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  • £29.50

    Classical Brass - Various - Gavin Somerset

    This medley of famous classical music is the perfect addition to any concert. Beginning with the 'Barber of Seville' before the piece sets off on a journey with tongue placed firmly in cheek! Let your audience here the great classical works of Rossini, Grieg, Liszt, Mendelssohn (& others) as they've never heard them before. The various famous melodies all stay around long enough for your audience to recognize them before being moved off in another direction completely. This work is a musical journey that is perfect for formal proms concerts, yet certainly would not be out of place on a bandstand either. The piece has many opportunities for bands to add their own choreography if desired. A toe tapping, audience pleasing, journey that leaves the audience wanting more. Whilst rehearsals are suspended due to Covid-19, we are making some parts available to download FREE for home use and practice, alongside a downloadable backing track to play along to. To download the Solo Cornet part, please CLICK HERE . To download the Solo Horn part, please CLICK HERE . To download the Solo Euphonium part, please CLICK HERE . To download the playback audio to play along to, please RIGHT CLICK HERE & Save As .

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days

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  • £80.00

    St. Magnus - Kenneth Downie

    Dedicated to Alastair Massey, an inspirational music teacher. Commissioned by the Scottish Brass Band Association for the 2004 European Brass Band Championships in Glasgow. This music is a set of variations on the tune known as St Magnus, which is attributed to Jeremiah Clarke. Most people will associate it with Thomas Kelly's hymn which begins: "The Head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now". The tune is very simple, consisting of just two, four-bar phrases. Neither is there much in the way of rhythmic variety, every note being a crotchet with the exception of two quavers, and the last note in each phrase. Within such a simple structure, however, lies considerable strength. THEME The listener is given the opportunity of hearing it twice, in full, at the beginning, starting with one player but soon taken up by the full ensemble. It returns in the middle of the music and is stated again near the end. This has been done quite deliberately in the hope that there will be an appreciation of what material is being developed, by the listener as well as by those with access to the score, who are able to see the visual connections. VARIATION 1 This takes the rhythm of the last part of the theme and also uses the shape of the opening as a recurring figure. The mood is whimsical and skittish, with short, teasing rhythmic figures tossed around the band, and quick interplay with percussion, at a fast tempo. An energetic flourish finishes this variation before the Andante espress. VARIATION 2 This commences with chords related to the opening of Variation 1. The cantabile on solo comets establishes a new, lyrical mood and there is scope for expressive playing in a series of short solo passages. The theme works its way unobtrusively into the texture before a reprise of the solo cornet melody and some more lyrical interchanges between Eb bass, euphonium, flugel horn and comets. The variation ends serenely with clear references to the last phrase of the theme. VARIATION 3 The first idea to dominate is clearly linked to the shape of the theme's first phrase. There is a frenetic feel to much of this variation, with considerable energy and instability created by extensive use of cross-rhythms. A thinning-out of the score marks a clear change to development of the start of the second phrase of the theme. This proves to be short-lived however, and the opening material returns leading to a restatement of the theme, "Maestoso," after which a euphonium cadenza links to Variation 4. VARIATION 4 Here we have some solos for euphonium, cornet, trombone and Eb bass set against a background of horns and baritones presenting a pensive statement of the theme's opening. VARIATION 5 This commences Allegro, with lively work for cornet and euphonium spreading to the whole band before attention focuses on the beginning of the second phrase of the theme which is initially presented in diminution, then in regular rhythm, then in inversion. An increase in tempo coupled with a decrease in volume, requires dexterity and control, with several metrical challenges thrown in for good measure. The same fragment of phrase becomes an ostinato which generates a frenzied climax, punctuated by short, dramatic silence, before the opening figure returns and the music gradually winds down. The tubular bells herald the final return of the theme, in augmentation, marking the start of the Finale. FINALE This features the running semiquavers of the previous variation sounding in counterpoint. A fast, furious coda speeds the work to a conclusion while references to the opening of the theme are still trying to break into the texture of the music. Kenneth Downie

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
  • £90.10

    Euphonium Concerto with Brass Band (Karl Whelan)

