DescriptionMen wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success. - Ernest Shackleton, 4 Burlington StreetEndurance takes its title from the ship used by Sir Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition in 1914-15. After many months of fundraising (and reputedly running the above advert in The Times) the Endurance set sail from Plymouth on 6 August 1914. Whilst at sea news of the outbreak of war led Shackleton to put his ship and crew at the disposal of the Admiralty, but their services were not required and they were encouraged to continue. On October 26 1914 they left Grytviken on South Georgia for the Antarctic continent, hoping to find the pack ice shrinking in the Antarctic spring. Two days later, however, they encountered unseasonable ice which slowed their progress considerably. On 15 January 1915, when Endurance was only 200 miles from her intended landfall at Vahsel Bay, the ship became beset by ice which had been compressed against the land to the south by gale force winds. Trapped in the ice of the Weddell Sea, the ship spent the Antarctic winter driven by the weather further from her intended destination until, on 21 November 1915 Endurance broke up forcing the crew to abandon ship and set up camp on the ice at a site they named "Patience Camp".The crew spent several weeks on the ice. As the southern spring started to reduce the extent of the ice shelf they took to their three lifeboats, sailing across the open ocean to reach the desolate and uninhabited Elephant Island. There they used two of the boats to build a makeshift shelter while Shackleton and five others took the largest boat, an open lifeboat named the 'James Caird' and sailed it for 800 terrifyingly dangerous miles across the vast and lonely Southern Atlantic to South Georgia - a journey now widely regarded as one of the greatest and most heroic small-boat journeys ever undertaken. After landing on the wrong side of the island and having to climb over a mountain range in the dark with no map, Shackleton and his companions finally stumbled back into the Grytviken whaling station on 19 May 1916.After resting very briefly to recover his strength, Shackleton then began a relentless campaign to beg or borrow a ship to rescue the rest of his crew from Elephant Island; whaling ships were not strong enough to enter polar ice, but on 30 August 1916, over two years after their departure from Plymouth, Shackleton finally returned to Elephant Island aboard a steam tug borrowed from the Chilean government. Although some were in poor health, every member of the Endurance crew was rescued and returned home alive.Endurance is dedicated to the memory of my mum, who passed away in September 2017.Listen to a computer generated preview and follow the score below:
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Bla vals - Idar Torskangerpoll
A piece that explore the "blue" notes in music, and where we have the constant change of 3 or 2 in a bar. Solo in horn or altosax.Make sure that the bass line and percussion is steady and firm throughout the piece.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
These Mist Covered Mountains - Peter Meechan
These Mist Covered Mountains was commissioned by Keith Johnson (KMJ Recordings) for soprano cornetist, Mandy Crowther, to whom the piece is dedicated.In an age where we seem to be inundated with endless news cycles of various wars that we as a nation are involved in, and also those that we are not, it seems that war is now a constant, and we are in a never ending state.This short piece is intended to represent the cyclic nature of war, and the way that war never seems to have a true conclusion.
Estimated dispatch 12-14 working days
MY STRENGTH, MY TOWER Rhapsodic Variations (Brass Band Set) - Dean Goffin
This music consists of a theme followed by five extensive variations. The theme is the composer's own tune set to the words, 'Thee will I love, my strength, my tower', a hymn by Johann Scheffler translated by John Wesley. A strong modal flavour is characteristic of the theme. Variation 1: This is a light and graceful variation with a good deal of imitative writing. It leads, without a break, into the next variation. Variation 2: Fire and ferocity are asked for in the course of this variation. Variation 3: This variation demonstrates the original approach of the composer. Solo lines for cornet and euphonium are included with their arabesques and arpeggii. Variation 4: Taking the form of a passacaglia, the 'ground' is given out at once by the basses. Fragments of the 'ground', plain or decorated, are combined and used in a number of ways, revealing the composer's mastery of counterpoint. Variation 5: The briskly moving and scintillating final variation abounds in sudden variations of dynamic. The tempo remains constant until an increase is called for in the coda. This 'contest' version has been prepared by Brian Bowen who was asked to re-work the percussion part and introduce a repiano cornet part (Salvation Army band publications do not, in general, have a part for repiano cornet).
