O Isis Und Osiris - W.A. Mozart - Andi Cook
The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflote) is one of Mozart's most successful operas, premiered only 2 months before the composer's early death. Skilfully arranged now as an Eb Tuba solo (with an Euphonium solo part as an alternative option), this is a chance for your band's tuba player to show the instruments in a new light, not often seen on the concert stage. The Aria O Isis Und Osiris is performed at the start of the second act of the opera and allows the soloist to show off the more lyrical and operatic side of the instrument.
In Stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 working days
Amsterdam - Rob Goorhuis
Rob Goorhuis schreef de compositie Amsterdam voor Amsterdam Brass in 2002. Het werk beleefde haar premi?re in 2003 in een uitvoering van de opdrachtgever. De componist, zelf Amsterdammer van geboorte, heeft in dit werk zijn herinneringen aan de toen ook al bruisende stad muzikaal verwerkt in een combinatie met het heden. De geluiden van de stad zoals Goorhuis die in de 50-er jaren hoorde zijn al dan niet abstract weergegeven in Amsterdam. Amsterdam bestaat uit drie in elkaar overgaande delen. Het eerste deel (Allegro Moderato) beschrijft de grote drukte in de Nederlandse hoofdstad die altijd leeft, beweegt, zindert en schijnbaar nooit 'slaapt'. Devoortdurende zestiende beweging in de diverse instrumenten benadrukken die immer aanwezige drukte in de stad die in de volksmond bekend staat als 'Mokum'. Zelfs de klanken van een Amsterdams draaiorgel zijn goed hoorbaar in dit eerste gedeelte. De karavaan vuilnisauto's die elke ochtend om 5 uur door de straat van de nog jonge Rob Goorhuis reed is een hoorbare herinnering aan vervlogen tijden. Het tweede deel brengt ons in het Vondelpark aan de rand van het centrum. Het thema wordt voorgesteld door de bugel en voert via variaties op dit thema in diverse andere instrumenten naar een drukker gedeelte van het stadspark om vervolgens weer kort terug te keren naar de oase van rust.Het tempo en de begeleidende beweging zijn bepalend voor het bijzondere karakter van dit middendeel. Het derde deel zet ons weer met beide benen in het bruisende hart van de stad. De euphonium introduceert het grillige thema, met karakteristieke toonladderfiguren en kwartsprongen, dat in de verschillende stemmen canonisch wordt verwerkt. Halverwege duikt onopvallend het thema van het middendeel weer op dat steeds opvallender naar voren komt resulterend in een verrassend slot. Verplicht werk Nederlandse Brassband Kampioenschappen 2004 - 1e divisie.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Invocation - Marc van Delft
In this work the Dutch composer Marc van Delft attempts to bring together two parties (former friends), after they have grown inexplicably apart. For this reason he calls in the help (Invocation) from the medium of music.At first, 'Invocation' radiates a sense of serene calme, from which the composer gradually creates an atmosphere resembling a conversation.Half-way there is an increase of suspense, ending once again in calm.The listener remains uncertain, however, regarding the finish. In dit werk probeert de Nederlandse componist Marc van Delft twee partijen samen te brengen (vroegere vrienden), nadat ze op onverklaarbare wijze uit elkaar zijn gegroeid. Daaromroept hij de hulp in (Invocation) van het medium muziek. In het begin straalt 'Invocation' een gevoel van serene rust uit, waaruit de componist geleidelijk een sfeer creeert die lijkt op een gesprek. Halverwege is er een toename van de spanning, die weer in rust eindigt. De luisteraar blijft echter onzeker over de afloop.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Charming Salzburg - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Salzburg, birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, inspired Dutch composer Henk Hogestein to write this musical tribute. Mozart was born in this charming Austrian town in January 1756. He was a musical prodigy - at the age of four he began receiving lessons from his father Leopold and at the age of six he was composing smart minuets and other short pieces. The composition Charming Salzburg is based on a theme from Mozart's opera Die Zauberflote, which he completed in 1791. The greatest composer of his day - the greatest of all time according to some - the brilliant Mozart wrote some of the world's best operas with Die Zauberflote was his last.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
The Three Kings (Euphonium Solo with Brass Band) Cornelius arr. Wainwright
