Rainforest Concerto - Saskia Apon
Rainforest Concerto has been commissioned by the Brass Band Rijnmond. This double concerto for two trombones and wind band consists of three parts with the cadenza in the slow niddle movement. Saskia Apon was inspired by the threat of the destruction of the rainforest. In the first part, Creation, we hear an accelerated reproduction of the birth of this impressive natural phenomenon. We hear the first birds, we see the growth of the mangrove trees and we witness the struggle for light and the force necessary to keep the realized equilibrium in a perpetual balance.The second part, Ode, is a tribute to the wonder and splendour of the rainforest. By means of subtle and extremely delicate sonorities we hear how nature adds an inestimable value to the rainforest. However it is also extremely fragile and this engenders a certain melancholy due to the awareness of man's impotence to respect this beautiful nature.In the last part, Contra Demolition, we hear the threatening decline, but also the revolt against this possible ruin. It is a heartfelt cry to leave nuture in peace and to work hard for the preservation of the beauty and the value of the rainforest.
Estimated dispatch 10-14 working days
Blackbird Special - Davis, Lewis, Towns, Harris, Marshall, Joseph, Johnson & Jones - Reid Gilje
"Blackbird Special" is a song by American band Dirty Dozen Brass Band.The song is an entertainment piece, a good concert opener or encore.When used as a concert opener one may let the different sections of the band enter the stage one by one playing in order of appearance.Percussion section may play their parts ad lib. The most important is the groove of the piece.Please pay attention to strict articulation from bar 17. Be aware of the marcatos at 33. The last note of the slurs at 41 must be not be too short.It's important to hold the note values, especially in bars 49, 51, 53 and 55.From 57 and throughout the piece, the percussion may invite the audience to join for handclaps.As an extra effect, the Bass Tubas may stand at 57, the Horns at 59, backrow Cornets and Trombones at 61 and Euphonium/Baritone/Solo Cornets at 63.
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Macbeth - Peter Meechan
Commissioned by the Scottish Brass Band Association for the 2007 Scottish Open Championship, Macbeth takes itsa inspiration from the Shakespeare play of the same name. Character portraits (Of the three witches as well as Macbeth himself), abstractions (The lament), and scenes (Macbethas final battle with Macduff) make up the nine sections of the piece.i: WitchesThe prophecies of the three witches are an integral part of the play, and in this opening section, these mysterious characters are represented by three different sections of music that introduces the listener to the musical material of the piece.ii: DaggerMacbethas aIs this a dagger I see before theea speech, where an imaginary dagger leads him to contemplate the pending murder, builds in intensity before the bell tolls at itsa conclusion - a sign from Lady Macbeth that Duncan is now alone.iii: General MacbethA character portrait of Macbeth - a fearless General who has led his armies to defeat foes from all over Europe. His ambition and flair that make him such a great General are also the characteristics that lead to his eventual downfall.iv: Contemplations of Lady MacbethAlone and mad, Lady Macbeth ponders all that has gone, before taking her own life.v: LamentAlthough the play tells of Macbeth not feeling the pain of his wifeas death, this lament ponders not only her death, but the tale as a Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrowIt is in this final soliloquy that we see the ultimate tragedy of Macbeth - the realisation that his life is ultimately worthless.vii: A spell still castThis acts as an prologue to section eight, restating the original awitchesa music, before heading into Macbethas final battle.viii: Final BattleMacbethas final battle, where he locks swords with Macduff.ix: Not of woman bornMacbethas realisation that the witches have misled him comes all too late, as Macduff beheads Macbeth, fulfilling the last prophecy.
