Chain - Piet Swerts
Chain was composed between June and August 2000 as the test piece for the 2002 European Brass Band Championship. The composer's idea was to compose a one-movement piece - a work that starts mysteriously and develops in various directions. As his basic material, he chose a figure that is the abbreviation of the European Brass Band Championship: EBBC. This figure is developed in a chain of figures which gradually lead to the climax of the piece.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Chorale Variations - Jan de Haan
Chorale Variations comprises six variations on an original theme in Renaissance style. Written as a test piece for the renowned contest 'Gouden Spiker Festival' in Friesland (The Netherlands), it is a challenging concert or contest piece, presenting attractive and demanding parts for all sections.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Origenes - Carlos Cárdenas
Or genes (Origins) was commissioned by the European Brass Band Association as a test piece for the challenge section of the 38th European Brass Band Championship in Freiburg, Germany 2015. It is a spectacular piece from the pen of CarlosCardenas, who belongs to a new generation of composing talent. The clave, a rhythmic pattern, which originally comes from African music, was the inspiration for this innovative piece, all motifs and structures being derived from it. The six parts feature a wide spectrum of percussion instruments, reveal animpressive range of new sound combinations and yet are very accessible for the audience.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Terra Incognita - Jan de Haan
Download the Digeridoo sound file here.In five musically and thematically continuous parts, this composition transports us to foreign, fascinating places - stepping into the shoes of the explorers who set off to discover unknown lands centuries ago. The test piece for the Dutch Brass BandChampionships 2015 (Challenge Section) holds interesting solo parts for flugelhorn and trombone. An exciting musical journey!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Lyonesse. - Simon Dobson
Lyonesse was commissioned by the Brass Band Heritage Trust as the test piece for the Finals of the National Youth Brass Band Championships held in Manchester in April 2005. This atmospheric music, ideal as atest piece for First and Second section bands, takes its inspiration from the lost kingdom of Lyonesse, the mythical spur of land linking Cornwall and the Scilly Isles, and its associated legend of Tristan and Isolde. BrassBand Grade 5: 1st Section Duration: 13 minutes
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Bandkraft 2
The second of three superb sets of new music and arrangements for brass ensemble.Jazz Intermezzo - Peter Sievewright: Very close harmonies produce thick luscious tone colours, beneath an intriguing jazz theme.Bossa Nova - John Golland: A memorable tune, enjoyable and relaxed as a Bossa Nova should be, with much fun to be had in mastering the Bossa Nova rhythm.Ballade - Grieg, Arr. Ifor James: A simple enough melody, but a marvellous test for the phrasing and intonation of the horn section of the band.Bollin Hill Suite (Hoe Down, Passacaglia and March) - Phillip Malbon: A classic suite for brass band, concise yet complete.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
A Tribute to Henk Badings - Rob Goorhuis
The motivation for composing this test piece for the Concert Division Brassband of the 2001 WMC was Rob Goorhuis's deep respect for one of the greatest Dutch composers of the 20-th century who also enlarged the wind band repertoire in a most valuable way. Goorhuis wanted to light up the "soft and kind" side of the brassband and wrote about this composition : "The basis is a theme of twelve tones wich Badings once played at an International Organ Improvisation Contest in Haarlem.My organ teacher participated in that contest and so the theme remained somehow in the back of my mind." The composer worked out a series of variations and clustered them into bundles ofthree and so the melody kept its diversity while remaining easy to recognise.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Suite Celebration - Bruce Fraser
Bruce Fraser composed this test piece for the 'Gouden Spiker Festival' 2003 (The Netherlands). Suite Celebration was inspired by events in his recent family life. The first movement celebrates the marriage of his daughter and reflects her bubbly personality and vitality. The melodies and harmonies of the whole work are based on a note row which came up during a discussion with the publisher. The second movement celebrates the birth of his grand-daughter 'Rebecca Aileen' and takes the form of a ballad featuring expressive opportunities for the soloists. The final movement is more of a look into the future and hope of success and a good life for hisfamily. Who knows what is coming?
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Of Distant Memories - Edward Gregson
Parts only. Of Distant Memories pays homage to the brass band composers that form the backbone of the brass band repertoire and their music, and in the process summons up a kind of subconscious memory bank of the musicallanguages, styles and forms used by them. The music is conceived in the form of a 'traditional' tone poem, reflecting certain aspects (e.g. melodic, harmonic, textural)of those early test pieces. Although fairly traditionalconcepts have been kept in planning the architecture of the work, certain aspects of the instrumentation, or scoring, are more contemporary in colouristic terms, as befits a composer writing in the 21st century. However, thepercussion requirements are fairly modest, similar to those used in the works of that period. The brass band tradition owes much to the composers of that period, for through their music they established a truly homogenous'British' brass band sound which has spread throughout many parts of the world. That tradition flourishes today and remains important for today's composers, even if their musical language is far removed from that of theirpredecessors. Of Distant Memories is the composers own way of repaying that gratitude.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Fantastia for Brass Band - Derek Bourgeois
Original test piece for Championship & 1st Section Bands.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days