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  • £55.00

    Triumph Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 1351 - 1354, July 2023

    1351: The anointed King (Marcus Venables)This piece was originally written as a massed band item for the Ontario Central-East Divisional Music Day in 2019. The updated version includes two songs, King of kings, majesty (S.A.S.B. 376) and O worship the King (S.A.S.B. 52) to a rhythmic setting of the tune Laudate Dominum (T.B. 481). Both songs present the contrasting characteristics of God; the powerful King and gentle, loving Saviour.1352: A suite of English Christmas carols (Kenneth Downie)This suite is the result of a request for a piece of music featuring exclusively English Christmas carols.The first movement features The holly and the ivy (C.C. 87). In sharp contrast, the second movement calls for a broad, sensitive, song-like approach. Using The cherry tree carol (C.C. 85), a much slower tempo than is normally applied to encourage the listener to see this beautiful tune in a new light. The rumbustious arrival of the finale is based on I saw three ships come sailing in (C.C. 44) with the festive mood prevailing until the end.1353: Nothing but thy blood (Norman Bearcroft)This two-verse setting of Richard Slater's much-loved hymn Nothing but thy blood (S.A.S.B. 769) appears straight-forward in nature, but requires a careful sense of the musical line across all parts.1354: Meditation - Reflections on Advent (Andrew Blyth)Two well-known carols, Away in a manger (C.C. 12) and Silent Night! (C.C. 77) are featured alongside original material. The piece attempts to convey a sense of reflection and meditation on the wonderful and awe-inspiring Advent story.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £74.95

    Aspects of Adiemus (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Aspects of Adiemus is a collection from one of the world's most popular composers, Karl Jenkins. Adiemus, literally translated, means 'we will draw near' and represents a musical language which can be heard on five award winning albums from the composer.Since Adiemus has risen in popularity around the world, it has become a growing entity meaning many different things to many different people. Vocally, the spread of influence grows wider all the time, taking in Arabic and African sounds as well as "Celtic" and ecclesiastical ones. The percussion too has expanded using Indian, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Chinese and even Australian instrumentation.The evolving nature of Adiemus has meant that it has been difficult to categorise. New age, classical crossover, world music, even pop. Karl sees this as a good sign: "To me, Adiemus transcends labels. The fact that it reaches people of different backgrounds, faiths and cultures gives it a universal appeal which is special. The compositions can be spiritual, religious, meditative - it's open to 'move' people in any away they choose to experience."Ironically, the Adiemus project 'got off the ground' initially due to a television commercial for an airline. Karl Jenkins explains, "I'd been toying with a new idea, completely separate to my work in advertising, but at this time, Jenkins Ratledge were commissioned to come up with the music for an airline commercial. We presented the client with a demonstration tape of one of my completed compositions and they loved it."That composition became known as Adiemus. The music for the airline commercial was aired and immediately drew interest from the public. Karl: "It's ironic that a piece of music not originally intended for a TV commercial should end up on a TV commercial, and that this music became the springboard for the success of the Adiemus project."Expertly arranged by Peter Graham, Aspects of Adiemus features the eponymous 'Adiemus', an uplifting and instantly recognisable opener. 'Chorale - Za Ma Ba' and 'Chorale - Vocalise' are songs of sanctuary, the latter featuring a chamber group from within the band. The vibrant 'Song of the Spirit' is a cornet feature, and the finale, 'Song of the Plains' combines intense rhythmic energy with tribal harmonies. Duration is variable depending on movement selection and optional cuts.Duration: 20.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £37.95

    The Year of the Dragon (Score Only)

    The highlight of Cory's centenary celebrations throughout 1984 was a concert held in St. David's Hall, Cardiff, in March. The band, with the aid of funds provided by the Welsh Arts Council, commissioned Philip Sparke to write a work for first performance at this concert. The result was "The Year of the Dragon" of which the composer writes:"At the time I wrote The Year of the Dragon, Cory had won two successive National Finals and I set out to write a virtuoso piece to display the talents of this remarkable band to the full."The work is in three movements:TOCCATA opens with an arresting side drum figure and snatches of themes from various sections of the band, which try to develop until a broad and powerful theme from the middle of the band asserts itself. A central dance-like section soon gives way to the return of this theme, which subsides until faint echoes of the opening material fade to a close.INTERLUDE takes the form of a sad and languid solo for trombone. A chorale for the whole band introduces a brief spell of optimism but the trombone solo returns to close the movement quietly.FINALE is a real tour-de-force for the band with a stream of rapid semi-quavers running throughout the movement. The main theme is heroic and march-like but this is interspersed with lighter, more playful episodes. A distant fanfare to the sound of bells is introduced and this eventually returns to bring the work to a stirring close.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £124.95

    Hyperlink - Peter Graham

    Hyperlink was commissioned by the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain (funded by Arts Council England and the Department for Education) for its 70th Anniversary Year. Since the anniversary coincided with other significant celebrations in 2022 (including the Royal Albert Hall/Ralph Vaughan Williams 150th and the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II) it was requested that these also be recognised in some way.

