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  • £30.00

    La Musica Notturna Delle Strade di Madrid

    DescriptionLuigi Boccherini was born in Lucca, Italy, into a musical family. His father, a cellist and double-bass player, sent him to study in Rome at a young age. In 1757 they both went to Vienna, where the court employed them as musicians in the Burgtheater. In 1761 Boccherini went to Madrid, entering the employ of Prince Luis Antonio of Spain, younger brother of King Charles III. There he flourished under royal patronage, until one day when the King expressed his disapproval at a passage in a new trio, and ordered Boccherini to change it. The composer, no doubt irritated with this intrusion into his art, doubled the passage instead, which led to his immediate dismissal. Then he accompanied Don Luis to Arenas de San Pedro, a little town in the Gredos mountains, where Boccherini wrote many of his most famous works. Although neglected after his death and throughout the 19th and early 20th century (he was known mockingly as 'Haydn's Wife' for a time), Boccherini's music has been rediscovered in recent decades.La Musica Notturna delle Strade di Madrid('Night Music of the Streets of Madrid') is a string quintet of seven short movements composed during Boccherini's exile in Arenas, no doubt to remind him and his prince of happier times. The music is reminiscent of "the gaiety and bustle of Spain's capital, recalling the sound of the city's church bells ringing for evening prayer, the popular dances that were the delight of its young people, and the blind beggars singing their typical songs". This arrangement excludes the first and last two movements, comprising the middle four:Il Tamburo di Soldati(The Soldier's Drum)Minuetto dei Ciechi(The Minuet of the Blind Beggars)Il Rosario(The Rosary)Passe Calle(The Passacaglia of the Street Singers)The music was featured in the Russell Crowe filmMaster and Commander: The Far Side of the World(2003) set during the Napoleonic Wars and featuring the adventures of the Royal Navy ship HMS Surprise and her captain Jack Aubrey as they pursue the French ship Acheron into the Pacific Ocean.You can listen to an audio preview while following the score in the video below!Duration approximately 5'00".

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £82.95

    Occasion (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Occasion was published especially for the National Youth Brass Band Championship of Great Britain, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 4th October, 1986.Occasion for Brass Band is in four movements: Fanfare, Festivities, Elegy and Dance. The opening Fanfare was originally written as a Wedding Fanfare for Paul and Hazel Patterson in 1981, while the Elegy and Dance were commissioned as a test-piece for the first Westsound/Ayrshire Invitation Contest in 1982 for the leading bands in Scotland. Festivities was therefore written last, to complete the work and give it its essentially 'festive' character. Except for the Elegy, which is contemplative, the music throughout is extrovert and joyful. The opeing Fanfare may be performed separately - of the Fanfare may be ledt out entirely, making the work a three movement Suite.Duration: 11 minutes

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £37.95

    Occasion (Brass Band - Score Only)

    Occasion was published especially for the National Youth Brass Band Championship of Great Britain, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 4th October, 1986.Occasion for Brass Band is in four movements: Fanfare, Festivities, Elegy and Dance. The opening Fanfare was originally written as a Wedding Fanfare for Paul and Hazel Patterson in 1981, while the Elegy and Dance were commissioned as a test-piece for the first Westsound/Ayrshire Invitation Contest in 1982 for the leading bands in Scotland. Festivities was therefore written last, to complete the work and give it its essentially 'festive' character. Except for the Elegy, which is contemplative, the music throughout is extrovert and joyful. The opeing Fanfare may be performed separately - of the Fanfare may be ledt out entirely, making the work a three movement Suite.Duration: 11 minutes

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    Rhapsody in Brass (Score Only)

    Rhapsody in Brass is in three movements and was written for the British Open Championships in 1949, held at Belle Vue in Manchester. The contest winners were Fairey Aviation Works Band under the baton of Harry Mortimer. Eric Ball came second with Ransome & Marles and Stanley Boddington 3rd with Munn and Felton Band. Rhapsody in Brass had the unusual distinction of being written as a test piece by a Salvation Army composer. Eric Ball's Resurgam was the only other piece to achieve that dual personality in that era.Dean Goffin was born in 1916 in Wellington, New Zealand, son of Henry Goffin, a Salvation Army officer and composer. At 19 he was appointed Bandmaster of the Wellington South Band and when World War II started, he enlisted in the New Zealand Armed Forces where he became Bandmaster of the 20th Infantry Battalion and later the 4th Brigade Band. During the time he served with them in the Middle East and Europe, he composed and arranged numerous pieces among which Rhapsody in Brass and the march Bel Hamid, later adapted for Salvation Army use and renamed Anthem of the Free.After the war, Dean kept on composing and his work was featured by the Wellington South Band. Later he transferred to Timaru for another job and became Bandmaster there. He was studying music at the time and as he wanted to take part in a competition for devotional selections for Salvation Army use, he sent some of his compositions to the International Headquarters. When Rhapsody for Brass was chosen as the test-piece for the British Open Championships, people at the Salvation Army started asking questions about the lack of publications of his work. It was discovered that the pieces submitted for the competition didn't meet the exact criteria. Among these pieces was one of his most appealing works The Light of the World which was published a year later, in 1950, the same year as he completed his Bachelor of Music studies at Otagu University.After entering the Salvation Army Training College in Wellington with his wife, Marjorie, Dean was in 1956 appointed National Bandmaster in the British Territory. Later he became National Secretary for Bands and Songster Brigades and in this period he organised the yearly festival in the Royal Albert Hall and was responsible for the national music schools in the UK. Dean returned to his home country in 1966 and to mark the centenary of the Salvation Army in New Zealand he was knighted by the Queen in 1983. Sir Dean Goffin died on 23 January 1984.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £40.00

