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  • £74.99

    On the Movieset - John Emerson Blackstone

    Glitter and glamour, good-looking people, a lot of Bling Bling and fast cars images like these will cross our minds when we think of the movie world. However, reality proves to be different : as a rule, a tremendous amount of work will have been done on the set before a film is ready to be shown on the big screen. A visit to an actual movie set inspired John Emerson Blackstone to write a composition bearing the same name. He had both seen a number of characteristic attributes and heard the typical phrases used in film making, and he incorporated them into 'On the Movie Set' . In the first part, 'The Clapboard', a 'director's assistant' is supposed to shout "Quieton the set'" and "Action!", as is done before a real scene is shot. Subsequently, in order to create the right atmosphere, the clacking of a 'Clapboard' should be heard. During a romantic scene we should be transported to another world by means of sweet sounds in the background, so romantic music is of course heard in the next part, 'Love Scene'. At the end of a long working day 'It's a wrap' is called on the set to inform everyone that the filming on that day is completed. Now there is only one more thing left to dream of : an Oscar..... Perf. Note: The use of the right props will add to the performance and appreciation of 'On the Movie Set'. A red carpet and a glamorous reception should give your audience the feeling they are attending a real 'opening night'!

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £104.99

    Like a Child - Andreas Ludwig Schulte

    The young have the future. This is the statement made at the beginning of 'Like a Child' by Andreas Ludwig Schulte. The opening radiates strength and ambition, but one is also made to wonder which direction will be chosen, which choices will have to be made.After the introduction the first steps on the path of life are taken, still somewhat unsteadily (the 3/4th time used illustrates this uncertainty). However, the child has now set off and will meet the future with an open mind, unafraid, even though experience will teach it how easily it can be hurt.Fortunately, it is sometimes allowed to be vulnerable and it discovers there will always be someone to offer shelter,support and love. (Adagio) The last part breathes a far greater independence. Youth is able to face the future, it can even take on the whole world!

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £104.99

    Scottish Dances - Peter Martin

    Scottish Dances is based on three Scottish traditionals: Cock of the North, The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond and Marie's Wedding. I. Cock of the North's name is used for multiple things or events. For example for a locomotive to a famous, it seems, delicious liqueur, and rallies to snowboard competitions. Furthermore is "Cock O' the North " a nickname of a famous Duke. (The 4th Duke of Gordon). In this composition Cock of the North (a Jig) is a traditional Scottish bagpipe tune, regularly played on tattoos by Pipe Bands. Not infrequently the drummers sing the text. Auntie Mary, had a canary, Up the leg of her trousers While she was sleeping Iwas peeping Up the leg of her trousers. II. " The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond " is about a sad story that took place during an revolt against the British. In 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie had to retreat. Two of his men were captured. One was convicted and executed, while the other was released. The spirit of the executed soldier would arrive in Scotland via the 'low road' (underworld) before his companion, who had still a long way to go. You'll take the high road And I'll take the low road And I'll be in Scotland afore ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond III. In a Scottish wedding, after the official ceremonies, there is often danced. This is called a ceilidh. For this we use traditional Scottish music such as "Marie's Wedding '. Mid dance we go back to the church, where a lovely song in honor of the couple sounds. Marie's Wedding has been recorded by Van Morrison (among many others). Step we gaely, on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe Arm and arm and on we go, all for Marie's wedding

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £84.99

    Creamy and Crispy - Marc Cunningham

    This composition of Marc Cunningham has four parts, and takes place on a sunny day in a picturesque town. 1. Promenade Many people walk through the city. The band passes through the streets. People are strolling along the avenues and amorous couples are sitting on a park bench. 2. Lovey Dovey One of these couples is knee-deep in love. 3. Crispy and Creamy Here the contrasts between a crisp staccato section in two-four time signature and a smooth legato section in three-four time signature are depicted. Is Crispy the boy and Creamy the girl? 4. Farewell In the last particle the couple says goodbye. We still think back tothe walk through the city. It sounds a little less happy now. Not everyone is good at saying goodbye, sometimes a tear flows.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £94.99

    The Seven Divine Properties - Rob Goorhuis

    Rob Goorhuis wrote this challenging work for solo euphonium with its marvellous title The Seven Divine Properties at the request of Danny Oosterman and after an idea of Anteun Hoesen. In fact, this piece came about because the Andels Fanfare Corps was going to record a CD in early 2012 exclusively with pieces by Rob Goorhuis. Anteun Hoesen plays the solo part in this piece on the CD.The concept of divine properties features heavily in various ancient religions: these are properties to which man can aspire--through striving towards divine properties one can evolve spiritually and become a better person. Different divine properties feature in various religions. Inthe Christian church, the terms Faith, Hope and Love play an important role.This composition is primarily written from an Old Testament point of view. The chosen qualities are as follows: Simplicity, Strength, Truth, Perseverance and Passion. After a short introduction of the thematic material, the various properties are depicted in musical miniatures.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £74.99

