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    Unity Series Band Journal - Numbers 486 - 489, February 2020

    486: March - Love Divine (Ian Clarke)This lively march features Charles Wesley's song, Love divine, all loves excelling (S.A.S.B. 262) set to the tune Stainer (T.B. 349) and Charles Gabriel's I stand amazed in the presence (S.A.S.B. 466).487: Song Arrangement - The potter's hand (Daniel Elson)A simple but effective arrangement of Dalene Zschech's popular worship song The potter's hand (S.A.S.B. 355).488: Ma-(cha-cha)-jesty (Gary Rose)The cha-cha-ch is a dance that originates from Cuba. It is danced to the music of the same name, introduced by Cuban composer and violinist Enrique Jorrin in the early 1950s. This work combines the cha-cha syle with the well-known song Majesty (S.A.S.B. 382).489: The old rugged cross (Andreas Holmlund)A flowing two-verse arrangement of George Bennard's much-loved song.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £38.95

    Unity Series Band Journal - Numbers 474 - 477, February 2019

    474: Prelude - Tell me the old, old story (Munashe Chikwezvero)Arabella Hankey's verses (S.A.S.B. 150) were originally written in 1866 while the author was recovering from a serious illness. The music was then added by William Howard Doane in 1868. This prelude comes to us from a Salvationist composer from the Hunyani Corps in the Zimbabwe Territory.475: My Redeemer lives (Marcus Venables)This lively arrangement of My Redeemer lives (S.A.S.B. 223) was written for the North York Temple Junior Band. The music is designed to emulate the more challenging Salvation Army band pieces to which younger musicians might aspire, as well as being a joyful announcement of our Redeemer's resurrection.476: Filte (Roger Trigg)Filte (FAHL-cheh) is the Irish word for welcome. This music was written to commemorate the start of The Salvation Army's work in Ireland. It features the tune The Eden Above (T.B. 503) which is purported to be the first song performed by a Salvation Army delegation on Irish soil. The next hymn presented is King of kings, majesty (S.A.S.B. 376) which has been a significant song in the life of Belfast Citadel Corps in its more recent past. The piece closes with the confident music of the song I believe we shall win (S.A.S.B. 990).477: Chorus Arrangement - Follow, I will follow thee (Morgan Juel Stavik)This is a gentle setting of H.L. Brown's melody Follow, I will follow thee.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £49.99

    Winter Wonderland (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    This endearingly popular seasonal song has long been a Christmas favourite, even though the lyrics don't mention 'Christmas' at all. The words were by Dick Smith (1901-1935) and the music by Felix Bernard (1897-1944). The inspiration was reportedly a visit by Smith to Honesdale's (his hometown) Central Park when it was covered in snow.The first recording was made by Richard Himber's Ritz-Carlton Orchestra in 1934. The same year Guy Lombardo and his band, The Royal Canadians, took the song to number 2 in the US Billboard Chart, where it stayed for 9 weeks. It has since been recorded by over 150 artists, the most successful versions being by Perry Como and the Andrews Sisters, both released in 1946.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £45.00

    Triumph Series Band Journal July 2014 Numbers 1251-1254

    No. 1251 Festival March - We Shall Win (Captain Anders Beijer)This march features the tune, 'We shall win' (T.B. 508) and portrays the belief that 'if we fight in the strength of the King' - 'We shall win!'No. 1252 Building Up! (Dean Jones)In 2012, the corps at Horsham were marking their 125th anniversary and this piece was used as part of that occasion. The theme adopted for the celebrations was 'Building hope for tomorrow', which was the inspiration for this piece. The tunes featured are 'Will your anchor hold?' and 'Building up the temple'.No. 1253 Carol Setting - O little town of Bethlehem (Noel Jones)An arrangement of the popular carol, 'O little town of Bethlehem', using the tune 'Forest Green'.No. 1254 Vox Dilecti (Kenneth Downie)Vox Dilecti means 'beautiful voice'. This is an arrangement of J.B.Dykes' melody, complementing words by Horatius Bonar.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £70.00

    General Series Band Journal April 2013 Numbers 2119-2122

    No.2119 Guardian of my soul (Darren Shaw)This arrangement combines the composer's own song 'I worship you', with the well-known hymn 'O Jesus, I have promised' (S.A.S.B. 862), both of which contain the phrase, 'Guardian of my soul', within their lyrics.No.2120 Festival March - Temple 125 (Kevin Larsson)This march was written for the 125th anniversary of Bromley Temple, which is where the composer grew up and still considers his 'home corps'. This arrangement uses two songs that are closely associated with Bromley, the first being 'Jesus is all I need' (STTL Vol.1, part 1) by Hans Knutzen, who was a soldier of the corps and a member of the 'Bill Booth Revival Machine'. The second song is 'He came to give us life (T.B. 662) from the Gowans and Larsson musical, 'Jesus Folk', which was premiered using a cast from Bromley Temple.No.2121 Trombone Solo - Nothing but thy blood (Harold Burmayer)Donna Peterson's recent melody, set to the time-honoured words of Richard Slater, provides a vehicle for solo trombone with band accompaniment.No.2122 Begone, vain world (Michael Davis)A setting of the hymn tune of the same title, with which we associate the words, 'I want, dear Lord, a heart that's true and clean'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Judd: Almighty - Roger Trigg

