Judd: Reflections in Nature
Based on the popular song 'When Jesus looked o'er Galilee', and featuring the beautiful tune 'Fewster,' Robert Redhead recreates the beauty and majesty of the shores of Galilee in Biblical days.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Where E'er You Walk - Various
Where E'er You Walk -- Handel (trombone solo)We Bow Our Heads -- J. S. Bach(double number)
In Stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 working days
St Nicolaas Marsselectie - Robert Allmend
With: O kom er eens kijken, Zie de maan schijnt door de bomen, De zak van Sinterklaas
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days
Music and Songs from Captain Sabertooth - Terje Formoe
The first theatre performance with Captain Sabeltann "Captain Sabeltann and the treasure in Kjuttaviga" premiered in Kristiansand Zoo in 1990. It is up to 2015 written even four plays, all of them renewed several times. From its inception until todayit is sold over 1.2 million tickets to Terje Formoe plays.This arrangement concist of three songs from this music; Heksesangen, Livet er herlig and Bursdagssang (Birthday Song)..
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Christmas Miniatures - Patrick Millstone
10 famous Christmas songs in different styles. Including: 1. Intrada - Bohemian traditional 2. Quem Pastores Laudavere 3. Once in Royal David's City 4. Song - French traditional 5. Er is een Kindeke geboren op aard' - Dutch traditional 6. Coventry Carol 7. Deck the Halls 8. O, Kindeke klein 9. Good King Wenceslas 10. Traditional from Poland
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Stjernen og Rosa - John Philip Haqnnevik
The Star and a Rose is a big-scale Christmas piece for band, featuring four seasonal chorales.The first is a Gregorian-like chant Hodie Christus natus est.In this section of the piece, a soloist can be placed away from the band, maybe on a gallery. The soloist can be a tenor instrument, maybe trombone, or you can feature a vocal soloist.After this, the music leads us on to the old German Christmas chorale Lo, how a rose e'er blooming. This song is given a fairly rhythmical treatment, but make sure that the melody is presented in a cantabile style.An interlude follows, before the piece presents one of the most used and loved Scandinavian Christmas chorales, Mitt hjerte alltid vanker (My Heart will always wander), composed by the Danish bishop Hans Adolph Brorson around 1732. This song is building towards a climax, before the solo horn brings it all down to the Stable view described in the lyrics.Then comes a transition that brings us in to the final section of the piece, which presents the international Christmas Carol Adeste Fideles. As many will notice, I have borrowed a section from David Wilcocks majestic harmonization towards the end.The title of the piece has its background form the lyrics in My heart will always wander, where the text speaks about the stars in the sky. But also in the latin text for Adeste Fideles:Stella duce, Magi, Christum adorantesThe Rose is of course from the lyrics in the chorale Lo, how a Rose.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Guess What I Wanna Do - Bernard Trulsrud Seland
Pa den tiden da Guess what I wanna do ble til, tidlig i nittiarene, var jeg sa utrolig heldig a vaere medlem av Oslo Groove Company, et kruttsterkt storband fra miljoet rundt musikkhogskolen. Bandet vant en spellemanspris med sin forste utgivelse Anno 1990. Alt stoffet vi spilte skulle vaere egenprodusert, noe som gjorde at mange i bandet provde seg, meg selv inkludert. Jeg hadde fatt med lata Frontal Separese,(blanding av frontal lobotomi og cerebral parese), pa Anno 1992, noe som selvfolgelig ga meg blod pa tann! Jeg husker jeg var opptatt av a fa til en stilig bassgang, og sa hadde jeg hort om kvarter. Resultatet ble Guess what I wanna do. At jeg fikk spille baritonesax solo pa lata var ogsa stor stas!Bernhard Trulsrud SelandEn storbandinteressert kompis introduserte meg for CD-en Anno 1996 da jeg var tenaring pa slutten av nittitallet. Jeg ble umiddelbart veldig glad i Guess what I wanna do - en utrolig toff og fengende lat med en bassgang man ikke glemmer! I mitt seinere liv som arrangor har jeg alltid hatt denne laten i bakhodet, med en tanke om a gjore den for korps, slik at den saledes blir tilgjengelig for enda flere musikanter. Og da jeg lanserte tanken for Bertnes Brass i 2019 var de umiddelbart klare for utfordringen! Arrangementet er blitt til med stotte fra NOPA.Andreas Heier Roe