    Willow Pattern - Philip Harper

    Composed in 2009 for Nicholas Childs and the Black Dyke BandThis piece tells the Willow Pattern legend through music. Several leitmotifs are used both for the different characters and also for some of the important emotions in the tale. Additionally, Knoon-se's part is mainly played by the flugel horn, Changby the euphonium, the Mandarin by the Eb Bass and the Duke Ta-jin by the trombone. The Willow Pattern LegendOnce, in ancient China, there lived a wealthy and powerful Mandarin who had a beautiful daughter, Knoon-se. She had fallen in love with Chang, a humble accountant, which angered her father who imprisoned her in the Pavilion by the river with only theexotic birds for company. She learnt that the Mandarin planned to marry her to the pompous Duke Ta-jin and that the wedding would take place on the day the blossom fell from the willow tree, so she sent Chang a message: "Gather thy blossom, ere it bestolen". The Duke arrived by sea amid great fanfare when the tree was heavy with bud, and nights of magnificent banquets followed. After one such occasion when the Mandarin slept, Chang crept over the crooked fence and tiptoed into the Pavilion to rescueKnoon-se, but as they escaped the alarm was raised. They fled over the bridge with the Mandarin close on their heels brandishing his whip.They managed to escape by boat to a secluded island where they lived happily for a time. Meanwhile, the Mandarin learned of their refuge and, intent on revenge, he ordered his soldiers to kill them. As Knoon-se and Chang slept at night, the men setfire to the pagoda in which they lived and the lovers perished in the flames. However, the Gods, moved by the lovers' plight, transformed their souls into two turtle-doves which rose from the charred remains, soaring above the Earth, symbolising eternal happiness. Willow Pattern is dedicated to the memory of Jean Harper who passed away as I was completing the piece and who was a great collector of porcelain and china-ware. NOTES ON PERFORMANCEMute Requirements:Metal mutes soprano cornet, repiano cornet, 2nd cornets, 3rd cornets (6 in total) Cup mutes all cornets and trombones (10 + 3) Harmon mutes soprano cornet, solo cornets, repiano cornet (6) Percussion Requirements:There are two parts for percussion on the score. The minimum requirements are as follows: 2 players - Timpani, 2 Large tom toms, 2 Wood Blocks, Triangle, Sleigh Bells, Whip, Clash Cymbals, Suspended Cymbal, Hi-hat, Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Tam tam (or susp. cym.) For performances with extra resources, and to achieve closer authenticity, the full requirements are as follows: 3 players - Timpani, 3 Taiko Drums played with thick wooden sticks (or Large tom toms), 2 Wood Blocks, Triangle, Chinese Bells (or Sleigh Bells), Whip, Clash Cymbals, Chinese Cymbals (small clash cymbals approx 12"), Suspended Cymbal, Glockenspiel,Xylophone, Tam tam

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
  • £99.50

    Sa ta mitt hjerte - Moldestad

    This is a tune by Sigrid Moldestad (b. 1972), a Norwegian folk artist. She has based it on a warm and beautiful poem by Danish author Tove Ditlefsen. A text for and about love. Sigrid Moldestad won the "Spellemannsprisen" (the Norwegian equivalent to Grammy) in 2005 as a part of the group Gamaltnymalt. She won the price two years later, this time as solo artist for the record album Taus. Both times in the Folk Music category. So Take My Heart was released in 2012 as a part of the album Himlen har sove bort morkret.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £96.00

    On My Own - Boublil

    "On my Own" is now regarded as one of the most famous songs from "Les Miserables", the incredibly popular musical by Claude-Michel Schonberg and Alain Boublil. The story is based on a novel by Victor Hugo. In the song, Eponine sings about her love for Marius, and she dreams about having a life with him. Solo-Options in this arrangement: Vocal. Bb-Instruments, Eb-Instruments

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £102.60

    Ubi Caritas - Thomas Caplin

    Thomas Caplin is a Swedish professor of choral conducting. He works at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences in Hamar. He composed this beautiful opus for choir based on the ancient text Ubi caritas.The text is often used during Maundy Thursday, describing Jesus washing the feet of his disciples: Where charity and love are, there God isIn this arrangement, a smaller group of players are soloists. The arrangement will work well if the group can be placed on a gallery or at the back of the concert hall.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
  • £113.00

    Min Forste Kjaerlighet - Jahn Teigen

    "My first love" is one of Jahn Teigen's big hits, and definitely among Norwegian pop-history's biggest classics. The song was featured on the 1979 album "En dags pause".Jahn Teigen (1949-2020) was one of Norway's all time biggest pop stars, as a singer, songwriter and entertainer.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days