms an exception to this rule. In order to get this samba to swing it is important to stick to the tempo prescribed. 'Sumba Samba' starts with a motif which will play an important role throughout the piece. This motif can be heard in the first notes of the 'refrain' and, as said before, has been used in the introduction, as well as in the transition after the middle part (letter G). Furthermore, it plays an important role in the middle part itself (letter E), in which the samba has momentarily disappeared and acompletely different atmosphere has been created. At letter H we pick up where we left off with the samba and swing to the end of this composition.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Adagio for Brass - Jan Van der Roost
Adagio for Brass is full of beautiful lyrical melodies and the warm harmony and full orchestration give the audience and the band the chance to give their thoughts free reign in a contemplative atmosphere. A wonderfully uplifting work suitable for concerts on all occasions and certainly not one to be missed.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days