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  • £94.95

    Dances and Arias (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Gregson, Edward

    This work was commissioned by Boosey & Hawkes Band Festivals (with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain) for the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 7th October 1984.Dances and Arias is in one continuous movement, but as the title suggests is a series of alternating fast and slow sections as follows: Dance - Aria I - Dance (scherzo) - Aria II - Dance. The opening dance is energetic and introduces a four-note motif (on trombones) which is the basis for much of the melodic material in the work. Throughout, there is a continuous process of thematic cross-reference and transformation.The first aria unfolds a long melody on solo cornet, eventually continued by all the solo cornets, and dissolving into a shimmering harmonic background (muted cornets, horns and baritones) over which is heard a brief self-quotation on solo tuba. This leads into the second dance, a frenetic scherzo, followed by the second aria, in the style of a lament (solo euphonium, followed by two flugel horns). This builds to a powerful climax which subsides, leaving the percussion to introduce the final toccata-like dance. It transforms material from the opening before a coda brings the music to a triumphant close. The large percussion section is an integral part in the work and uses a wide variety of instruments including timpani, glockenspiel, vibraphone, xylophone, tubular bells, tom-toms, snare drum, bongos and tam-tam.The work is dedicated to my brother and sister.- Edward GregsonDuration: 14.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £44.95

    Dances and Arias (Brass Band - Score only) - Gregson, Edward

    This work was commissioned by Boosey & Hawkes Band Festivals (with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain) for the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 7th October 1984.Dances and Arias is in one continuous movement, but as the title suggests is a series of alternating fast and slow sections as follows: Dance - Aria I - Dance (scherzo) - Aria II - Dance. The opening dance is energetic and introduces a four-note motif (on trombones) which is the basis for much of the melodic material in the work. Throughout, there is a continuous process of thematic cross-reference and transformation.The first aria unfolds a long melody on solo cornet, eventually continued by all the solo cornets, and dissolving into a shimmering harmonic background (muted cornets, horns and baritones) over which is heard a brief self-quotation on solo tuba. This leads into the second dance, a frenetic scherzo, followed by the second aria, in the style of a lament (solo euphonium, followed by two flugel horns). This builds to a powerful climax which subsides, leaving the percussion to introduce the final toccata-like dance. It transforms material from the opening before a coda brings the music to a triumphant close. The large percussion section is an integral part in the work and uses a wide variety of instruments including timpani, glockenspiel, vibraphone, xylophone, tubular bells, tom-toms, snare drum, bongos and tam-tam.The work is dedicated to my brother and sister.- Edward GregsonDuration: 14.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £94.95

    Dances and Arias (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    This work was commissioned by Boosey & Hawkes Band Festivals (with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain) for the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 7th October 1984.Dances and Arias is in one continuous movement, but as the title suggests is a series of alternating fast and slow sections as follows: Dance - Aria I - Dance (scherzo) - Aria II - Dance. The opening dance is energetic and introduces a four-note motif (on trombones) which is the basis for much of the melodic material in the work. Throughout, there is a continuous process of thematic cross-reference and transformation.The first aria unfolds a long melody on solo cornet, eventually continued by all the solo cornets, and dissolving into a shimmering harmonic background (muted cornets, horns and baritones) over which is heard a brief self-quotation on solo tuba. This leads into the second dance, a frenetic scherzo, followed by the second aria, in the style of a lament (solo euphonium, followed by two flugel horns). This builds to a powerful climax which subsides, leaving the percussion to introduce the final toccata-like dance. It transforms material from the opening before a coda brings the music to a triumphant close. The large percussion section is an integral part in the work and uses a wide variety of instruments including timpani, glockenspiel, vibraphone, xylophone, tubular bells, tom-toms, snare drum, bongos and tam-tam.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £199.95

