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  • £51.00


    Metropolis was composed for James McLeod, Principal Euphonium of the Leyland Band. Inspired by a tour to Dubai in October 2014, the opening of the piece portrays a journey through the city on the main highway surrounded by the impressive skyline. This then moves into a slower passage reflecting the...

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £90.00

    Red Prince Ouverture - Geert Jan Kroon

    Red Prince Ouverture is an opening piece based on material from Red Prince. This fast-paced opener is a good way to start your concert. Engage your audience from the first chord and take them on a journey and make them hungry for more music.

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  • £79.95

    Amundsen - Jonathan Bates

    DURATION: 14'00". DIFFICULTY: 1st+. 'Amundsen' was commissioned by rskog Brass, Norway for their winning performance at the 2020 Norwegian National Championships held at the Grieghallen in Bergen. In December 1911, Norwegian Roald Amundsen gained global fame by becoming the first explorer to lead a team to the geographic South Pole. Amundsen and 4 other members of his team arrived 5 weeks ahead of a rival team from the UK led by Robert Falcon Scott, all of which perished on their attempted return from the pole. Initially when Amundsen's team set out in 1910, they were under the impression that they would be making the far shorter journey to the arctic drift to attempt to reach the North Pole, but Amundsen had received news that American explorers Peary and Cook had beaten them to this goal, and so Amundsen's focus changed southward. 'Fram, Forward' - 'Fram' (translating to English as "forward") was the name of the ship Amundsen used for this particular polar expedition. Amundsen had only informed 2 people of his real intentions of conquering the South Pole when the ship first left port in Kristiansand before heading south to the Portuguese island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean. After weeks at sea - causing the uninformed members of the crew to raise a number of questions and produce a general feel of uncertainty and low spirits - it was here that Amundsen announced his true plans to the rest of his crew. They were asked whether they wished to continue with their expedition, to which all - some begrudgingly - agreed to sail on to the South Pole, through the great Ice Barrier before docking in the Bay of Whales on the Ross Ice Shelf. 'Ross Ice Shelf' - Upon Amundsen's arrival in the Bay of Whales, the team were greeted by the sight of the enormous ice plateau's and glaciers, towering into the Antarctic sky. In 1907, Ernest Shackleton had attempted - and failed - to reach the South Pole, but his route and mapping was by now well documented. Scott and the UK team were to follow this route, whereas Amundsen and his men forged their own way to the pole through unchartered territory and deadly terrain littered with deep crevasses and canyons. The music here though, is a picture of tranquility. The eerie silence of total emptiness with only the heavy snow falling around Amundsen as Fram and the Bay of Whales disappears into the distance, faced by the maginute of the expedition ahead. 'Advance to Polheim' - The first new challenge Amundsen discovered on this route was a rough, sharp and extremely steep glacier (which was later named the Axel heiberg Glacier after the Norwegian monarch who funded much of the expedition), which would take his team up from sea level to an altitude of over 9,000ft in just 20 miles, with most of this over just 7 miles. Once scaled, only the vast Antarctic Plateau stood between Amundsen and the pole. Here the race began, with only one aim - victory for himself, his team, and for the whole of Norway. .

    In stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 days
  • £25.00

    ...and the winter moon rises

    Description...and the winter moon riseswas inspired by a winter's evening car journey across the Pennines from Manchester to Huddersfield, through the brass band heartland of Saddleworth. There was recent snow on the ground, and the sun had just set. A bright clear moon was rising into a sky coloured with orange from the setting sun, and the moonlight made all the snow and ice sparkle.The work is the fourth movement of a larger 5 movement suite entitled "North!", but can be (and has been) performed in isolation. This work was a finalist in the 2012 Ohio Brass Arts Festival composition competition.Performance NotesThe percussion parts should be playable by three players; the "arco" parts of the vibraphone parts should be played by drawing a cello or double bass bow up the side of the bar. Motors should be left off throughout.Three of the brass players are asked to double on triangles for the first part of the piece; ideally these should be of different sizes giving clearly different sounds. The easiest solution is to tie a triangle to the music stand, rather than try to hold it and then swap instruments later in the piece.Click below to watch a playback preview of the score!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £24.95

    Prelude and Fanfare - Dan Price - Robert Childs

    Prelude and Fanfare takes its inspiration from a piece of NASA Video footage, where a camera is attached to a piece of debris and jettisoned into space from the space shuttle. The work is a musical reflection of this journey,...

    Estimated dispatch 4-7 working days
  • £64.95

    The Pilgrim's Progress - Rodney Newton - Christian Jenkins

    Drawing inspiration from John Bunyan's Christian allegory, 'The Pilgrim's Progress' and Eric Ball's setting of Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Hymn', Rodney Newton has expertly crafted a set of variations, each outlining a chapter in the Pilgrim's journey to the Celestial City. The...

