Vem kan segla forutan vind
Who can Sail without the Wind is an old folk tune from Aland in Finland. I believe the song was one of the first one I learnt to sing and play on the guitar. The melancholic character of the song is something I have brought with me ever since.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Handel in the Band - Kenneth Downie
Handel in the Band is a virtuoso set of symphonic variations on one of Handel's best known keyboard dances, the Sarabande from his Suite in D minor, HWV 437, based on the Spanish traditional dance La Folia. Kenneth Downie's work was commissioned by Brass Band Treize Etoiles, for performance at the 2013 Swiss National Brass Band Championships, where it was conducted by James Gourlay. The title is a reference to Percy Grainger's popular Handel in the Strand, and is indicative of the witty and theatrical nature of the music, which is more playful than conventional competition pieces and as such offers different challenges to brass bands as well as beingthoroughly entertaining for audiences. Kenneth Downie is one of the most respected and experienced brass band composers. His music has been widely performed and published throughout the brass band world since the 1960s.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Chiquilin De Bachin
This beautiful waltz-tango is written by Astor Piazzolla (music) and Horacio Ferrer (lyrics). Together with "Balada Para Un Loco", this one is the most famous they composed together."Chiquilin de Bachin" ("The little boy at Bachin") is thehistory about a little boy bagging on the cafe Bachin in Buenos Aires. On one of the tables are Piazzolla and Ferrer enjoying their meal together with good friends.The meeting with this little boy became the inspiration for this song. Thethemes of the lyrics are poverty, mourning, yearning and shame. The boy's shame for his own situation and own mother, and our shame because we do not do more for these children.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Metamorphosis - Jan de Haan
The opening of this three-movement work features an initial appearance of the thematic material that returns in various guises later on in the work. The leitmotiv centres on a minor second.A range of thematic variations is heard in the lively and energetic Metamorphosis One. This movement is interrupted by an atmospheric meno mosso, containing melodic passages that return to the opening theme. Metamorhosis Two is characterised by various changes in tempo and musical character. Seven different soloists transform the thematic material each in their own way. This eventually culminates in a passionate tutti passage.The source of inspiration for Metamorphosis Three isthe so-called BACH-motif, a musical autograph consisting of the notes B flat, A, C and B. This distinctive motif arises from the leitmotiv (here a descending minor second), which continues to evolve through various transpositions and transformations. For the composer, this spectacular last movement is an homage to one of the greatest and most influential composers in the history of music: Johann Sebastian Bach.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Solemnity - Robert Finn
Solemnity gives expression to the different emotions that we feel at solemn, official or ritual events: quiet pride, hope and reflection, but also grandeur, stateliness and joy. The work contains one large construction with different high points whereby the main theme is varied or orchestrated each time in one way or another, finally ending in an impressive finale.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Bellum et Pax - Stijn Roels
Bellum et Pax is a composition describing the two ancient concepts of 'war' and 'peace.' While this piece appears to be one single movement, it consists of four sections that flow into one another. Mysterious and threatening tones lead the way into an epic battle between the chaos of war and enlightenment of peace. Peace triumphs, but menacing bass notes at the end symbolize the constant presence and threat of war and violence in the world.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Elegy and March - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Commissioned by the Norwegian Band Federation and Tom Brevik. Composed in 1991. The composer:Elegy and March was one of my first original compositions (no quotations, no folk-tunes) and it was one of my earliest attempts to experiment with form. The elegy-part is quite obvious, but the march is not quite a march. If the elegy-part tells a sad story, then the march should tell a happy story. My problem is that I don?t think life is like that. Result: the march collapses! De liefhebbers van de muziek van de Scandinavier Aagaard-Nilsen kunnen hun hart ophalen bij dit bijzondere werk. In de tweedelige compositie zijn de delen thematisch aan elkaarverwant. De Elegy is een verstild werkje met prachtige klankvelden. Alle instrumenten komen aan bod maar nooit tegelijk. Hoe anders is dat in de mars waarbij ragfijn orkestspel wordt gevraagd. De componist: Elegy and March was een van mijn eerste originele werken (geen citaten, geen volksliedjes) en het was een van mijn eerste pogingen om te experimenteren met vorm. De elegie deel is vrij duidelijk, maar de mars is niet helemaal een mars. Als het elegie-deel een triest verhaal vertelt, dan zou de mars een gelukkig verhaal moeten vertellen. Mijn idee is dat dat in het echte leven ook niet zo is. Resultaat: de mars stort totaal in!Weer iets totaal anders van de Noorse meester!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
God rest ye merry Gentlemen
'God rest ye merry, Gentlemen' is an ancient English carol. It was first published in 1833, but it can be traced as far back as the 15th century, which makes it one of the oldest carols known. 'God rest ye merry' is a Middle English salutation. In this manner, people wished one another greatness and might. In modern English, the first line of this carol would read 'May God keep you mighty, gentlemen'. Andrew R. Mackereth has not kept to the original words in his up-tempo arrangement of the carol. It is still clearly recognizable, but the arranger has taken a good many liberties. Sometimes a particular note is held longer, at times motifs follow oneanother in various parts. If you listen carefully, you may even be able to detect a motif from another well-known song.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
The Shopping Centre - William Vean
Many people when asked the question 'Do you have any hobbies?' will answer 'Shopping' (even though the female part of the population may be more interested in this than the male one). Of course it is great fun to walk about in a Shopping Mall, browsing in various small shops, looking for things you have always wanted to possess. This was what William Vean was doing one day when he came across the idea to write a composition in which several shops could try to sell their wares (and this idea didn't cost him a penny). First, the audience are taken to a 'Jeans store', then a 'Phone shop' is visited, after which a visit is made to a 'Perfumery'. Thefourth part depicts a profession which is practised in several premises, namely that of shoplifter. In the fifth part there is room for a bite to eat at a Chinese restaurant, and finally after a visit to the hairdresser's it's time to go home.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Power of Love - Lewis
The song appears early in the movie "Back to the Futur"e as Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) skateboards to school. Later in the film, McFly and his band play a hard rock version of the song for a Battle of the Bands audition. This is one from1985 is one of Huey Lewis and the News biggest hits.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days