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  • £19.50

    TRUMPETS ON DUTY (Cornet Section and Brass Band


    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £25.00 £25.00
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    Off Duty - John Dankworth - Len Jenkins

    The late John Dankworth (1927-2010) made a string of recordings in the 1960s that have since come to be regarded as some of the finest British jazz of their time. Amongst these is his composition 'Off Duty' which was recorded in the 1960s when the influence of pop and rock on jazz was at its height and instruments such as the bass guitar were beginning to be incorporated into jazz's vocabulary. At this time and almost subconsciously, a Dankworth 'pop' style also evolved. This was a balanced marriage between jazz and pop which is here demonstrated in 'Off Duty' thanks to the ingenious and original orchestration by John Dankworth, and the faithful arrangement for Brass Band by one of his fans, Len Jenkins. The title is interesting as John loved to play with words. 'Off Duty' could mean relaxing away from work, but could also carry the implication of something not attracting taxation.... a sort of 'duty-free'. About the same time, the Dave Brubeck Quartet produced the seminal 'Take Five'... so could this be John's take on that title, suggesting a short break? Which meaning fits best for you? The piece would best suit the capabilities of a brass band playing at the standard of Third Section or above.

  • £102.60

    Voluntary Artillery & Rifle Corps March - Endeerby Jackson

    The march was written by Enderby Jackson and performed during a series of brass band events which took place at the Crystal Palace, London 1860 - 1863. Enderby Jackson was the organiser of these historically important events, and also conducted the massed band concerts. The Volunteer Force was a part-time, citizen army created in May 1859 by the British government as a result of increasing tensions between Britain and France. By 1862 more than 200,000 men had enlisted and were paid when on duty however, each member of the corps had to provide his own weapon and equipment.Some of the volunteer corps had bands which normally numbered between six and twelve players plus percussion1 and these bands became an important stimulant to the development of brass band.2 The corps were heavily subsidised by the government and considerable funding was spent on the bands3 which were often local brass bands. These bands were often provided with rehearsal rooms, instruments and uniforms,4 furthermore, the volunteer movement created and saved many brass bands.5Most of the musicians performing at the Crystal Palace Contests were affiliated to the Volunteer Force.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £35.00

    A Suffolk Prelude - Andrew Duncan

    Written for the Ipswich & Norwich Co-Op Band, A Suffolk Prelude is based around five traditional tunes from Suffolk:'Nutting Time','Blackberry Fold','Cupid's Garden','A Seaman's Life''The Bold Richard'The piece begins on the percussion and timpani alone leading through a crescendo into the first statement of the fanfare which is derived from a motif from the tune 'Nutting Time'. This leads into a playing of the 'Nutting Time' tune which is then developed as the tune is passed around the band.'Nutting Time' is a jolly lighthearted tune about a 'fair maid' who meets a handsome young farmer called 'Johnny' when out gathering nuts in the wood. After a pause on the tubular bells the slow tune 'Blackberry Fold' is presented as a solo for Flugel Horn, then as a full band version.'Blackberry Fold' is a touching song about a Suffolk squire who gets married well below his station to a beautiful milkmaid, simply because he loves her! They live happily ever after.The next tune to be heard is the juanty 'Cupid's Garden' played firstly as a solo on the Euphonium, and again this is about the subject of love. This song is sung from a sailors prospective and he tells how he met a lovely maiden and has promised to marry her when he returns from duty at sea.The trombones then play the noble tune 'A Seaman's Life'. This tune seems to serve as a warning to young girls about the fickle nature and the total unsuitability of marrying a sailor! 'Oh a seaman's life is a merry merry life, they'll rob young girls of their heart's delight, they will leave them behind for to sail one morn, but they never know when they'll return'. Despite this it is a fine tune!The last tune featured is 'The Bold Richard' which is played by all the bass instruments in the band. This is a song telling how the Royal Navy friggate 'The Bold Richard' went to battle against a French friggate destroying her and taking her crew as prisoners.Suffolk Prelude goes on to feature a slow version of the tune 'A Seaman's Life' played alongside a fast version of the tune 'Cupid's Garden'. The opening fanfare then returns leading into a final coda section.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £38.95

    Unity Series Band Journal - Numbers 502 - 505, February 2022

    502: See, what a morning (Gary Rose)This music is based on the popular Easter song of the same title (also known as Resurrection Hymn) by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend (S.B.S. Volume VII).503: Light Force (Stephen Gibson)Originally written for a Young People's Band play-day, this exciting work brings together original themes as well as references to Jesus bids us shine (S.A.S.B. 870) and Shine, Jesus, shine (S.A.S.B. 261).504: Cornet Solo - Into your holiness (Jrgen Ijsendorn)Written for Martin Oosterbeek, who served in the military and undertook a tour of duty in Afghanistan, this work uses When I look into your holiness (T.B. 927), a song that provided solace during his time away.505: March - Turn to the Lord (Charles Craig)A tradition-style march perfect for groups with little rehearsal time.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days