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  • £30.00

    Carol of the Bells - Mykola Leontovych arr. Phillip Littlemore

    This popular Christmas piece was composed by Mykola Leontovych around 1916. It is based on a Ukrainian folk chant known as 'Shchedryk', a New Year's carol. However, it was not until after the composer's death in 1921 that it was first introduced to Western audiences, when the Ukrainian National Choir included it on their tour of Europe and the Americas that same year. The film composer John Williams incorporated it into the score for the 1990 film Home Alone and he is credited for bringing it to a wider audience still, although it had been released on Christmas albums by a number of popular artists before that.This transcription for brass band has been adapted from the version created by Robert Prizeman, who arranged it for Libera, the world famous boys choir that he founded. Their unique, enchanting and, some say, heavenly sound delights audiences throughout the world through extensive concerts, recording and TV broadcasts. This brass band transcription introduces this skilled arrangement to a new genre and a whole new audience as well. A video of this arrangement can be found here: Carol of the BellsDuration: 3'00"Difficulty: Suitable for all

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £22.50

    Princethorpe Variations (Brass Band - Score only) - Downie, Kenneth

    Colourful harmony, rhythmic flair and melodic invention are the hallmarks of this excellent set of variations by Kenneth Downie, based on the well known church tune, Princethorpe.This major work demonstrates the well-known characteristics of the composer: colourful harmony, rhythmic flair and melodic invention, all encapsulated in scoring which is engulfing both to players and listeners alike. Following a presentation of the theme there are five variations culminating in what can be described as either a finale or coda.Theme. The composer shows his originality in the harmonic sense of this introduction. Perhaps it could be suggested that over-indulgence of rubato may be a temptation to be avoided.Sections A to F. Relentless rhythmic drive is of paramount importance in this first variation. Conscientious observance of dynamics is of course an essential requirement in conveying the exciting quality of the music; there are moments of sudden contrast of which all will need to be aware. Moving between the time-signatures of 5/4 and 6/4 these sections are built from strong easily-identifiable fragments of the theme. These is a significant increase in temp at letter F which will further the exciting impact of the music.Sections G & H. In a pastorale style this short, gentle variation affords a contrast in style between the previous and succeeding ones. The gentle undulating character of the melodic lines is governed by the Allegretto grazioso directive.Sections I to M. Commencing two bars before letter I the music is now exuberant and the tempo and style is that of a march in compound time. In this exhilarating movement there are moments of contrast and indeed of delicacy which are a foil to the more energetic moments. Rhythmic control will be essential to maintain a consistent tempo. As elsewhere in the work, the percussion section will contribute much to the success of the performance there are bars where this section alone is heard and there are important entries for glockenspiel.Sections N & O. With emotional content this Adagio variation has the first two notes of the melody as its melodic impetus. Apart from just over two bars at O (where there is an interpolatory phrase from Cornets and Trombones), the melodic line is entrusted to the plaintive sounds of the horn section. Cornets and Trombones provide a change of tone colour at the beginning of section O. Under a poco rall, this very expressive variation is concluded; there is an important link supplied by Eb Bass.Sections P & Q. A lively march-tempo is launched immediately and these sections are in the nature of an introduction to the final variations. There is a quickening of pace at Q which assists the generation of excitement which should be an essential part of the performance. Solo Cornets introduce a melodic line at Q which anticipates the compound time of the following section.Sections R & S. The Solo Cornet theme of the previous section is now a contrapuntal line accompanying the theme tune. With an elongation of the notes in the melody, the conductor will need to call on the sustaining powers of the band and at no time should the interesting accompanying lines be allowed to detract from the sonorous presentation of the basic theme.Sections T, U & V. Following a poco rit, the finale begins at letter T with the directive, molto vivace. There is much detail to be rehearsed, not least being the dynamic contrasts which are encountered. As throughout the work, the listener should have no difficulty in identifying the thematic sources of the composer's music.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £44.95

    Revelation (Score Only)