    VIEW SCORE PDF Karl Whelan's Euphonium Concerto with Brass Band is written in three linked movements: I: Prelude II: Aria III: Scherzo The first movement, Prelude, is in a mirror image sonata form and with its menacing ostinato sets the tone for the entire concerto and also introduces material on which the concerto is based. During this movement, the soloist has the opportunity to display their technical ability as well as the extremes of the instruments range. A chord based on the notes of the ostinato signal the beginning of the second movement, Aria. Here, material from the first movement has been weaved together and moves through a multitude of keys, the soloist is able to show the expressive side of the instrument to create an almost yearning, operatic aria. A reiteration of the 1st subject takes us into an almost march like figure at the beginning of the third movement, Scherzo. This is then interrupted both times by dance-like scherzo which, as with the rest of the concerto navigates itself through different keys leading to the cadenza that even the temple blocks have the the chance of participating in! The concerto concludes with almost a battle between the band (playing fragments of the first and second subjects from the first movement), and soloist who is attempting to have the last word! To view a follow-the-score video of the work please visit: Sheet music available from: UK - USA - Instrumentation: Euphonium Soloist Bb Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Timpani Percussion 1-3

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £7.50

    Euphonium Concerto with Brass Band (Karl Whelan) Soloist Copy

    *Karl Whelan's Euphonium Concerto with Brass Band is written in three linked movements: I: Prelude II: Aria III: Scherzo The first movement, Prelude, is in a mirror image sonata form and with its menacing ostinato sets the tone for the entire concerto and also introduces material on which the concerto is based. During this movement, the soloist has the opportunity to display their technical ability as well as the extremes of the instruments range. A chord based on the notes of the ostinato signal the beginning of the second movement, Aria. Here, material from the first movement has been weaved together and moves through a multitude of keys, the soloist is able to show the expressive side of the instrument to create an almost yearning, operatic aria. A reiteration of the 1st subject takes us into an almost march like figure at the beginning of the third movement, Scherzo. This is then interrupted both times by dance-like scherzo which, as with the rest of the concerto navigates itself through different keys leading to the cadenza that even the temple blocks have the the chance of participating in! The concerto concludes with almost a battle between the band (playing fragments of the first and second subjects from the first movement), and soloist who is attempting to have the last word! To view a follow-the-score video of the work please visit: To purchase the full band set please visit *Please note this download only includes the soloist copy. Sheet music available from: UK - USA - Instrumentation: Euphonium Soloist Bb Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Timpani Percussion 1-3

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £74.95

    Eden (Score and Parts)

    This work was commissioned by the Brass Band Heritage Trust as the test piece for the final of the 2005 Besson National Brass Band Championship, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London.The score is prefaced by the final lines from Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost (completed in 1663), in which Adam and Eve, expelled from Paradise, make their uncertain way into the outside world:"...The world was all before them, where to chooseTheir place of rest, and providence their guide:They hand in hand with wandering steps and slow,Through Eden took their solitary way."My work is in three linked sections. In the first, the characters of Adam, Eve and the serpent guarding the Tree of Knowledge are respectively represented by solo euphonium, cornet and trombone. The music opens in an idyllic and tranquil mood and leads into a duet between euphonium and cornet. Throughout this passage the prevailing mood darkens, though the soloists seem to remain oblivious to the increasingly fraught atmosphere. A whip-crack announces the malevolent appearance of the solo trombone who proceeds to engage the solo cornet in a sinister dialogue.The second section interprets the Eden story as a modern metaphor for the havoc mankind has inflicted upon the world, exploiting and abusing its resources in the pursuit of wealth. Though certainly intended here as a comment on the present-day, it is by no means a new idea: Milton himself had an almost prescient awareness of it in Book I of his poem, where men, led on by Mammon:"...Ransacked the centre and with impious handsRifled the bowels of their mother earthFor treasures better hid. Soon had his crewOpened into the hill a spacious woundAnd digged out ribs of gold."So this section is fast and violent, at times almost manic in its destructive energy. At length a furious climax subsides and a tolling bell ushers in the third and final section.This final part is slow, beginning with an intense lament featuring solos for tenor-horn, flgel-horn and repiano cornet and joined later by solo baritone, soprano cornet, Eb-bass and Bb-bass.At one stage in the planning of the work it seemed likely that the music would end here - in despair. Then, mid-way through writing it, I visited the extraordinary Eden Project in Cornwall. Here, in a disused quarry - a huge man-made wound in the earth - immense biomes, containing an abundance of plant species from every region of the globe, together with an inspirational education programme, perhaps offer a small ray of hope for the future. This is the image behind the work's conclusion and the optimism it aims to express is real enough, though it is hard-won and challenged to the last.John Pickard 2005

