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  • £44.95

    Road to Run

    The piece starts with a simple rhythmic pulse which is the basis of the entire work. This cell provides a platform for the piece to grow and develop starting with the first theme played by the euphoniums, all the way through to the conclusion performed in full gusto by the whole ensemble. The various motifs introduced throughout the opening of the piece are passed between the ensemble before the introduction of the three soloists.The central section of the piece features the Solo Trombone, Cornet and Euphonium as they take turns to play a jazz fusion solo whilst having some musical interplay with each other at the front of the stage. After this solo passage, the music then features the various sections within the ensemble, which pays homage to Weather Reports' famous "Birdland". In a jazz fused cannon, each new independent musical phrase is performed by the various sections standing. Starting with the Horns then Solo Cornets, Back Row and Flugal and finally the Baritones and Trombones.Once the different sections of the ensemble are featured, the piece then moves into the final stages. This section sees a reprieve of the opening material heard at the beginning, but further developed with the various melodic motifs passed around the ensemble. The ending builds on this material towards a rousing conclusion."Road to Run" is an up tempo, high energy concert work that has that 'feel-good factor' from start to finish. The idea behind the title is based on the feel and structure of the piece which takes the listener on a musical journey. And at 150 beats per minute - you could put it in your headphones and find your own 'Road to Run'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £45.00

    Triumph Series Band Journal November 2014 Numbers 1255 - 1258

    No. 1255 March - Redemption (Ian Clarke)The words redemption and salvation are synonymous with each other. In theology, the word redemtion is defined as 'delivering from sin' or 'saving from evil'; sentiments that are expressed in some of the words associated with the songs that are featured in this music.No. 1256 Suite - Great Expectations! (Howard Davies)Three songs (written over a period of 25 years) are drawn together in this suite as a reminder of the great expectations rightfully held by every child of God.No. 1257 Cornet Solo - Let me be a light (arr. Mervyn Clarke)A setting for Cornet and band of Major Joy Webb's song, 'Let me be a light'.No. 1258 Meditation - Were you there? (Noel Jones)This meditation on Christ's crucifixion features the song, 'Were you there?', and the chorus, 'He died of a broken heart'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £124.99

    Metamorphosis (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    The opening of this three-movement work features an initial appearance of the thematic material that returns in various guises later on in the work. The leitmotiv centres on a minor second.A range of thematic variations is heard in the lively and energetic Metamorphosis One. This movement is interrupted by an atmospheric meno mosso, containing melodic passages that return to the opening theme.Metamorhosis Two is characterised by various changes in tempo and musical character. Seven different soloists transform the thematic material - each in their own way. This eventually culminates in a passionate tutti passage.The source of inspiration for Metamorphosis Three is the so-called BACH-motif, a musical autograph consisting of the notes B flat, A, C and B. This distinctive motif arises from the leitmotiv (here a descending minor second), which continues to evolve through various transpositions and transformations. For the composer, this spectacular last movement is an homage to one of the greatest and most influential composers in the history of music: Johann Sebastian Bach.Duration: 17:00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £45.00

    Triumph Series Band Journal July 2014 Numbers 1251-1254

    No. 1251 Festival March - We Shall Win (Captain Anders Beijer)This march features the tune, 'We shall win' (T.B. 508) and portrays the belief that 'if we fight in the strength of the King' - 'We shall win!'No. 1252 Building Up! (Dean Jones)In 2012, the corps at Horsham were marking their 125th anniversary and this piece was used as part of that occasion. The theme adopted for the celebrations was 'Building hope for tomorrow', which was the inspiration for this piece. The tunes featured are 'Will your anchor hold?' and 'Building up the temple'.No. 1253 Carol Setting - O little town of Bethlehem (Noel Jones)An arrangement of the popular carol, 'O little town of Bethlehem', using the tune 'Forest Green'.No. 1254 Vox Dilecti (Kenneth Downie)Vox Dilecti means 'beautiful voice'. This is an arrangement of J.B.Dykes' melody, complementing words by Horatius Bonar.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £79.95