    Where better to begin this challenging brief but with a computer search for the NYBBGB founder Dr Denis Wright (coincidently born in Kensington, home of the RAH). The subsequent rabbit warren of hyperlinks led me to structure the work through a series of "associations":

    Movement I - The Voice of Jupiter.

    Alongside the discovery that Denis Wright had been a church organist was the realisation that while the RAH has hosted thousands of musical events the fabric of the building actually incorporates a musical instrument, the famous Henry Wills organ (aka The Voice of Jupiter).Organ and J S Bach are synonymous (e.g. Toccata in D min) and so both become fundamental to the content of the movement. An opening 7 note quote from the Toccata leads to a mammoth sound cluster, as if every note on the huge RAH organ is sustained. The material which follows is based upon the notes BACH (in German notation). The notes are manipulated in various ways in a 12 tone matrix; reversed, inverted and so on. Other techniques employed in the movement are ones of which Bach was master, including ground bass and fugue.

    Movement II - Remember Me.

    The lives of Salvationist composer Ray Steadman-Allen (born 1922) and Ralph Vaughan Williams are remembered here, with "RSA" in musical notation and fragments of RVWs famous Tuba Concerto providing the source material.While writing the movement my father passed away and to close his funeral service the family chose the uplifting Robert Lowry hymn They'll sing a welcome home. It seemed fitting to conclude the movement with a reflective setting of the chorus, the repeated phrase "Welcome, welcome home" eventually disappearing into the ether.

    Movement III - Vivat.

    The finale takes the form of a short fantasy upon Hubert Parry's marvellous coronation anthem I Was Glad, truly a celebratory note with which to conclude.The first performance of Hyperlink was given by the NYBBGB conducted by Martyn Brabbins at the Royal College of Music, London on August 6th 2022.

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days

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  • £60.00

    Manchester Concertino - Peter Meechan

    Manchester Concertino is a concertino in three movements for trumpet or cornet. It was written in late summer/early autumn in, as the title suggests, Manchester, UK.The first movement, Fanfare, was written for Belgian cornetist Harmen Vanhoorne, and explores the main musical idea behind the piece, a minor third. The loud fanfare gives way to a cadenza over a timpani roll, before a reprise of the opening fanfare.The second movement, Dream, was commissioned by Keith Johnson and is dedicated to Jess Tredrea. It is a slow, lilting, movement - almost as if the listener was hearing the piece through a summer haze.The final movement is simply titled Finale and is dedicated to Roger Webster. New material is fused with the fanfare from the opening movement leading to a climatic finish to the work.

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 days

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  • £44.00

    Hymns at Heaven's Gate (Score only) - Elgar Howarth

    A flourish: a crowd assembles at the gate of Heaven, saints and sinners. As in a film the immensity of the crowd is illustrated, and the camera zooms to focus onparticular groups and individuals. Monks sing a 'medieval' hymn, interrupted by the fanfares of mischievous seraphim; gradually the whole crown join in. The fanfares grow wilder, and grubby, naughty children enter, singing mock fanfares, making jazzy gestures and trying to sing a chirldren's hymn. They are joined by roughnecks who take up the fanfare idea. The camera zooms again at the entrance of Jesus. A commanding flourish causes consternation. Separate groups react, interrupted by mysterious percussion effects. Then, as the whole panorama explodes in sound, William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army) approaches awestruck. A triple Alleluia is followed by the third hymnand further Alleluias. A dance finale begins using material from the whole piece. A tumultuous climax preceds sudden quiet Alleluias, and the crown exits into Heaven to the music of the monks, reharmonised and transformed. The camera shots extend to the heavens and the stars. Duration: 15:00

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £56.00

    Hymns at Heaven's Gate (Parts only) - Elgar Howarth

    A flourish: a crowd assembles at the gate of Heaven, saints and sinners. As in a film the immensity of the crowd is illustrated, and the camera zooms to focus onparticular groups and individuals. Monks sing a 'medieval' hymn, interrupted by the fanfares of mischievous seraphim; gradually the whole crown join in. The fanfares grow wilder, and grubby, naughty children enter, singing mock fanfares, making jazzy gestures and trying to sing a chirldren's hymn. They are joined by roughnecks who take up the fanfare idea. The camera zooms again at the entrance of Jesus. A commanding flourish causes consternation. Separate groups react, interrupted by mysterious percussion effects. Then, as the whole panorama explodes in sound, William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army) approaches awestruck. A triple Alleluia is followed by the third hymnand further Alleluias. A dance finale begins using material from the whole piece. A tumultuous climax preceds sudden quiet Alleluias, and the crown exits into Heaven to the music of the monks, reharmonised and transformed. The camera shots extend to the heavens and the stars. Duration: 15:00