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.50

    Eden (Score Only)

    This work was commissioned by the Brass Band Heritage Trust as the test piece for the final of the 2005 Besson National Brass Band Championship, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London.The score is prefaced by the final lines from Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost (completed in 1663), in which Adam and Eve, expelled from Paradise, make their uncertain way into the outside world:"...The world was all before them, where to chooseTheir place of rest, and providence their guide:They hand in hand with wandering steps and slow,Through Eden took their solitary way."My work is in three linked sections. In the first, the characters of Adam, Eve and the serpent guarding the Tree of Knowledge are respectively represented by solo euphonium, cornet and trombone. The music opens in an idyllic and tranquil mood and leads into a duet between euphonium and cornet. Throughout this passage the prevailing mood darkens, though the soloists seem to remain oblivious to the increasingly fraught atmosphere. A whip-crack announces the malevolent appearance of the solo trombone who proceeds to engage the solo cornet in a sinister dialogue.The second section interprets the Eden story as a modern metaphor for the havoc mankind has inflicted upon the world, exploiting and abusing its resources in the pursuit of wealth. Though certainly intended here as a comment on the present-day, it is by no means a new idea: Milton himself had an almost prescient awareness of it in Book I of his poem, where men, led on by Mammon:"...Ransacked the centre and with impious handsRifled the bowels of their mother earthFor treasures better hid. Soon had his crewOpened into the hill a spacious woundAnd digged out ribs of gold."So this section is fast and violent, at times almost manic in its destructive energy. At length a furious climax subsides and a tolling bell ushers in the third and final section.This final part is slow, beginning with an intense lament featuring solos for tenor-horn, flgel-horn and repiano cornet and joined later by solo baritone, soprano cornet, Eb-bass and Bb-bass.At one stage in the planning of the work it seemed likely that the music would end here - in despair. Then, mid-way through writing it, I visited the extraordinary Eden Project in Cornwall. Here, in a disused quarry - a huge man-made wound in the earth - immense biomes, containing an abundance of plant species from every region of the globe, together with an inspirational education programme, perhaps offer a small ray of hope for the future. This is the image behind the work's conclusion and the optimism it aims to express is real enough, though it is hard-won and challenged to the last.John Pickard 2005

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £33.78

    Gobsmacked! (Brass Band) Robbert Vos

    VIEW SCORE PDF Gobsmacked was commissioned by Ravnanger Brass Band (Norway). The composer Robbert Vos writes: 'Gobsmacked is composed as an opening or encore piece which, as the title already reveals, is meant to surprise or overwhelm the audience! After a brief opening fanfare, the main theme is introduced by the solo cornet and euphonium. An accelerando leads to a quick movement, where this main theme is transformed into a con brio. In this section there's a lot of energy to be unleashed and every band member plays a roll in creating that. Throughout the piece there are many surprises, for example some unexpected time changes, percussion effects to wake you and some trombone glissandi to make you smile. After a short and atmospheric reminiscence by the flugel to the solos from the beginning of the piece, there comes a brief percussion interruption which leads to a reprise of the con brio, but this time in slightly different form. This all comes together in the finale where a big accelerando will lead to an exciting close.' Sheet music available from: UK - USA - Difficulty Level: 1st Section + Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb Repiano Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Timpani Percussion 1-4

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  • £37.54

    Nicaea - Band Warm-up (Brass Band) John Bacchus Dykes arr. Steve Kellner

    This warm-up is designed to help players and conductors hear and improve section, group, and full band intonation, rhythmic precision, and balance in an efficient and musically satisfying way. The tune Nicaea was selected because of its easy-to-hear triads and intervals, and the harmonisation used throughout is purposely simple and consistent, so that the players can become very familiar with potential intonation trouble spots. Likewise, discrepancies in precision and balance will easily be heard. Keys have been carefully selected to expose specific intonation problems within the sections and groups, like the overlap between Eb and Bb instruments in the horns/baritones and later in euphoniums/basses, and 5th position tuning in the trombones. The format in sections 2 through 5 is consistent, beginning with a single section of the band playing in unison, then expanding into two-part and four-part harmony. After eight bars that section is joined by another section or sections to form a common multi-section group used in brass band scoring, such as the 'mellow choir', 'low brass', 'tuba-euphonium choir', and 'bright choir'. Section 6 features the two largest groupings, the 'all but cornets' and 'high brass'. Section 7 brings the whole band together for a majestic and powerful finish. To view a rolling score video please visit Duration: Approx. 5.10 minutes Difficulty Level: 4th Section + Sheet music available from Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb Repiano Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Percussion 1-2

