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  • £34.09

    Miserere mei, Deus (Brass Band) Gregorio Allegri arr. Espen Haukus

    Miserere mei, Deus was composed by the Italian composer Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652) during the 1630s for use in the Sistine Chapel during matins, as part of the exclusive Tenebrae service on Wednesday and Friday of the Holy Week. The Miserere is written for two choirs, one of five and one of four voices, and is generally accepted to be one of the finest examples of Renaissance polyphony to survive to the present day. Tutti choirs sing a simple version of the original Miserere chant; one voice then, spatially separated, sings an ornamented "commentary" on this. The comment-part is left out in this arrangement due to its meaning with text, though monotonous in tune. The introduction is added by the arranger to set the right atmosphere before the original chant is played. The brass choirs are meant to be placed opposite each other in a church or large hall. To view a video of Norges Nasjonale Brassband performing the piece please visit PDF download includes score and parts. Sheet music available from: UK - USA - Difficulty Level: 4th Section + Instrumentation: Brass Choir 1: Solo Cornets (incl. Repiano) Horn in Eb Tenor Trombones in Bb Euphoniums Basses in Bb Timpani Brass Choir 2: Soprano Cornet in Eb 2nd Cornets in Bb 3rd Cornets in Bb Flugelhorn Horns in Eb Baritones Bass Trombone Basses in Eb

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £55.00

    Heligan - Kevin Ackford

    Score & Parts A descriptive piece of around 13 minutes telling the story of and taking you on a journey around the Lost Gardens of Heligan. Following the introduction, we begin our journey at the Grand House with the staff scurrying around carrying out their work. Next comes the outbreak of World War 1 when all of the male staff of the house signed up with the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Following the war only 6 of the gardens 22 staff survived and returned to Heligan. After the war the gardens "Go to Sleep" and become overgrown. Then comes the modern-day workers rediscovering the gardens and beginning to put them back to their former glory. Then the sun rises over the gardens and the birds begin to sing and we find ourselves in the serene lost valley. We then pass through the Jungle before turning the corner and once again see the House and lawns in all their glory.

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 days
  • £29.95

    Unity Series Band Journal February 2014 Numbers 414-417

    No.414 March - Zambia Salute (Paul Drury)In April 2009, a group from Chelmsford Citadel Corps visited Zambia. The purpose of the visit was to assist in the leadership of the Zambian Territorial Music School, held at Chikankata. This march was written to commemorate the event and received its premiere performance at the final festival. The melody featured is the chorus of the song, I know not why Dod's wondrous grace (S.A.S.B. 730).No.415 A Joystrings sing-along (Erik Silfverberg O.F.)This piece represents the first published work since the sudden Promotion to Glory of Bandmaster Erik Silfverberg O.F. The Joystrings made Salvation Army history about fifty years ago, introducing rock music on the Christian music scene. Many of their songs have become classics and have been used as thematic material in our brass music. Here is a selection of three of their songs, to be used either as a band piece or as accompaniment to a sing-along. The three songs are:- 'I want to sing it', 'It's an open secret' and 'Have faith in God'.No.416 Festival Arrangement - At the cross (Martyn Thomas)The well-known song, 'At the cross' (T.B. 580), is given a lively new setting by Martyn Thomas. The rock and swing treatment of this old melody should appeal to many!No.417 Lord of all (Martin Cordner)This piece was written for the 120th Anniversary of Balham corps (London Central Division) in 2011. In terms of a theme, the anniversary occasion prompted the primary thought that the piece should first be a praise-offering to God, acknowledging him for who he is. Therefore songs referenced in the piece are praide songs: 'Lord, reign in me', 'He is Lord', 'All hail the Lamb', along with a song of testimony, 'I'm a soldier bound for Glory' (T.B. 382),which speaks of the Christian hope in Heaven and challenges Salvationists to influence others by living out that hope. There is also a brief reference to the National Anthem of the Democratic Republic of Congo (4 bars before D)- man acknowledgement to the faithfulness of corps soldiers who in recent years have arrived from that country.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days