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  • £38.15

    Nocturne for Brass Band & Percussion: The Lady with the Lamp - Andy Wareham

    VIEW SCORE PDF Nocturne for Brass Band & Percussion: The Lady with the Lamp was composed for the BrookWright International Brass Band Composer Competition 2020, the work later going on to be a finalist in the competition. The music celebrates the life and achievements of Florence Nightingale on the 200th anniversary of her birth. The work is structured in ternary form and is designed to be an engaging concert piece, accessible to both lower and upper section bands. Minimal percussion has been used and ossia passages have been added to accommodate all levels. The music imagines Miss Nightingale walking the wards at night with the contrasting sections representing her devotion to the care of others, the struggles and sacrifice of her service, and the lasting effect of her renowned achievements that are still felt to this day. Sheet music available from: UK - USA - Difficulty Level: 2nd Section + Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet 1&2 Bb Solo Cornet 3&4 Bb Repiano Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium 1&2 Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Timpani Percussion 1-2

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days

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  • £34.33

    Gobsmacked! (Brass Band) Robbert Vos

    VIEW SCORE PDF Gobsmacked was commissioned by Ravnanger Brass Band (Norway). The composer Robbert Vos writes: 'Gobsmacked is composed as an opening or encore piece which, as the title already reveals, is meant to surprise or overwhelm the audience! After a brief opening fanfare, the main theme is introduced by the solo cornet and euphonium. An accelerando leads to a quick movement, where this main theme is transformed into a con brio. In this section there's a lot of energy to be unleashed and every band member plays a roll in creating that. Throughout the piece there are many surprises, for example some unexpected time changes, percussion effects to wake you and some trombone glissandi to make you smile. After a short and atmospheric reminiscence by the flugel to the solos from the beginning of the piece, there comes a brief percussion interruption which leads to a reprise of the con brio, but this time in slightly different form. This all comes together in the finale where a big accelerando will lead to an exciting close.' Sheet music available from: UK - USA - Difficulty Level: 1st Section + Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb Repiano Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Timpani Percussion 1-4

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  • £38.15

    The Vow (Brass Band) Andrew Wainwright

    VIEW SCORE PDF A stunning processional in the mould of Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral based on William Himes' beautiful worship song All that I am and an original tune by Andrew Wainwright. There is interplay between the solo parts and accompaniment allowing room for expression as the music grows and grows to a powerful conclusion. PDF download includes score and full set of parts. Sheet music available from: UK - USA - To view a video of the Southern Territorial Band performing the work please visit: Difficulty Level: Second Section + Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb 1st Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone 1st Euphonium Bb 2nd Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Timpani Percussion 1-3

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £45.00

    isti mirant stella

    Descriptionisti mirant stellais based on an extract from the text of the Bayeux Tapestry, which was commissioned by Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, to commemorate the Norman conquest of England in the 11th century. This text relates to the appearance of Halley's Comet in the spring of 1066. King Edward the Confessor died without an heir early on 5 January 1066 and despite his apparent promise of the throne to William, Duke of Normandy, the Anglo-Saxon Witenagemot appointed Harold Godwinson of Wessex as his successor. Just after Harold's hastily arranged coronation the comet appeared, reaching its perihelion on 20 March 1066. In the Middle Ages comets were regarded as evil omens; the tapestry depicts men gazing at the "star" in wonder and Harold himself apparently lost in nightmarish visions of invasion, with ghostly ships in the margins of the tapestry.The music attempts to reflect the mood of this brief but crucial period of English history - the unsettled matter of the royal succession linked in the superstitious medieval imagination to the haunting, spectral apparition of the comet. Medieval composition techniques are employed in places, including the use of a 'tenor', hocketing and a brief isoryhthmic motet. The music attempts to avoid tonal centres and particularly any form of diatonic 'resolution', instead exploring the issue of unresolved dissonance as a musical device in its own right.Performance Notes:All cornets, flugel and solo horn will require bottles filled with water to varying levels to 'tune' them to the correct pitch for the closing section of the piece. Pitches for the bottles are notated in the same transposition as the player's main instrument, so for example a notated D in the bottle part for flugel would sound as a C.All cornets except soprano require harmon mutes; where these are marked 'TR' these should have the tube removed. 'TI' denotes the tube should be left all the way in. Soprano and solo cornet III require metal straight mutes; flugel, all tenor horns, 2nd baritone and both euphoniums require fibre straight mutes. Soprano, all solo cornets and all trombones require cup mutes.The percussion section will require vibraphone (with a suitable bow, preferably a 'cello bow), glockenspiel, tubular bells (low and high E only), concert bass drum, tam-tam and snare drum - the bass drum and tam-tam will require brushes in addition to the normal beaters. In addition 1st horn and 1st baritone are required to play triangles, which should ideally be different pitches if possible.Approximate duration 7'48"NOTE: This set comes with a B4 score. To view a PDF preview click here.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £30.00