This beautiful arrangement of the much loved tenor solo The Three Kings was made for the GUS Band and euphonium soloist Mark Giles, for the CD recording Christmas Fantasia - The Music of Andrew Wainwright (2013). The Three Kings, or Three Kings From Persian Lands Afar, is a Christmas carol by the German composer Peter Cornelius. He set Die Konige for a vocal soloist, accompanied by Philip Nicolai's hymn Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern ('How Brightly Shines the Morning Star'), which he erroneously thought was an Epiphany hymn. In fact, it is an Advent hymn in which the morning star is an allegory for the arrival of Jesus, not the Star of Bethlehem. In Cornelius' original second setting, the accompaniment was played on a piano but the English organist Ivor Atkins later arranged the accompaniment for choir, with the choir singing the words of the original hymn. The carol describes the visit of the Biblical Magi to the Infant Jesus during the Nativity and is also used as an Epiphany anthem. To view a rolling score video of Mark Giles performing the solo with GUS Band, please visit PDF download includes score and parts. Sheet music available from: UK - USA - Difficulty Level: 4th Section + Instrumentation: Euphonium Soloist Bb Soprano Cornet Eb 1st Cornet Bb 2nd Cornet & Flugel Bb 1st Horn Eb 2nd Horn Eb 1st Baritone Bb 2nd Baritone Bb 1st Trombone Bb 2nd Trombone Bb Bass Trombone 2nd Euphonium Bb Bass Eb Bass Bb
In Stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 working days
Hymne til gleden - Ludwig van Beethoven - Bjorn Morten Kjaernes
Schiller's text of 1785 was partially used by Beethoven in1824 when he did finish the 4th movement of his 9th Symphony. The melody has later been used in very many contexts. As the anthem of the European Union, a lot of movies (A clockwork Orange, Die Hard, etc.), music to video games, as the anthem of Rhodesia, as rebel song in Chile and by FIFA. Therefore, it can be used in most settingsThis Young Band arrangement focuses on the main melody. In the original, the B part is repeated in each variation, but to get three variations (out of four), this repetition has been cut. The first variation should be played as soft as possible, but still with a nice sound. Crescendo to forte (f) and going back to pp should be as a surprise.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Hjerteknuser - Janove Ottesen
This song is taken from the 6th album by Norwegian band Kaizers Orchestra. Together with "Opma till You Die", this one is the bands biggest hit. It was released as single record in 2010. After that, several other Norwegian artists have made their own versions both on stage and record. This arrangement in 12/8 time signature tries to capture the sound and rhythmic drive of the original song. Watch the dynamics and balance between the different elements. The guitar and bass parts are optional.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Hymne til gleden - Ludwig van Beethoven
Schiller's text of 1785 was partially used by Beethoven in1824 when he did finish the 4th movement of his 9th Symphony. The melody has later been used in very many contexts. As the anthem of the European Union, a lot of movies (A clockwork Orange, Die Hard, etc.), music to video games, as the anthem of Rhodesia, as rebel song in Chile and by FIFA. Therefore, it can be used in most settings This Young Band arrangement focuses on the main melody. In the original, the B part is repeated in each variation, but to get three variations (out of four), this repetition has been cut. The first variation should be played as soft as possible, but still with a nice sound. Crescendo to forte(f) and going back to pp should be as a surprise.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Introduction & Punk - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen's (1964) way of composing can be described as: uncompromising, wilful and contemporary. It is not surprising, therefore, that this occasionally causes a stir. In the middle of the Seventies a trend arose in youth culture, which was characterized by provocation, distrust of the great ideologies, and the autonomy of the individual. Punk is playful, aggressive, often humorous, and anti-everything, which inevitably leads to self-irony. The first part of Aagaard-Nielsen's composition (Introduction) is a texture based mainly on one short theme. This pompous theme breathes a spirit of cold empty plains, where icy winds sigh around yourhead. In the vehement Punk (Presto barbaro!) there is no longer any question of a theme. The basis for this part is formed by a repetitive motif (a descending minor third). This motif is alternated with very powerful percussion beats and later on shrill harmonies. De wijze van componeren van Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen (1964) laat zich omschrijven als: compromisloos, eigenzinnig en eigentijds. Niet verwonderlijk dat dit af en toe wat stof doet opwaaien. Midden zeventiger jaren ontstaat er een stroming binnen de jongerencultuur, die provocatie, wantrouwen tegen de grote ideologieen en de autonomie van het individu centraal stelt. Punk is speels, agressief, veelal humoristisch en anti-alles, wat onvermijdelijk leidt tot zelfspot. Het eerste deel (Introduction) is een weefsel, gebaseerd op voornamelijk een kort thema. Het pompeuze thema ademt de sfeer van kille lege vlakten, waar de ijzige wind je om de oren suist. Tijdens de 'heftige' Punk (Presto barbaro!) is van een thema geen sprake meer. De basis voor dit deel is een steeds herhalend motief (dalende kleine terts). Dit motief wordt afgewisseld met zeer krachtige percussie slagen en later schrille samenklanken. Dit alles zorgt voor een bombastisch geheel. Aan het slot van de Punk horen we het intoductie-thema tussen het punkgeweld door terugkomen.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days