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  • £55.00

    Triumph Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 1363 - 1366, July 2024

    1363: Festival March - Collect the harvest (Anders Beijer)This march is a call to tell others about the salvation we have received and bring people to Jesus. Jesus has bought us with his blood, and we now belong to him and stand under his protection, surrounded by his love and care. After brief references to the melody Bringing in the sheaves (S.A.S.B. 58) (also appearing later in the work in full) and an original melody, we hear the familiar tune Saviour, like a shepherd. This music should be performed with great joy and enthusiasm.1364: O come, Immanuel (Steve Kellner)The text of this beautiful Advent hymn (C.C. 62) dates to the 8th century and its chant-like tune to the 15th century. While the text alludes to Israel's captivity in Babylon and the coming Messiah, it in fact refers to the believer's anticipation of Jesus' second coming. The original chant melody was call and response, so the opening motif serves as the call, returning throughout the arrangement.1365: Our Consecration (Marcus Venables)This arrangement uses the tune St Margaret (T.B. 427) to the beloved hymn by George Matheson, O love that wilt not let me go (S.A.S.B. 616), which highlights the powerful and enduring nature of God's love. The use of the melodic fragment on the word 'go' serves as a subtle question mark, inviting the listener to reflect on the human qualities that may cause doubt in the steadfastness of God's love for us. However, as the piece ends, there is a sense of peace and assurance that we can truly rely on the never-ending love of God in our lives. This powerful and emotive arrangement will leave the listener feeling uplifted and encouraged by the knowledge that they are held securely in the arms of God's love.1366: March - The bell ringer (David Rowsell)The title of this march refers to someone who stands by the iconic Salvation Army Christmas kettle and receives donations from passers-by. They ring a bell to attract attention and subtly invite people to give a donation in support of The Salvation Army's work. This march was written as a tribute to the many volunteers worldwide who support this campaign each year. The music features the choruses from two Christmas carols, Sweet chiming Christmas bells (C.C. 83) and Sweet chiming bells (C.C. 82).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    Powerhouse (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Spirit divine, come as of old. So begins the song by Brindley Boon (S.A.S.B. 311), and that phrase becomes the message of this piece, and an important motif in the music. It appears at the very beginning of the work and recurs at important points during the piece. The theme of the need for spiritual power is further underlined by the use of the hymns Show your power (S.A.S.B. 365), Wonder-working power (S.A.S.B. 451) and the very old chorus Send a new touch of power on my soul, Lord (S.A.S.B. 785).The composer first heard Boon's song Spirit Divine when it was sung by Parkhead Songsters in the Sunday morning meeting at his home Corps of Greenock Citadel. They were visiting for the weekend from Glasgow, and were conducted by Songster Leader Walter Chalmers, himself a beautiful lyric tenor soloist. They sang it in a moving fashion, unaccompanied, and such was the impact that, at the conclusion, many people went to the mercy seat. It made a huge impression on the young composer. It was the first time that Downie discovered the enormous power of music in worship. It also serves as a reminder to us all that young people of a tender age are very capable of grasping deeply significant events happening around them. This music was written for the 2020 UK Territorial Youth Band course.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £38.95

    Unity Series Band Journal - Numbers 526 - 529, February 2024

    526: March - Summit Cross (Beat Hari)This exciting and energetic work introduces a new contributor to our journals. Beat Hari helps lead the band at Frutigen Corps, Switzerland. This march was composed with the intention of featuring it in an open-air concert beside the ski slopes. Members of the corps regularly join the band, instigating conversations with skiing guests by distributing bible verses and sweets. The composer has named this march because of the many Swiss mountains that have crosses on their summit as symbols of God's protection over the population living in the valleys below. The march follows a traditional format with a solid rhythmic construction built from the bass line.527: Christ is all (Olaf Ritman)The Salvation Army song, Christ is all (S.A.S.B. 588) is one that is cherished by the composer. The verses by Herbert Booth are both powerful and vulnerable and the melody by William A. Williams really touches the soul.528: My all to follow (David Edmonds)This piece pays tribute to all who have accepted the call to become Salvation Army officers and envoys. Such a calling involves significant change and can be difficult when leaving their comfort zone or moving away from family.529: We shall win (Alan Williams)William Hodgson's song We're a band that shall conquer the foe (S.A.S.B. 990) is one of confidence and encouragement in our daily fight against evil, sin and injustice, both in the world and in our lives. As such, this music should be full of that same confidence.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £55.00

    Triumph Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 1355 - 1358, November 2023