    Kiwi Dragon - Matthew Hall

    'Kiwi Dragon' was commissioned by Byron 'Buzz' Newton for his Master's final performance recital at The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama in 2012, a recital in which he was awarded an unprecedented 100%. Buzz travelled to Cardiff, Wales for his Master's degree course and became a member of Tredegar Town Band during his studies. 'Kiwi Dragon's' inception came from an initial conversation with the soloist where the thought of combining traditional Welsh folk music with that of Buzz's native New Zealand folk songs to create a virtuosic finishing piece for the recital was conceived. Originally scored for solo euphonium, 10-piece brass and percussion, 'Kiwi Dragon' includes the traditional New Zealand folk melodies Pokare Ana and Tarakihi and the Welsh folk melody Myfanwy, combined with the national anthems of both New Zealand and Wales in the pieces' culmination.

    Estimated dispatch 5-7 days
  • £77.00

    General Series Brass Band Journal, Numbers 2246 - 2249, August 2024

    2246: Christmas Prelude - David's City (Noel Jones)In 2 Samuel 5, we read of David's anointing as King of Israel at the age of thirty, a reign that lasted for forty years. Bethlehem was known as 'David's city' because he was born there and worked as a shepherd on the nearby hills. Verses 1, 2 and 5 of Once in Royal David's City (C.C. 68) are featured in this Christmas Prelude. There are also brief references to the carols O come, all ye faithful and O little town of Bethlehem between verses.2247: Cornet and Euphonium Duet - This Kingdom (Stephen Bulla)Geoff Bullock's song, This Kingdom, has been made well known by the American gospel singer Ron Kenoly. Stephen Bulla wrote this duet for a Brass Spectacular concert held in Basel, Switzerland, in May 2019.2248: Wonder (Stephen Gibson)When we stop to consider the mystery of God's love for each one of us, its enormity can only cause us to wonder. The opening bars of this music create an atmosphere, using a rolling accompaniment underneath sustained, music and chromatic Cornets, setting the style for the entire piece. Occasional references to Albert E. Webber's chorus Can you wonder? are heard throughout.2249: O to love thee! (Michael Davis)This piece takes its title from the first verse of Francis Bottome's words, Precious Jesus, O to love thee! The introduction establishes the baroque form of a prelude which leads into the tune Glory to the lamb (T.B. 327). Following a brief interlude, the melody is passed through several sections of the band, with delicate countermelodies in the Flugel and Horns. The majestic ending eventually comes to rest on the final tonic chord.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £42.95

    Visions of Kolkhis (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Visions of Kolkhis was commissioned by Jason Katsikaris and the Leyland Band as a finale for their appearance at the 2009 Brass in Concert Championship Inspired by Jason Katsikaris's Greek lineage, the subject of the work could be considered a metaphor for his impact on the British brass band scene, and the Leyland Band's commitment to striving for excellence.Written in thee continuous sections, the work paints a vivid picture of the island of Kolkhis, a place instrumental in so many tales in Greek mythology. The music represents three individual stories; Jason and the Argonauts, the Golden Fleece, and the liberation of Prometheus by Hercules. However, musical material is drawn from the Leyland Band's signature march, Harold Moss's The Royal Tiger, named after the bus made by Leyland Vehicles in the 1950's.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £74.95

    Eden (Score and Parts)

