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  • £38.00

    Moose on the Loose (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Hamlyn, Mark

    "I had a dream of a moose that escapes captivity and heads towards the city. At first he has a ball with all the new things to see but as he approaches the centre he gradually despairs at the chaos of the crowds of people and traffic. In the end he flees desperately out of the city and slams himself back into his cage. The piece is clearly a homage to Shostakovich and perhaps shouldn't be taken too seriously" - Mark Hamlyn. Duration: 4.00. Suitable for 1st Section Bands and above.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £89.99

    Cry of the Falcon (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Houben, Kevin

    The Cry of the Falcon refers to the Germanic Goddess Freya, who had a cloak of feathers that gave her the ability to change into a falcon. As a falcon Freya could make her way among people. Weeping and screaming, she searched for her lost husband Odur. Power and justice are the main ideas portrayed by Kevin Houben in this lyrical concert work.Duration: 11:30

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £30.00

    The Raft of Medusa - Gareth Wood

    The Raft of the Medusa is a painting by Theodore Gericault and hangs in the Louvre, Paris. It depicts the true story of a shipwreck and of a hastily constructed raft upon which at least 157 people were cast adrift for 13 days and endured starvation, dehydration, cannibalism and madness. The work is a diabolical duel between trumpet and trombone, a violent tone poem showing off the techniques of the soloists. There is no light in this piece, no triumph, only sadness.

  • £49.99

    The Cowboys (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Williams, John - Sykes, Steve

    In a career that's spanned over five decades, composer John Williams has scored fewer than five Westerns which, judging from his exemplary work on this 1972 score The Cowboys, seems something of a shame. Williams offers up a robust, brassy score that the composer hopes people will find genuine pleasure in.Suitable for 1st Section Bands and aboveDuration: 6.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £72.99

    The Banks of Green Willow - George Butterworth

    George Butterworth (1885-1916) was an English composer who died at a very young age, leaving behind few compositions. One of his best known and regularly played works is The Banks of Green Willow. People who have studied his work agree that Butterworth displayed great potential which would have flourished were it not for his untimely death. Duncan Wilson's arrangement makes Butterworth's imagination accessible to everyone!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £72.99

    THE BANKS OF GREEN WILLOW (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Butterworth, George - Wilson, Duncan

    George Butterworth (1885-1916) was an English composer who died at a very young age, leaving behind few compositions. One of his best known and regularly played works is The Banks of Green Willow. People who have studied his work agree that Butterworth displayed great potential which would have flourished were it not for his untimely death. Duncan Wilson's arrangement makes Butterworth's imagination accessible. Duration: 5:00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £45.00

    Bathgate Hills Trilogy - Andrew Duncan

    Composed by Andrew Duncan and written for the West Lothian Schools Band, A Bathgate Hills Trilogy is in three movements, each one dedicated to and representing a different hill.Comments from the composer:Movement 1 - Dechmont LawThe first movement describes the peculiar events which took place in November 1979 when a forestry worker, Bob Taylor, had a close encounter with an alien spacecraft in Dechmont Woods at the bottom of Dechmont Hill. Bob Taylor's account from the time describes a large sphere like object about twenty feet across which pulled him by the legs towards it, caustic smoke then caused him to pass out. He awoke a short time later in the same spot but the spaceship had gone leaving behind marks in the soil. His story caused a great deal of media interest and a great deal of excitement in the local community.Movement 2 - The Knock HillThe Term 'Knock' is Scottish Gaelic for 'hill' and the Knock Hill is the highest peak in the Bathgate Hills being 305 metres above Sea Level. On a clear day the Knock hill has excellent views of the Bass Rock to the East and the distant hills of Arran to the West as well as of the whole of West Lothian and across the Firth of Forth to Fife and beyond to the North.The second movement is a description of a leisurely walk to the summit of this hill and the enjoyment of a pleasant summer's day spent walking and taking in the beautiful panoramic views. However, as is the case with the Scottish Summer, a change in the weather finds a clear blue sky being replaced with dark rain clouds. The changed weather brings a sudden brief but unwelcome cold downpour of rain, drenching anyone out walking! Finally, the clouds pass and the more pleasant summer weather returns.Movement 3 - Cairnpapple HillCairnpapple Hill is a near neighbour of the Knock Hill. It is almost as high but interest in Cairnpapple Hill lies in the outstanding archaeological monument near the summit, an Iron Age burial chamber. The chamber dates back to 25 years BC and was built by a mysterious people known as the Beaker People (so called because they left behind a number of large earthenware beakers). The mysteries of Cairnpapple Hill have always been a source of fascination for me ever since first visiting the hill as a school child.The third movement describes the lives of the Beaker People. The landscape they would have looked out on would have been mostly dense forest which would have contained many perils including dangerous wolves and bears. Life was harsh and short for the Beaker People and they would always have been close to danger and to death. The average life expectancy for the Beaker People was only 31 years of age. The summit of the hill would have been clear of forest and would have afforded the Beaker People some protection as they could see all around the near countryside enabling them to keep a watchful lookout for their enemies - both animal and human!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £20.00

