Abstractions - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Verket ble bestilt av Norges Musikkorpsforbund som pliktnummer til NM for Brass Band 2. divisjon (na 1. divisjon) 1990.Satstitlene er abstraksjoner der synsopplevelser er tenkt gjenskapt som musikk, altsa en abstrakt fremstilling av et motiv, likt et abstrakt bilde der man ikke umiddelbart kan se likheten.1. Aurora Borealis (Lento espressivo) Inspirert av Nordlyset som kan vaere svaert intenst vinterstid.Det er aldri i ro og antar nye fasonger og farger hele tiden mens det farer over nattehimmelen.The first movement is inspired by the northern lights. It constantly changes in colour and shape.2. Rocks (Moderato ben ritmico)I denne satsen er tittelen et ordspill. Ordet "rock" er velkjent i musikken, men er ogsa en enorm stein eller del av et fjell.The title of the second movement is a play with the word "rock" is a well-known word describing a musical genre. But it is also a giant stone or a part of a mountain.3. Seascape (Allegro)I denne satsen forsoker jeg a fange ulike aspekter ved havet, samtidig som satsen samler opp musikalske ideer fra de to foregaende satsene. Denne satsen videreforer, oppsummerer og avslutter verket.The third movement is inspired by different aspects of the sea. It also sums up different ideas that occurs in the two previous movements to round off the whole piece.Tredje utgave - 2015Third Edition - 2015
Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
Myte - Myth - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Commissioned by Radoy Brass for their 20 years anniversary.This version was first performed by Manger Skulemusikklag in 2005.The Work is devided into Five Scenes:1. Sverdet (The Sword) 3:452. Advarsel - fra en vis mann (Warning - from a Wise Man) 2:303. Dragen (The Dragon) 3:004. Advarsel II - fra syngende fugler (Warning II - from singing birds) 1:355. Gull - forbannelsen (Gold - The Curse) 2:50Total durata 13:30This work is based on five scenes from the tale about "Sigurd Favnesbane" (Sigurd the dragonslayer). Moods and atmospheres in the piece represent my way of retelling the old myth.1. The SwordThe dwarf blacksmith Regin is hammering and sharpening the edges of the magical sword Gram. After three attempts the sword is finally sharp enough to kill a dragon. 2. Warning - from a Wise manRichard Wagners opera Sigfried is based on the same story. In the opera the hero get warned by a wise man. He tells the secret of how to survive an attack of the dragon by hiding in a hole in the pathway and then kill the dragon with the sword as thedragon passes on its way to the river to drink water.3. DragonThe Dragon (Favne) guards a fantastic treasure, but he is also the brother of the blacksmith Regin. Favne get killed and his blood flows slowly while he laments (trombone/bass trombone).4. Warning II - from singing birdsWhile frying the heart, Sigurd burns his thumb and put it into his mouth to cool it down. Then he swallow a drop of fresh magic dragon blood which transfers the ability to understand the birdlanguage. The birds sing warnings to Sigurd telling himthat Regin will betray him and later kill him. Sigurd then kills Regin instead.5. Gold - the CurseSigurd takes the gold treasure and escapes on the horseback of Grane. But his robbery of the gold lead him into trouble: The gold is banned and a curse will hit everyone whotakes it...Myth is a programmatic work where the story is quite clearly illustrated throughout the piece:In the first movement you can hear the blacksmith working with hammer on ambolt while the heat is intense from the glows. The dwarf has got his own theme i lower brass (bar 4-5). The hero Sigurd has his own identifying chord (2 bars before F). Thechord is also a symbol of the sword.In the second movement the warning from the wise man is expressed in the lyric bass line.The airblow in instruments illustrate the dragon Favne on his way out of his cave, and later the blood flows slowly. The dragon takes his last deep breath after a painful duet in trombones. The birds sing their motifs (lightly, but not cheerfulthough), until Sigurd cuts the head off Regin and it hits the ground.The last movement describes the atmosphere andstate of mind as the curse infects the obsessed thief.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Introduction - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
