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  • £34.95

    The Covenanters (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Downie, Kenneth

    In 1638, many members of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland signed a document called the National Covenant. By doing so, they were declaring that they acknowledged only Jesus Christ as the spiritual head of their church, and not any king or queen. This had become necessary because the Stuart kings believed in the Divine Right of Monarchs and saw themselves as head of the church. In the previous year, Charles I had forcibly introduced the Book of Common Prayer, invoking the wrath of the common people who faced the threat of torture, transportation or execution if they did not use the new liturgy and worship at their local church. The net result of this was that many met illegally in the countryside or in barns and large houses. These meetings became known as 'conventides' and many took place in the south-west of the country. Anyone caught attending was at risk of execution by the muskets of the dragoons who were employed in the area for that specific purpose. This music was written to honour the bravery and loyalty of these Christians to their faith, in the face of extreme danger, in the hope that it will inspire us also to be faithful. There are overtones of military threat, secrecy and solidarity. An old pentatonic tune is used, which the composer heard as a boy being sung to the words The Lord's My Shepherd.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £17.50

    The Covenanters (Brass Band - Score only) - Downie, Kenneth

    In 1638, many members of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland signed a document called the National Covenant. By doing so, they were declaring that they acknowledged only Jesus Christ as the spiritual head of their church, and not any king or queen. This had become necessary because the Stuart kings believed in the Divine Right of Monarchs and saw themselves as head of the church. In the previous year, Charles I had forcibly introduced the Book of Common Prayer, invoking the wrath of the common people who faced the threat of torture, transportation or execution if they did not use the new liturgy and worship at their local church. The net result of this was that many met illegally in the countryside or in barns and large houses. These meetings became known as 'conventides' and many took place in the south-west of the country. Anyone caught attending was at risk of execution by the muskets of the dragoons who were employed in the area for that specific purpose. This music was written to honour the bravery and loyalty of these Christians to their faith, in the face of extreme danger, in the hope that it will inspire us also to be faithful. There are overtones of military threat, secrecy and solidarity. An old pentatonic tune is used, which the composer heard as a boy being sung to the words The Lord's My Shepherd.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.99

    Mah Na, Mah Na (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    This catchy piece became a massive hit in the 1970s, when Jim Henson used the catchy melody in his children's TV series The Muppet Show and Sesame Street. Stefan Schwalgin has produced this excellent version to give bass trombone players, who sometimes feel left out by the band's repertoire, a platform for their soloistic development. This gem is full of little musical surprises and will hold a special place in your bands repertoire. 03:45

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £104.99

    Scottish Dances Brass Band (Score & Parts)

    Scottish Dances is based on three Scottish traditionals: Cock of the North, The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond and Marie's Wedding. I. Cock of the North's name is used for multiple things or events. For example for a locomotive to a famous, it seems, delicious liqueur, and rallies to snowboard competitions. Furthermore is "Cock O' the North " a nickname of a famous Duke. (The 4th Duke of Gordon). In this composition Cock of the North (a Jig) is a traditional Scottish bagpipe tune, regularly played on tattoos by Pipe Bands. Not infrequently the drummers sing the text. Auntie Mary, had a canary, Up the leg of her trousers While she was sleeping I was peeping Up the leg of her trousers. II. " The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond " is about a sad story that took place during an revolt against the British. In 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie had to retreat. Two of his men were captured. One was convicted and executed, while the other was released. The spirit of the executed soldier would arrive in Scotland via the 'low road' (underworld) before his companion, who had still a long way to go. You'll take the high road And I'll take the low road And I'll be in Scotland afore ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond III. In a Scottish wedding, after the official ceremonies, there is often danced. This is called a ceilidh. For this we use traditional Scottish music such as "Marie's Wedding '. Mid dance we go back to the church, where a lovely song in honor of the couple sounds. Marie's Wedding has been recorded by Van Morrison (among many others). Step we gaely, on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe Arm and arm and on we go, all for Marie's wedding 07:00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £109.99

    The Power of the Megatsunami Brass Band (Score & Parts)

    The word 'tsunami' is of Japanese origin. When you look it up in a dictionary, you will find that it means 'a great sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption'. A megatsunami is the superlative of this awesome expression of power that nature can create, and has catastrophic consequences. When Carl Wittrock completed this composition not many such big earth movements had occurred, but since then we have become all too familiar with the disastrous consequences which a tsunami may have. On the 26th of December 2004 a heavy seaquake took place near the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Tidal waves 10 meters in height ravaged the coastal regions of many countries for miles around. The tsunami took the lives of thousands of people and destroyed many villages and towns. There are more areas which run the risk of being struck by a tsunami, such as the island of La Palma, one of the Canary Islands. This island is based on oceanic crust at a fracture zone and as such is one of nature's time bombs. The consequences of a natural calamity like a megatsunami are immense. In the case of La Palma, the tidal wave will move in the direction of South America, where it may reach 50 km inland, destroying everything on its way. In his composition Wittrock describes an ordinary day which will have an unexpected ending. Right from the beginning there seems to be something in the air, the music creating an oppressive atmosphere of impending disaster. Themes are interrupted, broken off suddenly, followed by silence, suggesting the calm before the storm. Suddenly a short climax (glissandi in the trombone part) indicates the seaquake, and the megatsunami is a fact. Hereafter follows a turbulent passage symbolising the huge rolling waves. After nature's force has spent itself, resignation sets in and the composition ends with a majestic ode to nature. 10:30