    Estimated dispatch 4-7 working days
  • £10.00

    ISAIAH 40 (Brass Band Study Score) - Robert Redhead

    Commissioned for the final of the 1996 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. The timeless truths contained in Isaiah 40 were written to encourage a people facing very intimidating circumstances. The Jewish people of the 5th Century BC were preparing to make an arduous journey though the desert to return to their ravaged homeland after a lengthy exile in the sophisticated society of Babylon. Both Scripture and music sound out a message of hope, as they view life from an eternal perspective, thus placing change in its proper context. Because 'the Lord is the everlasting God' his word 'stands forever' and 'those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength'. They will not merely get through somehow but 'they will soar on wings like eagles'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £69.95

    ISAIAH 40 (Brass Band Set) - Robert Redhead

    Commissioned for the final of the 1996 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. The timeless truths contained in Isaiah 40 were written to encourage a people facing very intimidating circumstances. The Jewish people of the 5th Century BC were preparing to make an arduous journey though the desert to return to their ravaged homeland after a lengthy exile in the sophisticated society of Babylon. Both Scripture and music sound out a message of hope, as they view life from an eternal perspective, thus placing change in its proper context. Because 'the Lord is the everlasting God' his word 'stands forever' and 'those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength'. They will not merely get through somehow but 'they will soar on wings like eagles'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £60.00

    Suite from 49th Parallel - Ralph Vaughan Williams arr. Phillip Littlemore

    Vaughan Williams was in his late sixties when an opportunity to write for the cinema materialised. He was approached by his former pupil Muir Mathieson, the director of music for the Ministry of Information, to write the score for the film 49th Parallel .The plot for 49th Parallel is set in the early part of World War II, when a German U-Boat sinks allied shipping in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and then tries to evade capture by the Canadian Military by sailing up to Hudson Bay. A handful of crew disembark to look for supplies and no sooner have they reached shore when the U-Boat is spotted by the Canadian Armed Forces and sunk. Leaving the shore party stranded in Canada they have no other option but to head for the neutral United States and, as their ill-fated journey unfolds, they meet a variety of characters whom they alienate due to their reprehensible actions. They These include a pacifist in the Canadian wilds played by Leslie Howard, a Hutterite leader, and a French-Canadian fur trapper, played by Laurence Olivier. The film premiered in the UK in October 1941 and in March 1942 for the US, when it was retitled The Invaders .The brass band suite to 49th Parallel, devised by Paul Hindmarsh and arranged by Phillip Littlemore, takes the Prologue from the cinematic score as its starting point. Stretches of pastoral musical themes depict the Canadian landscape before the atmosphere is broken with a menacing rendition, albeit briefly, of the Lutheran chorale Ein Feste Burg depicting the surfacing of the German U-Boat in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. This gives way to the mechanical, jaunty section Control Room Alert with its persistent drive and energy. A brief interlude of The Lake in the Mountains leads into the most recognised piece of music of from the film, the Prelude, which accompanied both the opening and closing credits, and adds a most fitting conclusion to this suite.The suite has been recorded by the Tredegar Town Band, under their musical director Ian Porthouse, on the Albion Records CD Vaughan Williams on Brass

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
  • £34.95

    Trusting Faith (Euphonium Solo with Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    This piece is based on the melody Faith is the victory (T.B. 128) and throughout the solo we follow a person's journey of faith. In the first movement, the bold and confident opening depicts a seemingly strong and certain faith, although perhaps a little naive and immature. The music suggests that if we are certain enough, then we will see our prayers immediately answered and will witness miracles. But what happens when we don't see those miracles happen, or our prayers seem unanswered? Doubt creeps in and the music quickly becomes a full struggle continuing through to the end of the moment.What do you do when you faith amounts to something other than what you thought it to be? The beginning of the second movement reflects this questions and starts hesitantly and full of doubt. Soon, a new melody is introduced, Trusting as the moments fly (T.B. 263). The words of the chorus remind us that true faith should bot be affected by fears or disappointments, that our trust in God should remain. Realising that a faith that holds firm, though being tested over time, becoming deeper and stronger, is a liberating truth. We no longer need to struggle in our strength alone, but can lean on God instead.When we lean on God, reset in his care, and feel. safe in his hands, then faith has really become our victory. We will then become strong disciples who can meet life's various challenges without wavering or being afraid. This is depicted in the final movement of the solo when both melodies, whose messages complement each other, are woven together in an explosive finale.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days