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  • £49.95

    SPITFIRE: PRELUDE AND FUGUE (Brass Band) - Walton, William - Howarth, Elgar

    Originally part of the score Walton wrote for the film The First of the Few, this fabulous music found greater fame in the concert version he made in 1942. Now, at last, here is an authorised version for brass band by an acknowledged master of the art, Elgar Howarth. The Prelude - essentially a march in his best Crown Imperial style leads to a dazzling Fugue which incorporates a quiet interlude before the dramatic finale. Whether used as a concert opener or roof-raising finale it is sure to delight audiences and players alike. Recorded on Polyphonic QPRL220D Master Brass (Volume Sixteen).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £79.95

    Orion (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Orion was named after the giant huntsman in Greek mythology and is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous and recognisable constellations in the night sky. This piece and its inspiration were composed as a tone poem creating a musical picture of this amazing phenomenon.The opening introduces the constellation. Starting mysteriously with the percussion and basses this section develops a series of rhythmic and harmonic interludes from the upper brass. As this introduction develops, the melodic line lead by the Solo Cornet and Euphonium builds as the accompanying instruments increase in their rhythmic complexity. This section climaxes with a short fanfare motif which will be a prominent theme throughout this piece.The fast rhythmic section that follows serves as a technical test for the players. The thematic device introduced by the Solo Cornets is passed around various soloists and sections within the ensemble. This part of the tone poem gives the opportunity for the ensemble to highlight their technical prowess. The fanfare motif returns to conclude this section and takes the piece into the slow middle movement.Motifs heard earlier are mixed with new ideas in this slow section which give an opportunity for a variety of soloists to demonstrate their musical prowess. After the various solo passages and cadenzas, the mood shifts dramatically to a more ominous section that builds in texture and dynamic. Concluding with our returning fanfare motif the piece then builds in momentum towards our finale section.This finale is a technical showcase which will further test the playing ability and stamina of soloists, small groups and the full ensemble. Using prominent musical themes heard throughout this piece the music builds to a glorious conclusion fitting with wonderful constellation.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    Rondo Alla Turk

    Rondo Alla Turk has been a popular concert piece for many performers the world over. This is an arrangement I have done for solo xylophone that shows off the technical dexterity of both the piece and the instrument. Starting in a brisk tempo, the soloist performs the main themes of the piece with the major key fanfare-like interludes introducing each new section.The main melody from the opening returns with an even brighter tempo that takes the soloist into a flamboyant cadenza section. The cadenza section is scored out for the xylophone but the ad-lib marking allows the soloist in true Mozart fashion to improvise (if they wish) the cadenza section which leads into the finale.The finale brings back the major key motifs from the opening to a coda section that concludes in a breathless flurry from the soloist.Paul Lovatt-Cooper Suitable for 3rd section bands and above, soloist grade 8

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £124.95

    Hyperlink - Peter Graham

    Hyperlink was commissioned by the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain (funded by Arts Council England and the Department for Education) for its 70th Anniversary Year. Since the anniversary coincided with other significant celebrations in 2022 (including the Royal Albert Hall/Ralph Vaughan Williams 150th and the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II) it was requested that these also be recognised in some way.

    Where better to begin this challenging brief but with a computer search for the NYBBGB founder Dr Denis Wright (coincidently born in Kensington, home of the RAH). The subsequent rabbit warren of hyperlinks led me to structure the work through a series of "associations":

    Movement I - The Voice of Jupiter.

    Alongside the discovery that Denis Wright had been a church organist was the realisation that while the RAH has hosted thousands of musical events the fabric of the building actually incorporates a musical instrument, the famous Henry Wills organ (aka The Voice of Jupiter).Organ and J S Bach are synonymous (e.g. Toccata in D min) and so both become fundamental to the content of the movement. An opening 7 note quote from the Toccata leads to a mammoth sound cluster, as if every note on the huge RAH organ is sustained. The material which follows is based upon the notes BACH (in German notation). The notes are manipulated in various ways in a 12 tone matrix; reversed, inverted and so on. Other techniques employed in the movement are ones of which Bach was master, including ground bass and fugue.

    Movement II - Remember Me.

    The lives of Salvationist composer Ray Steadman-Allen (born 1922) and Ralph Vaughan Williams are remembered here, with "RSA" in musical notation and fragments of RVWs famous Tuba Concerto providing the source material.While writing the movement my father passed away and to close his funeral service the family chose the uplifting Robert Lowry hymn They'll sing a welcome home. It seemed fitting to conclude the movement with a reflective setting of the chorus, the repeated phrase "Welcome, welcome home" eventually disappearing into the ether.

    Movement III - Vivat.

