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  • £75.99

    Dreamcatcher - Otto M. Schwarz

    Once upon a time in North America, there lived a mother and her small daughter in a tribe of Ojibwa Indians. The girl suffered from constant nightmares. The mother sought help from Spider Woman known as Asibikaashi, who took care of the children and people on the land. Asibikaashi span a magic web to protect the girl from these evil dreams using a branch from the meadow bent into a sacred circle, with a web woven from cord that had dried on sacred herbs, and with a hole in the middle to let good dreams pass through. The dreamcatcher, decorated with sacred feathers, only allowed good dreams to pass through; the bad dreams were caught in the web. If one awoke early in the morning and the rest of the sun's rays touched the dreamcatcher, the bad dreams would be burnt and turned into invisible stardust.This work contains well-known dream images: the dream of flying, the transcendental meeting with a deceased person, and the dream of running away on legs that won't run. Everything turns out well in the end, as the sun's rays burn off the evil and everything is forgotten.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £74.99

    Durkle Bandrydge Suite Brass Band (Score & Parts) - Fraser, Bruce

    Durkle Bandrydge is the name of the composers imaginary world, but it could very well be anyones invisible dream world with a different name. In this very versatile suite by Bruce Fraser, 8 characters are featured, each with its own peculiarities, making Durkle Bandrydge such a colourful place. Do these characters differ that much from us? That is for you to find out! In the last part, all characters come together in a special way.Durkle Bandrydge exists at the end of your street. It is invisible to humans, but Durkle Bandrygators can watch us with great interest. The music will introduce you to some of the characters who live in this unusual place. The parts: Somnanbulyss, who is a giant troll guarding the entrance to Durkle Bandryde. At least, he is supposed to, but he tends to sleep most of the time. His music is therefore very slow moving and sleepy. Long Gwysteen is a tall, mysterious, and somehow sophisticated character, who walls around with a shell on his back. His music glides along rather gracefully. Squelfitch is a rather unpleasant and smelly character who lives in a bog, which is why his music sounds rather slimy and a bit like trying to walk through quicksand. Perfydlia is a meddling old woman, who gossips about everybody and squeals with sudden delight at the small exciting bits of tittletattle about others in the village. In the music you can hear her sudden little squeals of delight. Maryann Lovely is a beautiful young lady, graceful, gorgeous, absolutely devine, and her music is obviously just the same. Thistledoo Nicely is a lively character who spends and spends and spends with her credit card, buying the latest fashion and never worries about having to pay the bills. Her music reflects her excitement when shopping and het 'happy go lucky' approach to life. Marsyn Edginton is the Lord of the manor, the richest man in town, the 'big cheese', the man with all the power and, of course, the biggest house. He is very grand and his music like he could be a king. Jimmy McScotsmyn is a red haired scotsman wearing tartan cap. He misses his home country terribly and eats lots of shortbread, oatcakes, scotch eggs, porridge and drinks an enormous amount of Scotch Wisky, which helps him to have fond memories of the kind of music he would like to dance to when he was a younger man. His favourite dance is a Jig and this is the music he remembers. Grand March of the Durkle Bandrydgators. We hope that you have enjoyed meeting these characters from Drukle Bandrydge and would invite you to listen to all the villagers now march along in a grand parade - it is a pity that you can not see them, what is a wonderful sight. If you listen carefully, you will hear the melodies which belong to the characters as they march past. Oh what a grand spectacle! 10:00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £74.99

