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  • £69.95

    Triquetra (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Graham, Peter

    Triquetra takes the form of a free fantasia on the familiar hymn Old Hundreth. The tune appears in full in four different guises - harmonically and rhythmically altered on each occasion. Fragments of the melody are also used to generate new ideas, most notably in the contrasting middle section where the opening phrase of the hymn appears in inversion.As to the title, the Triquetra (from the Latin triquetrus meaning three-corned) symbol is representative of the Christian Trinity and in that respect relates to the final line of text in Old Hundreth, also known as the Doxology: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.Triquetra was written for Stephen Cobb in recognition of 30 years outstanding service as conductor of the International Staff Band of the Salvation Army.Duration: 7.00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £89.95

    St James's - A New Beginning (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Harper, Philip

    1st Section Finals test-piece for the National Brass Band Champtionships of Great BritainSt James's - A New Beginning commemorates 300 years since the death of English architect Sir Christopher Wren who redesigned and rebuilt London after the Great Fire in 1666.The piece is in four parts:I. The Great FireII. AftermathIII. VisionIV. RenaissanceThe bells ring the alarm and, as the capital city is engulfed by flames, panic and desperation spread. As the fire burns out, we are left to contemplate the aftermath of the inferno. Enter Sir Christopher Wren. His vision and courage were some of the most influential forces in the rebuilding of London which rose to reclaim its place as one of the great cities of the world.Duration: 12:00

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £29.95

    Lead, Kindly Light (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Broughton, Bruce

    This beautiful hymn is one of trust and faith, building in confidence 'till the night is gone.' This arrangement follows that line of confidence. The melody begins unaccompanied, which is to say 'alone', and the eventual accompanying voices enter sombrely. Instead of a traditional final cadence, the 'leading of the light' continues, using the first four notes of the hymn as a motif that leads to a second, more positive statement of the melody, underscored by a walking motion. The positivity grows and lasts through a final grand statement of the hymn. A short meditative coda follows, and the arrangement ends with a solo note of reflection.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £49.95

    Mountain Day (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Himes, William

    Mountain Day was inspired by the composer's firsthand experiences walking, hiking, biking and skiing the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA.The soaring and noble opening theme is in fact a musical representation of what a mountain silhouette might look like when traced on a musical staff. This overture features four continuous sections with virtually all of the themes having come to the composer's mind while in the Colorado Rockies:dawn - a slow unfolding of sun on the mountainsascent - a joyful and energetic hiking tunesummit vista - an expanded version of the opening themedescent - a lyrical walking tune, bursting with fulfilment and the love of lifeThis work was commissioned in 2014 by the Western State Colorado University - Colorado Brass Band for their 40th anniversary in honour of Mr. John Kincaid, conductor emeritus, mentor and friend.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £154.99

    A Brussels Requiem (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Appermont, Bert

    The attacks in Brussels on 22 March 2016 created a shockwave throughout Belgium and the rest of the world. Equally, the attacks in Paris and Nice led to great public indignation, fear and disbelief. What has happened to the western world? Have our cultures grown apart to such an extent that we do not understand each other anymore? Bert Appermont's intention was to voice certain emotions that these acts of terror have caused: particularly fear, grief, anger, and helplessness. He uses the French children's song Au Claire de la Lune as a connecting thread throughout the work. This piece is also about hope and faith in another world, and is meant to pay homage to all victims, resulting in a dignified remembrance. The musical development is presented in four through-composed parts, titled Innocence, In Cold Blood, In Memoriam - We Shall Rise Again and A New Day. This work was commissioned by the Brassband Oberosterreich (Brass Band Upper Austria) to be played at the European Brass Band Championships 2017.Duration: 16.30

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £48.00

    Tientos y Danzas (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Wood, Gareth

    Tientos y Danzas is a suite in four movements and was written especially for Superbrass. It is not literally descriptive, but conjures up a breezy, festive atmosphere. The title "Tientos" stems from the fact that a lot of the brass writing is reminiscent of virtuosic Renaissance keyboard finger-work (a "Tiento" is the Spanish equivalent of a toccata). Only later did we discover that the word is also the name of a style of flamenco dancing, which links nicely with Danzas (dances). The first movement is an extended fanfare, with military rhythms on the tenor drums and dramatic cornet and horn calls. Next comes a witty waltz featuring the horn. The music builds in complexity; the main horn theme returns before a playful coda. The following Andante makes effective use of the mutes, both in the haunting opening "pyramid" chords, and in the elaborate, recurrent cornet duets; the two cornets have the last word. After a couple of false starts, the finale sets off at a cracking pace, with dislocated accents creating an irregular rhythmic pulse. There are opportunities for every instrument to shine (metaphorically) and the music gets even faster for a thrilling conclusion. Duration: 10.30. Suitable for 1st Section Bands and above.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £68.99

