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  • £25.00

    A Short Ride in a Brass Machine

    DescriptionA Short Ride in a Brass Machine was written in 2006 to mark the 140th anniversary of the Brighouse and Rastrick Band and first performed in the Central Methodist Church in Brighouse by Brighouse and Rastrick conducted by James Gourlay. The title refers to the orchestral composition A Short Ride in A Fast Machine by the American composer John Adams which provided some of the inspiration for the work. The music is a simple celebratory prelude consisting of two main ideas, an expansive melody full of open fifths (giving the music a slightly "American" feel) and a short fanfare figure. After these are both heard for the first time a brief development of the fanfare material leads to a broader, warm harmonisation of the opening melody and the pulse relaxes a little before tension builds to a reiteration of the fanfare and a final triumphant version of the opening theme.Performance Notes:Percussion instruments required are 4 Timpani, Snare Drum, Bass Drum, 3 Tom-toms, 3 Wood Blocks, Suspended Cymbal, Clash Cymbals, Tubular Bells, Glockenspiel, Tam-tam.Soprano, repiano, 2nd solo cornet, 2nd and 3rd cornets will require metal straight mutes; 2nd and 3rd cornets will require harmon mutes with the tubes removed (indicated by 'TR').Duration approximately 3'30"Follow the score in the preview video below!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £69.95

    ENGLISH HERITAGE (Brass Band Set) - George Lloyd

    English Heritage was first heard in the pleasant surroundings of Hampstead Heath as part of a Kenwood Lakeside concert given on 2nd July 1988. It was commissioned for English Heritage by Michael Webber, the organiser of Kenwood Concerts for English Heritage and subsequently chosen as the Championship Section test-piece for the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain 1990. The sense of historic significance inherent in ensuring the preservation of England's fine buildings of the past drew from the composer music which seems to capture the essence of Olde England. This is a musical view of England's heritage concerned not only with pageantry and ceremonial but also catching some of the humour inherent in the English character as well as those quiet reflective moments which have surely fashioned England's past and influenced its present.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    BEFORE THE CROSS (Cornet Solo with Brass Band Set) - Edward Gregson

    Written at the request of David Daws for his solo album The Sound of David Daws, this meditation for cornet and brass band uses the composer's own song Before the cross (originally published in The Musical Salvationist, April 1965), the first lines of which are Before the cross I stand in fear and wonder, and see that all my sirs on Thee are laid. The song was written at an early stage of the composer's career, just before commencing study at The Royal Academy of Music, London. After a brief introduction the melody is heard twice, first played by the soloist, then on Euphonium and Flugel Horn with the soloist adding ornate counterpoint before taking up the melody once again, this time leading to a quiet and reflective conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £10.00

    ISAIAH 40 (Brass Band Study Score) - Robert Redhead

    Commissioned for the final of the 1996 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. The timeless truths contained in Isaiah 40 were written to encourage a people facing very intimidating circumstances. The Jewish people of the 5th Century BC were preparing to make an arduous journey though the desert to return to their ravaged homeland after a lengthy exile in the sophisticated society of Babylon. Both Scripture and music sound out a message of hope, as they view life from an eternal perspective, thus placing change in its proper context. Because 'the Lord is the everlasting God' his word 'stands forever' and 'those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength'. They will not merely get through somehow but 'they will soar on wings like eagles'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    INVINCIBLE ARMY, The (Brass Band Set) - Erik Leidzen

    When the New York Staff Band toured England in 1960 they featured much new music written for them by Erik Leidzen, including this march. The trio section is in the unusual key (brass band pitch) of Db major, a major third away from the opening key of F major, rather than the more predictable subdominant of Bb major. This presents a technical and mental challenge to the players but provides a particularly brilliant sonority when played in tune!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £69.95

    ISAIAH 40 (Brass Band Set) - Robert Redhead

    Commissioned for the final of the 1996 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. The timeless truths contained in Isaiah 40 were written to encourage a people facing very intimidating circumstances. The Jewish people of the 5th Century BC were preparing to make an arduous journey though the desert to return to their ravaged homeland after a lengthy exile in the sophisticated society of Babylon. Both Scripture and music sound out a message of hope, as they view life from an eternal perspective, thus placing change in its proper context. Because 'the Lord is the everlasting God' his word 'stands forever' and 'those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength'. They will not merely get through somehow but 'they will soar on wings like eagles'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    LORD IS KING, The (Brass Band Set) - Ray Steadman-Allen

    Ray Steadman-Allen was for many years the driving force in Salvation Army music. His publication list of both brass and vocal works can be measured literally by the hundred. 'The Lord is King' is arguably his crowning achievement of over twenty major works for brass band. Although described as a suite, the work is more symphonic in conception and scale as well as being formidable to perform. The work is based on the Welsh hymn tune 'Llangollen' to which the hymn 'The Lord is King, I own His power' are associated. The three movements derive inspiration from the lines 'My joy, my toil, my craftman's skill, all have their place, and serve His will' found in verse five of the hymn.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    PLANTAGENETS, The (Brass Band Set) - Edward Gregson

    The Plantagenets was composed for the Championship Section of the Regional contests of the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain 1973. The work is not intended to be programme music but rather it tries to portray the mood and feelings of an age, that of the House of Plantagenet, which lasted from the middle of the 12th century to the end of the 14th century. To many, it conjures up an Age of Chivalry and this is represented by fanfare motifs which occur throughout the work in varied form. The opening thematic figure, rising through the band in thirds and followed by the fanfares, is important as nearly all the subsequent material is based upon it. There follows two themes, the second of which is lyrical and introduced by horns. In the long, slow middle section, a new theme is introduced by a solo horn (recurring on cornet and euphonium in canon) and is developed at some length. A lively fugato scherzino, however, leads to a recapitulation of the opening section music and the work ends with a maestoso statement of the slow movement theme. A final reference to the fanfares ends the work.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    TUNESMITH OVERTURE (Brass Band Set) - Stephen Bulla

    The definition of a tunesmith is a person who composes popular music or songs. Howard Davies is such a person, having written dozens of songs (words AND music) for The Salvation Army. This overture takes a handful of his most popular melodies and turns them into a captivating Broadway-style medley which includes the light and witty 'God's Still the One' and 'The Good Lord Brought Him Through' as well as the devotional favourite, 'The Wonder of His Grace'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    FATHER'S BLESSING, The (Brass Band Set) - Kenneth Downie

    This music is a treatment of the tune that William Tomer wrote for the words 'God be with you till we meet again'. In recent years, Ralph Vaughan Williams' tune 'Randolph' has often been the preferred choice to accompany these words although this composer was drawn to the original tune. Serenity is the prevailing mood of the piece although there is chance for the band to 'open up' in the link passages.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days