    120 Hymns for Brass Band Enlarged A4 Edition (Value Set) - Steadman-Allen, Ray

    Value set includes:Soprano Cornet x1Bb Solo Cornet x4Flugel Horn x22nd/3rd Cornet x4Solo Eb Horn x11st Eb Horn x12nd Eb Horn x11st Baritone x12nd Baritone x11st Trombone x12nd Trombone x1Bass Trombone x1Euphonium x2Eb Bass x2Bb Bass x2 Contents 1. Aberystwyth31. Geibel 61. National Anthem 91. St. Michael121. Angels from the Realms of Glory2. Abridge32. Gerontius62. Nearer, My God, To Thee92. St. Oswald122. As with Gladness3. Angelus33. Gopsal63. Nicaea93. St. Peter123. Christians Awake4. Aurelia34. Hanover64. Notingham (Mozart)94. St. Theodulph124. The Coventry Carol;5. Austrian Hymn35. Hollingside65. Nun Danket95. St. Theresa125. Ding Dong Merrily on High6. Belmont36. Horsley66. Old Hundredth96. Samuel126. Deck the Halls7. Blaenwern37. Hursley67. Passion Chorale97. Sandon127. God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen8. Carlisle38. Hyfrydol68. Penlan98. Sawston128. Good King Wenceslas9. Christ the King39. Innocents69. Pentecost99. Sine Nomine129. Good Christian Men Rejoice10. Colne40. Kocher70. Pilgrims100. Stella130. The Holly and The Ivy11. Cor Jesu41. Laudate Dominum71. Praise my Soul101. Stracathro131. I Saw Three Ships12. Corpus Christi42. Laudes Domini72. Redhead102. Stuttgart132. It Came upon the Midnight Clear13. Crimond43. Lloyd73. Regent Square103. Tallis' Canon133. Jingle Bells14. Cross of Jesus44. Lobe den Herren74. Richmond104. Turris Davidica134. O Little Town of Bethlehem15. Darwalls 148th45. Love Divine75. Rimmington105. Victory135. The Rocking Carol16. Day of Rest46. Lux Benigna76. Rockingham106. Vox Dilecti136. See Amid the Winter Snow17. Dennis47. Maidstone77. St. Agnes107. Wareham137. Unto us a Child is Born18. Diadem48. Mannheim78. St. Albinus108. Warrington138. Wassail19. Diademata49. Martyrdom79. St. Ann109. Westminster139. We Three Kings20. Divine Mysteries50. Maryton80. St. Bees110. When He Cometh140. We Wish you a Merry Christmas21. Dix51. Melcombe81. St. Cecilia111. Whitburn 22. Dominus Regit Me52. Melita82. St. Clement112. Wiltshire 23. Duke Street53. Miles Lane83. St. Columba113. Wir pflugen (Dresden) 24.Dundee (French)54. Misericordia84. St. Cuthbert114. O Come All Ye Faithful 25. Easter Hymn55. Missionary85. St. Denio115. Away in a Manger 26. Ein' Feste Burg56. Monkland86. St. Ethelwald116. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 27. Ellacombe57. Monks Gate87. St. Francis117. Once in Royal David's City 28. Ellers58. Morning Hymn88. St. George118. Nowell 29. Eventide59. Morning Light89. St. Gertrude119. Silent Night 30. Franconia60. Moscow90. St. Magnus120. While Shepherds Watched

