In Dreams - Roy Orbison - Len Jenkins
"In Dreams" is a song composed and sung by rock and roll performer Roy Orbison, and was released as a single on Monument Records in February 1963. Orbison later claimed that the origin for "In Dreams" came to him while he was sleeping, as many of his songs did. When he woke up the next morning, the entire composition was written in 20 minutes. Like many of Orbison's songs, but unlike the majority of rock and roll ballads, in under 3 minutes it goes through seven movements with distinct melodies and chord progressions without repeating itself. It was for that reason that I have always believed it was a suitable piece for brass where one does not have lyrics to distinguish changes between verses to avoid monotony. Graham Cooper
Movie Fantasy - Hans Offerdal
Movie Fantasy is a film music fantasy in four movements.In the first movement we meet the hero of our story. He is a strong man who fights for justice. Thefollowing movement introduces us to the bad guy with his evil mind and vicious plan to destroy our hero.In the third movement they chase each other and end up in a huge fight. They knock each other out and liestill on the ground. Which one of them will survive?In the final movement our hero wakes up at the hospital the very next morning with his girl friend at hisside. He realises that he won the fight and the bad guy is set in jail. His girlfriend embraces him and thecamera moves back. End credits roll as the piece closes with a fanfare.Each movement can also be played separately.
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