    1355: March Medley - Pardoned Forever (Keith Manners)This collection of Easter-themed melodies should be played with enthusiasm and vigour. Featuring the songs He lives (S.A.S.B. 229), Chris is alive! Let Christians sing (S.A.S.B. 217) and No more! No more! He remembers sins no more (S.A.S.B. 460), the positive message of Easter Sunday is reflected in this bright march style.1356: Selection - I love the sweetest name (Noel Jones)This devotional selection includes three songs that feature the name of Jesus and derives its title from the following lines of those songs; 'How sweet the name of Jesus sounds' (S.A.S.B. 78), 'O, how I love the Saviour's name! The sweetest name on earth' (S.A.S.B. 94) and 'Sweetest name on mortal tongue' (S.A.S.B. 93).1357: Renewal (Harold Burgmayer)Will J. Brand penned the song Renewal (S.A.S.B. 634), with music by Bramwell Coles, for 'Day of Renewal' meetings conducted by General Albert Orsborn in October 1949. It was published in that form in The Musical Salvationist in 1951. Over time these meaningful words of consecration became wedded to an alternative tune, a lovely melody by Oscar Ahnfelt known as Trust in God (T.B. 903). This setting for band is based on a male-voice arrangement, conceived for a time of renewed consecration, sung by massed bands at the Canadian Staff Band's 50th Anniversary Festival in 2019.1358: Groove Hosanna! (Munashe Chikwezvero)This is a funk setting of three well-known melodies associated with Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Today, such celebratory processions, and indeed most large gatherings, usually feature rich forms of music-making. Music provides atmosphere and generates excitement, and it is hoped that a funk inspired arrangement of these songs will inspire listeners to 'move to the groove'. The first two songs, Children of Jerusalem (S.A.S.B. 356) and Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising (S.A.S.B. 362) encourage us to sing 'Loud hosannas to our King!'. The words of the third song, When his salvation bringing, remind us that he "smiled to hear their song".

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Three Carols (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Three Carols was commissioned by the New York Philharmonic as part of their Holiday Brass series and was premiered at Avery Fisher Hall by the New York Philharmonic Principal Brass and Canadian Brass. Originally for 10 players, soon after the premiere I decided to score the piece for brass band. The brass band version was first performed by the New York Staff Band.Through the years I have been intrigued by carious carols from different countries and the challenge of creating musical treatments that sound fresh and original. When commissioned to write these brass arrangements, I wanted to create contrasting movements that could be performed either as a set or individually and thought that three carols from different countries would allow the opportunity for that contrast. The featured carols are the traditional Polish carol Infant Holy (C.C. 41), What child is this? (C.C. 100) with lyrics by William Dix and set to the English folk song Greensleeves and the lesser-known Catalonian carol Cold December flies away.- Joseph Turrin

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £77.00

    General Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 2234 - 2237, August 2023

    2234: Festival March - Above all names (Geoff McCorriston)This Festival March was originally written for the Camberwell Citadel Band, Melbourne, Australia. This composition marks the composers debut within our band journals. Geoff McCorriston served as Deputy Bandmaster at Preston Corps (Australia) for many years before joining the Camberwell Citadel Band. He has also been a member of the Melbourne Red Shield Band. Above all names is distinct from a standard street march in that it is more developed, both rhythmically and thematically. It is an original march that references We plough the fields and scatter (S.A.S.B. 70) and Camberwell (T.B. 182).2235: Flugel Horn Solo - Father, Creator (Simon Gash)Emma Pears has a gift for contemporary song-writing, with several of her songs featuring in the Sing to the Lord publication. The style and relaxed nature of the melody of Father, Creator (first published in the Children's Voices Series in 2011, and later in the Mixed Voices in 2014) seemed a perfect fit for the Flugel Horn. Throughout the piece, juxtaposed with Father, Creator, we hear snippets of the tune St Theodulph (T.B. 231), which outline the first lines of Albert Chesham's words, 'O Father and Creator, Thou God of perfect love' (S.A.S.B. 46).2236: A winter's carol (trs. Neil Smith)The history of the carol O come, Immanuel (C.C. 62) is, like the carol itself, a little mysterious! The melody was conceived as a monastic chant during the 8th century. It was not until 1851 that the priest and hymn writer John Mason Neale translated the verses into English, exposing the carol to a wider audience. There is an aura and enigmatic feel to this melody which is captivating to so many who hear it. This setting was originally conceived for wind band by American composer Mark Williams. The brass band transcription introduces a new name to our journals, Bandmaster Neil Smith, who is the Territorial Music Director for the USA Western Territory.2237: Mighty to keep (Eiliv Herikstad)Mighty to keep marks the composer's first publication since his Promotion to Glory in April 2023. Bandmaster Eiliv Herikstad served faithfully in his native Norway throughout his life, and since the early 1970s, has provided The Salvation Army with a wealth of original compositions and skilful arrangements. Eiliv explored many styles of big-band and jazz writing which, in the 70s, were not commonplace amongst brass bands, particularly in The Salvation Army. Music Editorial are grateful to Eiliv for using his gifts to support Salvation Army music ministry.The subject of this piece is Herbert Booth's song Mighty to keep, which was first published by The Salvation Army in 1889. The chorus of the song is more well-known that the verse and was included in the chorus section of the 1986 Salvation Army Song Book.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £38.95