    Elves' Dance - David Popper

    Andrew Duncan was commissioned by Katrina Marzella to arrange this piece as a solo for baritone with brass band.Originally a cello encore (composed by David Popper), Andrew has managed to capture the detail and style of this depictive music, creating a challenging but effective baritone (or euphonium) solo with brass band accompaniment.Discography:Elve's Dance featured on Katrina's solo CD 'Katrina' with Leyland Band and Jason Kastikaris (conductor).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £30.00

    Roots - Lucy Pankhurst

    Commissioned by Katrina Marzella in 2008, this modern 'duet' for Baritone and Euphonium soloists with brass band accompaniment has been inspired by 'nature and environment' as its primary muse. The music takes the listener through 7 stages of environmental atmosphere, in its combination of sounds and effects. It is a very uplifting work and with the back-story in mind (see programme notes below), it makes for an incredibly effective concert feature.Programme notes from the composer, Lucy Pankhurst:There are 7 main sections in the piece :RainGerminationGrowthTransionSunshineRainstormRestThe work begins with Rain, symbolised by the rainstick and 'rain sounds' in the brass , which allows the themes to germinate. The 'roots' of the music themselves, are firmly established in the tonic (root Eb) and 5ths in the low brass, from which the solo lines eventually grow, using triads and 5ths.During Growth, the solo baritone and euphonium begin with separate melodies which begin to twist around each other (much like tree roots), interlocking to produce harmonies and counterpoint, complimenting one another and firmly keeping the music in Eb major. Muted cornets and trombones continue to play overlapping semiquavers, reflecting the raindrops as they fall from the trees and leaves.A brief interlude, featuring brass sextet drives the music back to its Germination stage - here, named Transion, as it grows once more, evolving into something new. The Sunshine section is a dance. Moving rapidly through different keys, the warm sunlight catches on the dewy foliage, creating dazzling moments of clarity and beauty.However, the change in conditions also lead to brief moments of uncertainty, as the various creatures tentatively reappear from their shelter to bask as the earth is warmed. Birdsong can be heard in the solo lines as the entire band join in the celebrations.The jollity does not last long, however, as a Rainstorm, more violent than the last , ensues - stopping the dance in its tracks. The tam-tam and bass drum signify thunder, crashing into the music abruptly. However, the music still survives and re-emerges from the storm, delicately but securely establishing itself into a new key (C major), before softly concluding with the two soloists in rhythmic unison as the rain subsides and the world is at Rest.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £68.67

    Armistice at Flanders Fields (Brass Band) Dwayne Bloomfield

    This poignant and powerful work for brass band by Dwayne Bloomfield describes the day peace was announced to end World War I. The piece was written in 2023 to be played by bands around the world to mark Armistice Day. The composer writes: 'Unless you were there, it's impossible to imagine what it must have been like the day peace was announced ending World War I. The feelings soldiers experienced, who after years of fighting and suffering, to know it was over and they would return home to see family and loved ones again. This piece tries to tell their story. The work begins by approaching the front, distant artillery and battle sounds heard while the carnage and loss of lives was already known to the world. The band builds as we enter the thick of battle, the death and destruction, the conditions faced and the loss of hope of ever surviving. The next section, in 7/8 time, reflects the two sides fighting - both sides attacking and defending with mostly little result, but for the loss of more lives. Two euphoniums then depict the news and hope of peace talks. However, fighting did continue right up to the very end and on the last day there would be another 2,738 casualties. The Canadians were still battling to capture the town of Mons that morning. A song is sung in reflection of the estimated 5.5 million allied soldiers who lost their lives during World War I, then a clock ticks down the final minutes. The last three known casualties are depicted with French soldier Augustin Trebuchon, killed at 10:45am by a single shot as he rushed down the trenches to spread the news of coming peace; Canadian George Lawrence Price killed by a sniper round at 10:58am at the battle of Mons, and lastly a machine gun burst that killed American Henry Gunther, who is believed to have fallen on the 11th hour. Bells then toll ringing around the world announcing the end of the war. After years of war, it must have been jubilation for the families at home knowing their loved ones would be returning to them. The band builds with a hymn for peace as a final tribute to those who fought, before the piece resides with one of the most dreaded sounds at that time, the knock on the door from a telegram delivery boy or better known then as the Angels of Death. It wasn't just the 2,738 families from the casualties of the last day who would receive such a knock, but many more who expected their loved ones to be returning home would instead find out they were instead killed in the last weeks. So close. Driving around the battlefields today one comes across many intersections in the countryside which have cemetery signposts pointing in every direction. While the last post sounds in ceremonies today, this last bugle call instead depicts the horrors, devastation and death the soldiers faced during the war and right up the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Armistice at Flanders Fields.' To view a video of Dallas Brass Band performing the work please visit Duration: Approx. 15.00 minutes Difficulty Level: 3rd Section + PDF download includes parts and score. Sheet music available from Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb Repiano Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Percussion 1-3