Estimated dispatch 12-14 working days
Wigerathorp - Jan de Haan
Brass Band Gloria Dei, the group that commissioned this work, has its roots in the Frisian town of Gerkesklooster (the Netherlands), where the settlement Wigerathorp used to be. In the 13th century, a monastery was erected here, named Jeruzalem. This inspired the composer to base the work on the well-known melodious hymn Jerusalem by Sir Hubert Parry. Gercke's Overture - the monastery was built by order of landowner Gercke Harkema - is followed by a slow movement in which the founders of the monastery, The Monks of Claercamp, take shape through the Gregorian chant Veni creator spiritus. In the last movement, Monastery Jerusalem, the main theme develops in all its glory.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Griffenfeldt - 0
Here we present "Griffenfeldt, a folk-dance in the style of a Norwegian reinlender.This arrangement can be used as the first item in a concert, or after an interval.The musicians can come on stage as they join in. That is why two of the measures are notated "repeat till ready", here you have to wait until everyone is in place! If everyone is ready from the start, the repetition can be omitted.Be sure to play with a bouncy but singing style, not with short and harsh articulations.Do the trills on the beat, but these can also be omitted if it makes it too difficult.To bring out the folk music style a little extra, you can ask the musicians to play on the "backbeat", i.e. emphasize the last half of each quarter-note.In addition, the music will really come to life if all "solo" places are done standing up.The musician Anon Egeland tells this story:This song got its name from a party where it all just got a bit too lively: one of the party-goers started shooting into the ceiling with a gun just as this reinlender was being played. The fiddler - or was it the man with the gun? - was called Griffenfeldt, and that gave the name for the song.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Other Lives - Oliver Waespi
Other Lives is works perfectly for a competition but can also be programmed as concert work. The dark chords at the beginning of the piece are derived from "Der Doppelganger", one of Franz Schubert's late songs. After a short development the music begins to accelerate and find its own shape, gradually moving away from the introduction. The entire first part, "Rage", has an intensely agitated character. The ensuing "Reflection" turns back to the initial chord progression, before a series of interspersing solos explore time and space at a slower pace. After another musical surge, the music is brought close to silence and then gives way to the third part, "Redemption".Here, a widely spaced sound field contains a remote allusion to another work by Schubert "Ruckblick". After this farewell, an abstract musical transformation triggers an emotional change, as the initial motifs are now presented in their inversed form in order to create a much brighter harmonic landscape. Moreover, in the last part of the piece, "Renewal", the grim, tense atmosphere of the first part is transformed into a great energy. Other Lives was commissioned by the Valaisia Brass Band.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Sinfonietta No. 4 - Etienne Crausaz
This work was composed for the occasion of the 28. Fete Cantonale des Musiques Vaudoises (28th Music Festival of the Canton Vaud), taking place in the Valley of Joux in June 2018. The music begins with a very simple fanfare consisting of five ascending legato notes which constitute the fundamental framework of the piece. This contrasts with the more cantabile sounding theme we hear after. The following Allegro section uses the sequence in a contrapuntal style reminding us of the Renaissance period, but with more modern day harmonies. Two solo cadenzas played by cornet and euphonium initiate the middle section, in which a theme also based on the sequence builds uptowards the climax of the piece. The sequence in the last section is played in time but gives the feeling of a "one to the bar" beat. Shortly before the festive finale, the music heard in the middle part resumes.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Blackbird Special - Davis
Blackbird Special" is a song by American band Dirty Dozen Brass Band. The song is an entertainment piece, a good concert opener or encore. When used as a concert opener one may let the different sections of the band enter the stage one by one playing in order of appearance. Percussion section may play their parts ad lib. The most important is the groove of the piece. Please pay attention to strict articulation from bar 17. Be aware of the marcatos at 33. The last note of the slurs at 41 must be not be too short. It's important to hold the note values, especially in bars 49, 51, 53 and 55. From 57 and throughout the piece, the percussion may invite the audience to join forhandclaps. As an extra effect, the Bass Tubas may stand at 57, the Horns at 59, backrow Cornets and Trombones at 61 and Euphonium/Baritone/Solo Cornets at 63. ||||||
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Like a Child - Andreas Ludwig Schulte
The young have the future. This is the statement made at the beginning of 'Like a Child' by Andreas Ludwig Schulte. The opening radiates strength and ambition, but one is also made to wonder which direction will be chosen, which choices will have to be made.After the introduction the first steps on the path of life are taken, still somewhat unsteadily (the 3/4th time used illustrates this uncertainty). However, the child has now set off and will meet the future with an open mind, unafraid, even though experience will teach it how easily it can be hurt.Fortunately, it is sometimes allowed to be vulnerable and it discovers there will always be someone to offer shelter,support and love. (Adagio) The last part breathes a far greater independence. Youth is able to face the future, it can even take on the whole world!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Cherubic Hymn of Ukraine - Yakiv Yatsynevych
Ukraine was invaded on February 24, 2022, and the world again became spectators to a conflict between unequal opponents. Once again we saw lies, injustice and brutality up close.I must admit that a feeling of powerlessness arose when experiencing this, an empty feeling of not being able to do anything useful.One early Monday morning, a few weeks into the conflict, I sat down to listen to Ukrainian music.I hardly knew any Ukrainian music, but I was familiar with the composer Mykola Leontovych, the man who composed "Carol of the Bells". He was a member of the Ukrainian liberation movement, and he was assassinated by a Soviet agent in 1921.One of his contemporary colleagues was the composer, teacher and conductor Yakiv Yatsynevych (1869-1945). He wrote church music and choral music, and I became very taken by his Hymn to the Cherubim, a part of the Orthodox Mass.I could not find any sheet music for this. But I have listened to numerous choral recordings, and I have tried to notate the music as I believe the composer himself has done originally.I chose to do the arrangement for a solo group of 4 players. These players can be placed at a distance from the ensemble, maybe on a gallery or at the back of your concert hall.The arrangement was made for Brottum Brass for their participation in the Oslo Brass Festival in April 2022.The performance in the church this particular night was met with a long-lasting silence after the last note. The warm respect, the moving response and love we felt from the audience is a memory I will carry with me for a long time.In the lyrics to this psalm, one finds the phrase:Let us now lay aside all earthly cares- John Philip Hannevik -
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days