    This work was commissioned by the Brass Band Heritage Trust as the test piece for the final of the 2005 Besson National Brass Band Championship, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London.The score is prefaced by the final lines from Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost (completed in 1663), in which Adam and Eve, expelled from Paradise, make their uncertain way into the outside world:"...The world was all before them, where to chooseTheir place of rest, and providence their guide:They hand in hand with wandering steps and slow,Through Eden took their solitary way."My work is in three linked sections. In the first, the characters of Adam, Eve and the serpent guarding the Tree of Knowledge are respectively represented by solo euphonium, cornet and trombone. The music opens in an idyllic and tranquil mood and leads into a duet between euphonium and cornet. Throughout this passage the prevailing mood darkens, though the soloists seem to remain oblivious to the increasingly fraught atmosphere. A whip-crack announces the malevolent appearance of the solo trombone who proceeds to engage the solo cornet in a sinister dialogue.The second section interprets the Eden story as a modern metaphor for the havoc mankind has inflicted upon the world, exploiting and abusing its resources in the pursuit of wealth. Though certainly intended here as a comment on the present-day, it is by no means a new idea: Milton himself had an almost prescient awareness of it in Book I of his poem, where men, led on by Mammon:"...Ransacked the centre and with impious handsRifled the bowels of their mother earthFor treasures better hid. Soon had his crewOpened into the hill a spacious woundAnd digged out ribs of gold."So this section is fast and violent, at times almost manic in its destructive energy. At length a furious climax subsides and a tolling bell ushers in the third and final section.This final part is slow, beginning with an intense lament featuring solos for tenor-horn, flgel-horn and repiano cornet and joined later by solo baritone, soprano cornet, Eb-bass and Bb-bass.At one stage in the planning of the work it seemed likely that the music would end here - in despair. Then, mid-way through writing it, I visited the extraordinary Eden Project in Cornwall. Here, in a disused quarry - a huge man-made wound in the earth - immense biomes, containing an abundance of plant species from every region of the globe, together with an inspirational education programme, perhaps offer a small ray of hope for the future. This is the image behind the work's conclusion and the optimism it aims to express is real enough, though it is hard-won and challenged to the last.John Pickard 2005

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.50

    Eden (Score Only)

    This work was commissioned by the Brass Band Heritage Trust as the test piece for the final of the 2005 Besson National Brass Band Championship, held at the Royal Albert Hall, London.The score is prefaced by the final lines from Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost (completed in 1663), in which Adam and Eve, expelled from Paradise, make their uncertain way into the outside world:"...The world was all before them, where to chooseTheir place of rest, and providence their guide:They hand in hand with wandering steps and slow,Through Eden took their solitary way."My work is in three linked sections. In the first, the characters of Adam, Eve and the serpent guarding the Tree of Knowledge are respectively represented by solo euphonium, cornet and trombone. The music opens in an idyllic and tranquil mood and leads into a duet between euphonium and cornet. Throughout this passage the prevailing mood darkens, though the soloists seem to remain oblivious to the increasingly fraught atmosphere. A whip-crack announces the malevolent appearance of the solo trombone who proceeds to engage the solo cornet in a sinister dialogue.The second section interprets the Eden story as a modern metaphor for the havoc mankind has inflicted upon the world, exploiting and abusing its resources in the pursuit of wealth. Though certainly intended here as a comment on the present-day, it is by no means a new idea: Milton himself had an almost prescient awareness of it in Book I of his poem, where men, led on by Mammon:"...Ransacked the centre and with impious handsRifled the bowels of their mother earthFor treasures better hid. Soon had his crewOpened into the hill a spacious woundAnd digged out ribs of gold."So this section is fast and violent, at times almost manic in its destructive energy. At length a furious climax subsides and a tolling bell ushers in the third and final section.This final part is slow, beginning with an intense lament featuring solos for tenor-horn, flgel-horn and repiano cornet and joined later by solo baritone, soprano cornet, Eb-bass and Bb-bass.At one stage in the planning of the work it seemed likely that the music would end here - in despair. Then, mid-way through writing it, I visited the extraordinary Eden Project in Cornwall. Here, in a disused quarry - a huge man-made wound in the earth - immense biomes, containing an abundance of plant species from every region of the globe, together with an inspirational education programme, perhaps offer a small ray of hope for the future. This is the image behind the work's conclusion and the optimism it aims to express is real enough, though it is hard-won and challenged to the last.John Pickard 2005

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £9.95

    First Quartet (Brass Quartet - Score and Parts)

    My first Brass Quartet was written in 1968, immediately after I finished my studies at the Royal Academy of Music, and was in response to a request from my then publisher, R Smith & Co, to write some chamber music for brass band instruments. It is scored for two cornets, horn and euphonium. In the same year I also wrote another quartet (No. 2) which is scored for the more unusual combination of two horns, baritone, and tuba. The First Quartet is really a miniature in terms of length, lasting less than six minutes. However, it packs a lot of punch in its two connected movements, a Prelude and a Capriccio. The Prelude is lyrical in style and opens with a rising figure (covering a major seventh) on euphonium answered by muted cornets. These ideas form the material for the movement which is arch shape in structure. The opening returns, immediately followed by a transition passage which leads directly into the turbulent Capriccio. This is rather Bartokian in style (I was very influenced by Bartok in my student days and had closely studied his six string quartets), in the manner of a Hungarian dance in 5/8 time. The constantly changing metric patterns give the music a rather disruptive quality, but also an opportunity for the players to show their virtuoso abilities. - Edward Gregson

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days