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £60.07

    Avifauna (Brass Band) Joshua Tyler Jameson

    This highly descriptive work was commissioned by the National Youth Brass Band of America and will be a terrific concert or entertainment contest item. The music paints the picture of the lives of a variety of different birds. The composer writes: 'When I began thinking about this project I was sitting in my office in the early morning, the sun having just risen. There was a gentle breeze and the only thing that I could hear (aside from my hungry whining cats) was the gentle song of the birds outside my open window. As much of my work is programmatic, almost like symphonic poems, this immediately gave me the image of a majestic sunrise with all types of birds fluttering about, almost as if out of an episode of Planet Earth. When I was commissioned by the National Youth Brass Band of America, I knew the project had to be something the ensemble could grab onto. Something they could see. Something they could relate to. There being so many types of birds in North America, I selected a handful to help tell my story... The scene where I came up with this idea seemed to be the perfect starting point. Sunrise, tiny chirps of Morning Birds floating around the twilight of dawn, swiftly moving towards the majesty of the sun cresting the horizon. A new day, the beginning of a story. As the sun rises higher in the sky, animal activity stirs, becoming lively and wild. The flowers have opened up to drink in the sun's rays, leaving them open to nectar-seeking Hummingbirds. Whizzing by at lightning speed, the hummingbirds journey from flower to flower, drinking their fill until the sun begins to set back over the horizon. When daylight fades, the enigmatic Owl floats silently through the sky. The wonder of these creatures comes not just from their beauty, but also from their mystery and their ferocity. We see images in pop culture of majestic white owls and marvel in their beauty... but to a mouse roaming the forest floor in the dark of the night, the terror of suddenly being dropped upon by a silent predator is anything but peaceful. In the dead of night, soft rolling clouds thicken as a storm begins to brew. With the ensuing rain also emerges the grotesque scavenging Vulture; marching along from carcass to carcass, tearing into the rotting leftovers of another predator's kill, gorging themselves until over-full. However, from this nightmare fuel of a bird, a new day awaits... As the dawn of another day approaches, you begin to hear the same morning birds you heard the previous day. When the light finally breaks the horizon, the soaring majesty of the Eagle drives us to the end of our story; an exciting journey told through the eyes of the winged creatures that paint the skies of North America. This is Avifauna.' To view a follow-the-score video please visit: Sheet music available from: UK - USA - Difficulty Level: 2nd Section + Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb Repiano Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb 3rd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb Percussion 1-4

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £79.95

    Grieg Variations - Jonathan Bates

    DURATION: 12'30". DIFFICULTY: 2nd+. . 'Grieg Variations' is a through-composed work in the traditional style of a 'theme & variations'. The work opens with the main melodic fragment featured throughout Grieg Variations which comes from Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite No.2; the final movement - 'Solveig's Song'. . This theme is followed by a set of 9 variations, each taking inspiration from various melodies and styles found within the Peer Gynt Suite. The first variation, a light-footed scherzo based upon the tonal line of Solveig's Song is followed by an 'Alla marcia' variation - in which the music is inspired by the 2nd movement - 'Arab Dance' - of the original suite. The 3rd variation takes a far darker and more aggressive turn in a variation set around the music of the 1st movement of the Peer Gynt Suite before a relaxation into a solemne revisiting of the original theme. Opening with a sombre and longing solo for Flugel horn, the focal point of this 4th variation is an extended solo for the Solo Euphonium, marked 'molto espressivo'. The new material here is used as a theme throughout this variation, being reprised by the full band immediately after as the music builds to a climax point at the top of the musical line. . Following this, there are 2 cadenzas for the Solo Horn and Solo Cornet respectively; the former inspired by the thematic material of Solveig's Song, and the latter from the Oboe cadenza at the beginning of Grieg's '2 Lyric Pieces, Op.68'. These cadenzas lead swiftly into the 7th variation, a bustling rhyhm-driven movement set in complex time. The 3rd movement of the Peer Gynt Suite No.2 - 'Peer Gynt's Homecoming' - makes it's first appearance in variation 8 in a triumphant battle-like setting before a combination of both this material and the Solveig's Song combine to bring Grieg Variations to it's close -not without a little nod to potentially Grieg's most famous work - In The Hall of the Mountain King. . .

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days