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  • £55.00

    Triumph Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 1351 - 1354, July 2023

    1351: The anointed King (Marcus Venables)This piece was originally written as a massed band item for the Ontario Central-East Divisional Music Day in 2019. The updated version includes two songs, King of kings, majesty (S.A.S.B. 376) and O worship the King (S.A.S.B. 52) to a rhythmic setting of the tune Laudate Dominum (T.B. 481). Both songs present the contrasting characteristics of God; the powerful King and gentle, loving Saviour.1352: A suite of English Christmas carols (Kenneth Downie)This suite is the result of a request for a piece of music featuring exclusively English Christmas carols.The first movement features The holly and the ivy (C.C. 87). In sharp contrast, the second movement calls for a broad, sensitive, song-like approach. Using The cherry tree carol (C.C. 85), a much slower tempo than is normally applied to encourage the listener to see this beautiful tune in a new light. The rumbustious arrival of the finale is based on I saw three ships come sailing in (C.C. 44) with the festive mood prevailing until the end.1353: Nothing but thy blood (Norman Bearcroft)This two-verse setting of Richard Slater's much-loved hymn Nothing but thy blood (S.A.S.B. 769) appears straight-forward in nature, but requires a careful sense of the musical line across all parts.1354: Meditation - Reflections on Advent (Andrew Blyth)Two well-known carols, Away in a manger (C.C. 12) and Silent Night! (C.C. 77) are featured alongside original material. The piece attempts to convey a sense of reflection and meditation on the wonderful and awe-inspiring Advent story.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £77.00

    General Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 2230 - 2233, April 2023

    2230: Prelude on 'Ascalon' (Geoffrey Nobes)This prelude was written for the Band of the Free Evangelical Church of Geisweid in Germany. The beautiful hymn tune Ascalon is heard in two complete statement, a free-flowing lyrical section followed by a contrasting section using the phrases of the melody to build to a full final working of the hymn.2231: Salt and light (Mark Feltwell)This original work follows the journey of someone who is finding their way through faith. Using inspiration from Shine, Jesus, Shine and Matthew 5:14, the journey ends with a triumphant fanfare.2232: Hymn Tune Arrangement - Esher (Dudley Bright)A two verse setting of the well know benediction, God be in my head.2233: Song Arrangement - The heart of worship (David Mills)The song The heart of worship (S.A.S.B. 635) speaks of the need to worship without any barriers or obstacles.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £65.00

    Smoke Sketches (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Smoke Sketches is Daniel Hall's first original work to be published in the Faber Music Brass Band Series. Daniel is one of the most gifted of the rising generation of composers writing for brass bands. Smoke Sketches was composed at the invitation of Brass Bands England for the Intermediate Section of the 2017 National Youth Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.This colourful, jazzy suite draws inspiration from the ancient art of gazing into smoke from fire to find stories through the act of divination. Into the Blaze suggests someone briskly fire-walking, barefoot, with unexpected sparks fizzling from the ground. A Lonesome Ember captures the fleeting life of a small ember, beginning insignificantly and gradually evolving into a larger being before disappearing into ash, while Spark of Light bristles with life and energy.Band Grade 3/4, duration 8 minutes.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £11.99

    Smoke Sketches (Brass Band - Score only)

    Smoke Sketches is Daniel Hall's first original work to be published in the Faber Music Brass Band Series. Daniel is one of the most gifted of the rising generation of composers writing for brass bands. Smoke Sketches was composed at the invitation of Brass Bands England for the Intermediate Section of the 2017 National Youth Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.This colourful, jazzy suite draws inspiration from the ancient art of gazing into smoke from fire to find stories through the act of divination. Into the Blaze suggests someone briskly fire-walking, barefoot, with unexpected sparks fizzling from the ground. A Lonesome Ember captures the fleeting life of a small ember, beginning insignificantly and gradually evolving into a larger being before disappearing into ash, while Spark of Light bristles with life and energy.Band Grade 3/4, duration 8 minutes.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £45.00

