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  • £55.00

    Triumph Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 1355 - 1358, November 2023

    1355: March Medley - Pardoned Forever (Keith Manners)This collection of Easter-themed melodies should be played with enthusiasm and vigour. Featuring the songs He lives (S.A.S.B. 229), Chris is alive! Let Christians sing (S.A.S.B. 217) and No more! No more! He remembers sins no more (S.A.S.B. 460), the positive message of Easter Sunday is reflected in this bright march style.1356: Selection - I love the sweetest name (Noel Jones)This devotional selection includes three songs that feature the name of Jesus and derives its title from the following lines of those songs; 'How sweet the name of Jesus sounds' (S.A.S.B. 78), 'O, how I love the Saviour's name! The sweetest name on earth' (S.A.S.B. 94) and 'Sweetest name on mortal tongue' (S.A.S.B. 93).1357: Renewal (Harold Burgmayer)Will J. Brand penned the song Renewal (S.A.S.B. 634), with music by Bramwell Coles, for 'Day of Renewal' meetings conducted by General Albert Orsborn in October 1949. It was published in that form in The Musical Salvationist in 1951. Over time these meaningful words of consecration became wedded to an alternative tune, a lovely melody by Oscar Ahnfelt known as Trust in God (T.B. 903). This setting for band is based on a male-voice arrangement, conceived for a time of renewed consecration, sung by massed bands at the Canadian Staff Band's 50th Anniversary Festival in 2019.1358: Groove Hosanna! (Munashe Chikwezvero)This is a funk setting of three well-known melodies associated with Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Today, such celebratory processions, and indeed most large gatherings, usually feature rich forms of music-making. Music provides atmosphere and generates excitement, and it is hoped that a funk inspired arrangement of these songs will inspire listeners to 'move to the groove'. The first two songs, Children of Jerusalem (S.A.S.B. 356) and Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising (S.A.S.B. 362) encourage us to sing 'Loud hosannas to our King!'. The words of the third song, When his salvation bringing, remind us that he "smiled to hear their song".

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £55.00

    Triumph Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 1347 - 1350, March 2023

    1347: Intrada on 'St Magnus' (Ruben Schmidt)This is an energetic intrada based on the tune St. Magnus with the composer keeping the words The head that once was crowned with thorns (S.A.S.B. 22) in mind.1348: March - In every corner sing (Alan Williams)This is a bright march requiring plenty of vigour and imagination. Featuring and taking its title from Let all the world in every corner sing: My God and King! (S.A.S.B. 41), this bright melody is contrasted with the tune Lydia associating the words There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth (S.A.S.B. 94).1349: I need thee (Craig Woodland)An expressive arrangement of the traditional hymn I need thee every hour (S.A.S.B. 707)1350: March - The great commission (Paul Sharman)This march was written for the Norwegian Christian brass band, Egersund Missionary Band, and is derived from the tune Onward, Christian soldiers (T.B. 188) as well as a brief fragment of the Norwegian National Anthem and the melody Die Sach is dein (The work is thine).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £124.99

    Metamorphosis (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    The opening of this three-movement work features an initial appearance of the thematic material that returns in various guises later on in the work. The leitmotiv centres on a minor second.A range of thematic variations is heard in the lively and energetic Metamorphosis One. This movement is interrupted by an atmospheric meno mosso, containing melodic passages that return to the opening theme.Metamorhosis Two is characterised by various changes in tempo and musical character. Seven different soloists transform the thematic material - each in their own way. This eventually culminates in a passionate tutti passage.The source of inspiration for Metamorphosis Three is the so-called BACH-motif, a musical autograph consisting of the notes B flat, A, C and B. This distinctive motif arises from the leitmotiv (here a descending minor second), which continues to evolve through various transpositions and transformations. For the composer, this spectacular last movement is an homage to one of the greatest and most influential composers in the history of music: Johann Sebastian Bach.Duration: 17:00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    Unity Series Band Journal February 2014 Numbers 414-417