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  • £61.04

    The Glory of Colour (Brass Band) Ivan G. Andrews

    This work by Ivan Andrews was inspired by the large Baptistry window of the new Coventry Cathedral and will be suitable both as a contest or concert work. The window was conceIved and designed by Basil Spence and was intended to be a worldwide experience. When installed it was claimed to be "the single largest window in stained glass that hitherto had ever been contemplated and brought into existance." The stained glass design was done by artist John Piper and when completed was described by Bishop Bardsley as a "triumphant expression of faith, a faith encapsulated in the 'glory of colour'".* Hence the title for the piece. The composer writes: 'When thinking of this music the traditional tune now often called Monks Gate kept coming to me. The words often sung to this tune were penned by John Bunyan and each stansa ends with the words "To be a pilgrim". The Cathedral in Coventry, although a Christian Church, is designed to bring all faiths together in Unity - there is a "Unity Chapel" opposite the Baptistry window so the concept of pilgrimage seemed perfectly apt to me. The music is therefore designed to reflect many colours as there are many expressions of faith. Single fragments of the Monks Gate tune are used as a basis for what might be deemed 'variations'. The tune is heard in full towards the end of the piece and then the music rises to a climax of bright brilliant white light. The colours of the window are darker on the outer edges but they all circulate towards the brilliant white at the centre - representing the source of all faith.' To view a rolling score video of the work please visit Duration: Approx. 11.30 minutes Difficulty Level: 2nd Section + PDF download includes parts and score. Sheet music available from Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb Repiano Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass BbTimpani Percussion 1-2

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  • £38.15

    The First Nowell (Brass Band, opt. Choir & Piano) Traditional arr. Barrie Gott

    This charming setting by Australian composer Barrie Gott is of the favourite carol The First Nowell. Although this version is for brass band, choir and piano, it is orchestrated such that it will work for standalone brass band. The arranger writes: 'I have always been fascinated with the words and music of this majestic carol. It was first written for choir and piano and then orchestrated for the Brisbane Lord Mayor's Carols with the Queensland Pops Orchestra. A further arrangement for brass band was done for a Salvation Army event. The setting is for four verses (1,2,5 and 6) and tells the Gospel story in a nutshell. It starts very simply and builds to a spectacular climax.' To view a rolling score video of this work please visit Duration: 4.45 minutes approx. Difficulty Level: 3rd Section + PDF download includes parts and score. Sheet music available from Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Repiano Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass BbTimpani Percussion 1-2 SATB Choir (optional) Piano (optional)

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £45.78

    City of David (Brass Band) Philip Rayment

    This engaging major Christmas work features three carols or songs associated with the place of Christ's birth: Once In Royal David's City, O Little Town of Bethlehem (Forest Green) and How Far Is It To Bethlehem? During Old Testament times, the city of Jerusalem had been considered the 'City of David', as the political and spiritual capital of Israel. However, after Christ's birth, that name was given to the town of Bethlehem - a quiet farming village in the countryside. This new designation is first mentioned in the Gospel of Luke: ''For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.' (Luke 2:11) A variety of moods are used to express:- The crowds of people arriving in Bethlehem to be taxed, overtaking the town, leaving no room for a young, pregnant Mary and her husband.- The stillness of the countryside on the eve of Christ's birth.- The excitement of worshippers celebrating the birth of a Saviour. To view performances of the work please visit: Canadian Staff Band: Five Lakes Silver Band: Duration: 7.30 minutes approx. Difficulty Level: 2nd Section + PDF download includes parts and score. Sheet music available here. Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb 1st Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass BbTimpani Percussion 1-3

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days