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  • £77.00

    General Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 2238 - 2241, December 2023

    2238: Fanfare and allegro on the Doxology (Steve Kellner)The Doxology, set to the tune Old Hundredth (T.B. 31), is used widely around the world by Christian denominations, including Salvationists. This concert opener is based on the short but powerful hymn of praise to the Triune God.2239: To the endless day (Kenneth Downie)This is a meditation on the hymn tune Ruth (T.B. 191), written by Samuel Smith. It is a particular favourite of Don Jenkins, whose late wife was also called Ruth. This music is dedicated to Don, a distinguished trombone soloist and former Band master of Bristol Easton Corps Band.The music is always associated with the hymn by William Walsham How, whose words begin 'Summer suns are flowing over land and sea' (S.A.S.B. 59) with the title coming from the end of the final verse.2240: Euphonium Solo - He giveth more grace (Ray Steadman-Allen)This 1996 arrangement of Blacklands (T.B. 527), the composers own hymn tune written in 1963, is being published posthumously. The hymn tune sets the words 'He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater' (S.A.S.B. 30) with an emphasis on the generosity of God.2241: The Calvary effect (Ian Clarke)Around AC 30, on a hill often refered to as Mount Calvary, an event took place that was to change the world forever. The Calvary effect is a reflection, in musical form, on that event and what it still means to people today. If features two tunes: first, in a quiet reflective mood, we hear the highly emotive Healing Stream, associated with the words 'Jesus, keep me near the cross; There is a precious fountain' (S.A.S.B. 178). This then makes way for the chorus; 'Lord, make Cavalry real to me' (S.A.S.B. 182), which is at times indistinct and almost lost in its surroundings, reflecting the sentiments of the chorus. A return to the main tune follows, this time in a positive, passionate setting. The music finishes with a triumphant 'Hallelujah!'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £55.00

    Triumph Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 1351 - 1354, July 2023

    1351: The anointed King (Marcus Venables)This piece was originally written as a massed band item for the Ontario Central-East Divisional Music Day in 2019. The updated version includes two songs, King of kings, majesty (S.A.S.B. 376) and O worship the King (S.A.S.B. 52) to a rhythmic setting of the tune Laudate Dominum (T.B. 481). Both songs present the contrasting characteristics of God; the powerful King and gentle, loving Saviour.1352: A suite of English Christmas carols (Kenneth Downie)This suite is the result of a request for a piece of music featuring exclusively English Christmas carols.The first movement features The holly and the ivy (C.C. 87). In sharp contrast, the second movement calls for a broad, sensitive, song-like approach. Using The cherry tree carol (C.C. 85), a much slower tempo than is normally applied to encourage the listener to see this beautiful tune in a new light. The rumbustious arrival of the finale is based on I saw three ships come sailing in (C.C. 44) with the festive mood prevailing until the end.1353: Nothing but thy blood (Norman Bearcroft)This two-verse setting of Richard Slater's much-loved hymn Nothing but thy blood (S.A.S.B. 769) appears straight-forward in nature, but requires a careful sense of the musical line across all parts.1354: Meditation - Reflections on Advent (Andrew Blyth)Two well-known carols, Away in a manger (C.C. 12) and Silent Night! (C.C. 77) are featured alongside original material. The piece attempts to convey a sense of reflection and meditation on the wonderful and awe-inspiring Advent story.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £38.95

