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  • £69.95

    Transformation (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Downie, Kenneth

    I believe in transformation, God can change the hearts of men, And refine the evil nature, till it glows with grace again'. So wrote John Gowans in the second verse of his great hymn, 'I believe that God the Father, can be seen in God the Son', written specifically to affirm Salvationists' beliefs. It is sung to the tune Bethany and in seeking to explore this great subject at the heart of the Christian gospel in musical terms, the composer has used this fine tune as the basis. Although it never appears in its entirety, it is seldom out of the picture and much of the work is derived from it. The other main source of material is the lovely, simple chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him, changed to heavenly beauty, when his face I see'. This chorus is especially prominent in the middle section but there are important references to it throughout. There are also brief references to Charles Wesley's hymn, 'Love Divine' and, in particular, the telling lines, 'Changed from glory into glory, till in Heaven we take our place'. The work suggests that, at times, the process of being transformed is a struggle, portrayed with many passages of fraught and demanding music. Considerable reserves of stamina and technique are required while, in contrast, the chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him' provides the warm, gentle centre of the work. The premiere of the work was given by The International Staff Band of The Salvation Army in Cadogan Hall on Friday 3rd June 2011, as part of the band's 120th anniversary celebrations.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Transformation (Brass Band - Score only) - Downie, Kenneth

    I believe in transformation, God can change the hearts of men, And refine the evil nature, till it glows with grace again'. So wrote John Gowans in the second verse of his great hymn, 'I believe that God the Father, can be seen in God the Son', written specifically to affirm Salvationists' beliefs. It is sung to the tune Bethany and in seeking to explore this great subject at the heart of the Christian gospel in musical terms, the composer has used this fine tune as the basis. Although it never appears in its entirety, it is seldom out of the picture and much of the work is derived from it. The other main source of material is the lovely, simple chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him, changed to heavenly beauty, when his face I see'. This chorus is especially prominent in the middle section but there are important references to it throughout. There are also brief references to Charles Wesley's hymn, 'Love Divine' and, in particular, the telling lines, 'Changed from glory into glory, till in Heaven we take our place'. The work suggests that, at times, the process of being transformed is a struggle, portrayed with many passages of fraught and demanding music. Considerable reserves of stamina and technique are required while, in contrast, the chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him' provides the warm, gentle centre of the work. The premiere of the work was given by The International Staff Band of The Salvation Army in Cadogan Hall on Friday 3rd June 2011, as part of the band's 120th anniversary celebrations.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £12.00

    Edward Gregson: The World Rejoicing

    DescriptionComposer's NoteIn searching for a common link between the brass band traditions of the various European countries that commissioned this work, I considered the fact that hymns have always played an important role in the relationship that brass bands have with their particular communities; and thus I turned to a well-known Lutheran chorale, Nun danket alle Gott (Now thank we all our God), written around 1636 by Martin Rinkart, with the melody attributed to Johann Cruger. A number of composers have incorporated this chorale into their music, most famously J.S.Bach in his Cantatas no. 79 and 192, and Mendelssohn in the Lobsegang movement of his 2nd Symphony (the harmonization of which is usually used when this hymn is sung).It seemed fitting therefore for me to return to a compositional form I have used many times before (Variations) and to write a work based on this hymn. I have used it in a similar way to that which I employed in my Variations on Laudate Dominum of 1976 - that is, rather than writing a set of variations using elaborations of the complete tune, I have taken various phrases from the chorale and used them within the context of other musical material, applying an overall symphonic process of continuous variation and development. The structure, or sub-divisions of the work, which is through composed and plays without a break, is as follows: Prelude, Capriccio, La Danza 1, Processional, La Danza 2, Arias and Duets, Fuga Burlesca, Chorale, and Postlude.The work is also partly autobiographical - in the manner say of Strauss's Ein Heldenleben - in that I have incorporated into the score brief quotations from many of my other major works for brass band. In that respect, The World Rejoicing sums up a particular facet of my life as a composer, and reflects the admiration I have always had for what is surely one of the great amateur music-making traditions in the world.The World Rejoicing is dedicated 'in loving memory of my brother', Bramwell Logan Gregson, who sadly passed away in the Autumn of 2018.Edward Gregson

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £69.95

    TRANSFORMATION (Brass Band Set) - Kenneth Downie

    I believe in transformation, God can change the hearts of men, And refine the evil nature, till it glows with grace again'. So wrote John Gowans in the second verse of his great hymn, 'I believe that God the Father, can be seen in God the Son', written specifically to affirm Salvationists' beliefs. It is sung to the tune Bethany and in seeking to explore this great subject at the heart of the Christian gospel in musical terms, the composer has used this fine tune as the basis. Although it never appears in its entirety, it is seldom out of the picture and much of the work is derived from it. The other main source of material is the lovely, simple chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him, changed to heavenly beauty, when his face I see'. This chorus is especially prominent in the middle section but there are important references to it throughout. There are also brief references to Charles Wesley's hymn, 'Love Divine' and, in particular, the telling lines, 'Changed from glory into glory, till in Heaven we take our place'. The work suggests that, at times, the process of being transformed is a struggle, portrayed with many passages of fraught and demanding music. Considerable reserves of stamina and technique are required while, in contrast, the chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him' provides the warm, gentle centre of the work. The premiere of the work was given by The International Staff Band of The Salvation Army in Cadogan Hall on Friday 3rd June 2011, as part of the band's 120th anniversary celebrations.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.00