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £124.95

    Hyperlink (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Graham, Peter

    Hyperlink was commissioned by the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain (funded by Arts Council England and the Department for Education) for its 70th Anniversary Year. Since the anniversary coincided with other significant celebrations in 2022 (including the Royal Albert Hall/Ralph Vaughan Williams 150th and the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II) it was requested that these also be recognised in some way.Where better to begin this challenging brief but with a computer search for the NYBBGB founder Dr Denis Wright (coincidently born in Kensington, home of the RAH). The subsequent rabbit warren of hyperlinks led me to structure the work through a series of associations:Movement I - The Voice of Jupiter. Alongside the discovery that Denis Wright had been a church organist was the realisation that while the RAH has hosted thousands of musical events the fabric of the building actually incorporates a musical instrument, the famous Henry Wills organ (aka The Voice of Jupiter). Organ and J S Bach are synonymous (e.g. Toccata in D min) and so both become fundamental to the content of the movement. An opening 7 note quote from the Toccata leads to a mammoth sound cluster, as if every note on the huge RAH organ is sustained. The material which follows is based upon the notes BACH (in German notation). The notes are manipulated in various ways in a 12 tone matrix; reversed, inverted and so on. Other techniques employed in the movement are ones of which Bach was master, including ground bass and fugue.Movement II - Remember Me. The lives of Salvationist composer Ray Steadman-Allen (born 1922) and Ralph Vaughan Williams are remembered here, with RSA in musical notation and fragments of RVWs famous Tuba Concerto providing the source material. While writing the movement my father passed away and to close his funeral service the family chose the uplifting Robert Lowry hymn They'll sing a welcome home. It seemed fitting to conclude the movement with a reflective setting of the chorus, the repeated phrase 'Welcome, welcome home' eventually disappearing into the ether.Movement III - Vivat. The finale takes the form of a short fantasy upon Hubert Parry's marvellous coronation anthem I Was Glad, truly a celebratory note with which to conclude. The first performance of Hyperlink was given by the NYBBGB conducted by Martyn Brabbins at the Royal College of Music, London on August 6th 2022.- Peter Graham

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £44.95

    Hyperlink (Brass Band - Score only) - Graham, Peter

    Hyperlink was commissioned by the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain (funded by Arts Council England and the Department for Education) for its 70th Anniversary Year. Since the anniversary coincided with other significant celebrations in 2022 (including the Royal Albert Hall/Ralph Vaughan Williams 150th and the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II) it was requested that these also be recognised in some way.Where better to begin this challenging brief but with a computer search for the NYBBGB founder Dr Denis Wright (coincidently born in Kensington, home of the RAH). The subsequent rabbit warren of hyperlinks led me to structure the work through a series of associations:Movement I - The Voice of Jupiter. Alongside the discovery that Denis Wright had been a church organist was the realisation that while the RAH has hosted thousands of musical events the fabric of the building actually incorporates a musical instrument, the famous Henry Wills organ (aka The Voice of Jupiter). Organ and J S Bach are synonymous (e.g. Toccata in D min) and so both become fundamental to the content of the movement. An opening 7 note quote from the Toccata leads to a mammoth sound cluster, as if every note on the huge RAH organ is sustained. The material which follows is based upon the notes BACH (in German notation). The notes are manipulated in various ways in a 12 tone matrix; reversed, inverted and so on. Other techniques employed in the movement are ones of which Bach was master, including ground bass and fugue.Movement II - Remember Me. The lives of Salvationist composer Ray Steadman-Allen (born 1922) and Ralph Vaughan Williams are remembered here, with RSA in musical notation and fragments of RVWs famous Tuba Concerto providing the source material. While writing the movement my father passed away and to close his funeral service the family chose the uplifting Robert Lowry hymn They'll sing a welcome home. It seemed fitting to conclude the movement with a reflective setting of the chorus, the repeated phrase 'Welcome, welcome home' eventually disappearing into the ether.Movement III - Vivat. The finale takes the form of a short fantasy upon Hubert Parry's marvellous coronation anthem I Was Glad, truly a celebratory note with which to conclude. The first performance of Hyperlink was given by the NYBBGB conducted by Martyn Brabbins at the Royal College of Music, London on August 6th 2022.- Peter Graham

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £64.95

    New Beginnings (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Schjelderup, Fredrick

    New Beginnings was commissioned by the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain and was first performed by The National Children's Brass Band of Great Britain in August 2021.It describes in sonic terms the effect that energy can create, both musically and emotionally. Here, in a burst of vibrant rhythmic patterning, and dedicated to the young players of this famous brass band, New Beginnings is born.There are three sections:From the start, it is driven by the percussion section, who push the energy through a sequence of mysterious and joyous moments.After a sonorous climax, the music subsides to a slower, romantic middle section where the earlier rhythmic energy is transformed into melodic playing from the brass.As the Finale begins, earlier themes are combined, first with a fugato which passes the melodies around the band and then unites in a recapitulation that brings the whole composition to a rousing finish as the romantic hymn makes a final appearance.Duration: 10.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days