On My Way - Phil Collins
The English musician Phil Collins has written six new songs for the animated Walt Disney film Brother Bear. His catchy pop rock is well known and popular with a worldwide audience. In Brother Bear, the young Kenai kills a grizzly bear to avenge his brother's death. Then he is magically transformed into a bear himself and he makes friends with the bear cub Koda. Together, they undertake a long, exciting journey in search of the mountain where Kenai can become human again. Meanwhile Kenai's remaining brother hunts them in order to avenge his family. Thus, the main themes of Brother Bear are brotherhood and friendship. On My Way gives voice to the courage and the determinationthat characterise Brother Bear. Peter Kleine Schaars has produced an excellent arrangement for band, which reflects the original film music very well.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Horns Enjoying Themselves - Bertrand Moren
This composition highlights the tenor horns. Long understated and unfairly relegated to the accompaniment, the tenor horn has gained prominence in the brass band during recent years.Horns Enjoying Themselves is an entertaining piece that will delight performers and audience alike. The first part is inspired by circus, with playful themes featuring humorous dissonances. The second part is a slow and calm journey through the mellow and luminous sound colours of the tenor horn. The third and last movement opens with a cadenza played by the soloists (alone). Written in triple time, it showcases the technical skills of the soloists.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Lake of the Moon - Kevin Houben
The travels of the Aztec people as they headed south through North America looking for a new home, acted as the inspiration for Lake of the Moon.The composition contains small fragments of Oriental music and South American rhythms and occasionally, Russian Cossacks seem to raise their heads. The journey from North to South is not without danger, which is represented by threatening sounds within the music.In the Adagio divotothe composer takes us along to the Texcoco Lake, which the Aztecs called the lake of the moon. Bring a little bit of South American history to your concert with Lake of the Moon.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Ready - Steady - Brass! - Otto M. Schwarz
Ready - Steady - Brass! is one of a number of successful works by Otto M. Schwarz such as Last Call, Funky Winds, Glory Fanfare and Groove Machine. Starting with a fanfare-style opening the music takes a journey through melodicsections and technical, soloistic passages to a grandiose finale.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
The Pioneers - Philip Sparke
In The Pioneers Philip Sparke salutes the bicentenary of an expedition by two all time American heroes - Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. They were commissioned by US President Thomas Jefferson to find the headwaters of the Missouri and a route to the Pacific following the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the USA. They set out as the 'Corps of Discovery' from Louisville, Kentucky, in May 1804 and not only did they succeed in reaching the Pacific through hostile territory, but also found their way back - in 3 years! The piece is not descriptive of the journey but gives the composer the opportunity to celebrate the 200th anniversary of this amazing feat. Add atouch of the wild-west to any concert with this exciting work.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Evolution - Philip Sparke
Evolution was commissioned by Kunstfactor for the 4th section of the Dutch National Brass Band Championships (NBK) 2011. It is dedicated to Jappie Dijkstra and the Music Information Centre (MUI), Arnhem, Holland, in acknowledgement of their outstanding work in developing brass band repertoire. The composer writes:-The idea for the piece came when I was reading an article about a branch of Chinese philosophy which is abbreviated as Wu Xing, which has no exact translation but can mean, for example, five elements, five phases or five states of change. It is central to all elements of Chinese thought, including science, philosophy, medicine and astrology, and in simpleterms tries to create various cyclic relationships between five elements in all walks of life. An example is: Earth - Metal - Water - Wood - Fire - (Earth) etc. where (in one cycle) earth bears metal, metal changes to liquid (water) when heated, water helps trees grow, wood burns to create fire, fire produces ash (earth) and the cycle continues.I was particularly interested in the cycle of emotions: Meditation - Sorrow - Fear - Anger - Joy - (Meditation) etc. and thought this cyclic principle would provide an effective emotional journey for a piece of music. So Evolution has five equal sections which loosely characterise this emotional cycle. I have tried to make the music grow organically, with minimal repetition, and each movement evolves from the musical elements at the end of the previous one, with the opening material appearing, transformed, at the end of the piece to complete the cycle.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Images for Brass - Stephen Bulla