    Durkle Bandrydge Suite - Bruce Fraser

    Durkle Bandrydge is the name of the composers imaginary world, but it could very well be anyones invisible dream world with a different name. In this very versatile suite by Bruce Fraser, 8 characters are featured, each with its ownpeculiarities, making Durkle Bandrydge such a colourful place. Do these characters differ that much from us? That is for you to find out! In the last part, all characters come together in a special way.Durkle Bandrydge exists at the end ofyour street. It is invisible to humans, but Durkle Bandrygators can watch us with great interest. The music will introduce you to some of the characters who live in this unusual place. The parts: Somnanbulyss, who is a giant trollguarding the entrance to Durkle Bandryde. At least, he is supposed to, but he tends to sleep most of the time. His music is therefore very slow moving and sleepy. Long Gwysteen is a tall, mysterious, and somehow sophisticated character,who walls around with a shell on his back. His music glides along rather gracefully. Squelfitch is a rather unpleasant and smelly character who lives in a bog, which is why his music sounds rather slimy and a bit like trying to walkthrough quicksand. Perfydlia is a meddling old woman, who gossips about everybody and squeals with sudden delight at the small exciting bits of tittletattle about others in the village. In the music you can hear her sudden little squealsof delight. Maryann Lovely is a beautiful young lady, graceful, gorgeous, absolutely devine, and her music is obviously just the same. Thistledoo Nicely is a lively character who spends and spends and spends with her credit card,buying the latest fashion and never worries about having to pay the bills. Her music reflects her excitement when shopping and het 'happy go lucky' approach to life. Marsyn Edginton is the Lord of the manor, the richest man in town, the'big cheese', the man with all the power and, of course, the biggest house. He is very grand and his music like he could be a king. Jimmy McScotsmyn is a red haired scotsman wearing tartan cap. He misses his home country terribly and eatslots of shortbread, oatcakes, scotch eggs, porridge and drinks an enormous amount of Scotch Wisky, which helps him to have fond memories of the kind of music he would like to dance to when he was a younger man. His favourite dance is a Jig andthis is the music he remembers. Grand March of the Durkle Bandrydgators. We hope that you have enjoyed meeting these characters from Drukle Bandrydge and would invite you to listen to all the villagers now march along in a grand parade -it is a pity that you can not see them, what is a wonderful sight. If you listen carefully, you will hear the melodies which belong to the characters as they march past. Oh what a grand spectacle!

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £60.00

    Manchester Concertino - Peter Meechan

    Manchester Concertino is a concertino in three movements for trumpet or cornet. It was written in late summer/early autumn in, as the title suggests, Manchester, UK.The first movement, Fanfare, was written for Belgian cornetist Harmen Vanhoorne, and explores the main musical idea behind the piece, a minor third. The loud fanfare gives way to a cadenza over a timpani roll, before a reprise of the opening fanfare.The second movement, Dream, was commissioned by Keith Johnson and is dedicated to Jess Tredrea. It is a slow, lilting, movement - almost as if the listener was hearing the piece through a summer haze.The final movement is simply titled Finale and is dedicated to Roger Webster. New material is fused with the fanfare from the opening movement leading to a climatic finish to the work.

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 days

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  • £35.00

    Oubliette - Lucy Pankhurst

    Lucy Pankhurst has created a highly immersive solo for Tuba/Eb Bass with brass band accompaniment, aiming and succeeding in showing the lyrical and technical diversity of the tuba, demanding virtuoso brilliance and clarity in performance.Dedicated to tuba player Edd Leech, Oubliette raises the bar for tuba repertoire.Set includes score, brass band parts and solo parts for Eb Bass (TC) and Tuba (BC). Solo with piano accompaniment available separately.Programme notes from the composer, Lucy Pankhurst:From the French word oublier, meaning 'to forget', an oubliette was a form of dungeon used in the 14th century. A small, windowless room where someone is locked away to be forgotten and left to go mad.I initially chose this title for the piece as the Tuba is often forgotten as a solo instrument, when its versatility in performance should be celebrated. Oubliette showsThe work begins with desolate and sparse accompaniment with lamenting solo lines. The soloist has already been cast into the oubliette at this point and is beginning to wake from a somnolent state. Reality is blurred through the darkness of the chamber - the only entrance is a hatch in the ceiling, far out of reach.Memories are confused by countless hours of solitude - hallucinations and paranoia tainting reality. Gradually, the soloist remembers images from the past and gains confidence and strength. Long forgotten by the captors, or presumed dead in the chamber, the entrance hatch suddenly opens to allow another prisoner inside. The soloist seizes the opportunity for escape and a short battle ensues. Sword and fist fighting, perilous leaps over the entrances to more dungeons and fierce battle cries are futile, as the soloist suddenly realises they are alone in the oubliette once more and the skirmish was nothing but another dream.The piece concludes with unaccompanied soloist in the low register, sinking deeper into the shadows of the windowless prison; are they accepting their fate, or merely lying in wait for another chance of escape, if one will ever come . . .

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £164.99

    Diamond Concerto (Euphonium Concerto No.3) (Euphonium Solo with Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Sparke, Philip

