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  • £34.95

    FLOURISH (Trumpet Solo wth Brass Band Set) - Paul Sharman

    This solo was written for Philip Cobb and takes its inspiration from Virtuosity, a trumpet solo by Kenny Baker. The song Hand me down my silver trumpet is referred to in the two outer sections while the laid-back, jazzy central section features the song When the roll is called up yonder. The reason for including this song is the first line of the first verse which reads When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    DEEP HARMONY (Brass Band Set) - Stuart Pullin

    Stuart Pullin unfortunately passed away at a very early age, just 32, but leaves a wonderful legacy of compositions. It was his wish that this moving arrangement of 'Deep Harmony' be donated to The Salvation Army for publication so that it can now be played and appreciated by all.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    CHRIST-HYMN (Brass Band Set) - Robert Redhead

    Christ-Hymn is an expression of response to the ancient Christian hymn quoted by Paul in his letter to the Philippian church (Philippians 2:5-11). After an opening which creates a tone of sadness and quiet suffering, the following music is a joyous expression of the truth that 'He is exalted', 'His name is above all names' and 'Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    DAYSTAR (Brass Band Set) - Ray Steadman-Allen

    The title of this work is taken from 2 Peter 1:19 which refers to the word of prophecy about 'the light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts'. The beautiful hymn tune Ascalon is the main focal point while the composer also makes use of the less well-known melody My Saviour suffered on the tree.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    IN CHRIST ALONE (Euphonium Solo with Brass Band Set) - Richard Phillips

    The popularity of this modern song is evidenced by the frequent use it enjoys during Sunday worship in many different denominational churches. The strength and solidity of the song is reflected in this triumphal arrangement, written at the request of Derick Kane and as a sequel to the earlier euphonium solo, 'There Will Be God'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    VARIATIONS ON LAUDATE DOMINUM (Brass Band Set) - Edward Gregson

    Revised Version. Based on the noble hymn tune of the same name by Sir Hubert H. Parry, there are seven variations, the seventh of which is a fugato. The theme is not presented in full until the end, when it is heard in its full majesty and the music brought to a tremendous and climactic conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    FINALE FROM SYMPHONY No.4, Excerpts from (Brass Band Set) - Tchaikovsky - William Gordon

    Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote his fourth symphony in 1877 and 1878. It was first performed in the latter year conducted by Nikolai Rubenstein. Despite initial critical reaction, the symphony has become a staple of the orchestral repertoire and is one of the most frequently performed late 19th century symphonies. In the exciting finale, Tchaikovsky incorporates a famous Russian folk song, 'In the field stood a birch tree' as one of its themes.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £24.95

    OF WHOM I SING Jeg elsker Dig (Brass Band Set) - Edvard Grieg - Leonard Ballantine

    The original, Jeg elsker Dig, is a plaintive love song for voice and piano with words by Hans Christian Anderson; 'You have become thought of my thought, you are my heart's first love. I love you, as no one here on earth, I shall love you through time and eternity!'

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £89.95

    INFINITY (Brass Band Set) - Robert Redhead

    In the post-modern age in which we live, 'absolutes' are difficult for many to comprehend. Yet infinity, which means absolute, total, all-embracing, having no limits or boundaries in time, space, extent, or magnitude, has always been central to the Christian's concept of God.Through the ages, as human understanding has grown, particularly at a remarkable rate from the latter part of the twentienth century, Christianity has been continually challenged to interpret traditional beliefs in the light of new discoveries, but always within the reality of the infinite Being. In addition, scripture tells us that 'humanity was made in God's image'. Humankind is part of God's creation and as such, responsible for its upkeep. Such a commission has never been more relevant than in this present age. Psalm 8 creates a great picture of the majesty, eternal, infinte quality of God and yet reveals the desire of God to share in spirit with humankind. It recognises humankind as being, not a tool of the infinite, but as a creative contributing part of the ongoing movement and activity of the infinite. The music is deliberately melodic in context, creating a sense of unity with the infinite, in tandem with the varying expressions of individuality. It is not based on the Psalm but reflects some of the sentiments lying therein. The 'hymn-like' theme expresses the nature of the Divine using the Old Testament image of the infinite God coming to finite humankind, not in the 'wind', the 'earthquake', the 'fire', but in the 'still small voice' of quietness (1 Kings 19: 11-13). The ensuing musical development, in different styles and patterns, expresses this continual link between infinite and finite. Thus the conclusion, rather than being a symbol of might, power and magnificence, reflects the same sentiment as the opening.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    MOTIVATION (Brass Band Set) - William Himes

    The title of this extended march is derived from the song 'Would you know why I love Jesus, Why he is so dear to me? 'Tis because my blessed and Saviour From my sins has ransomed me' which is featured throughout this rythmic and original composition.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days