Stephen Bullas highly descriptive work was written to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima, which took place between the 19th February and 26th March 1945.Casualties on both the American and Japanese sides were horrendously high before the famous image of the raising of the flag on top of Mount Suribachi signalled the end of one of the most significant and terrifying Pacific conflicts of the SecondWorld War.The work received its first performance by the brass choir of the U.S. Marine Band at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. and is divided into four programmatic sections.The first portrays the sense of anticipation before conflict (Prologue), before the arduous journey to the scene of the battle (Approach by Sea) is followed by introspection and prayer featuring the hymn tune Melita (Chorale Prayer), andfinally, the hostile confrontation itself (Engagement).There are frequent references to the Marines Hymn and the US National Anthem, particularly in the closing bars, depicting the ultimate raising of the American flag.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Oregon - Jacob de Haan
This fantasy tells the story of Oregon, one of Americas north-western states. Traveling by train on the Northern Pacific Railroad, the listener is taken through the fascinating Oregon landscape. Indians, cowboys, golddiggers and hooded wagons will file past on this adventurous journey. The piece has some similarities with a soundtrack of a movie. Various melodies, which could be the main themes of a movie, pass the review.The piece begins in a slow movement, introducing the first theme in minor. Then we hear in the following fast movement the trombones imitate the train, whistling the steam-flute. We hear the characteristic minor theme again, but now in differentvariants(also in major). The rythmic structure of 'western' stile and rock succeed each other. This is leading to the slow movement, where the signals of horns and trumpets introduce a wonderful vocal melody. After this characteristic melody, the fast movement appears shortly again, the trombones whistling the steam-flute again (now in major). We hear also some musical elements, that plays a part in the following Presto. Barchanges, jazzy chords, interesting rhytmic patterns (with bongo) and an original theme are the characteristics of this Presto. After this, the horns announce the last section of the piece. Interesting is the fact that we hear in this Allegro section a variant of the vocal melody in the slow movement. Also the Presto theme returns shortly, followed by the Allargando, which is a grand characteristic end of a soundtrack. The movie of our travelling fantasy has come to an end.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Pasadena - Jacob de Haan
This piece takes you on a journey to the sunny Californian city of Pasadena. The piece reflects two contrasting aspects of the city,. Firstly the serene expressive side with exquisite statues, works of art and sun drenched villas and secondly the hot Latin side with the street parade which leads up to the famous American Football final in the Rose Bowl stadium.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
A Western Suite - Andreas Ludwig Schulte
The atmosphere of the Wild West is caught in a striking and most imaginative way by young composer Andreas Schulte in this work. A caravan of gold- and fortuneseekers launch themselves into a big adventure and begin their rush westward. The first movement desciribes these first days of buoyancy and optimism in a crisp march. Near the campfire the pioneers rest themselves, and the music expresses feelings of romance, nostalgia for the past and hopes for the future. A wistful melody very characteristically communicates these feelings. Relaxation takes place in the third movement which is a musical characterization of a rodeo and its attendant festivities.It is obvious that sometimes something goes wrong and this aspect can also be heard. Nevertheless, the valiant rider wins in the end. With a flashback to the beginning, the journey is completed musically, thus giving the composition a dignified finale. Let the mystic Wild West entrance you. (Wagons ho ....!!) De sfeer van het Wilde Westen wordt door de jonge componist Andreas Ludwig Schulte op een uiterst treffende en beeldende wijze geschetst. Een karavaan van goud- en gelukzoekers stort zich in het grote avontuur en begint de grote reis naar het westen. Het eerste gedeelte beschrijft de eerste dagen van opgewektheid en optimisme in een vlotte mars. Bij het kampvuur komen de pioniers tot rust en worden gevoelens van romantiek, heimwee (verleden) en hoop (toekomst) muzikaal weergegeven. Een weemoedige melodie verwoordt die gevoelens op een zeer kenmerkende wijze. De ontspanning vindt plaats in het derde deel waarin een rodeofeest muzikaal wordt verklankt. Met een flashback van het begin wordt de tocht voltooid en de compositie waardig afgesloten. Raak in de ban van het wilde westen!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days