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    Unity Series Band Journal February 2014 Numbers 414-417

    No.414 March - Zambia Salute (Paul Drury)In April 2009, a group from Chelmsford Citadel Corps visited Zambia. The purpose of the visit was to assist in the leadership of the Zambian Territorial Music School, held at Chikankata. This march was written to commemorate the event and received its premiere performance at the final festival. The melody featured is the chorus of the song, I know not why Dod's wondrous grace (S.A.S.B. 730).No.415 A Joystrings sing-along (Erik Silfverberg O.F.)This piece represents the first published work since the sudden Promotion to Glory of Bandmaster Erik Silfverberg O.F. The Joystrings made Salvation Army history about fifty years ago, introducing rock music on the Christian music scene. Many of their songs have become classics and have been used as thematic material in our brass music. Here is a selection of three of their songs, to be used either as a band piece or as accompaniment to a sing-along. The three songs are:- 'I want to sing it', 'It's an open secret' and 'Have faith in God'.No.416 Festival Arrangement - At the cross (Martyn Thomas)The well-known song, 'At the cross' (T.B. 580), is given a lively new setting by Martyn Thomas. The rock and swing treatment of this old melody should appeal to many!No.417 Lord of all (Martin Cordner)This piece was written for the 120th Anniversary of Balham corps (London Central Division) in 2011. In terms of a theme, the anniversary occasion prompted the primary thought that the piece should first be a praise-offering to God, acknowledging him for who he is. Therefore songs referenced in the piece are praide songs: 'Lord, reign in me', 'He is Lord', 'All hail the Lamb', along with a song of testimony, 'I'm a soldier bound for Glory' (T.B. 382),which speaks of the Christian hope in Heaven and challenges Salvationists to influence others by living out that hope. There is also a brief reference to the National Anthem of the Democratic Republic of Congo (4 bars before D)- man acknowledgement to the faithfulness of corps soldiers who in recent years have arrived from that country.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    Judd: Euphonium Solo - Some Glad Sweet Day

    September 2017 ReleaseEuphonium Solo - Some Glad Sweet Day (Bernard Tovey realised Bramwell Tovey)This solo was originally the work of Bramwell Toveys father Bernard Tovey, himself a fine Euphonium player. Bramwell Tovey has developed and gathered the original material and presented it for Euphonium Soloist, Derick Kane, to feature with the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain in 2015. It employs the old song of the same title and provides a good challenge for the soloist.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £69.95

    Judd: Isaiah 40

    Commissioned for the final of the 1996 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain, Isaiah 40 represents Robert Redhead's only 'test piece' composition to date. The timeless truths contained in Isaiah 40 were written to encourage a people facing very intimidating circumstances. The Jewish people of the 5th Century BC were preparing to make an arduous journey though the desert to return to their ravaged homeland after a lengthy exile in the sophisticated society of Babylon. Both Scripture and music sound out a message of hope, as they view life from an eternal perspective, thus placing change in its proper context. Because 'the Lord is the everlasting God' his word 'stands forever' and 'those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength'. They will not merely get through somehow but 'they will soar on wings like eagles'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £50.00

    Judd: Magnificat

    Commissioned by 'Taakgroep NBK' for the 4th section of the Netherlands National Brass Band Championships 2005.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Judd: My Hope - Roger Trigg

    'My Hope' was written for, and premiered by Enfield Citadel Band (Bandmaster Jonathan Corry) on 11th October, 2013. The work formed part of the band's annual pre-contest festival on the eve of the National Brass Band Championships which are held in the august surroundings of the Royal Albert Hall, London each year. The words 'my hope' appear in both hymns that are referenced in the music. The notes 'E', 'C', 'B' also feature throughout the work as homage to Enfield Citadel Band. The verse of 'My hope is built on nothing less' (S.A.S.B. 662), to the tune 'Solid Rock' (T.B. 446), is then introduced and forms the basis of the end of the first section - set in the minor, unlike the usual setting of the melody. The more sedate middle section that follows features an original theme, again using the notes 'E', 'C', 'B' as a melodic stimulus.The tune 'Michael' (Herbert Howells), to which the text 'All my hope on God is founded' (S.A.S.B. 530) is sung, provided the original impetus for this work. The song features as a new addition to The Salvation Army's 2015 iteration of its song book. It is a noble tune and there are big majestic, organ-like sounds utilised in its final treatment which brings the work to a climactic end.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    Judd: Rejoice The Lord is King

    The title of this work comes from the first line of Charles Wesley's hymn 'Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore' which is set to Handel's majestic tune, Gopsal. The Handelian influence shows in more than the use of the tune itself as the opening pays homage to the Coronation Anthem 'Zadok the Priest' after which the free variations flow in quick succession. This major work was written for The International Staff Band which gave the first performance at the Epic Brass Gala Concert which followed the 2001 National Brass Band Championships.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £50.00

    Judd: Romans 8

    Based on the eighth chapter of Romans, this music was composed as a companion to a series of bible studies at the 1985 British National School of Music. The tunes of four songs are presented, each supporting the ideas of the chapter; 'This joyful Eastertide' 'We are born of the Spirit' 'Lord of all hopefulness' and 'In the Cross of Christ I glory'

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    Judd: Spirit of Joy

    This march was awarded first prize in the 1930 American Golden Jubilee National Music Competition and was published the same year in the first edition of the American Festival Series. It was subsequently re-printed in the General Series of 1984. Soderstroms imaginative use of syncopation and chromatic harmony brought a new, American sound to the Salvation Army march. For example, he took the old Salvation Army fight song Hark, hark my soul written and changes its metre from 6/8 to 4/4 while also syncopating it!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    Judd: The Covenanters

    In 1638, many members of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland signed a document called the National Covenant. By doing so, they were declaring that they acknowledged only Jesus Christ as the spiritual head of their church, and not any king or queen. This had become necessary because the Stuart kings believed in the Divine Right of Monarchs and saw themselves as head of the church. In the previous year, Charles I had forcibly introduced the Book of Common Prayer, invoking the wrath of the common people who faced the threat of torture, transportation or execution if they did not use the new liturgy and worship at their local church. The net result of this was that many met illegally in the countryside or in barns and large houses. These meetings became known as 'conventides' and many took place in the south-west of the country. Anyone caught attending was at risk of execution by the muskets of the dragoons who were employed in the area for that specific purpose. This music was written to honour the bravery and loyalty of these Christians to their faith, in the face of extreme danger, in the hope that it will inspire us also to be faithful. There are overtones of military threat, secrecy and solidarity. An old pentatonic tune is used, which the composer heard as a boy being sung to the words The Lord's My Shepherd.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £39.95

    Judd: The Great Salvation War

    James Curnow was inspired to compose this work after reading 'Marching to Glory', a history of The Salvation Army in the USA. The writer of the book, Dr. Edward H. McKinley, was a colleague of Curnow on the faculty of Asbury College and a member of The Salvation Army Student Fellowship Band. The work was written for this band and premiered by them at the Centennial National Congress in 1980 which was held at Asbury College. Curnow has endeavoured to capture the spirit of early day Salvationists as they gave themselves completely to the great salvation war. Three songs support the three-part structure; 1) Stand like the brave 2) In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust 3) Rescue the perishing.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days