    Unity Series Band Journal - Numbers 518 - 521, June 2023

    518: March - A Christmas cavalcade (Morgan Juel Stavik)This march contains several Christmas carols and songs. Some are easy to recognise and are identified in the score, while other references are more subtle.519: Christmas bossa nova (Kevin Larsson)Using Jingle Bells, The First Nowell, It came upon the midnight clear and Ding dong! merrily on high, here is a great bossa nova to liven up your Christmas concert.520 (1): In te Domine speravi (Des Prez trs. Zachary Docter)This piece is a transcription of an early 16th century choral work by the Renaissance composer Josquin des Prez. Josquin was a well-known and highly regarded composer in his day. Like many composer of this period, Josquin wrote linearly, valuing independent free-flowing lines over vertical harmonies. As a result, the interlocking counterpoint in this work can be quite complex and the tied rhythms challenging.520 (2): Excerpt from 'Vespers' (Rachmaninoff trs. Andrew Poirier)Sergei Rachmaninoff's setting of the All-Night Vigil (Vespers) Op.37, of which this excerpt is taken, was composed in January and February 1915. The outbreak of World War I in August 1914 took many people by surprise, and to Rachmaninoff it was a severe shock. This compelled him to write a piece that reminded him of his childhood and the importance of the Russian Orthodox Church within the national identity of Russia. The excerpt transcribed here has a quality and enigmatic charm that never fails to move the souls of those that listen to it.521: March - Walk of faith (Stanley Makau)This march introduces Stanley Makau to the band journals. Stanley is currently the Deputy and Youth Bandmaster at Quarry Road Citadel Corps in Nairobi, Kenya. His inspiration for the march primarily came from Psalm 91: 11-12, and the march is in keeping with the traditional style that has been a staple for Salvation Army music-making.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Judd: The Covenanters

    In 1638, many members of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland signed a document called the National Covenant. By doing so, they were declaring that they acknowledged only Jesus Christ as the spiritual head of their church, and not any king or queen. This had become necessary because the Stuart kings believed in the Divine Right of Monarchs and saw themselves as head of the church. In the previous year, Charles I had forcibly introduced the Book of Common Prayer, invoking the wrath of the common people who faced the threat of torture, transportation or execution if they did not use the new liturgy and worship at their local church. The net result of this was that many met illegally in the countryside or in barns and large houses. These meetings became known as 'conventides' and many took place in the south-west of the country. Anyone caught attending was at risk of execution by the muskets of the dragoons who were employed in the area for that specific purpose. This music was written to honour the bravery and loyalty of these Christians to their faith, in the face of extreme danger, in the hope that it will inspire us also to be faithful. There are overtones of military threat, secrecy and solidarity. An old pentatonic tune is used, which the composer heard as a boy being sung to the words The Lord's My Shepherd.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £37.50

    Brass Monkey's Jazz Workout

    This huge release brings together a selection of music composed by Paul H Traves that introduces your learners to the different style of Jazz that is available. Naturally, the rhythmic work required to play such styles means that this publication will push your learners on and will challenge them at a new level. Syncopation and swing are at the heart of the music in this collection and it is the perfect way to get your learners playing in new styles not always covered by training band music. This title offers excellent value for money with seven titles included. This publication features:SNAKES & LADDERS - (teaching dynamics and expressive playing)CHROMATICS - (As the title suggest, ensuring every valve us used!)ROCKIN' GERONIMO - (featuring triplets and accidentals)TRUMPET DRIFT - (introducing crotchet triplets & syncopation)J.B.'s 12 BAR BLUES - (a well-known style that feature sharp key signatures)J.B.'s CALYPSO (unison playing and tight rhythmic playing required)ZIG-ZAG (getting players into a lazy swing style)

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Funk Engine (Score and Parts)

    'Funk Engine' was commissioned by Brass Bands England for the 2016 National Youth Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. What Ryan says about the piece:"When I was commissioned to write a piece for the Championships I decided that I wanted to create something a bit different to standard brass band repertoire. I decided that the best way to do this was to go a bit out of my comfort zone and explore some styles of music that I have yet to experiment with. I have always been a great lover of jazz, funk and big band music and the sounds associated with them. In 'Funk Engine' I have tried to capture some of these sounds, however I am a brass-bander at heart and as such I've tried to create a fusion of styles that hopefully combines the best of brass band and jazz into one piece.'Funk Engine' runs continuously, but is divided into three broad sections - fast, slow, fast. The opening is in driving big band style, which segues into a smoother lyrical section; the pace then picks up into a jazz inspired scherzo. After a delicate transition from the basses and trombones the euphonium plays a soaring scale - bringing us into the central movement - which begins with a series of languid solos before descending into a darker interlude. A flugel solo lightens the mood and the music gains momentum leading into a brief cornet chorale before a euphonium solo leads into a percussive climactic passage for full band. As this section winds down to settle on an open fifth, the Hi-hat and Bass section punctuate the texture with the first notes of the final section."The final section of the piece is in similar big band style to the opening and develops material from the first two movements. The percussion feature heavily at this stage and the tension builds towards a final statement, with the piece concluding with a bang!"

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days