    Symphony for Double Brass on a theme of Purcell 1995 marked the tercentenary of Purcell's death, and my new score Revelation has been written as a tribute to his music and the ornate and confident spirit of his age. There are five major sections: 1 Prologue 2 Variations on a ground bass I 3 Fugue 4 Variations on a ground bass II 5 Epilogue and Resurrection The score uses many features of the Baroque Concerto Grosso, and arranges players in two equal groups from which soloists emerge to play in a variety ofvirtuoso ensembles. It quotes freely from Purcell's own piece Three Parts on a Ground in which he has composed a brilliant sequence of variations over a repeating six-note bass figure. This original motif can be heard most clearly beneath the duet for Cornet 5 and Soprano at the beginning of the 2nd section. There is, of course, a religious dimension to Revelation as the title suggests, and the score is prefaced by lines by the 17th century poet John Donne. His Holy Sonnet paraphrases the Book of Revelation in which the dead are raised at the sounds of the last trumpet. Donne's trumpets are themselves placed stereophonically ". . . At the round Earth's imagined corners" and it is this feature that today's players represent as they move around the performing area. Their final apocalyptic fanfares can be heard at the close of the score, as Purcell's music re-enters in a lasting tribute to England's first composer of genius. Philip Wilby September 1995 At the round Earth imagined corners, blow your trumpets, angels, and arise, arise from death, you numberless infinities Of souls, and to your scattered bodies go. All whom the flood did, and fire shall o 'erthrow All whom war, dearth, age, agues, tyrannies, Despair, law, chance hath slain, and you whose eyes Shall Behold God, and never taste death woe. John Donne after Revelation Ch. 11 v.15

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £90.30

    Klabb - Øyvind Moe

    Klabb was written in 2010 for the brass band at Manger Folkehogskule and conductor Bjorn Sagstad. The piece consists of a series of short related episodes based on the whole-tone scale, but intermittently tending towards traditional "major" tonality. "Klabb" can refer to punching someone - and the piece is certainly meant to pack a punch - but the common meaning of the word comes from snow clumping to the undersides of skis, or more generally, something that makes for laborious progress. The whole-tone scale is directionless in that it has no implicit pull towards a tonal center, complicating the creation of meaningful and believable harmonic development. In thisrespect, the title can be seen as the composer's expression of frustration with his own choice of basic material (it seemed like a good idea at the time ...). For the performers, the unusual fingering combinations are what constitute the "klabb". Good luck, and don't forget to wax!

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
  • £99.50

    Sommernatt ved fjorden - Ketil Bjørnstad

    "By the Fjord" is written by the Norwegian composer Kjetil Bjornstad and is the most famous song from the musical work "Leve Patagonia" which was published in 1978. The work is written as a modern suite about the Oslo Bohemians Hans Jaeger and OdaLasson sitting in a pram on the fjord a summer night. Odas sister sees the couple on the sea from her window and tells us the story.Kjetil Bjornstad wrote "By the Fjord" in his house outside Tvedestrand early spring 1978. He was initially notfully satisfied and considered disposing it. The beautiful music has luckily made the song a classic in Norwegian music.To the conductorThis arrangement can be used with both vocal andinstrumental soloist. Its always a challenge toarrange songs with many verses that tells a story if it is to be played by an instrumental soloist instead of a singer. Because of that, please cut the repeats if it's performed without lyrics.Solo-parts included in the set: Vocal Flugelhorn Euphonium - Trombone

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £38.95

    Unity Series Band Journal - Numbers 518 - 521, June 2023

    518: March - A Christmas cavalcade (Morgan Juel Stavik)This march contains several Christmas carols and songs. Some are easy to recognise and are identified in the score, while other references are more subtle.519: Christmas bossa nova (Kevin Larsson)Using Jingle Bells, The First Nowell, It came upon the midnight clear and Ding dong! merrily on high, here is a great bossa nova to liven up your Christmas concert.520 (1): In te Domine speravi (Des Prez trs. Zachary Docter)This piece is a transcription of an early 16th century choral work by the Renaissance composer Josquin des Prez. Josquin was a well-known and highly regarded composer in his day. Like many composer of this period, Josquin wrote linearly, valuing independent free-flowing lines over vertical harmonies. As a result, the interlocking counterpoint in this work can be quite complex and the tied rhythms challenging.520 (2): Excerpt from 'Vespers' (Rachmaninoff trs. Andrew Poirier)Sergei Rachmaninoff's setting of the All-Night Vigil (Vespers) Op.37, of which this excerpt is taken, was composed in January and February 1915. The outbreak of World War I in August 1914 took many people by surprise, and to Rachmaninoff it was a severe shock. This compelled him to write a piece that reminded him of his childhood and the importance of the Russian Orthodox Church within the national identity of Russia. The excerpt transcribed here has a quality and enigmatic charm that never fails to move the souls of those that listen to it.521: March - Walk of faith (Stanley Makau)This march introduces Stanley Makau to the band journals. Stanley is currently the Deputy and Youth Bandmaster at Quarry Road Citadel Corps in Nairobi, Kenya. His inspiration for the march primarily came from Psalm 91: 11-12, and the march is in keeping with the traditional style that has been a staple for Salvation Army music-making.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £163.70

