Around a Village - Menno Haantjes
The idyllic village Beetsterzwaag, in the east of Friesland, and its surroundings are depicted in this suite. The first part describes the main street with its liveliness. The second part brings us to the nearby church of St. Hippolytus-Olterterp while the final section describes the children playing in the woods of Sparjebird. Het idyllisch in de Friese bossen gelegen dorp Beetsterzwaag en haar omgeving staat model in deze landelijke suite. Het eerste deel beschrijft de hoofdstraat met al haar levendigheid. Het tweede deel brengt ons in het naburige St. Hippolytus-kerkje van Olterterp terwijl het slotdeel de spelende kinderen beschrijft in het speelbosSparjebird.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Musica Helvetica - Jan de Haan
Every year a competition for wind orchestras and brass bands takes place in Wallberg, Switzerland. Apart from a hymn and a solo piece, all orchestras also have a compulsory piece to play. The commission to create a compulsory piece for the 2012 competition fell to Jan de Haan. The composition is entitled Musica Helvetica. It takes the form of a three-part concert work, in which the last two parts flow directly from one to the other. The first part, Musica Prima, is a brisk virtuoso opening with jazz flavours woven in. The following section, Musica Sacra, offers a contrast with an extraordinarily colourful instrumentation for the gorgeous main theme. Thefinal part, Musica Alpina, is inspired by the great variety of scenery in Switzerland. With its witty humour it makes a worthy conclusion to this beautiful tryptich.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Introduction & Punk - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen's (1964) way of composing can be described as: uncompromising, wilful and contemporary. It is not surprising, therefore, that this occasionally causes a stir. In the middle of the Seventies a trend arose in youth culture, which was characterized by provocation, distrust of the great ideologies, and the autonomy of the individual. Punk is playful, aggressive, often humorous, and anti-everything, which inevitably leads to self-irony. The first part of Aagaard-Nielsen's composition (Introduction) is a texture based mainly on one short theme. This pompous theme breathes a spirit of cold empty plains, where icy winds sigh around yourhead. In the vehement Punk (Presto barbaro!) there is no longer any question of a theme. The basis for this part is formed by a repetitive motif (a descending minor third). This motif is alternated with very powerful percussion beats and later on shrill harmonies. De wijze van componeren van Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen (1964) laat zich omschrijven als: compromisloos, eigenzinnig en eigentijds. Niet verwonderlijk dat dit af en toe wat stof doet opwaaien. Midden zeventiger jaren ontstaat er een stroming binnen de jongerencultuur, die provocatie, wantrouwen tegen de grote ideologieen en de autonomie van het individu centraal stelt. Punk is speels, agressief, veelal humoristisch en anti-alles, wat onvermijdelijk leidt tot zelfspot. Het eerste deel (Introduction) is een weefsel, gebaseerd op voornamelijk een kort thema. Het pompeuze thema ademt de sfeer van kille lege vlakten, waar de ijzige wind je om de oren suist. Tijdens de 'heftige' Punk (Presto barbaro!) is van een thema geen sprake meer. De basis voor dit deel is een steeds herhalend motief (dalende kleine terts). Dit motief wordt afgewisseld met zeer krachtige percussie slagen en later schrille samenklanken. Dit alles zorgt voor een bombastisch geheel. Aan het slot van de Punk horen we het intoductie-thema tussen het punkgeweld door terugkomen.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Columbus - Rob Goorhuis
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa in 1451. His father was a wool merchant. Originally he seemed destined to follow in his father's footsteps, and thus sailed the oceans to countries as far apart as Iceland and Guinea. In 1476 his ship was sunk during a battle off the coast of Portugal. Columbus saved his own life by swimming to shore. In 1484 he conceived the idea of sailing to the Indies via a westward sea route, but it was only in 1492 that he was able to realize this plan. On this first voyage he was in command of three ships: the flag-ship, called the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Ni?a. From Spain Columbus sailed via the Canary Islands to the Bahamas, whichhe sighted on October 12th 1492. Without being aware of it Columbus discovered the 'New World' he thought he had landed in the eastern part of Asia. The motif from Dvooak's 9th Symphony 'Aus der neuen Welt' forms a little counterfeit history at this point in the composition. After this first voyage Columbus was to undertake another three long voyages to America. These voyages were certainly not entirely devoid of misfortune. More than once he was faced with shipwreck, mutiny and the destruction of settlements he had founded. After Columbus had left for Spain from Rio Belen in 1503, he beached his ships on the coast of Jamaica. The crew were marooned there and it was only after a year that Columbus succeeded in saving his men and sailing back to Spain with them. In the music the misunderstanding about which continent Columbus discovered in his lifetime resounds, for does this part in the composition not contain Asiatic motifs? Poor Columbus! In 1506 the famous explorer died in Valladolid.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Constellation - Bertrand Moren
This easy concert march can be divided into two parts. The first part, which is rhythmical, beautifully contrasts with the second part, which is lyrical. Each section of the band has its turn in this concertmarch, which, in spite of its easy level of difficulty, deserves the designation "five-star piece."