    'Almighty' was written for Bandmaster Ross Johnson and Camberwell Citadel Band (Australia) for use on the band's 2009 tour of New Zealand. This energetic work takes its title from the opening line of the well-loved hymn, 'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation' (S.A.S.B. 19). It is based on the hymn tune 'Lobe den Herren' (T.B. 721) and whilst the tune is only heard in its entirety once, fragments of the tune can be heard throughout the music. The music is a shout of acclamation to the King of Kings.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    Judd: Caelum Corona - Stephen Bulla

    Stephen Bulla's 'Caelum Corona' ('Crown of Heaven') portrays, in sound, a Christian's walk in faith, intended metaphorically via a musical narrative reminiscent of the early church pilgrims, their struggles and triumphs. The composer initially evokes the atmosphere of Rome at the time of St. Paul and other martyrs, thus the Latin title. Bulla marks his imaginative tone poem with dark, brooding music in the first two of three parts, in each of which he has embedded an appropriate hymn or song reference as thematic material. The first of these sounds in a minor key following a symphonic exposition made up primarily of fanfare-like motives, the music at times quite harsh and abrasive. The song is Paul's statement of exuberant faith (2 Timothy 1:12) in the midst of prison and persecution: 'For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day.' More challenging, aggressive music returns until a further point of reflection on Christ's sacrifice is reached. The music graphically evokes the barren landscape of Golgatha, the horror of the crucifixion, including stark wind sounds, a loss of stability via eerie, dissonant chord clusters, and even the nails being driven into Christ's body. The Baritones and then Flugel Horn softly play 'He died of a broken heart.' Yet the Christian life, despite its perils - both at the time of Paul and now - is a victorious life, and the composer resolves the tensions of the work in a scintillating finale, a brilliant setting of the old song about spiritual warfare and the ultimate triumph of Christ the King: 'Victory for me!' (T.B. 841). The chorus of that tune proclaims: 'No retreating, hell defeating, shoulder to shoulder we stand; God look down, with glory crown our conq'ring band.' That crowning is the same one sought and claimed by St. Paul (2 Timothy 4:8): 'Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award me on that day, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.' Believers look forward to participating in the final coronation of their Saviour - King of Kings and Lord of Lords - while humbly desiring their own 'crown of heaven.'

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    Judd: Life Abundant

    Life Abundant is a cornet solo written as a musical biography of the search of soul to find the meaning of life. The music begins with the dawning of life, then the abundant joy of childhood ('My cup is full and running over'), followed by the uncertainty of the youth who longs to say 'I want to live right' but doesn't know how. The answer comes in a meditative setting of the composer's own song 'One life to live, O may I live for Thee', after which the music confidently builds to a climax which expresses the joy of abundant life found in Jesus.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Judd: My Hope - Roger Trigg

    'My Hope' was written for, and premiered by Enfield Citadel Band (Bandmaster Jonathan Corry) on 11th October, 2013. The work formed part of the band's annual pre-contest festival on the eve of the National Brass Band Championships which are held in the august surroundings of the Royal Albert Hall, London each year. The words 'my hope' appear in both hymns that are referenced in the music. The notes 'E', 'C', 'B' also feature throughout the work as homage to Enfield Citadel Band. The verse of 'My hope is built on nothing less' (S.A.S.B. 662), to the tune 'Solid Rock' (T.B. 446), is then introduced and forms the basis of the end of the first section - set in the minor, unlike the usual setting of the melody. The more sedate middle section that follows features an original theme, again using the notes 'E', 'C', 'B' as a melodic stimulus.The tune 'Michael' (Herbert Howells), to which the text 'All my hope on God is founded' (S.A.S.B. 530) is sung, provided the original impetus for this work. The song features as a new addition to The Salvation Army's 2015 iteration of its song book. It is a noble tune and there are big majestic, organ-like sounds utilised in its final treatment which brings the work to a climactic end.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    Wall of Sound

    This piece was commissioned by Dr Nicholas Childs and Philip Biggs for the National Children's Band of Great Britain.As the commission was for a youth band, I wanted to compose a piece of music that alluded to the styles and genres of music that are abundant in the current popular music market. However, the National Children's Band isn't just any old youth band; they are some of the finest young musicians in Great Britain. So the challenge was to compose a piece that included many popular music styles whilst providing enough of a test to keep the music technically interesting to work on and perform.The driving force behind the whole piece is the percussion section and in particular, the drum kit which is constant throughout. From the start the music is rhythmic and repetitive, similar to many dance tracks. The music begins to slowly unfold and build in texture and at bar 24 the syncopated main theme appears. This theme reappears throughout the piece along with various other motifs and solo lines. The music uses the styles, rock, pop, latin, funk and dance within the score and has a real fun factor about it.There are lots of opportunities for soloists to play and it is marked in the score where to stand and soloists can come out to the front of the stage. I really enjoyed working on this piece and I'm sure performers and audience members will enjoy it too.Paul Lovatt-Cooper

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days