New Christmas Praise Song Book 1 - 95
These books are now an archive publication and, although are still available, have been superseded by Christmas Collection (available in marchcard size: or A4 size Christmas Collection includes 46 new carols and songs as well as 10 extended carols (originally seen in the Sounds of Christmas books).Ideal for congregational singing.CONTENTS 1. A child this day is born 2. A Christmas Lullaby 3. A great and mighty wonder 4. A starry night 5. A virgin most pure 6. All my heart this night rejoices 7. Angels from the realms of Glory (Come and worship) 8. Angels from the realms of Glory (Iris) 9. Angels, sing again? 10.Angels we have heard on high 11.As with gladness men of old 12. Away in a manger 13. Away in a manger (The manger scene) 14. Bethlehem 15. Brightest and best 16. Brightest and best (Spean) 17. Child of Mary 18.. Calypso Carol 19. Carol for the Nativity 20. Carol of the bells 21.Carol of the drum 22. Christ was born on Christmas Day 23. Christians Awake 24. Come, children, come quickly 25. Coventry carol 26. Do you hear what I hear 27. Ding dong! merrily on high 28. Gabriels message 29. Glory in the highest 30. Go, tell it on the mountain 31. God of God, the uncreated 32. God rest you merry, gentlemen 33. Good Christian men, rejoice 34. Good King Wenceslas 35. Hark the glad sound! 36. Hark! the herald angels sing 37. How far is it to Bethlehem 38. I saw three ships come sailing in 39. I wonder as I wander 40. Il est n 41. Immanuel Appears 42. In the bleak mid-winter 43. Infant Holy 44. It came upon the midnight clear (Traditional) 45. It came upon the midnight clear (Willis) 46. Jesus, good above all other 47. Joy to the world 48. Little baby Jesus 49. Little Jesus, sweetly sleep. 50. Little donkey 51. Long, long ago 52. Marys boy child 53. Masters in this hall 54. Noel 55. o come, all ye faithful 56. o come, Immanuel 57. O come with me to Bethlehem 58. O little town of Bethlehem (Christmas Carol) 59. O little town of Bethlehem (Forest Green) 60. O little town of Bethlehem (St Louis) 61. O Heaven-sent King 62. O holy night 63. Once, in royal Davids city 64. Past three oclock 65. Personent hodie 66. Praise ye the Lord 67. Rise up, shepherd! 68. Sans day carol 69. See, amid the winters snow 70. Silent night! 71. Sleep, holy Babe 72. Softly the night is sleeping 74. Stars are shining 73. Sussex carol 76. Sweet chiming bells 75. Sweet chiming Christmas bells 77. The angels sang the story 78. The first Nowell 79. The holy Boy 80. The holly and the ivy 81. The infant King 82. The shepherds farewell 83. The virgin Mary had a baby boy 84. The stable door 85. They all were looking for a king 86. Three kings march 87. Unto us a boy is born 88. Wayfaring 89. We gather round the manger-bed 90. We three kings of Orient are 91. What child is this 92. When wise men came seeking 93. While shepherds watched 94. Who is he 95. Zither carol
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Song of the Night Sky - Christopher Bond
Orpheus is known as the most talented music player of the ancient times. It is said that god Apollo was his father, from whom took his extreme talent in music, and the Muse Calliope was his mother. Tragedy struck when his wife, Eurydice stepped on a viper which in turn bit her, injecting its fatal venom. Nothing could stop his cries of anguish and sheer pain and sorrow upon realizing his beautiful Eurydice was dead. Orpheus decided to go into the Underworld to get his wife back. Apollo, his father, would talk to Hades, the god of the Underworld to accept him and hear his plea. And so Orpheus set off into the Underworld and was warned that for no reason must he look back while his wife was still in the dark, for that would undo everything he hoped for. As Orpheus was reaching the exit of the Underworld, he could hear the footfalls of his wife approaching him. As his was approaching the exit, his heart was beating faster and faster. The moment he stepped on the world of the living, he turned his head to hug his wife. Unfortunately, he got only a glimpse of Eurydice before she was once again drawn back into the underworld. When Orpheus turned his head, Eurydice was still in the dark, she hadn't seen the sun and, was drowned back to the dark world of the dead. Waves of anguish and despair swept over him and shuddering with grief he approached the Underworld again but this time, he was denied entry, the gates were standing shut and god Hermes, sent by Zeus, wouldn't let him in. His songs were no more joyful but extremely sad. His only comfort was to lay on a huge rock and feel the caress of the breeze, his only vision were the open skies. Song of the Night Sky was recorded by Tom Hutchinson and the Cory Band in June 2015, featuring on his debut solo album.
