Metamorphosis - Jan de Haan
The opening of this three-movement work features an initial appearance of the thematic material that returns in various guises later on in the work. The leitmotiv centres on a minor second.A range of thematic variations is heard in the lively and energetic Metamorphosis One. This movement is interrupted by an atmospheric meno mosso, containing melodic passages that return to the opening theme. Metamorhosis Two is characterised by various changes in tempo and musical character. Seven different soloists transform the thematic material each in their own way. This eventually culminates in a passionate tutti passage.The source of inspiration for Metamorphosis Three isthe so-called BACH-motif, a musical autograph consisting of the notes B flat, A, C and B. This distinctive motif arises from the leitmotiv (here a descending minor second), which continues to evolve through various transpositions and transformations. For the composer, this spectacular last movement is an homage to one of the greatest and most influential composers in the history of music: Johann Sebastian Bach.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Alhambra - Jan de Haan
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Chorale Variations - Jan de Haan
Chorale Variations comprises six variations on an original theme in Renaissance style. Written as a test piece for the renowned contest 'Gouden Spiker Festival' in Friesland (The Netherlands), it is a challenging concert or contest piece, presenting attractive and demanding parts for all sections.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Terra Incognita - Jan de Haan
Download the Digeridoo sound file here.In five musically and thematically continuous parts, this composition transports us to foreign, fascinating places - stepping into the shoes of the explorers who set off to discover unknown lands centuries ago. The test piece for the Dutch Brass BandChampionships 2015 (Challenge Section) holds interesting solo parts for flugelhorn and trombone. An exciting musical journey!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Utopia - Jacob de Haan
Utopia is the name of a book written by the English author Thomas More and was published in 1516. The title is a word thought up by More himself, after the Greek language, meaning "Nowhereland" and leading to the invention of the words utopian scheme and utopian. Utopia pictured an ideal state on an island far from the inhabited world. This idea was the basis of the composition. It makes one think of Oregon in variety of themes and style. Utopia also exists of a combination of styles that breathe the atmosphere of film music. However, Utopia sounds less American. The slow and stirring middle part for example is closer to the European romanticism: the chord signals in the brasssection remind of Wagner's music.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
The Saint and the City - Jacob de Haan
This work is based on a well-known myth about the city of Zwolle in the Netherlands. In the waters surrounding Zwolle lived a dragon that regularly emerged. Time and time again he threatened to destroy the city with his fiery breath if he was not given a living sacrifice. The archangel, Michael, who manifested himself as a young knight, saved the city. In a fight he beheaded the monster with his sword. Later, Saint Michael fighting the dragon, which was a symbol of evil and injustice, acquired a permanent place on the city coat of arms. For this composition, the hymn tune Laudate Dominum has been chosen as a central musical theme for the archangel. The dragon isreflected in a series of chords that evoke a somewhat ominous association.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days