    Triumph Series Band Journal November 2013 Numbers 1243-1246

    No. 1243 March - Life Savers (Andrew Mackareth)This march was written for the band weekend at Belfast Citadel and incorporates the tune Jesus Saves (T.B. 703)No. 1244 Affirmation (Kenneth Downie)The title comes from the affirming tone of the chorus on which the music is built, He is the Lord, which itself is inspired by Phillippians, chapter 2. The chorus does not appear in its entirety at any point, but is obvious to a greater or lesser extent, in the texture of the music.No. 1245 A Celtic Blessing (arr. Erik Silfverberg)This is a simple arrangement of c Celtic traditional tune used to the lyrics of the familiar blessing:May the road rise to meet you,May the wind be always at your back,May the sun shine warm upon your face,The rain fall soft upon your fields,Until we meet again,May God hold you in the palm of his hand.No. 1246 Michael, Row! (David Catherwood)This arrangement of the traditional chous, 'Michael, row the boat ashore' (T.B. 285), is in a light swing style and also incorporates the tunes, 'Love lifted me' (T.B. 725) and 'Will uour anchor hold?' (T.B. 60).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £89.95

    Judd: Infinity

    In the post-modern age in which we live, 'absolutes' are difficult for many to comprehend. Yet infinity, which means absolute, total, all-embracing, having no limits or boundaries in time, space, extent, or magnitude, has always been central to the Christian's concept of God.Through the ages, as human understanding has grown, particularly at a remarkable rate from the latter part of the twentienth century, Christianity has been continually challenged to interpret traditional beliefs in the light of new discoveries, but always within the reality of the infinite Being. In addition, scripture tells us that 'humanity was made in God's image'. Humankind is part of God's creation and as such, responsible for its upkeep. Such a commission has never been more relevant than in this present age. Psalm 8 creates a great picture of the majesty, eternal, infinte quality of God and yet reveals the desire of God to share in spirit with humankind. It recognises humankind as being, not a tool of the infinite, but as a creative contributing part of the ongoing movement and activity of the infinite.The music is deliberately melodic in context, creating a sense of unity with the infinite, in tandem with the varying expressions of individuality. It is not based on the Psalm but reflects some of the sentiments lying therein. The 'hymn-like' theme expresses the nature of the Divine using the Old Testament image of the infinite God coming to finite humankind, not in the 'wind', the 'earthquake', the 'fire', but in the 'still small voice' of quietness (1 Kings 19: 11-13). The ensuing musical development, in different styles and patterns, expresses this continual link between infinite and finite. Thus the conclusion, rather than being a symbol of might, power and magnificence, reflects the same sentiment as the opening.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    Judd: My Strength My Tower - Contest Version

    This music consists of a theme followed by five extensive variations. The theme is the composer's own tune set to the words, 'Thee will I love, my strength, my tower', a hymn by Johann Scheffler translated by John Wesley. A strong modal flavour is characteristic of the theme. Variation 1 This is a light and graceful variation with a good deal of imitative writing. It leads, without a break, into the next variation. Variation 2 Fire and ferocity are asked for in the course of this variation. Variation 3 This variation demonstrates the original approach of the composer. Solo lines for cornet and euphonium are included with their arabesques and arpeggii. Variation 4 Taking the form of a passacaglia, the 'ground' is given out at once by the basses. Fragments of the 'ground', plain or decorated, are combined and used in a number of ways, revealing the composer's mastery of counterpoint. Variation 5 The briskly moving and scintillating final variation abounds in sudden variations of dynamic. The tempo remains constant until an increase is called for in the coda. This 'contest' version has been prepared by Brian Bowen who was asked to re-work the percussion part and introduce a repiano cornet part (Salvation Army band publications do not, in general, have a part for repiano cornet).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    Judd: Trailblazers

