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  • £45.00

    Bathgate Hills Trilogy - Andrew Duncan

    Composed by Andrew Duncan and written for the West Lothian Schools Band, A Bathgate Hills Trilogy is in three movements, each one dedicated to and representing a different hill.Comments from the composer:Movement 1 - Dechmont LawThe first movement describes the peculiar events which took place in November 1979 when a forestry worker, Bob Taylor, had a close encounter with an alien spacecraft in Dechmont Woods at the bottom of Dechmont Hill. Bob Taylor's account from the time describes a large sphere like object about twenty feet across which pulled him by the legs towards it, caustic smoke then caused him to pass out. He awoke a short time later in the same spot but the spaceship had gone leaving behind marks in the soil. His story caused a great deal of media interest and a great deal of excitement in the local community.Movement 2 - The Knock HillThe Term 'Knock' is Scottish Gaelic for 'hill' and the Knock Hill is the highest peak in the Bathgate Hills being 305 metres above Sea Level. On a clear day the Knock hill has excellent views of the Bass Rock to the East and the distant hills of Arran to the West as well as of the whole of West Lothian and across the Firth of Forth to Fife and beyond to the North.The second movement is a description of a leisurely walk to the summit of this hill and the enjoyment of a pleasant summer's day spent walking and taking in the beautiful panoramic views. However, as is the case with the Scottish Summer, a change in the weather finds a clear blue sky being replaced with dark rain clouds. The changed weather brings a sudden brief but unwelcome cold downpour of rain, drenching anyone out walking! Finally, the clouds pass and the more pleasant summer weather returns.Movement 3 - Cairnpapple HillCairnpapple Hill is a near neighbour of the Knock Hill. It is almost as high but interest in Cairnpapple Hill lies in the outstanding archaeological monument near the summit, an Iron Age burial chamber. The chamber dates back to 25 years BC and was built by a mysterious people known as the Beaker People (so called because they left behind a number of large earthenware beakers). The mysteries of Cairnpapple Hill have always been a source of fascination for me ever since first visiting the hill as a school child.The third movement describes the lives of the Beaker People. The landscape they would have looked out on would have been mostly dense forest which would have contained many perils including dangerous wolves and bears. Life was harsh and short for the Beaker People and they would always have been close to danger and to death. The average life expectancy for the Beaker People was only 31 years of age. The summit of the hill would have been clear of forest and would have afforded the Beaker People some protection as they could see all around the near countryside enabling them to keep a watchful lookout for their enemies - both animal and human!

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £25.00 £25.00
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    A Lazy Afternoon - Len Jenkins - Len Jenkins

    'A Lazy Afternoon' brings to mind a lazy hot day in summer, possibly starting with a short drive out to somewhere pleasant for an afternoon's picnic. It is accepted that a drive out is now something many would choose to avoid, especially at busy weekends, but one can perhaps dream of open un-cluttered roads with no rush to get there. As such, this piece is ideal for the local summer fete. It has a gentle style that so befits an English village fete, recalling an era when things did not need to be so immediate and may thereby help to give a perfect respite from the everyday 'rush and tear'. As with many of Wobbleco's pieces, this is aimed at the average town and village band, and is within the reasonable playing capabilities of its members.

  • £53.50

    The Ketchup Song (Asereje) - Francisco Manuel Ruiz Gomez

    The Ketchup Song was a big 2002 summer hit for the Munoz sisters. The band is made up of three sisters, Lol, Lucia and Pilar who are the daughters of a famous Spanish flamenco musician called Tomate (hence Ketchup!). This fabulous arrangement will bring a taste of summer on the Costa to any concert.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
  • £60.00

    Manchester Concertino - Peter Meechan

    Manchester Concertino is a concertino in three movements for trumpet or cornet. It was written in late summer/early autumn in, as the title suggests, Manchester, UK.The first movement, Fanfare, was written for Belgian cornetist Harmen Vanhoorne, and explores the main musical idea behind the piece, a minor third. The loud fanfare gives way to a cadenza over a timpani roll, before a reprise of the opening fanfare.The second movement, Dream, was commissioned by Keith Johnson and is dedicated to Jess Tredrea. It is a slow, lilting, movement - almost as if the listener was hearing the piece through a summer haze.The final movement is simply titled Finale and is dedicated to Roger Webster. New material is fused with the fanfare from the opening movement leading to a climatic finish to the work.