    Unity Series Band Journal - Numbers 510 - 513, October 2022

    510: March - There is a fountain (Zachary Docter)This bright and cheerful march takes two songs as its basis; Jesus loves me! This I know (S.A.S.B. 807) and There is a fountain (S.A.S.B 202).511: Shine, Jesus, shine (Marcus Venables)While this piece was originally written for young people at a summer music camp in Canada, the piece is a light programme item suitable for smaller ensembles of any age.512: My Trust (Alan Williams)This setting is based on the simple chorus In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust (S.A.S.B 594). Ordinarily heard in 3/4 times, this 4/4 version of the tune has the space for reflection written into the notation.513: Power in the blood (Martyn Thomas)This is a blues/rock arrangement of the traditional hymn Would you be free from your burden of sin? (S.A.S.B 451). It can be used as a stand-alone piece or equally well as an accompaniment for congregational singing.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    Lead, Kindly Light (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    This beautiful hymn is one of trust and faith, building in confidence 'till the night is gone.' This arrangement follows that line of confidence. The melody begins unaccompanied, which is to say 'alone', and the eventual accompanying voices enter sombrely. Instead of a traditional final cadence, the 'leading of the light' continues, using the first four notes of the hymn as a motif that leads to a second, more positive statement of the melody, underscored by a walking motion. The positivity grows and lasts through a final grand statement of the hymn. A short meditative coda follows, and the arrangement ends with a solo note of reflection.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    Judd: Caelum Corona - Stephen Bulla

    Stephen Bulla's 'Caelum Corona' ('Crown of Heaven') portrays, in sound, a Christian's walk in faith, intended metaphorically via a musical narrative reminiscent of the early church pilgrims, their struggles and triumphs. The composer initially evokes the atmosphere of Rome at the time of St. Paul and other martyrs, thus the Latin title. Bulla marks his imaginative tone poem with dark, brooding music in the first two of three parts, in each of which he has embedded an appropriate hymn or song reference as thematic material. The first of these sounds in a minor key following a symphonic exposition made up primarily of fanfare-like motives, the music at times quite harsh and abrasive. The song is Paul's statement of exuberant faith (2 Timothy 1:12) in the midst of prison and persecution: 'For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day.' More challenging, aggressive music returns until a further point of reflection on Christ's sacrifice is reached. The music graphically evokes the barren landscape of Golgatha, the horror of the crucifixion, including stark wind sounds, a loss of stability via eerie, dissonant chord clusters, and even the nails being driven into Christ's body. The Baritones and then Flugel Horn softly play 'He died of a broken heart.' Yet the Christian life, despite its perils - both at the time of Paul and now - is a victorious life, and the composer resolves the tensions of the work in a scintillating finale, a brilliant setting of the old song about spiritual warfare and the ultimate triumph of Christ the King: 'Victory for me!' (T.B. 841). The chorus of that tune proclaims: 'No retreating, hell defeating, shoulder to shoulder we stand; God look down, with glory crown our conq'ring band.' That crowning is the same one sought and claimed by St. Paul (2 Timothy 4:8): 'Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award me on that day, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.' Believers look forward to participating in the final coronation of their Saviour - King of Kings and Lord of Lords - while humbly desiring their own 'crown of heaven.'

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    Judd: War Cry

    'War Cry' was written at the request of Bandmaster Ronald Waiksnoris for the New York Staff Band's 125th Anniversary concert in Carnegie Hall, New York, in March 2012. He wanted a piece to open the concert with and so 'War Cry' was born. It is based on the song, 'Ever is the War Cry'. You will find the piece is quite militant in nature, which is a direct reflection of the text of the song.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £30.00

    Love Unknown (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    This is a beautiful setting of a John Ireland favourite (Ireland composed the melody over lunch one day at the suggestion of organist and fellow-composer Geoffrey Shaw).The arrangement offers a tranquil moment for a concert programme, using a mixture of light and heavier scoring to bring the melody to life.The final verse pulls together the full band sound and then concludes with a reduced ensemble to produce a moment of peace and reflection in the performance.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £27.00

    Auld Lang Syne (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    It is a tradition in most English-speaking countries to sing this song at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve to usher in the New Year. The words are at least partially written by Robert Burns and the words "Auld Lang Syne" literally mean "old long ago" or "the good old days", providing a moment of reflection before moving forwards into the New Year.The tubular bells, although pitched, sound midnight when they enter at bar 10.This arrangement was prepared for Brass Band of the Western Reserve, musical director Keith M Wilkinson, to perform at First Night, Akron, Ohio, December 31st, 2007. The following choreography is suggested:Commence the performance with all the cornets scattered around the auditorium.At the end of bar 18 invite the audience to sing along with the band.At bar 27 the cornets move to stand in front of the other members of the band to lead to the stirring conclusion. Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days