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Introduction & Punk - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen's (1964) way of composing can be described as: uncompromising, wilful and contemporary. It is not surprising, therefore, that this occasionally causes a stir. In the middle of the Seventies a trend arose in youth culture, which was characterized by provocation, distrust of the great ideologies, and the autonomy of the individual. Punk is playful, aggressive, often humorous, and anti-everything, which inevitably leads to self-irony. The first part of Aagaard-Nielsen's composition (Introduction) is a texture based mainly on one short theme. This pompous theme breathes a spirit of cold empty plains, where icy winds sigh around yourhead. In the vehement Punk (Presto barbaro!) there is no longer any question of a theme. The basis for this part is formed by a repetitive motif (a descending minor third). This motif is alternated with very powerful percussion beats and later on shrill harmonies. De wijze van componeren van Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen (1964) laat zich omschrijven als: compromisloos, eigenzinnig en eigentijds. Niet verwonderlijk dat dit af en toe wat stof doet opwaaien. Midden zeventiger jaren ontstaat er een stroming binnen de jongerencultuur, die provocatie, wantrouwen tegen de grote ideologieen en de autonomie van het individu centraal stelt. Punk is speels, agressief, veelal humoristisch en anti-alles, wat onvermijdelijk leidt tot zelfspot. Het eerste deel (Introduction) is een weefsel, gebaseerd op voornamelijk een kort thema. Het pompeuze thema ademt de sfeer van kille lege vlakten, waar de ijzige wind je om de oren suist. Tijdens de 'heftige' Punk (Presto barbaro!) is van een thema geen sprake meer. De basis voor dit deel is een steeds herhalend motief (dalende kleine terts). Dit motief wordt afgewisseld met zeer krachtige percussie slagen en later schrille samenklanken. Dit alles zorgt voor een bombastisch geheel. Aan het slot van de Punk horen we het intoductie-thema tussen het punkgeweld door terugkomen.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Fanitullen - O. Olsen
Fanitullen is a lively, beautiful 'Sl?tt', i.e. an old Norwegian melody which is played on a traditional 'Hardingfele' (Hardanger fiddle).Because of its violent rhythm and exciting character, playing a Fanitullen for a long time was considered improper. It was believed that a person playing this melody would come under the influence of the devil. Therefore, Fanitullen could be regarded as a kind of Rock'n Roll from the 18th century.Tom Brevik's adaptation is based on a composition for piano by Ole Olsen (1850-1927) Fanitullen is een levendige, mooie 'Sl?tt', een oude Noorse melodie die gespeeld word op een traditionele 'Hardingfele' (Hardanger viool).Door de heftigeritmiek en het opzwepende karakter, werd het spelen van een Fanitullen gedurende lange tijd als niet kies beschouwd. Er zouden invloeden van de duivel in schuilen. Fanitullen zou daarom misschien wel als een soort Rock'n Roll van de 18e eeuw gezien kunnen worden.De bewerking van Tom Brevik is gebaseerd op een compositie voor piano van Ole Olsen (1850-1927)
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
New Waves - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
New Waves is a special composition. Although contemporary but still attractive to musicians and listeners. Norwegian composer Aagaard-Nilsen has failed in a special way to add new elements to the contemporary wind music. Original exciting rhythms and contrasting harmonies make this composition enjoyable and challenging together. Interrupted by a slow middle section New Waves may be seen as five minutes jazz, rock and funk optima forma! New Waves is een bijzondere compositie. Weliswaar eigentijds maar toch aantrekkelijk voor muzikanten en luisteraars. De Noorse componist Aagaard-Nilsen is er op bijzondere wijze in geslaagd nieuwe elementen toe te voegen aan dehedendaagse blaasmuziek. Oorspronkelijke ritmes en spannende contrastrijke samenklanken maken het spelen van dit werk plezierig en uitdagend tegelijk. Onderbroken door een langzaam middendeel kan New Waves beschouwd worden als vijf minuten jazz, rock en funk optima forma!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days