    No.414 March - Zambia Salute (Paul Drury)In April 2009, a group from Chelmsford Citadel Corps visited Zambia. The purpose of the visit was to assist in the leadership of the Zambian Territorial Music School, held at Chikankata. This march was written to commemorate the event and received its premiere performance at the final festival. The melody featured is the chorus of the song, I know not why Dod's wondrous grace (S.A.S.B. 730).No.415 A Joystrings sing-along (Erik Silfverberg O.F.)This piece represents the first published work since the sudden Promotion to Glory of Bandmaster Erik Silfverberg O.F. The Joystrings made Salvation Army history about fifty years ago, introducing rock music on the Christian music scene. Many of their songs have become classics and have been used as thematic material in our brass music. Here is a selection of three of their songs, to be used either as a band piece or as accompaniment to a sing-along. The three songs are:- 'I want to sing it', 'It's an open secret' and 'Have faith in God'.No.416 Festival Arrangement - At the cross (Martyn Thomas)The well-known song, 'At the cross' (T.B. 580), is given a lively new setting by Martyn Thomas. The rock and swing treatment of this old melody should appeal to many!No.417 Lord of all (Martin Cordner)This piece was written for the 120th Anniversary of Balham corps (London Central Division) in 2011. In terms of a theme, the anniversary occasion prompted the primary thought that the piece should first be a praise-offering to God, acknowledging him for who he is. Therefore songs referenced in the piece are praide songs: 'Lord, reign in me', 'He is Lord', 'All hail the Lamb', along with a song of testimony, 'I'm a soldier bound for Glory' (T.B. 382),which speaks of the Christian hope in Heaven and challenges Salvationists to influence others by living out that hope. There is also a brief reference to the National Anthem of the Democratic Republic of Congo (4 bars before D)- man acknowledgement to the faithfulness of corps soldiers who in recent years have arrived from that country.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    Judd: My Strength My Tower - Contest Version

    This music consists of a theme followed by five extensive variations. The theme is the composer's own tune set to the words, 'Thee will I love, my strength, my tower', a hymn by Johann Scheffler translated by John Wesley. A strong modal flavour is characteristic of the theme. Variation 1 This is a light and graceful variation with a good deal of imitative writing. It leads, without a break, into the next variation. Variation 2 Fire and ferocity are asked for in the course of this variation. Variation 3 This variation demonstrates the original approach of the composer. Solo lines for cornet and euphonium are included with their arabesques and arpeggii. Variation 4 Taking the form of a passacaglia, the 'ground' is given out at once by the basses. Fragments of the 'ground', plain or decorated, are combined and used in a number of ways, revealing the composer's mastery of counterpoint. Variation 5 The briskly moving and scintillating final variation abounds in sudden variations of dynamic. The tempo remains constant until an increase is called for in the coda. This 'contest' version has been prepared by Brian Bowen who was asked to re-work the percussion part and introduce a repiano cornet part (Salvation Army band publications do not, in general, have a part for repiano cornet).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £120.00

    New London Pictures (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    New London Pictures represents elements of London in the 21st Century. The Millennium Bridge describes the pedestrians journey across this wonderful new landmark bridge over the Thames, starting at the imposing Tate Modern, crossing the busy river, and onwards to St. Pauls Cathedral with its bells ringing out over the great city. London Eye is an incredibly large ferris wheel situated on the South Bank of the River Thames. This movement depicts a flight on this riverside wheel, at the top of which the panoramic view of London is breath-taking and the expanse of the music is a suitable depiction of the view. As with all modern cities, London is over-crowded with motor vehicles. London is the first major city in Europe to adopt a Congestion Charge, and this piece (with its stop and go traffic lights) is both racy and comical. Here are Londoners attempting to go about their business in the face of overwhelming odds..... Suitable for Premier Youth/2nd Section Bands and above. Duration: 15.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £37.95

    The Year of the Dragon (Score Only)

    The highlight of Cory's centenary celebrations throughout 1984 was a concert held in St. David's Hall, Cardiff, in March. The band, with the aid of funds provided by the Welsh Arts Council, commissioned Philip Sparke to write a work for first performance at this concert. The result was "The Year of the Dragon" of which the composer writes:"At the time I wrote The Year of the Dragon, Cory had won two successive National Finals and I set out to write a virtuoso piece to display the talents of this remarkable band to the full."The work is in three movements:TOCCATA opens with an arresting side drum figure and snatches of themes from various sections of the band, which try to develop until a broad and powerful theme from the middle of the band asserts itself. A central dance-like section soon gives way to the return of this theme, which subsides until faint echoes of the opening material fade to a close.INTERLUDE takes the form of a sad and languid solo for trombone. A chorale for the whole band introduces a brief spell of optimism but the trombone solo returns to close the movement quietly.FINALE is a real tour-de-force for the band with a stream of rapid semi-quavers running throughout the movement. The main theme is heroic and march-like but this is interspersed with lighter, more playful episodes. A distant fanfare to the sound of bells is introduced and this eventually returns to bring the work to a stirring close.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £66.00