Estimated dispatch 5-10 working days
Amundsen - Jonathan Bates
DURATION: 14'00". DIFFICULTY: 1st+. 'Amundsen' was commissioned by rskog Brass, Norway for their winning performance at the 2020 Norwegian National Championships held at the Grieghallen in Bergen. In December 1911, Norwegian Roald Amundsen gained global fame by becoming the first explorer to lead a team to the geographic South Pole. Amundsen and 4 other members of his team arrived 5 weeks ahead of a rival team from the UK led by Robert Falcon Scott, all of which perished on their attempted return from the pole. Initially when Amundsen's team set out in 1910, they were under the impression that they would be making the far shorter journey to the arctic drift to attempt to reach the North Pole, but Amundsen had received news that American explorers Peary and Cook had beaten them to this goal, and so Amundsen's focus changed southward. 'Fram, Forward' - 'Fram' (translating to English as "forward") was the name of the ship Amundsen used for this particular polar expedition. Amundsen had only informed 2 people of his real intentions of conquering the South Pole when the ship first left port in Kristiansand before heading south to the Portuguese island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean. After weeks at sea - causing the uninformed members of the crew to raise a number of questions and produce a general feel of uncertainty and low spirits - it was here that Amundsen announced his true plans to the rest of his crew. They were asked whether they wished to continue with their expedition, to which all - some begrudgingly - agreed to sail on to the South Pole, through the great Ice Barrier before docking in the Bay of Whales on the Ross Ice Shelf. 'Ross Ice Shelf' - Upon Amundsen's arrival in the Bay of Whales, the team were greeted by the sight of the enormous ice plateau's and glaciers, towering into the Antarctic sky. In 1907, Ernest Shackleton had attempted - and failed - to reach the South Pole, but his route and mapping was by now well documented. Scott and the UK team were to follow this route, whereas Amundsen and his men forged their own way to the pole through unchartered territory and deadly terrain littered with deep crevasses and canyons. The music here though, is a picture of tranquility. The eerie silence of total emptiness with only the heavy snow falling around Amundsen as Fram and the Bay of Whales disappears into the distance, faced by the maginute of the expedition ahead. 'Advance to Polheim' - The first new challenge Amundsen discovered on this route was a rough, sharp and extremely steep glacier (which was later named the Axel heiberg Glacier after the Norwegian monarch who funded much of the expedition), which would take his team up from sea level to an altitude of over 9,000ft in just 20 miles, with most of this over just 7 miles. Once scaled, only the vast Antarctic Plateau stood between Amundsen and the pole. Here the race began, with only one aim - victory for himself, his team, and for the whole of Norway. .
In Stock: Estimated dispatch 1-3 working days
Pacific Dreams - Jacob de Haan
Pacific Dreams describes the experience of Miguel, a traveling composer from Spain who, feeling somewhat alienated from his homeland, is wandering through an area of Sydney known as The Rocks. At a small outdoor market in a typical street of this oldcolonial neighbourhood, he discovers a print of William DeShazos painting "Pacific Dreams" Portrayed in the painting is the surf of one of the exotic islands in the Pacific. Next, with the impressive Sydney Harbour Bridge looming over the narrowstreets of The Rocks, he envisions sultry Pacific beaches. Suddenly a theme he once composed about the lakes in Japan comes to him. Is it the Asian influences present in cosmopolitan Sydney that bring this theme to mind? Or perhaps the waters aroundSydney, over which he could sail to Tahiti? He is uncertain. Could this same theme be used to create a new composition about his feelings for the metropolis Sydney? How then to work his Pacific Dreams into the mix? Miguel is certainly no fan ofHawaiian music. Mayby he could use the vocabularies of islands like Hawaii and Tahiti, their beautiful vowel combinations being sung ad libitum by a mixed choir.With these ideas and his newly purchased print of "Pacific Dreams", he boards the Metroat Circular Quay. He has a final glimpse of the harbour and the Sydney Opera House as the train races into the ground. On to the hotel! To work! He must compose!Maestoso : Miguel is impressed as he gazes upon the Sydney Harbour Bridge. And yet, hewants to go away from this city. Away, to an exotic island in the Pacific.Steady Rock : In the Rocks, musicians are playing at a square. Miguel basks in the atmosphere but at the same time he is fantasizing about Hawaii and Tahiti.Andante Lamentoso :In his hotel room, Miguel is feeling sad and lonely in this big city. He takes comfort in his "Pacific Dreams".Allegro : Miguel boards the boat that takes him from Darling Harbour to Circular Quay. In his mind he is traveling on to Hawaii. Or is ithome, where the bolero is playing? He is pulled back to reality by the skyline of Sydney.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Song of the Night Sky (Cornet Solo with Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Bond, Christopher