    The finale takes the form of a short fantasy upon Hubert Parry's marvellous coronation anthem I Was Glad, truly a celebratory note with which to conclude.The first performance of Hyperlink was given by the NYBBGB conducted by Martyn Brabbins at the Royal College of Music, London on August 6th 2022.

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days

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  • £120.00

    Celebration for Band - John Brakstad

    Many Norwegian bands have grown up around factories; but Norwegian factories are often located in the countrysides - by a fjord or lake, by a river or waterfall that provided power for the factory.The factory was the foundation for the existence of the community, but it was also essential for the community's cultural life; choirs, bands etc. (cp. British brass bands and mining)."Celebration for band" tries to give a picture of the environment and life around a band like this, with both factory noise and the natural world (Pastorale), as well as the challenges and development of the band itself.The composition is built up of five connected episodes:- Fanfare and Prologue (concludes with a feeling of the untamed power of the river) - Pastorale I: " At the river"- Intermezzo: " The Factory" (starts with the opening of water for the turbines: snare drum. Factory whistle and bell call to work, and the spinning and weaving machinery starts up.)- Pastorale II: " Summer evening on the fjord." - Finale: " Challenge and Progress"

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 working days
  • £60.00

    Manchester Concertino - Peter Meechan

    Manchester Concertino is a concertino in three movements for trumpet or cornet. It was written in late summer/early autumn in, as the title suggests, Manchester, UK.The first movement, Fanfare, was written for Belgian cornetist Harmen Vanhoorne, and explores the main musical idea behind the piece, a minor third. The loud fanfare gives way to a cadenza over a timpani roll, before a reprise of the opening fanfare.The second movement, Dream, was commissioned by Keith Johnson and is dedicated to Jess Tredrea. It is a slow, lilting, movement - almost as if the listener was hearing the piece through a summer haze.The final movement is simply titled Finale and is dedicated to Roger Webster. New material is fused with the fanfare from the opening movement leading to a climatic finish to the work.

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 days

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  • £35.00

    Sentinel - Peter Meechan

    Sentinel was written in the summer of 2010 and follows on from another work by the composer, The Karman Line - a piece which describes the point where the earthas atmosphere ends and Outer Space begins.Sentinel goes further into space and takes the idea that the stars are somehow guardians of the sky that we can see, and Space further beyond.The opening section, which prominently features metallic percussion and broad melodies, portrays the grand open space that the stars inhabit. The middle, slower, section is more reflective depicting the isolation of Space, before we hear a reprise of the first section as the finale.Sentinel was written for the 2011 National Youth Brass Band Championships of Great Britain.

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 days

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  • £40.00

    Concerto for Euphonium - Kenneth Downie

    An accessible and enjoyable showpiece for soloists of all ages. The concerto's three movements are in a tuneful, melodic style and bravura passages are mixed with others designed to exploit the singing qualities of the instrument. The first movement is a vigorous allegro in which the short, pithy motifs of the opening theme contrast with the broad sweep of the second subject. A short cadenza-like passage yields to a high-spirited episode before a reprise of the opening ends the movement quietly. The second movement opens with a warm, romantic melody which is soon taken up by the soloist. A short animated section gives way to the earlier tutti theme, this time with passionate decoration from the soloist before the music gently unwinds in a tranquil coda. The finale has a bouncy, festive feel. After the first subject runs its course there is a brief journey through a more contrapuntal style, before a spirited presto moves into a compound episode before returning to the opening idea. A jubilant coda brings the work to a conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £50.00

    Concerto for Euphonium (Parts only) - Kenneth Downie

    An accessible and enjoyable showpiece for soloists of all ages. The concerto's three movements are in a tuneful, melodic style and bravura passages are mixed with others designed to exploit the singing qualities of the instrument. The first movement is a vigorous allegro in which the short, pithy motifs of the opening theme contrast with the broad sweep of the second subject. A short cadenza-like passage yields to a high-spirited episode before a reprise of the opening ends the movement quietly. The second movement opens with a warm, romantic melody which is soon taken up by the soloist. A short animated section gives way to the earlier tutti theme, this time with passionate decoration from the soloist before the music gently unwinds in a tranquil coda. The finale has a bouncy, festive feel. After the first subject runs its course there is a brief journey through a more contrapuntal style, before a spirited presto moves into a compound episode before returning to the opening idea. A jubilant coda brings the work to a conclusion.

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £37.95

    Galop from Jeux d'Enfants (Score and Parts) - Georges Bizet arr. Keith Wilkinson

    The bustling finale to Bizet's suite of piano pieces which translate into English as Children's Games. Ideal as an encore. Duration: 2:00

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days