    Hymns at Heaven's Gate (Score only) - Elgar Howarth

    A flourish: a crowd assembles at the gate of Heaven, saints and sinners. As in a film the immensity of the crowd is illustrated, and the camera zooms to focus onparticular groups and individuals. Monks sing a 'medieval' hymn, interrupted by the fanfares of mischievous seraphim; gradually the whole crown join in. The fanfares grow wilder, and grubby, naughty children enter, singing mock fanfares, making jazzy gestures and trying to sing a chirldren's hymn. They are joined by roughnecks who take up the fanfare idea. The camera zooms again at the entrance of Jesus. A commanding flourish causes consternation. Separate groups react, interrupted by mysterious percussion effects. Then, as the whole panorama explodes in sound, William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army) approaches awestruck. A triple Alleluia is followed by the third hymnand further Alleluias. A dance finale begins using material from the whole piece. A tumultuous climax preceds sudden quiet Alleluias, and the crown exits into Heaven to the music of the monks, reharmonised and transformed. The camera shots extend to the heavens and the stars. Duration: 15:00

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £56.00

    Hymns at Heaven's Gate (Parts only) - Elgar Howarth

    A flourish: a crowd assembles at the gate of Heaven, saints and sinners. As in a film the immensity of the crowd is illustrated, and the camera zooms to focus onparticular groups and individuals. Monks sing a 'medieval' hymn, interrupted by the fanfares of mischievous seraphim; gradually the whole crown join in. The fanfares grow wilder, and grubby, naughty children enter, singing mock fanfares, making jazzy gestures and trying to sing a chirldren's hymn. They are joined by roughnecks who take up the fanfare idea. The camera zooms again at the entrance of Jesus. A commanding flourish causes consternation. Separate groups react, interrupted by mysterious percussion effects. Then, as the whole panorama explodes in sound, William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army) approaches awestruck. A triple Alleluia is followed by the third hymnand further Alleluias. A dance finale begins using material from the whole piece. A tumultuous climax preceds sudden quiet Alleluias, and the crown exits into Heaven to the music of the monks, reharmonised and transformed. The camera shots extend to the heavens and the stars. Duration: 15:00

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £40.00

    Trittico (Score only) - James Curnow

    Trittico was commissioned by the Swiss Brass Band Association for their national championships in 1988. A trittico is a tripych or group of three paintings or musical compositions based on a common theme and presented or performed together. The present work is a set of three extended variations on the American shaped-note hymn Consolation. The work opens in grand style with motives based on intervals of the hymn tune. The opening motif, and smaller fragments of it reappear throughout the piece and serve as an underlying element alongside the theme itself. The first variation is essentially a scherzo which echoes the minor mood of the theme. The hemiolic opposition of compound and duple time is used to good effect and, again, the main motif is never far away. This is music with energy and forward movement. The second variation gives the soloists a chance to shine. The mood is tranquil, yet there is always some activity and the musical material pre-echoes the third variation. The third variation is another scherzo-like section, the main theme accompanied by a rhythmic ostinato. Toward the conclusion there is a short aeleatoric passage - a variation within a variation allowing half the band to make their own variaitions in a cachophony of sound. An energetic coda draws together several elements to round off a work brim full of drive, energy, and self-propelled enthusiasm. Duration: 13:30

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £50.00

    Trittico (Parts only) - James Curnow

    Trittico was commissioned by the Swiss Brass Band Association for their national championships in 1988. A trittico is a tripych or group of three paintings or musical compositions based on a common theme and presented or performed together. The present work is a set of three extended variations on the American shaped-note hymn Consolation. The work opens in grand style with motives based on intervals of the hymn tune. The opening motif, and smaller fragments of it reappear throughout the piece and serve as an underlying element alongside the theme itself. The first variation is essentially a scherzo which echoes the minor mood of the theme. The hemiolic opposition of compound and duple time is used to good effect and, again, the main motif is never far away. This is music with energy and forward movement. The second variation gives the soloists a chance to shine. The mood is tranquil, yet there is always some activity and the musical material pre-echoes the third variation. The third variation is another scherzo-like section, the main theme accompanied by a rhythmic ostinato. Toward the conclusion there is a short aeleatoric passage - a variation within a variation allowing half the band to make their own variaitions in a cachophony of sound. An energetic coda draws together several elements to round off a work brim full of drive, energy, and self-propelled enthusiasm. Duration: 13:30

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £69.95

    Triquetra (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Graham, Peter

    Triquetra takes the form of a free fantasia on the familiar hymn Old Hundreth. The tune appears in full in four different guises - harmonically and rhythmically altered on each occasion. Fragments of the melody are also used to generate new ideas, most notably in the contrasting middle section where the opening phrase of the hymn appears in inversion.As to the title, the Triquetra (from the Latin triquetrus meaning three-corned) symbol is representative of the Christian Trinity and in that respect relates to the final line of text in Old Hundreth, also known as the Doxology: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.Triquetra was written for Stephen Cobb in recognition of 30 years outstanding service as conductor of the International Staff Band of the Salvation Army.Duration: 7.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £34.95

    Almighty (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Trigg, Roger

    'Almighty' was written for Bandmaster Ross Johnson and Camberwell Citadel Band (Australia) for use on the band's 2009 tour of New Zealand. This energetic work takes its title from the opening line of the well-loved hymn, 'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation' (S.A.S.B. 19). It is based on the hymn tune 'Lobe den Herren' (T.B. 721) and whilst the tune is only heard in its entirety once, fragments of the tune can be heard throughout the music. The music is a shout of acclamation to the King of Kings.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days