    Pulsar - The Metamorphosis of a Star - John Brakstad

    4th July in 1054 AD one of the most spectacular events was witnessed in the Cosmos. A massive star blew out; a supernova explosion.From the Earth it appeared as a new, bright star; the most brilliant in the sky. It was visible for three weeks, also in daylight, before it then faded away.But what was left of it is spectacular. Today we call it the "Crab Nebula".And in the very centre of the Nebula lies the remnant of the star; the core crushed by the force of gravity.This is a rotating neutron star, a pulsar, just 20 kilometres across, but so dense that it weighs more than our sun.As the neutron star spins, ejected particles stream out from its poles at almost the speed of light.These jets create powerful beams that sweep around as the star rotates.When the beams sweep across the Earth, they can be heard as regular pulses. We call them pulsars.In this piece there are three percussion parts. In addition there is an "optional part" to replace the marimba and vibraphone written in the three original percussion parts if desired. This fourth part is shown in the full score.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
  • £44.95

    Festiva Brazilia

    Using a variety of Latin American musical influences the piece opens with a bass riff that is to be the prominent feature in this work. Accompanied with lively Latin American Samba Percussion section the work is reminiscent of the music heard at the world famous Rio Carnival. There are lots of Latin 'Riffs' and 'Licks' throughout the piece that keep returning in true samba style. This is a real fun piece to perform and the performing notes below act as a guide to getting the most out of this performance.Performing Notes:There are opportunities for soloists within the piece, particularly Solo Cornet, Soprano and Bongo's.When the Cornet and Soprano soloist play their solo part they have an instruction to stand out at the front to perform. It is at the players and conductors discretion where they would like to stand for their solo line.Obviously the Drum Kit soloist is restricted to their current positioning within the band. However, the other percussionists are quite at liberty to come out to the front of the band to perform their solo at rehearsal figure P at the conductors discretion.NB - At the 5th bar of figure P there is an optional repeat section. Performers can repeat this section over and over to extend the percussion feature. Or even add more players from the band to play percussion. If you do not wish to use this opportunity then dismiss the repeat so that there is a 16 bar section between figure P and figure R.There are also a variety of cameo roles for other soloists and musical sections during the piece. Other players and sections can stand to perform various motifs during the piece again at the conductor's discretion.Festiva Brazilia was composed for performers to have fun and enjoy performing the piece as much as possible. Just like the many Samba festivals around Brazil.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £109.99

    The Power of the Megatsunami Brass Band (Score & Parts)

    The word 'tsunami' is of Japanese origin. When you look it up in a dictionary, you will find that it means 'a great sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption'. A megatsunami is the superlative of this awesome expression of power that nature can create, and has catastrophic consequences. When Carl Wittrock completed this composition not many such big earth movements had occurred, but since then we have become all too familiar with the disastrous consequences which a tsunami may have. On the 26th of December 2004 a heavy seaquake took place near the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Tidal waves 10 meters in height ravaged the coastal regions of many countries for miles around. The tsunami took the lives of thousands of people and destroyed many villages and towns. There are more areas which run the risk of being struck by a tsunami, such as the island of La Palma, one of the Canary Islands. This island is based on oceanic crust at a fracture zone and as such is one of nature's time bombs. The consequences of a natural calamity like a megatsunami are immense. In the case of La Palma, the tidal wave will move in the direction of South America, where it may reach 50 km inland, destroying everything on its way. In his composition Wittrock describes an ordinary day which will have an unexpected ending. Right from the beginning there seems to be something in the air, the music creating an oppressive atmosphere of impending disaster. Themes are interrupted, broken off suddenly, followed by silence, suggesting the calm before the storm. Suddenly a short climax (glissandi in the trombone part) indicates the seaquake, and the megatsunami is a fact. Hereafter follows a turbulent passage symbolising the huge rolling waves. After nature's force has spent itself, resignation sets in and the composition ends with a majestic ode to nature. 10:30

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £32.99

    Christmas Overture Joseph Knight

    This is an ideal piece to start any Christmas concert. It uses a number of unusual carols which are not normally sung within the UK to create a festive atmosphere. It is of an easy standard and any band would be able to manage it easily making it something different that can be placed into any concert.

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 days