Latin Dance Party - William Vean
In 'Latin Dance Party' William Vean takes us along to sunny, seemingly care-free places. Happy faces, catchy music, delicious drinks are images that come to mind when listening to this 'feel good' music which will either get you in a dreamy mood or make you want to step out onto the dance floor. To start we hear the first dance of Cuban origin 'Cha Cha Cha', cheerful, romantic, playful dance . The Cha Cha Cha is probably the most popular dance. Then we have the slower 'Bossa Nova' (new wave), a dance developed from the Samba rhythms with strong syncopation. We end with the 'Samba'. Samba is party. The samba is a mix of polka, Cuban habanera and Africanrhythms, born around 1910 in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, and every year the leading dance during the exuberant carnival.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Big Fun on the Bass Drum - William Vean
Beating a drum is fun. Beating a big drum is even more fun. Being a soloist and beating a bass drum is best of all. In 'Big Fun on the Bass Drum' the dream of every starter percussionist is realized. He/she is soloist and is allowed to really beat the drum hard without the conductor putting a stop to it, but beware: a new skin is rather expensive. 'Big Fun on the Bass Drum' is not only about hitting as hard as you can, though. A lot of attention is paid to playing the bass drum very softly. And what is more, the composer has found room to offer the soloist a real cadenza - at this point in the composition he/she can either play the partprescribed or give the audience an improvisation of his/her own.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
They are Coming - John Emerson Blackstone
There are people who are capable of planning well. They live their lives in a well-structured manner and know exactly what they have to do. On the other hand, there are also people who are the exact opposite: they want to do too many things at once and are often somewhat absent-minded, which occasionally results in frantic situations. The outcome of one such situation is 'They are coming'. John Emerson Blackstone had been working on a new composition for some time when he received a telephone call from his editor, who told him that the deadline was approaching rapidly, even worse, that it would expire at the end of that same day and that he would drop by in person to fetch thecomposition! Blackstone set to work in a frenzy and completed the last details. When his editor arrived, the piece was finished ..... and got its definitive title: 'They are coming'.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Ever so samba - Peter Martin
The rhythm of the samba was originally created in Africa and brought to Brazil by the slaves . Here it became the national dance. For every festive occasion and especially the carnival festivities (Rio de Janeiro) samba music is played. The World's Fair in New York (1939) was the reason to the biggest spread of the samba. The cornet section gets an opportunity to feature in Ever so Samba. Together with the swinging percussion section they let you enjoy a South American party.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Inner Space - John Emerson Blackstone
Today's society means to many people: bustle, hurry, quick and more ... No wonder that many are looking for (inner) tranquility and balance in their overloaded existence. Listen to music or active music is a way to relax and also to draw new energy. The repetitive motifs in Innerspace provide a relaxing effect. Enjoy and use the strength of your own 'innerspace'.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Well Done! - David Well
Sitting behind his desk in his new office, David Well thought : 'Well Done! After weeks of slogging he had his old office despite everything turned into a nice room. A lot of daylight, fresh colors and a beautiful view of the rural setting. And you can hear it. Well Done!: light, cheerful and excited, in a pop / rock style with an slight hint of blues.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Funky Brass - Otto M. Schwarz
In addition to his many 'serious'works Otto M. Schwarz has had much success with several lighter works such as Band Fever, Funk Attack and Groovin' Around. His new seriously funky piece Funky Brass makes a perfect addition to the light brass band repertoire.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Lake of the Moon - Kevin Houben
The travels of the Aztec people as they headed south through North America looking for a new home, acted as the inspiration for Lake of the Moon.The composition contains small fragments of Oriental music and South American rhythms and occasionally, Russian Cossacks seem to raise their heads. The journey from North to South is not without danger, which is represented by threatening sounds within the music.In the Adagio divotothe composer takes us along to the Texcoco Lake, which the Aztecs called the lake of the moon. Bring a little bit of South American history to your concert with Lake of the Moon.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
High School Musical
Ask any child what their favourite film has been over the past few years and a large number will say High School Musical. The music is full of energy and emotion and has been an essential part of the films success. This fun-filled medley features three songs from the original film: Start Of Something New, Breaking Free and We're All In This Together.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Broken Sword - Kevin Houben
The Broken Sword is one of the five ceremonial swords kept in the Tower of London and is used during the coronation of a new king or queen. Legend has it that an angel broke off the tip of the sword in an effort to prevent an unjust killing. Composer Kevin Houben lets his music retell this intriguing legend. Broken Sword resembles a film score in many ways and will paint vivid images as the band plays its way through the legend. Many different moods create a contrast-rich work that makes for an exciting listening and playing experience every time!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days