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £45.05

    City of David (Brass Band) Philip Rayment

    This engaging major Christmas work features three carols or songs associated with the place of Christ's birth: Once In Royal David's City, O Little Town of Bethlehem (Forest Green) and How Far Is It To Bethlehem? During Old Testament times, the city of Jerusalem had been considered the 'City of David', as the political and spiritual capital of Israel. However, after Christ's birth, that name was given to the town of Bethlehem - a quiet farming village in the countryside. This new designation is first mentioned in the Gospel of Luke: ''For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.' (Luke 2:11) A variety of moods are used to express:- The crowds of people arriving in Bethlehem to be taxed, overtaking the town, leaving no room for a young, pregnant Mary and her husband.- The stillness of the countryside on the eve of Christ's birth.- The excitement of worshippers celebrating the birth of a Saviour. To view performances of the work please visit: Canadian Staff Band: Five Lakes Silver Band: Duration: 7.30 minutes approx. Difficulty Level: 2nd Section + PDF download includes parts and score. Sheet music available here. Instrumentation: Soprano Cornet Eb Solo Cornet Bb 1st Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet Bb Flugel Horn Bb Solo Horn Eb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass BbTimpani Percussion 1-3

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £69.95

    TRANSFORMATION (Brass Band Set) - Kenneth Downie

    I believe in transformation, God can change the hearts of men, And refine the evil nature, till it glows with grace again'. So wrote John Gowans in the second verse of his great hymn, 'I believe that God the Father, can be seen in God the Son', written specifically to affirm Salvationists' beliefs. It is sung to the tune Bethany and in seeking to explore this great subject at the heart of the Christian gospel in musical terms, the composer has used this fine tune as the basis. Although it never appears in its entirety, it is seldom out of the picture and much of the work is derived from it. The other main source of material is the lovely, simple chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him, changed to heavenly beauty, when his face I see'. This chorus is especially prominent in the middle section but there are important references to it throughout. There are also brief references to Charles Wesley's hymn, 'Love Divine' and, in particular, the telling lines, 'Changed from glory into glory, till in Heaven we take our place'. The work suggests that, at times, the process of being transformed is a struggle, portrayed with many passages of fraught and demanding music. Considerable reserves of stamina and technique are required while, in contrast, the chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him' provides the warm, gentle centre of the work. The premiere of the work was given by The International Staff Band of The Salvation Army in Cadogan Hall on Friday 3rd June 2011, as part of the band's 120th anniversary celebrations.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    COVENANTERS, The (Brass Band Set) - Kenneth Downie

    In 1638, many members of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland signed a document called the National Covenant. By doing so, they were declaring that they acknowledged only Jesus Christ as the spiritual head of their church, and not any king or queen. This had become necessary because the Stuart kings believed in the Divine Right of Monarchs and saw themselves as head of the church. In the previous year, Charles I had forcibly introduced the Book of Common Prayer, invoking the wrath of the common people who faced the threat of torture, transportation or execution if they did not use the new liturgy and worship at their local church. The net result of this was that many met illegally in the countryside or in barns and large houses. These meetings became known as 'conventides' and many took place in the south-west of the country. Anyone caught attending was at risk of execution by the muskets of the dragoons who were employed in the area for that specific purpose. This music was written to honour the bravery and loyalty of these Christians to their faith, in the face of extreme danger, in the hope that it will inspire us also to be faithful. There are overtones of military threat, secrecy and solidarity. An old pentatonic tune is used, which the composer heard as a boy being sung to the words The Lord's My Shepherd.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £25.00

    Zephyrus - Andrew Duncan

    The Big Blow', was a formal record attempt to create the largest brass band in the world. It took place at Butlin's Resort, Skegness on 20 January 27 and in addition to the fun generated by the event itself, it's main goal was to raise money in support of the work of Brass Band Aid, and specifically to provide long-term sponsorship for two children in the village of Adet, Ethiopia.The Music Company (UK) Ltd were one of the Official Partners of The Big Blow, providing the performance piece for the record attempt. As Editorial Director of the company, Andrew Duncan wrote 'Zephyrus' to mark the occasion.Originally presented at the event as 'March - The Big Blow', the published re-titling of 'Zephyrus' provides a more subtle alternative, taking its name from the Greek God of the West Winds.'Zephyrus' is a traditional British brass band march with an interesting African-feel lilt to the trio. This is enhanced by optional percussion instruments including djembi and bongos, which can also be covered by standard drum kit. A positive, upbeat concert march to reflect the sentiment behind 'The Big Blow' record attempt.There were 443 participants in total, including:Soprano Cornets x 12Cornets x 152Flugels x 19Tenor Horns x 68Baritones x 32Euphoniums x 32Trombones x 55Eb Basses x 35Bb Basses x 17Percussionists x 21The Music Company are pleased to continue their support of Brass Band Aid by offering a donation to this worthy charity for every set of this music sold.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Judd: The Covenanters

    In 1638, many members of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland signed a document called the National Covenant. By doing so, they were declaring that they acknowledged only Jesus Christ as the spiritual head of their church, and not any king or queen. This had become necessary because the Stuart kings believed in the Divine Right of Monarchs and saw themselves as head of the church. In the previous year, Charles I had forcibly introduced the Book of Common Prayer, invoking the wrath of the common people who faced the threat of torture, transportation or execution if they did not use the new liturgy and worship at their local church. The net result of this was that many met illegally in the countryside or in barns and large houses. These meetings became known as 'conventides' and many took place in the south-west of the country. Anyone caught attending was at risk of execution by the muskets of the dragoons who were employed in the area for that specific purpose. This music was written to honour the bravery and loyalty of these Christians to their faith, in the face of extreme danger, in the hope that it will inspire us also to be faithful. There are overtones of military threat, secrecy and solidarity. An old pentatonic tune is used, which the composer heard as a boy being sung to the words The Lord's My Shepherd.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days