    Diamond Concerto was commissioned by Musikverein Morschied from Germany - Dr. Eric Grandjean, conductor - for a special concert featuring Steven Mead as guest soloist. Together they gave the world premiere on 28th April 2012 in the town theatre of Idar-Oberstein. The commission is a highlight in the 30-year friendship between composer and soloist, which has included many mutual CD projects and concerts and, now, a concerto. Sparke had Steven Mead's special euphonium sound in his head throughout the composition process and made free use of the variety of styles which the world-renowned virtuoso has made his own during his highly successful solo career.The village of Morschied lies to the west of Frankfurt am Main in the area known as the German Road of Precious Stones, which is famous for its thriving gem industry. Because of this it was decided to give the commission a local connection by choosing the title, Diamond Concerto. Each of the three movements is named after a famous diamond:Earth Star is rather stern in mood, opening with a free fantasy for the soloist over a static chord from the band. This leads to an Allegro Moderato in minor mode where small motives are gradually repeated and developed by both band and soloist.Ocean Dream uses a varied quote from the composer's Music for Battle Creek, including a melting slow melody that was originally written with Steven Mead in mind.Blue Heart was written, at Steven Mead's suggestion, in bebop style and takes the form of a jazz waltz. The quasi-improvisatory central section features a call-and-response passage for the soloist and upper woodwinds.Duration: 16:45

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £84.95

    Turbulence, Tide and Torque (Baritone Solo with Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Graham, Peter

    Concerto for BaritoneTurbulence, Tide and Torque can be considered to be a companion piece to my 2008 Euphonium Concerto In League with Extraordinary Gentlemen, and indeed can be performed on Euphonium (vintage or medium bore instrument preferred). Whereas the gentlemen in question in the latter work were fictional (e.g. Sherlock Holmes and Phileas Fogg), the former pays tribute to three real life women who were very much true pioneers and heroines of their age.Turbulence: Harriet Quimby (b. 1875) was one of the world's best woman aviators, her significant and historic achievement being the first woman to fly across the English Channel. Sadly, in her lifetime very few people were aware of her 1912 accomplishment; potential press coverage was dominated by the sinking of The Titanic only two days before.Grace Darling (b. 1815) is a name much more familiar to the public today, and in her lifetime she was lauded as a national heroine. A humble lighthouse keeper's daughter from Northumberland, her participation in the rescue of survivors from the wrecked paddle-steamer Forfarshire is well documented (a museum dedicated to her achievements located in Bamburgh, the town of her birth). This movement, Tide, develops a main theme from my large scale work Harrison's Dream, reflecting on the souls lost in the disaster.The final movement Torque, opens with a sudden gear change such as might have been undertaken by Dorothy Levitt (b. 1882), the woman's world land speed record holder, in her Napier racing car. Levitt, who following her 1906 record-breaking achievement was described as the Fastest Girl on Earth, went on to write extensively about her experiences, encouraging females to take up motoring through her articles in The Graphic newpaper.Turbulence, Tide and Torque was commissioned by and is dedicated to Katrina Marzella as part of an Arts Council of England funded residency I was awarded with the Black Dyke Band in 2018.- Peter GrahamDuration: 15.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £99.50

    Symphony from The Fairy Queen - Henry Purchell

    Henry Purcell (1658 1695) is generally considered as one of the greatest English composers. He incorporated Italian and French stylistic elements into his compositions and made uniquely English baroque music. He has a rich production as composer, with works for orchestra, church, scene and vocal. In 1692, three years before his dead, he composed music to The Fairy Queen, who is a masque or semi opera who is a revised version of William Shakespeare's wedding comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream. This arrangement of Symphony is the overture to act number four.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £110.00

    Legend - Geert Jan Kroon

    Other than the title, there is no real story that connects this piece to eyeballs or werewolves. There is no real legend that precedes this work. The legend will evolve in the listener's mind while listening to this piece. For me, it started with the title. It was dreamed up by my son. He also suggested a musical gesture, which I then used to build all the musical materials in this piece. I have sought to capture a dark atmosphere with a sense of excitement. Although, there are some not so dark moments in the piece which serve as a musical contrast. I would like to invite every listener to imagine a world where there exists a legend of a bleeding eyeball and a blind werewolf. And if you do dream up a great story, please let me know and share it with each other!

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  • £43.00

    La Perla Negra (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Skinner, Colin

    For this brooding piece the composer has used the following storyline. "A sad elderly man sits alone in a bar whilst an accordionist plays a slow tango. A beautiful woman walks in wearing a single black pearl necklace and proceeds to dance with the old man. Gradually the music becomes more and more spirited and the dance faster as the old man becomes youthful again. With a passionate kiss he passes out in the girls arms and when he awakens he is back in the bar alone save for the accordionist. As he contemplates his dream he notices a single black pearl left behind on the bar. The sombre mood is lightened in the middle section by a deliberately trite and vibrato fuelled section, but we soon return to the opening material for a slow fade-out" Composer Colin Skinner wrote this piece especially for Superbrass' debut CD, Under the Spell of Spain. Duration: 6.30. Suitable for 2nd Section Bands and above.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days