Land of the Living Skies - Peter Meechan
From the composer:aCommissioned by tuba virtuoso Patrick Sheridan, Land of the Living Skies is inspired by the love of photography shared by both Patrick and I.After moving from the UK to Saskatchewan, Canada, there were many changes, but perhaps the most striking of all were the skyscapes that my new home produced; stunning sunsets, incredible views of the Milky Way, amazing moonlit landscapes, and - of course - the Northern Lights.This piece was the last I wrote before moving away from Saskatchewan and. given that the Province calls itself the aLand of the Living Skiesa, it seemed only fitting to name the work after its amazing skies that had provided a lifetimeas worth of inspiration.The piece is dedicated to Patrick Sheridan, an amazing tubist, musician, educator and friend.aPete Meechan, January 2018
Estimated dispatch 12-14 working days
Aurora Borealis - Morten J. Wallin
Aurora Borealis, more popularly known as the Northern Lights, was a source of superstition in the Middle Ages. This dazzling spectacle, which is accompanied by whispering sounds, put the fear of God into those who didn't know that this was simply one of nature's grand shows. Many heathen attributed the phenomenon to the incomprehensible ways of the gods. Today we know better. Every 11 years, the amount of particles emitted by the sun is at its highest level, as is the case this year. These particles are hurled away from the sun, beyond its magnetic field. A small percentage of these particles are able to penetrate the earth's atmosphere. Once they are here, they begin tocollide and form the beautiful patterns in the night sky which we call the Aurora Borealis.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Aurora Awakes
Aurora Awakes was composed in 2020 for Youth Brass 2000. Sometimes referred to as the Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis is a natural light phenomenon in the Earth's s ky. Predominantly seen in high-latitude regions, they are a result of magnetosphere disturbances caused by solar wind. The resulting ionisation (the process of a molecule acquiring positive or negative charge) of atmospheric components emit light of varying colour and complexity. For those of you familiar with the composer's other space inspired works , Aurora Awakes is a slow alternative, exploring the tonal colour and lyricism of the brass band rather than its raw energy. An effective contrast if you choose to programme it following either Starburst or Andromeda . Duration : 00:03:10 Grade : 3 Flexi-Score
Estimated dispatch 5-7 working days
Abstractions - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Verket ble bestilt av Norges Musikkorpsforbund som pliktnummer til NM for Brass Band 2. divisjon (na 1. divisjon) 1990.Satstitlene er abstraksjoner der synsopplevelser er tenkt gjenskapt som musikk, altsa en abstrakt fremstilling av et motiv, likt et abstrakt bilde der man ikke umiddelbart kan se likheten.1. Aurora Borealis (Lento espressivo) Inspirert av Nordlyset som kan vaere svaert intenst vinterstid.Det er aldri i ro og antar nye fasonger og farger hele tiden mens det farer over nattehimmelen.The first movement is inspired by the northern lights. It constantly changes in colour and shape.2. Rocks (Moderato ben ritmico)I denne satsen er tittelen et ordspill. Ordet "rock" er velkjent i musikken, men er ogsa en enorm stein eller del av et fjell.The title of the second movement is a play with the word "rock" is a well-known word describing a musical genre. But it is also a giant stone or a part of a mountain.3. Seascape (Allegro)I denne satsen forsoker jeg a fange ulike aspekter ved havet, samtidig som satsen samler opp musikalske ideer fra de to foregaende satsene. Denne satsen videreforer, oppsummerer og avslutter verket.The third movement is inspired by different aspects of the sea. It also sums up different ideas that occurs in the two previous movements to round off the whole piece.Tredje utgave - 2015Third Edition - 2015
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Abstractions - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
1. Aurora Borealis (Lento espressivo) The first movement is inspired by the northern lights. It constantly changes in colour and shape. 2. Rocks (Moderato ben ritmico) The title of the second movement is a play with the word "rock" is a well-known word describing a musical genre. But it is also a giant stone or a part of a mountain. 3. Seascape (Allegro) The third movement is inspired by different aspects of the sea. It also sums up different ideas that occurs in the two previous movements to round off the whole piece. Third Edition - 2015
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days