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 days

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  • £30.00

    My Little Welsh Home - Traditional

    A beautiful arrangement by Tim Paton of a Welsh song by W S Gwynne Williams. Created in memory of his mother, Tim has produced a wonderful version for brass band and has also included an optional vocal solo or unison choir line.Comments from the arranger:I have arranged [My Little Welsh Home] in memory of my mother. [She] was born, Doreen Davies, on 27th November 1918, in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, a small town in South West Wales. She had a beautiful voice, and met my father, Bill Paton, during World War II, whilst she was singing in a troop concert at the County Theatre in her home town, and my father was the MC.Throughout her life, my mother and father entertained, and she was singing right up until the final months of her life. She spent many years in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, a seaside town in South West England, and it was here that she passed away on 20th September 2004. During the last several months of her life, she often referred to the song My Little Welsh Home:Here are the words.I am dreaming of the mountains of my homeOf the mountains where in childhood I would roamI have dwelt 'neath southern skiesWhere the summer never diesBut my heart is in the mountains of my homeI can see the little homestead on the hillI can hear the magic music of the RhyllThere is nothing to compareWith the love that once was thereIn the lonely little homestead on the hillI can see the quiet churchyard down belowWhere the mountain breezes wander to and froAnd when God my soul will keepIt is there I want to sleepWith those dear old folks that loved me long agoLooking at the words, I can see why it meant so much to her. Haverfordwest is at the foot of the Preseli Mountains, and her home and church were at the top of a hill. My mothers' ashes were taken back to her own little Welsh home, and laid to rest in the grounds of the church where she had been Christened, Confirmed and Married.Look and Listen (Score-reading digital sound-sample):

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £9.95

    Euphonium's Extraordinary European Tour - Solo Euphonium (Bass Clef) - LM171

    COMPOSER: Alexandra LehmannEuphonium's Extraordinary European TourThe year 2020 will be infamously recorded as a time when musicians had to lead a solitary life, which is incompatible with musical activity.Furthermore, I wanted to offer an experience of travelling in Europe through music.There is a wealth of historical, and traditional European monophonic music.Hence, the Tour is based around the 14th-15th centuries whenEuphoniumencounters different musical cultures.The Tour is dedicated to my father, mother, brother, and sister;Jean-Pierre, Francoise, Fabrice, and Mahaut Lehmann;with whom I was fortunate to travel in my youth.CONTENTS1. Ostentatious OvertureEuphoniumis at the French palace of Versailles with all itspomp, splendour, and magnificence.2. Mystical MinnesangerEuphoniumhas travelled to the Holy Roman Empire, where he isperforming an ode to a Germanic Knight.3. Andalusian NightsThe Caliphate of Cordoba was a mixing-pot of Islamicand Judaic music. What is fascinating is that many of the ideas aroundperformance; modes at certain times of the day, improvisation into metred,faster sections; go back to the Indian subcontinent and even furtherback into Ancient Greece.Euphonium is chanting for theCaliphate on a warm summer's evening.4. Tarantella of the TagliatelleI don't know if the Medici family ate tagliatelle,but if they did, this joyful and lively tarantella is whatEuphonium would have played.5. Terrifying TropakA complete change of mood.Euphonium is playing for a swashbucklingperformance of Ukrainian Cossacks, with leaps, stamps, and twirls.6. Sami Herding SongIn the Arctic Norwegian north,Euphonium is with the Sami calling theirherd of reindeers with vocalisations that echo in the icy distance.7. Highland FlingEuphoniumis in Scotland taking part in the Highland Games.Female dancers perform athletic jumps.8. Royal Festive FanfareEuphoniumfinishes his European Tour at Windsor Castle, England.Like the natural trumpet (played at the time), the lower range is based on the first notes of the harmonic scale and announce the entry of the royal family.

    Estimated dispatch 3-5 working days
  • £9.95

    Euphonium's Extraordinary European Tour - Solo Euphonium (Treble Clef) - LM168

    COMPOSER: Alexandra LehmannEuphonium's Extraordinary European TourThe year 2020 will be infamously recorded as a time when musicians had to lead a solitary life, which is incompatible with musical activity.Furthermore, I wanted to offer an experience of travelling in Europe through music.There is a wealth of historical, and traditional European monophonic music.Hence, the Tour is based around the 14th-15th centuries whenEuphoniumencounters different musical cultures.The Tour is dedicated to my father, mother, brother, and sister;Jean-Pierre, Francoise, Fabrice, and Mahaut Lehmann;with whom I was fortunate to travel in my youth.CONTENTS1. Ostentatious OvertureEuphoniumis at the French palace of Versailles with all itspomp, splendour, and magnificence.2. Mystical MinnesangerEuphoniumhas travelled to the Holy Roman Empire, where he isperforming an ode to a Germanic Knight.3. Andalusian NightsThe Caliphate of Cordoba was a mixing-pot of Islamicand Judaic music. What is fascinating is that many of the ideas aroundperformance; modes at certain times of the day, improvisation into metred,faster sections; go back to the Indian subcontinent and even furtherback into Ancient Greece.Euphonium is chanting for theCaliphate on a warm summer's evening.4. Tarantella of the TagliatelleI don't know if the Medici family ate tagliatelle,but if they did, this joyful and lively tarantella is whatEuphonium would have played.5. Terrifying TropakA complete change of mood.Euphonium is playing for a swashbucklingperformance of Ukrainian Cossacks, with leaps, stamps, and twirls.6. Sami Herding SongIn the Arctic Norwegian north,Euphonium is with the Sami calling theirherd of reindeers with vocalisations that echo in the icy distance.7. Highland FlingEuphoniumis in Scotland taking part in the Highland Games.Female dancers perform athletic jumps.8. Royal Festive FanfareEuphoniumfinishes his European Tour at Windsor Castle, England.Like the natural trumpet (played at the time), the lower range is based on the first notes of the harmonic scale and announce the entry of the royal family.