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £91.99

    Fanfares, Songs & Dances - Philip Sparke

    Fanfares, Songs & Dances was commissioned by Brass Bands England, the Lithuanian Brass Band Association and the Dutch National Brass Band Championships (NBK), and first performed at the 43rd 'NBK' in October 2024. The work is played in three linked movements: FANFARES opens in robust fashion with a sequence of fanfare-like statements, initially featuring the horns, whose modal theme includes a figure that will reappear throughout the work. Euphoniums and then cornets introduce a second theme, which is followed by a third, again initiated by the horns. Baritones then change the mood with a more-lyrical theme, which builds to a climax, eventually leading back to a recall of the initial fanfare theme. This gradually dissolves to introduce the second movement. SONGS continues to relax the fanfare feel with a long introduction to the movement's main theme, first appearing on solo cornet. A change of key introduces a bridge passage which leads to a sonorous chorale, which builds to a triumphal return of the cornet theme. A peaceful coda leads to the final movement of the work. DANCES is a scherzo-like movement based around a series of rhythmic melodies in triple time, which lead to a majestic return of the 2nd movement's chorale theme under cornet figuration. The opening dance theme returns and heralds a joyous coda.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £45.00

    Ocean of Storms

    Ocean of Storms or Oceanus Procellarum is one of only a few lunar maria or 'seas' on the moon's surface to be called an ocean, due to its immense size. The work opens atmospherically with a sense of weightlessness and introduces the main thematic idea. As the work develops the turbulent ebb and flow of the storm increases in its ferocity with solo spots for solo cornet, solo euphonium, flugelhorn and baritone. Duration: 00:05:45 Grade: 6

    Estimated dispatch 5-9 working days
  • £45.00

    isti mirant stella

    Descriptionisti mirant stellais based on an extract from the text of the Bayeux Tapestry, which was commissioned by Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, to commemorate the Norman conquest of England in the 11th century. This text relates to the appearance of Halley's Comet in the spring of 1066. King Edward the Confessor died without an heir early on 5 January 1066 and despite his apparent promise of the throne to William, Duke of Normandy, the Anglo-Saxon Witenagemot appointed Harold Godwinson of Wessex as his successor. Just after Harold's hastily arranged coronation the comet appeared, reaching its perihelion on 20 March 1066. In the Middle Ages comets were regarded as evil omens; the tapestry depicts men gazing at the "star" in wonder and Harold himself apparently lost in nightmarish visions of invasion, with ghostly ships in the margins of the tapestry.The music attempts to reflect the mood of this brief but crucial period of English history - the unsettled matter of the royal succession linked in the superstitious medieval imagination to the haunting, spectral apparition of the comet. Medieval composition techniques are employed in places, including the use of a 'tenor', hocketing and a brief isoryhthmic motet. The music attempts to avoid tonal centres and particularly any form of diatonic 'resolution', instead exploring the issue of unresolved dissonance as a musical device in its own right.Performance Notes:All cornets, flugel and solo horn will require bottles filled with water to varying levels to 'tune' them to the correct pitch for the closing section of the piece. Pitches for the bottles are notated in the same transposition as the player's main instrument, so for example a notated D in the bottle part for flugel would sound as a C.All cornets except soprano require harmon mutes; where these are marked 'TR' these should have the tube removed. 'TI' denotes the tube should be left all the way in. Soprano and solo cornet III require metal straight mutes; flugel, all tenor horns, 2nd baritone and both euphoniums require fibre straight mutes. Soprano, all solo cornets and all trombones require cup mutes.The percussion section will require vibraphone (with a suitable bow, preferably a 'cello bow), glockenspiel, tubular bells (low and high E only), concert bass drum, tam-tam and snare drum - the bass drum and tam-tam will require brushes in addition to the normal beaters. In addition 1st horn and 1st baritone are required to play triangles, which should ideally be different pitches if possible.Approximate duration 7'48"NOTE: This set comes with a B4 score. To view a PDF preview click here.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £113.00

    Mahalageasca - Mahala Rai Banda

    Mahalageasca is a piece that make you happy both to listen and perform.It's possible to play the piece as a stage entrance piece. Repeat bars 1 to 8 several times. You might let the Drum set and some Percussion start alone. After basses have played their first eight bars, move on to bar nine.It is also possible to perform is as an ancore where you might change positions for the brass players but use the same pattern with Percussion as above.Here's a suggestion for set-up:Backrow sits in front of the conductor (on horn chairs)Soprano and Solo Cornets standing behind them.Trombones sits at the conductors right (on Euphonium/Baritone-chairs)Basses sitting behind the TrombonesFlugelhorn and horns on the left (sitting on the solo cornet chairs)Euphoniums and Baritones behind the horns.Please do not play too loud on mf. A bit press on the start of the slurs often better the emphasis (some marcatos written as well)Bars 96 to 136 is challenging for mallet percussion. They can be played as solo, or two players might share it in a convenient way.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £79.95