    S.O.S. (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Kjaernes, Bjorn Morten

    When the publisher asked me to make an arrangement of an ABBA tune, S.O.S. was the first song I thought of. Its introduction and melody are well suited to play for band. Admittedly, the key had to be shifted to make it sound good for this instrumentation. To me, this is nostalgia, while for others, the Mamma Mia movie/show will be what they associate with this wonderful song. Apart from a few medleys, few of ABBA's songs are available for band. So, it was very fun to work on this classic.The arrangement is made quite simply to fit many sizes of bands. Technically, it is also relatively simple both in range and rhythm. As you can see, there are many ways to adjust this arrangement to your own ensemble. Bring out melody lines and the bassline, and a lot is done. If needed, simplify to make it sound nice.Get creative and have fun!- Bjorn Morten KjaernesDuration: 3.30

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £79.95

    Corineus (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Bond, Christopher

    Regionals 2024 - 3rd Section test piecePremiered by Cory Band at the 2018 Festival of Brass, Manchester. Selected as the set-work for the Championship Section at the 2019 National Youth Championships of Great Britain.Corineus, in medieval British legend, was a prodigious warrior, a fighter of giants, and the eponymous founder of Cornwall. The first of the legendary rulers of Cornwall, he is described as a character of strength and power. It is on the medieval ruler that this new work, Corineus, is based, presented in three contrasting sections. The work opens with heraldic fanfares and a sense of jubilance before presenting musical material which changes and develops organically, portraying the journey taken by Corineus, Brutus, and the Trojans from modern-day mainland Europe to Britain. The central section of the work is slower, creating a feeling of longing. Brutus' son, Locrinus, had agreed to marry Corineus' daughter, Gwendolen, but instead fell in love with a German princess. In writing this part of the work, the composer portrays the longing of Gwendolen for her husband, knowing he is in love with somebody else. After Corineus died, Locrinus divorced Gwendolen, who responded by raising an army in Cornwall and making war against her ex-husband. Locrinus was killed in battle, and legend suggests that Gwendolen threw Locrinus' lover into the River Severn. This dramatic battle provides the inspiration for the final part of the work. In writing this work, the composer hopes to flare the imagination of young brass players around the country, in an engaging new take on a firm fixture in British folklore.Duration: 11.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    Corineus (Brass Band - Score only) - Bond, Christopher

    Regionals 2024 - 3rd Section test piecePremiered by Cory Band at the 2018 Festival of Brass, Manchester. Selected as the set-work for the Championship Section at the 2019 National Youth Championships of Great Britain.Corineus, in medieval British legend, was a prodigious warrior, a fighter of giants, and the eponymous founder of Cornwall. The first of the legendary rulers of Cornwall, he is described as a character of strength and power. It is on the medieval ruler that this new work, Corineus, is based, presented in three contrasting sections. The work opens with heraldic fanfares and a sense of jubilance before presenting musical material which changes and develops organically, portraying the journey taken by Corineus, Brutus, and the Trojans from modern-day mainland Europe to Britain. The central section of the work is slower, creating a feeling of longing. Brutus' son, Locrinus, had agreed to marry Corineus' daughter, Gwendolen, but instead fell in love with a German princess. In writing this part of the work, the composer portrays the longing of Gwendolen for her husband, knowing he is in love with somebody else. After Corineus died, Locrinus divorced Gwendolen, who responded by raising an army in Cornwall and making war against her ex-husband. Locrinus was killed in battle, and legend suggests that Gwendolen threw Locrinus' lover into the River Severn. This dramatic battle provides the inspiration for the final part of the work. In writing this work, the composer hopes to flare the imagination of young brass players around the country, in an engaging new take on a firm fixture in British folklore.Duration: 11.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days