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Horns Enjoying Themselves - Bertrand Moren
This composition highlights the tenor horns. Long understated and unfairly relegated to the accompaniment, the tenor horn has gained prominence in the brass band during recent years.Horns Enjoying Themselves is an entertaining piece that will delight performers and audience alike. The first part is inspired by circus, with playful themes featuring humorous dissonances. The second part is a slow and calm journey through the mellow and luminous sound colours of the tenor horn. The third and last movement opens with a cadenza played by the soloists (alone). Written in triple time, it showcases the technical skills of the soloists.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Aria - Robert Finn
An aria is a lyrical dramatic solo work for voice. For this work an instrumental soloist interprets the vocal part. The typical melancholy, nostalgia and drama of the Italian aria combines with filmtrack like passages (Morricone) to form the main ingredients of this simple composition. The solo part can be played by a euphonium, a trombone or a tenor saxophone (or flugelhorn).
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Crazy Music in the Air - Jacob de Haan
This composition in two parts is one of the first successful works Jacob de Haan published for Brass Band. Somewhat under the influence of Ted Huggen's Choral and Rock Out which was an overwhelming success at the time, the still very young Jacob de Haan wrote this composition. The first part (Air) exists of a choral melody with baroque grace notes, supported by a pop rhythm in the drums. The second part (Crazy Music) is a swinging bossa nova, in which various instrument groups present themselves in the continuously varying themes. The famous Black Dycke Mills Band contributed to the success of Crazy Music in the Air by regularly puttingthe piece on its tour programmes.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Let's Celebrate - Dagmar Kildevann
Is there something to be celebrated? Then let's play 'Let's Celebrate'! This four-part suite has been based on two birthday songs: the world-famous 'Happy Birthday to you' (which is also sung in many other languages), and the Dutch song 'Lang zal hij/zij leven'. The Fanfare opens in grand style with the motif of 'Lang zal hij leven' and is followed by a cheerful March in which the motifs of both songs can be heard. The third part, Song, forms a moment of contemplation, and the birthday presents are unwrapped by the percussion section in the fourth part, Surprise Party. The yell may be adapted to the occasion. (the sleigh bells caused the composer to note down this somewhat peculiar yell). Of course everybody is expected to join in.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
On the Movieset - John Emerson Blackstone
Glitter and glamour, good-looking people, a lot of Bling Bling and fast cars images like these will cross our minds when we think of the movie world. However, reality proves to be different : as a rule, a tremendous amount of work will have been done on the set before a film is ready to be shown on the big screen. A visit to an actual movie set inspired John Emerson Blackstone to write a composition bearing the same name. He had both seen a number of characteristic attributes and heard the typical phrases used in film making, and he incorporated them into 'On the Movie Set' . In the first part, 'The Clapboard', a 'director's assistant' is supposed to shout "Quieton the set'" and "Action!", as is done before a real scene is shot. Subsequently, in order to create the right atmosphere, the clacking of a 'Clapboard' should be heard. During a romantic scene we should be transported to another world by means of sweet sounds in the background, so romantic music is of course heard in the next part, 'Love Scene'. At the end of a long working day 'It's a wrap' is called on the set to inform everyone that the filming on that day is completed. Now there is only one more thing left to dream of : an Oscar..... Perf. Note: The use of the right props will add to the performance and appreciation of 'On the Movie Set'. A red carpet and a glamorous reception should give your audience the feeling they are attending a real 'opening night'!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days