    Estimated dispatch 3-5 working days
  • £9.95

    Trumpet's Extraordinary European Tour - Solo Trumpet - LM186

    COMPOSER: Alexandra LehmannTrumpet's Extraordinary European TourThe year 2020 will be infamously recorded as a time when musicians had to lead a solitary life, which is incompatible with musical activity.Furthermore, I wanted to offer an experience of travelling in Europe through music.There is a wealth of historical, and traditional European monophonic music.Hence, the Tour is based around the 14th-15th centuries whenEuphoniumencounters different musical cultures.The Tour is dedicated to my father, mother, brother, and sister;Jean-Pierre, Francoise, Fabrice, and Mahaut Lehmann;with whom I was fortunate to travel in my youth.CONTENTS1. Ostentatious OvertureTrumpet is at the French palace of Versailles with all itspomp, splendour, and magnificence.2. Mystical MinnesangerTrumpethas travelled to the Holy Roman Empire, where he isperforming an ode to a Germanic Knight.3. Andalusian NightsThe Caliphate of Cordoba was a mixing-pot of Islamicand Judaic music. What is fascinating is that many of the ideas aroundperformance; modes at certain times of the day, improvisation into metred,faster sections; go back to the Indian subcontinent and even furtherback into Ancient Greece.Trumpetis chanting for theCaliphate on a warm summer's evening.4. Tarantella of the TagliatelleI don't know if the Medici family ate tagliatelle,but if they did, this joyful and lively tarantella is whatTrumpet would have played.5. Terrifying TropakA complete change of mood.Trumpet is playing for a swashbucklingperformance of Ukrainian Cossacks, with leaps, stamps, and twirls.6. Sami Herding SongIn the Arctic Norwegian north,Trumpet is with the Sami calling theirherd of reindeers with vocalisations that echo in the icy distance.7. Highland FlingTrumpetis in Scotland taking part in the Highland Games.Female dancers perform athletic jumps.8. Royal Festive FanfareTrumpetfinishes his European Tour at Windsor Castle, England.Like the natural trumpet (played at the time), the lower range is based on the first notes of the harmonic scale and announce the entry of the royal family.

    Estimated dispatch 3-5 working days
  • £120.00

    Celebration for Band - John Brakstad

    Many Norwegian bands have grown up around factories; but Norwegian factories are often located in the countrysides - by a fjord or lake, by a river or waterfall that provided power for the factory.The factory was the foundation for the existence of the community, but it was also essential for the community's cultural life; choirs, bands etc. (cp. British brass bands and mining)."Celebration for band" tries to give a picture of the environment and life around a band like this, with both factory noise and the natural world (Pastorale), as well as the challenges and development of the band itself.The composition is built up of five connected episodes:- Fanfare and Prologue (concludes with a feeling of the untamed power of the river) - Pastorale I: " At the river"- Intermezzo: " The Factory" (starts with the opening of water for the turbines: snare drum. Factory whistle and bell call to work, and the spinning and weaving machinery starts up.)- Pastorale II: " Summer evening on the fjord." - Finale: " Challenge and Progress"

    Estimated dispatch 12-14 working days
  • £109.99

    Nordic Moods - Tom Brevik

    The composer:1st movement: Reflections by the Fjord.Overlooking one of the mighty fjords of Norway, my mind and thoughts are with an old religious Norwegian folk-tune, with words by the famous parson Peter Dass.The majestic fanfare-likeopening reflects the power of God our Father, the choral itself heard for the first time on flugelhorn. The choral is repeated a few times, separated only by some short variations. The movement ends in thriumph, with fanfares and the choral broughttogether.2nd movement: Reflections in the Old Church.In this movement my associations of a summer day, finding myself alone in an old deserted stone church. From the old walls I hear folk songs, perhaps like the ones sung in the church bypoor fishermen and farmers in days gone by. Suddenly the light from the sun breakes through the small circular window above the altar, and a lovely melody is heard, before the original figures take us to the end of the movement.3rd movement:Festive Reflections.Any festive occasion can be reflected in this movement. from the bonfire at midsummer-night to the children celebrating the return of the sun in the northern part of Norway. from the traditional sleigh-riding at Christmas tothe Celebrations of the National Day on the 17th of May each year.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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