    A Flemish Christmas (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Hadermann, Jan

    In A Flemish Christmas, Jan Hadermann tells the Christmas story by means of four Old Flemish Christmas Songs.Mary is chosen to bring Jesus Christ, the son of God, into the world: Het was een maged uitverkoren ('She was a virgin chosen').On the occasion of a census, Mary, who is with child, and Joseph, her husband to be, travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem, where Jesus will be born in a humble stable: Maria die zoude naar Bethlehem gaan (Mary would go to Bethlehem').O kerstnacht, schoner dan de dagen ('Oh Christmas Night, more beautiful than the days') is a stately chorale that sings the praises of Jesus' birth.Three wise men from the East, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, follow a bright star in the sky, which leads them to Bethlehem. There, they worship the newborn King, and offer him gold, frankincense and myrrh: Wij komen van Oosten (We've come from the East').This musical Christmas story ends with a festive repeat of the third movement, the stately chorale.Duration: 6:30

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £37.95

    Hungerford Town (Brass Band - Score only) - Barry, Darrol

    2011 Butlins 3rd SectionHungerford Town was commissioned by Tim Crouter and the Hungerford Town Band.The piece is in four movements played through without a break:The Black Prince: Opens with a short motif on which most of the following music is based. The music settles down into a mysterious mood that builds to the first transformation of the opening theme. The music is solid and rugged.The Coach Road: Hungerford was always a popular resting place for the horse drawn coaches on the way to London. The music is light and cheerful and features the soprano cornet and solo horn as postilions.St. Lawrence's Church: The previous motif from the first baritone becomes the main theme for this section that gives plenty of scope for warm and expressive playing. Music from the start of the suite is heard before it moves into a celebratory march.The Bear: The Bear Is a local inn frequented by travellers. The opening theme is heard again and brings the work to a triumphant close.Suitable for 4th Section Bands and above

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £74.95

    Hungerford Town (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Barry, Darrol

    2011 Butlins 3rd SectionHungerford Town was commissioned by Tim Crouter and the Hungerford Town Band.The piece is in four movements played through without a break:The Black Prince: Opens with a short motif on which most of the following music is based. The music settles down into a mysterious mood that builds to the first transformation of the opening theme. The music is solid and rugged.The Coach Road: Hungerford was always a popular resting place for the horse drawn coaches on the way to London. The music is light and cheerful and features the soprano cornet and solo horn as postilions.St. Lawrence's Church: The previous motif from the first baritone becomes the main theme for this section that gives plenty of scope for warm and expressive playing. Music from the start of the suite is heard before it moves into a celebratory march.The Bear: The Bear Is a local inn frequented by travellers. The opening theme is heard again and brings the work to a triumphant close.Suitable for 4th Section Bands and above

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £59.99

    Hymn of Faith (Brass Band - Score and Parts) - Bourgeois, Louis T - Blanken, John

    The French composer Louis Bourgeois lived from c.1510 to 1560. Bourgeois was cantor in Geneva and, commissioned by John Calvin, he composed melodies for metrical (rhyming) versions of the psalms. After completing about a hundred one-part psalms, he made some four-part arrangements, which were denounced and even resulted in his imprisonment for a day. Later, Bourgeois published a number of psalm collections, and judging from his book Le droict chemin de musique he was also an excellent educator. The melodies Bourgeois composed, are (contrary to Gregorian chants) particularly suitable for community singing. This applies to his hymn tune Saint Michael, which is why this melody has been used for various texts, written for many occasions. John Blanken made this arrangement for a wedding ceremony: an occasion in which faith and trust play a large - if not the largest - role. Hence the title Hymn of Faith. The arrangement contains four verses of the hymn. After a majestic opening the hymn follows twice, the second verse being embellished in the tenor register. After a short interlude verse three follows, played by a quartet. The majestic opening is then repeated as a modulation into the fourth verse, which concludes the work in a brilliant tutti.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days