Orpheus is known as the most talented music player of the ancient times. It is said that god Apollo was his father, from whom took his extreme talent in music, and the Muse Calliope was his mother. Tragedy struck when his wife, Eurydice stepped on a viper which in turn bit her, injecting its fatal venom. Nothing could stop his cries of anguish and sheer pain and sorrow upon realizing his beautiful Eurydice was dead. Orpheus decided to go into the Underworld to get his wife back. Apollo, his father, would talk to Hades, the god of the Underworld to accept him and hear his plea. And so Orpheus set off into the Underworld and was warned that for no reason must he look back while his wife was still in the dark, for that would undo everything he hoped for. As Orpheus was reaching the exit of the Underworld, he could hear the footfalls of his wife approaching him. As his was approaching the exit, his heart was beating faster and faster. The moment he stepped on the world of the living, he turned his head to hug his wife. Unfortunately, he got only a glimpse of Eurydice before she was once again drawn back into the underworld. When Orpheus turned his head, Eurydice was still in the dark, she hadn't seen the sun and, was drowned back to the dark world of the dead. Waves of anguish and despair swept over him and shuddering with grief he approached the Underworld again but this time, he was denied entry, the gates were standing shut and god Hermes, sent by Zeus, wouldn't let him in. His songs were no more joyful but extremely sad. His only comfort was to lay on a huge rock and feel the caress of the breeze, his only vision were the open skies. Song of the Night Sky was recorded by Tom Hutchinson and the Cory Band in June 2015, featuring on his debut solo album.Duration: 4.15
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Pacific Dreams (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - De Haan, Jacob
Pacific Dreams describes the experience of Miguel, a travelling composer from Spain who, feeling somewhat alienated from his homeland, is wandering through an area of Sydney known as The Rocks. At a small outdoor market in a typical street of this old colonial neighbourhood, he discovers a print of William DeShazos painting "Pacific Dreams" Portrayed in the painting is the surf of one of the exotic islands in the Pacific. Next, with the impressive Sydney Harbour Bridge looming over the narrow streets of The Rocks, he envisions sultry Pacific beaches. Suddenly a theme he once composed about the lakes in Japan comes to him. Is it the Asian influences present in cosmopolitan Sydney that bring this theme to mind? Or perhaps the waters around Sydney, over which he could sail to Tahiti? He is uncertain. Could this same theme be used to create a new composition about his feelings for the metropolis Sydney? How then to work his Pacific Dreams into the mix? Miguel is certainly no fan of Hawaiian music. Maybe he could use the vocabularies of islands like Hawaii and Tahiti, their beautiful vowel combinations being sung ad libitum by a mixed choir.With these ideas and his newly purchased print of "Pacific Dreams", he boards the Metro at Circular Quay. He has a final glimpse of the harbour and the Sydney Opera House as the train races into the ground. On to the hotel! To work! He must compose! Maestoso : Miguel is impressed as he gazes upon the Sydney Harbour Bridge. And yet, he wants to go away from this city. Away, to an exotic island in the Pacific.Steady Rock : In the Rocks, musicians are playing at a square. Miguel basks in the atmosphere but at the same time he is fantasising about Hawaii and Tahiti. Andante Lamentoso : In his hotel room, Miguel is feeling sad and lonely in this big city. He takes comfort in his "Pacific Dreams". Allegro : Miguel boards the boat that takes him from Darling Harbour to Circular Quay. In his mind he is travelling on to Hawaii. Or is it home, where the bolero is playing? He is pulled back to reality by the skyline of Sydney.Duration: 9.15
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
SEA PICTURES (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Sparke, Philip
An atmospheric and descriptive work, Sea Pictures is in three sections. The quiet but very difficult opening describes the sea at dawn when all is still save for the cries of the early-morning gulls and deep movements of the sea itself. The sun rises and the next section pictures it glistening and sparkling on the waves. A school of playful dolphins passes. As they swim into the distance we are alone again with the sun and the waves. But there are distant rumblings; from far away a storm approaches. Cool breezes disturb the surface of the sea as it clouds over. And then the storm is upon us, turning the sea into the most awful force in all nature. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it abates, leaving the sea once again serene in sunlight. All is calm but, as the work fades to a close, distant claps of thunder remind us that we are always at the mercy of the power and ficklesness of nature. Championship section. Duration 20:13
