Celebration - Kool and The Gang
Who doesn't know this monster hit by Kool & The Gang? This is probably the song that everyone remembers from the disco era. It's still immensely popular at parties and functions today. Why not liven up your concerts with it?
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Hail Nero - Triumphal March (From Quo Vadis) - Miklos Rozsa
In the 1950 motion picture "Quo Vadis" starring Robert Taylor and Peter Ustinov still is one of the greatest movies in the history. The music was composed by Miklos Rosza. The "Hail Nero - Triumphal March" beautifully arranged by Steven Verhaert gives an impression of the greatness of the Roman empire in the days of Emperor Nero.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Caribbean Calypso - Roland Kernen
The music of the Caribbean is a mixture of styles encompassing traditions that reflect the nature of its many islands and ethnic groups which inherited a multitude of rhythms imported by slaves from West Africa. Europeans brought with them Western-style melodies and harmonies, still used today in Trinidadian calypso, a traditional folk genre which gained worldwide popularity thanks to internationally famous artists such as the American singer Harry Belafonte (Calypso, Island in the Sun, Day-O/Banana Boat Song). Fascinated by this music which embodies the very spirit of exoticism, Roland Kernen composed Caribbean Calypso, a composition with softly swaying rhythms whichfollow a gentle and subtle melodic line in a rum and cigar-flavoured atmosphere.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Machet die Tore Weit
The numerous, mostly religious works of the Bohemian composer Andreas Hammerschmidt are composed with great craftmanship, and sound full and catchy. They were composed for 17th century village churches, in which they were sung by the congregation--and they are still familiar and popular today. Robert van Beringen took the advent hymn Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates and created this beautiful arrangement.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
Gelobet Seist Du Jesu Christ (We Praise You Jesus Christ) is an old Christmas hymn dating from the 16th century, which can still be found in many hymnbooks today. John Blanken has created a varied and imaginative arrangement on four verses of the hymn. A perfect item for you next Christmas concert.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Alchymist's Journal. - Kenneth Hesketh
'The Alchymist's Journal' gets its title from the book of the same name by American author Evan S. Connell. The book fictionalises a number of famous Alchemist's writings, each one developing another's thoughts thuscontinuing one idea but changing it subtly to provide a new view point or way of thinking. This process is, in fact, alchemical as one idea transmutes into another. This idea is parallel to the processes at work within thesevariants. The whole work is constructed from 6 notes (C, A, B flat, E flat, F sharp, E) and is presented in nine different sections, each individual in mood but still based upon the original pitches. This is not a thematic setofvariations, as the themes are developed one at a time from small segments of the six notes. For example, the opening theme is the complete number of pitches, the second theme uses three notes transposed then repeated at theoriginal level, and so on. Harmonically, the six notes can be divided into two triads, A minor and E flat minor - each key beginning and ending the piece respectively. Whilst this is essentially abstract music with noprogramme there is an introduction, menacing scherzo, slow reflective section followed by a recap of the scherzo and final coda. 'The Alchymist's Journal' was commissioned by the Brass Band Heritage Trust at the suggestionof Paul Hindmarsh, to whom the work is dedicated.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
New Waves - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
New Waves is a special composition. Although contemporary but still attractive to musicians and listeners. Norwegian composer Aagaard-Nilsen has failed in a special way to add new elements to the contemporary wind music. Original exciting rhythms and contrasting harmonies make this composition enjoyable and challenging together. Interrupted by a slow middle section New Waves may be seen as five minutes jazz, rock and funk optima forma! New Waves is een bijzondere compositie. Weliswaar eigentijds maar toch aantrekkelijk voor muzikanten en luisteraars. De Noorse componist Aagaard-Nilsen is er op bijzondere wijze in geslaagd nieuwe elementen toe te voegen aan dehedendaagse blaasmuziek. Oorspronkelijke ritmes en spannende contrastrijke samenklanken maken het spelen van dit werk plezierig en uitdagend tegelijk. Onderbroken door een langzaam middendeel kan New Waves beschouwd worden als vijf minuten jazz, rock en funk optima forma!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Delta Energy - Jan Bosveld
The assignment to write a test piece for the National Brass Band Championships ended up also being a 'test piece' for myself as a composer. Although being quite familiar with the Brass Band phenomenon, as a composer I still have the feeling ofbeing an outsider. Delta Energy turned out to be a non-program composition. The Brass Band as orchestra form is depicted musically in this piece. All the specific characteristics are portrayed in varying settings. Solo passages for Euphonium,Flugelhorn and Cornet alternating with extensive tutti-passages and of course technical highlights form the ingredients for this work written in rhapsodic form. The title "Delta Energy" is derived from a project of the N.V. NederlandseGasunie in Groningen which also contributed in making this composition possible.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
God rest ye merry Gentlemen
'God rest ye merry, Gentlemen' is an ancient English carol. It was first published in 1833, but it can be traced as far back as the 15th century, which makes it one of the oldest carols known. 'God rest ye merry' is a Middle English salutation. In this manner, people wished one another greatness and might. In modern English, the first line of this carol would read 'May God keep you mighty, gentlemen'. Andrew R. Mackereth has not kept to the original words in his up-tempo arrangement of the carol. It is still clearly recognizable, but the arranger has taken a good many liberties. Sometimes a particular note is held longer, at times motifs follow oneanother in various parts. If you listen carefully, you may even be able to detect a motif from another well-known song.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
A brief history: Pentecost Monday was a special day for schools in Yorkshire (England). There were a variety of activities. The pupils of Sabine Baring-Gould would meet with the children of a nearby village. It seemed like a good idea that during the walk would be sung. But she could not find a suitable song and decided to write one by herself. "Onward Christian Soldiers" was the result. It soon became very popular, though she herself was not entirely satisfied with the rhyme scheme. The melody used (St. Gertrude) was by the famous English composer Sir Arthur S. Sullivan. Back to now: Gawan Roberts, has given the hymn a proper update. He gave the still popularsong a solid rock beat and added daring harmonies. So it's popular, for current generations, again for years. Onward!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days