    This overture draws its inspiration from the story of the first Household Troops Band. It tells the story of the 1887 band, the subsequent lull of nearly a hundred years and the re-awakening of the Troops phenomenon in 1985. It was originally written in 1995 and featured prominently by the band on its North American tour of 2002. Given the history of the Household Troops Band, it is fitting that this composition is preoccupied with marching. It begins with a marching song played by a solitary muted cornet, symbolic not only of the call to bandsmen to join the evangelical effort but also a muso-dramatic device to indicate the steady increase in members and technical ability! The music quickly develops into stirring versions of 'A robe of white' and 'Storm the forts of darkness' with two early day Salvation Army tunes crucially adding to the narrative; 'Marching on in the light of God' and 'Soldiers of our God, arise!' The second section is a reflective setting of the Herbert Booth song, 'The penitent's plea'. This song serves to represent the many people who were 'saved' during those early day campaigns. The expressive music transports the listener through a period of uncertainty and angst until finally reaching the song, 'There is a message, a simple message, and it's a message for us all'. The final section deals first with the emergence from the annals of history with the muted cornet figure again before, symbolically, the present day band bursts forth with an emphatic statement of 'Would you be free from your burden of sin? There's power in the blood'. The stirring climax represents a fitting tribute to those gallant pioneering musicians and their equally impressive and dedicated contemporaries.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £10.00

    Infinity (Brass Band - Study Score)

    In the post-modern age in which we live, 'absolutes' are difficult for many to comprehend. Yet infinity, which means absolute, total, all-embracing, having no limits or boundaries in time, space, extent, or magnitude, has always been central to the Christian's concept of God.Through the ages, as human understanding has grown, particularly at a remarkable rate from the latter part of the twentienth century, Christianity has been continually challenged to interpret traditional beliefs in the light of new discoveries, but always within the reality of the infinite Being. In addition, scripture tells us that 'humanity was made in God's image'. Humankind is part of God's creation and as such, responsible for its upkeep. Such a commission has never been more relevant than in this present age. Psalm 8 creates a great picture of the majesty, eternal, infinte quality of God and yet reveals the desire of God to share in spirit with humankind. It recognises humankind as being, not a tool of the infinite, but as a creative contributing part of the ongoing movement and activity of the infinite. The music is deliberately melodic in context, creating a sense of unity with the infinite, in tandem with the varying expressions of individuality. It is not based on the Psalm but reflects some of the sentiments lying therein. The 'hymn-like' theme expresses the nature of the Divine using the Old Testament image of the infinite God coming to finite humankind, not in the 'wind', the 'earthquake', the 'fire', but in the 'still small voice' of quietness (1 Kings 19: 11-13). The ensuing musical development, in different styles and patterns, expresses this continual link between infinite and finite. Thus the conclusion, rather than being a symbol of might, power and magnificence, reflects the same sentiment as the opening.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £22.50

    Petite Suite de Ballet (Score Only)

    This composition consists of four 'miniatures', simple in construction, yet not without technical demands upon the players.The music is for a ballet which so far exists only in the imagination! Like most ballet, it has a touch of the fantastic, and must be interpreted with a light, deft touch.The first movement, Parade, brings many characteristics on to the stage, marching perkily, leggily, with almost puppet-like movements.In the next movement, Pas Seul (Solo Dance), one lone figure holds the stage, with a mixture of grace and sauciness. At the end he (or she) runs off with a snap of the fingers.The third movement is a Minuet. A chosen few, richly garbed, perform this stately, courtly dance, while the rest of the company look on at some ritual in which they are not allowed to join.The final Ensemble commencing with the return of the lone figure, gradually brings the whole company to the stage. Various groups come forward for a few moments, and then rejoin the general pattern of the dancing. Towards the end a stately procession is formed, but this finally breaks up in a sudden flurry of leaping and capering, and in a moment, as though at some magic call, the dances have disappeared, whilst the sonorous tones of the final bars of music follow them with a rather disapproving air.Our little fantasy in over.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days