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
SEA PICTURES (Brass Band - Score only) - Sparke, Philip
An atmospheric and descriptive work, Sea Pictures is in three sections. The quiet but very difficult opening describes the sea at dawn when all is still save for the cries of the early-morning gulls and deep movements of the sea itself. The sun rises and the next section pictures it glistening and sparkling on the waves. A school of playful dolphins passes. As they swim into the distance we are alone again with the sun and the waves. But there are distant rumblings; from far away a storm approaches. Cool breezes disturb the surface of the sea as it clouds over. And then the storm is upon us, turning the sea into the most awful force in all nature. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it abates, leaving the sea once again serene in sunlight. All is calm but, as the work fades to a close, distant claps of thunder remind us that we are always at the mercy of the power and ficklesness of nature. Championship section. Duration 20:13
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Sounds of Christmas is a brand new collection of 36 Christmas arrangements and compositions that can be played by groups as small as five players, with the parts available as follows: Part 1: Bb and C; Part 2: Bb, Eb and F; Part 3: Bb, Eb, F and C BC; Part 4: Bb TC and C BC; Part 5: Eb TC, Bb TC and C BC. The full score does not contain all the instruments available, only the Bb and Eb pitched instruments (except the optional Eb Soprano cornet) and Percussion. Sounds of Christmas is sure to add interest to your Christmas carol playing and offers interesting additions to your Christmas concert repertoire. Includes: A Holly Waltz (The Holly and the Ivy); A Starry Night; Away in a Manger; Chiming Bells (Sweet Chiming Christmas Bells); Christmas Joy (March); Christmas Praise (March); Coventry Carol; Ding Dong! (Ding Dong! Merrily on High); God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen; Good Christian Men, Rejoice; Good King Wenceslas; Hark! THe Herald Angels Sing; Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas; Infant Holy; It Came Upon a Midnight Clear; Jesus, Good Above All Other; Joy to the World; Mary's Boy Child; Mid-Winter (In the Bleak Mid-Winter); Normandy Carol (Away in a Manger); O Come, All Ye Faithful; O Little Town of Bethlehem; Once in Royal David's City; Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer; Silent Night; Sounds of Christmas (March Medley); The Andel Message (While Shepherds Watched); The Everlasting Light (O Little Town of Bethlehem); The First Nowell; The Infant King; The Manger Scene; The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy; Three Kings' March; To Celebrate His Birth (March); We Wish You a Merry Christmas; Yuletide Rag (Deck the Hall).
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Song of the Night Sky (Cornet Solo)
Cornet Solo with Brass BandOrpheus is known as the most talented music player of the ancient times. It is said that god Apollo was his father, from whom took his extreme talent in music, and the Muse Calliope was his mother. Tragedy struck when his wife, Eurydice stepped on a viper which in turn bit her, injecting its fatal venom. Nothing could stop his cries of anguish and sheer pain and sorrow upon realizing his beautiful Eurydice was dead. Orpheus decided to go into the Underworld to get his wife back. Apollo, his father, would talk to Hades, the god of the Underworld to accept him and hear his plea.And so Orpheus set off into the Underworld and was warned that for no reason must he look back while his wife was still in the dark, for that would undo everything he hoped for. As Orpheus was reaching the exit of the Underworld, he could hear the footfalls of his wife approaching him. As his was approaching the exit, his heart was beating faster and faster.The moment he stepped on the world of the living, he turned his head to hug his wife. Unfortunately, he got only a glimpse of Eurydice before she was once again drawn back into the underworld. When Orpheus turned his head, Eurydice was still in the dark, she hadn't seen the sun and, was drowned back to the dark world of the dead. Waves of anguish and despair swept over him and shuddering with grief he approached the Underworld again but this time, he was denied entry, the gates were standing shut and god Hermes, sent by Zeus, wouldn't let him in.His songs were no more joyful but extremely sad. His only comfort was to lay on a huge rock and feel the caress of the breeze, his only vision were the open skies.Song of the Night Sky was recorded by Tom Hutchinson and the Cory Band in June 2015, featuring on his debut solo album.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days