    African Dawn - Steve Robson

    This piece embraces the sounds and imagery of a tribal group out singing on a remote hill top, where individuals sing out a 2 bar phrase and the remainder of their group sing a response. African Dawn brings this vision to life by giving the opportunity for the musicians playing the original "Chant" or "Call" to be positioned as soloists, or just stand up within the main group.There is also the opportunity for lots of percussion to be spread throughout the band and divided into groups, or even groups of people clapping the separate rhythms to bring forth the African atmosphere.African Dawn is part of the Flexi-Collection - World Tour Series.Our Flexi-Collection Series:Flexible scoring tailored to your needs - a perfect solution for expanding the repertoire of Junior/Youth brass bands and ensembles. The Flexi-Collection currently offers two series and these will be regularly expanded to offer groups an even wider variation of music. Based on four-part harmony, these collections provide brass groups with the advantage of complete flexibility when may not be balanced.Added Extras:Each part of The World Tour Series also includes rudimentary theory reference sheet andLearn Together Moments(warm-up passages which relate to each of the styles of pieces included in the whole series). The score also includes background/programme notes andCheck It Outideas to encourage the players to find out more about the music style and/or inspiration behind the piece.If players or instruments are missing, the show can still go on! The thoughtful scoring and arranging by Steve Robson now means that groups of all abilities have access to a truly flexible set of music for their needs.Available for Brass Band (with world parts included), pieces included in our World Tour Series offer flexibility in every sense of the word.(Available individually or as part of the completeFlexi-Collection World Tour Series Album).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £25.95

    Dignity - Alan Fernie

    Alan Fernie created this beautiful work in support of a charitable project, known in 2005 as Brass Band Aid. The organisation called for original compositions to be included in a follow-up CD release - Into Africa to help raise funds for projects in Adet, Ethiopia, Africa, and to build awareness of the Make Poverty Historycampaign.This work offers a quiet, peaceful interlude. No technical fireworks, just a simplicity which reflects the dignity of the people in Ethiopia, despite the hardships they endured.'Dignity' was in fact the second donation of music made by Alan Fernie in support of the project (his first being African Funk which has featured in many a band's programme). It was recorded by the Scottish Co-Op Band and featured on the Brass Band Aid CD - Into Africa.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £74.95

    Aspects of Adiemus (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Jenkins, Karl - Graham, Peter

    Aspects of Adiemus is a collection from one of the world's most popular composers, Karl Jenkins. Adiemus, literally translated, means 'we will draw near' and represents a musical language which can be heard on five award winning albums from the composer.Since Adiemus has risen in popularity around the world, it has become a growing entity meaning many different things to many different people. Vocally, the spread of influence grows wider all the time, taking in Arabic and African sounds as well as Celtic and ecclesiastical ones. The percussion too has expanded using Indian, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Chinese and even Australian instrumentation.The evolving nature of Adiemus has meant that it has been difficult to categorise. New age, classical crossover, world music, even pop. Karl sees this as a good sign: To me, Adiemus transcends labels. The fact that it reaches people of different backgrounds, faiths and cultures gives it a universal appeal which is special. The compositions can be spiritual, religious, meditative - it's open to move people in any away they choose to experience.Ironically, the Adiemus project got off the ground initially due to a television commercial for an airline. Karl Jenkins explains, I'd been toying with a new idea, completely separate to my work in advertising, but at this time, Jenkins Ratledge were commissioned to come up with the music for an airline commercial. We presented the client with a demonstration tape of one of my completed compositions and they loved it.That composition became known as Adiemus. The music for the airline commercial was aired and immediately drew interest from the public. Karl: It's ironic that a piece of music not originally intended for a TV commercial should end up on a TV commercial, and that this music became the springboard for the success of the Adiemus project.Expertly arranged by Peter Graham, Aspects of Adiemus features the eponymous Adiemus, an uplifting and instantly recognisable opener. Chorale - Za Ma Ba and Chorale - Vocalise are songs of sanctuary, the latter featuring a chamber group from within the band. The vibrant Song of the Spirit is a cornet feature, and the finale, Song of the Plains combines intense rhythmic energy with tribal harmonies. Duration is variable depending on movement selection and optional cuts.Duration: 20.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days