    Orion (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Orion was named after the giant huntsman in Greek mythology and is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous and recognisable constellations in the night sky. This piece and its inspiration were composed as a tone poem creating a musical picture of this amazing phenomenon.The opening introduces the constellation. Starting mysteriously with the percussion and basses this section develops a series of rhythmic and harmonic interludes from the upper brass. As this introduction develops, the melodic line lead by the Solo Cornet and Euphonium builds as the accompanying instruments increase in their rhythmic complexity. This section climaxes with a short fanfare motif which will be a prominent theme throughout this piece.The fast rhythmic section that follows serves as a technical test for the players. The thematic device introduced by the Solo Cornets is passed around various soloists and sections within the ensemble. This part of the tone poem gives the opportunity for the ensemble to highlight their technical prowess. The fanfare motif returns to conclude this section and takes the piece into the slow middle movement.Motifs heard earlier are mixed with new ideas in this slow section which give an opportunity for a variety of soloists to demonstrate their musical prowess. After the various solo passages and cadenzas, the mood shifts dramatically to a more ominous section that builds in texture and dynamic. Concluding with our returning fanfare motif the piece then builds in momentum towards our finale section.This finale is a technical showcase which will further test the playing ability and stamina of soloists, small groups and the full ensemble. Using prominent musical themes heard throughout this piece the music builds to a glorious conclusion fitting with wonderful constellation.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    When Thunder Calls

    When Thunder Calls was commissioned by Dr Nicholas Childs and the Black Dyke Band for their performance at the Gala Concert of the Swiss Open Championships in September 2011. When composing this piece, I decided to focus on both the music and the stage presentation. The way the piece has been composed and designed makes it a very effective way of starting a concert or a second half of a concert.At the start of the piece, the percussion enter the stage and take their positions in their usual place behind the band. They begin playing the piece without a conductor. They keep repeating the opening section while the Basses, Horns, Baritones and Euphoniums march onto the stage.This group of musicians take their seats with the Horns, Baritones and Euphoniums sitting where they usually sit in the band but the Basses sit where the solo cornets usually sit, forming an inner semi-circle of lower brass. When seated and when the music gets to the end of bar 4 the piece continues onto section A. All performers keep repeating this next 4-bar phrase until the trombones march onto stage and stand at the front of the stage with the Bass Trombone standing in between the other two trombones.All performers then play from figure B to C with the trombones taking the lead at the front. When the performers get to rehearsal figure C they repeat this section (the same as section A) while the trombones move from the front of the stage and take their positions where the Basses would normally sit (between the horns and the percussion) and remain standing. Meanwhile, the flugel enters the stage and stands at the front of the stage (standing where the trombones did). When in position the flugel soloist picks up into rehearsal figure D.When the flugel soloist finishes playing, just before rehearsal figure F they then move to their normal seat in the band. At figure F the cornets march onto the stage from either side, they turn and stand side by side each other facing outward towards the audience forming two 'fanfare' lines either side of the lower brass. The conductor follows the cornets on stage and on cue they lift their instruments at the same time and perform when the piece gets to figure G.There is no more moving around from this point on other than the solo cornet to move forward with the solo euphonium and perform their duet at letter H. Also the horns are required to stand and play at letter I and then sit just before J.When performed with all the choreography, this piece makes for an exciting addition to any concert repertoire both for the performer and the audience.Suitable for 3rd Section Bands and Above

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days