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Showboating - Jock McKenzie
Showboating makes use of many cliche Balkan musical traits, not least it's shifting use of the 7/8 time signature. Due to all things Covid-19 related this piece was written to challenge students to record their part remotely to a 7/8 click track. Hence, no rall's or accel's just the proverbial '**** off a shovel constant driving pulse.
Moon Pictures - Andrew Duncan
Moon Pictures is a piece depicting mans enduring fascination with our nearest neighbour in the sky, the Moon.Following the introduction there are four continuous sections.1. Moon Dance, describes the ancient and widespread worship of the moon by many cultures.2. Tidal Flows, is about the soothing and constant heartbeat of our oceans and seas.3. Invasion of the Little Green Men, is a more light-hearted depiction of a 1950's Sci-Fi style invasion by silver suited aliens from the moon.4. 1969 A.D, describes the preparations, launch and eventual touchdown on the Moon of the historic Apollo 11 mission.Moon Pictures was written for the Todmorden Old Band in 21 with funds provided by the Millennium Commission and recorded by them on their CD 'Moon Pictures'.
In Stock: Estimated dispatch 3-5 working days
Dreamcatcher - Otto M. Schwarz
Once upon a time in North America, there lived a mother and her small daughter in a tribe of Ojibwa Indians. The girl suffered from constant nightmares. The mother sought help from Spider Woman known as Asibikaashi, who took care of the children and people on the land. Asibikaashi span a magic web to protect the girl from these evil dreams using a branch from the meadow bent into a sacred circle, with a web woven from cord that had dried on sacred herbs, and with a hole in the middle to let good dreams pass through. The dreamcatcher, decorated with sacred feathers, only allowed good dreams to pass through; the bad dreams were caught in the web. If one awoke early in the morning and the rest of the sun's rays touched the dreamcatcher, the bad dreams would be burnt and turned into invisible stardust.This work contains well-known dream images: the dream of flying, the transcendental meeting with a deceased person, and the dream of running away on legs that won't run. Everything turns out well in the end, as the sun's rays burn off the evil and everything is forgotten.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
3 Movements for Brass Band - Oskar Abel Valand Halvorsen
3 Movements for Brass Band is written with the intent to explore concise, but intention-lled musical forms. Even though each movement is a clearly dened part, there are still many similarities and unifying elements throughout. One of them can be characerized as a focus on musical initiatives that perpetually intensies the interplay between them. Furthermore, nearly all chords and melodic gestures in all the movements are based on the same three-note cell (e.g. Eb-F-Ab) in constant transposing versions. This structure of threes also nds expression in the rhythmical elements (e.g. in the lightly syncopated gures in the opening of the second movement). Lastly, there is also a signal in snare drum and whip, that ends each movement.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Bellum et Pax - Stijn Roels
Bellum et Pax is a composition describing the two ancient concepts of 'war' and 'peace.' While this piece appears to be one single movement, it consists of four sections that flow into one another. Mysterious and threatening tones lead the way into an epic battle between the chaos of war and enlightenment of peace. Peace triumphs, but menacing bass notes at the end symbolize the constant presence and threat of war and violence in the world.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Bandkraft 1
The first of three superb sets of new music and arrangements for brass ensemble, edited by John Golland.1. Bandkraft - John Golland: A substantial piece with an exciting syncopated rhythm introduced in the opening bars and referred to throughout in a fanfare-like manner, to which a hint of dissonance adds extra thrill to the sound.2. Saraband - Gordon Jacob: A stately Elizabethan dance of great beauty, utilising modal harmony in Jacob's characteristic style. Constant speed, full note values and careful playing will achieve a beautiful, delicate effect.3. La Donna E Mobile - Verdi, arr. Roy Newsome: An amusing arrangement of this popular favourite by a conductor and adjudicator of international acclaim. Easy and enjoyable to play and to listen to.4. Spike's Rag - Michael Ball: A skilfully written piece in the true tradition of Scott Joplin, with the ragtime rhythm the backdrop to an unfolding conversation between the sections of the band. Really persuasive entertainment.5. National Anthem - arr. John Golland: A simple first verse setting the scene for the colourful and majestic second, utilising chromatic harmonies and an optional tenor counter melody for added splendour.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days