    Orion (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Orion was named after the giant huntsman in Greek mythology and is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous and recognisable constellations in the night sky. This piece and its inspiration were composed as a tone poem creating a musical picture of this amazing phenomenon.The opening introduces the constellation. Starting mysteriously with the percussion and basses this section develops a series of rhythmic and harmonic interludes from the upper brass. As this introduction develops, the melodic line lead by the Solo Cornet and Euphonium builds as the accompanying instruments increase in their rhythmic complexity. This section climaxes with a short fanfare motif which will be a prominent theme throughout this piece.The fast rhythmic section that follows serves as a technical test for the players. The thematic device introduced by the Solo Cornets is passed around various soloists and sections within the ensemble. This part of the tone poem gives the opportunity for the ensemble to highlight their technical prowess. The fanfare motif returns to conclude this section and takes the piece into the slow middle movement.Motifs heard earlier are mixed with new ideas in this slow section which give an opportunity for a variety of soloists to demonstrate their musical prowess. After the various solo passages and cadenzas, the mood shifts dramatically to a more ominous section that builds in texture and dynamic. Concluding with our returning fanfare motif the piece then builds in momentum towards our finale section.This finale is a technical showcase which will further test the playing ability and stamina of soloists, small groups and the full ensemble. Using prominent musical themes heard throughout this piece the music builds to a glorious conclusion fitting with wonderful constellation.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £45.00

    Triumph Series Band Journal July 2013 Numbers 1239 - 1242

    No. 1239 March - Moving Onward (Nicholas Samuel)This march, written by Lieutenant Nicholas Samuel includes the melody from the song The Challenge of the Future written for the 125th Corps Anniversary at Upper Norwood. Other songs included are There's power in the blood of the Lamb , Here is the place and Wonder-working power.No. 1240 Selerction - O for a heart whiter than snow (Noel Jones)Eliza Edmunds Hewitt's song 'O for a heart that is whiter than snow', forms the basis for this selection written by retired Bandmaster Noel Jones. Brief references are also made to the choruses 'Grace ther is my every debt to pay' and 'Take up thy cross and follow me.No. 1241(1) Cornet Solo - In the bleak mid-winter (Trevor Worthington)A setting for cornet and band of the tune 'Cranham', written by Gustav Holst, with which we associate the words of the well-loved popular Christmas Carol.No. 1241(2) Invocation for thanksgiving (David Rowsell)Invocation, by definition, means ' a call to worship'. This music will serve this purpose for any Harvest or Thanksgiving service, using the tune, 'Come, ye thankful people, come'.No. 1242 High and lifted up (Steven Ponsford)This is music of an exciting yet relaxed nature, and it is intended that this piece be used to inspire and to 'lift up' listeners and players alike. Based on Michael W Smith's contemporary worship song, 'Open the eyes of my heart', this also contains the song 'Holy, holy, holy', to the tune of Nicea.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £79.99

    Another World's Hell (Brass Band - Score and Parts)

    Another Worlds Hell was commissioned in versions for brass, wind and fanfare bands by the Societe Cantonale des Musiques Vaudoises and the Association Cantonale des Musiques Neuchateloises for the 2013 Swiss Cantonales festivals. It is inspired by a passage in Aldous Huxleys classic 1932 science-fiction novel Brave New World, which describes in unusually close detail the music that is being played at a dance. This is Dobsons interpretation of the imagined future music that Huxley dreamed of. Suitable for 1st Section Bands and above. Duration: 13.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £39.95

    Judd: A Pastoral Symphony

    This symphony for brass band seeks to explore the thought that 'the greatest need of any congregation is its pastor's personal holiness'. The first movement challenges the pastor 'to serve the present age', the tunes 'Majesty' and 'Lathbury' are used. The second movement expresses a priority to 'Seek...first the Kingdom of God'. The short third movement presents the question 'Except I am moved with compassion, how dwellest they Spirit in me?' before the triumphant finale reflects the desire of every Christian that his life and work will always be for the glory of God with the presentation of 'In my life Lord, be glorified'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    Judd: At the Edge of Time

    This work was commissioned for the Camberwell Citadel Salvation Army Band's 1982 tour of the USA, Great Britain and Europe. The title relates to Jesus' promise that he will return as Lord and King enternal. Christians, in faith, await his Second Coming and their faith is reflected in the strong tune of the first movement.The featured tune is that of St Magnus with which the words associated are 'The Lord will come and not be slow.'

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    Judd: Christ-Hymn

    Christ-Hymn is an expression of response to the ancient Christian hymn quoted by Paul in his letter to the Philippian church (Philippians 2:5-11). After an opening which creates a tone of sadness and quiet suffering, the following music is a joyous expression of the truth that 'He is exalted', 'His name is above all names' and 'Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days