A short concert opener. I quote a couple of Norwegian Folk Tunes to make a musical picture of the Vikings running from the seashore to face a battle. They used to drink something made of mushrooms to prevent fear and pain - They became Berserkings!Introduction is recorded by Manger Musikklag on their CD Circius.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Elegy and March - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Commissioned by the Norwegian Band Federation and Tom Brevik. Composed in 1991. The composer:Elegy and March was one of my first original compositions (no quotations, no folk-tunes) and it was one of my earliest attempts to experiment with form. The elegy-part is quite obvious, but the march is not quite a march. If the elegy-part tells a sad story, then the march should tell a happy story. My problem is that I don?t think life is like that. Result: the march collapses! De liefhebbers van de muziek van de Scandinavier Aagaard-Nilsen kunnen hun hart ophalen bij dit bijzondere werk. In de tweedelige compositie zijn de delen thematisch aan elkaarverwant. De Elegy is een verstild werkje met prachtige klankvelden. Alle instrumenten komen aan bod maar nooit tegelijk. Hoe anders is dat in de mars waarbij ragfijn orkestspel wordt gevraagd. De componist: Elegy and March was een van mijn eerste originele werken (geen citaten, geen volksliedjes) en het was een van mijn eerste pogingen om te experimenteren met vorm. De elegie deel is vrij duidelijk, maar de mars is niet helemaal een mars. Als het elegie-deel een triest verhaal vertelt, dan zou de mars een gelukkig verhaal moeten vertellen. Mijn idee is dat dat in het echte leven ook niet zo is. Resultaat: de mars stort totaal in!Weer iets totaal anders van de Noorse meester!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
The Binding of the Wolf - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
This piece was commissioned by Nordhordland Brass Seminar in 1990 and written for a youth band. The title referes to a story from norse mythology. "The Binding of the Wolf" is not a programmatic piece of music, but I felt that there was a kind of coherence between the music and the dramatic story: "...The wolf Fenrir was one of the demonic offspring of Loki, and as he grew up in Asgard among the gods, he became so huge and fierce that only Tyr was willing to feed him. It was decided that he must be bound, and Odin in his wisdom caused the cunning dwarfs to forge a chain which could not be broken. It was made from the invisible and yet potent powers ofthe world, such as the roots of a mountain, the noise of a moving cat, the breath of a fish. When completed, this chain seemed to be no more than a silken cord, but the wolf refused to let it be laid upon him unless one of the gods would put a hand between his jaws as a pledge that it was harmless. Only Tyr was prepared to do this, and when the wolf found that the chain was unbreakable, the gods rejoiced, but Tyr lost his hand. The binding of the wolf may be seen as a means of protecting the world of men, as well as that of the gods, from destruction. The story of the god losing his hand appears to be one of the fundamental myths of nothern Europe..."
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Arctic Funk - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Arctic Funk might just as well have been a flashing sequel to a scene from Leonard Bernstein's West Side Story. Popular music but with a difference, as indicated by the title. The work's quiet section temporarily soothes down the heated passion of its two corner movements, but everywhere else action is required throughout. The work was commissioned in 1991 by Troms? Brass. Situated just above the Polar Circle, Troms? is one of Norway's northernmost towns. Topographically, the town probably comes across as freezing cold, but Troms? is famous for its 'warm' night-life. The Composer: In Arctic Funk you might get a feeling of a party that takes place betweenice-rocks and snow-capped mountains.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
Circius - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
Composed during the summer of 1988. Commissioned by The Norwegian Brass Band Club First performed in the Grieg Hall at the 10th Anniversary Concert for the Norwegian Championship, Bergen, February 1989. EBML conducted by Michael Antrobus.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
A North Norwegian Fantasy - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
This exciting brass band work is written in the form of a rhapsody based on folk tunes originating from the region where this young Norwegian composer was born. In addition to traditional harmonies the composer makes use of modal chords to create the appropriate atmosphere for this beautiful region of Norway.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
A Moment of Silence - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
A euphonium solo based on a Norwegian tune, Stille stund. Een euphonium solo gebaseerd op een Noors volksliedje, Stille Stund.
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days
New Waves - Torstein Aagaard-Nilsen
New Waves is a special composition. Although contemporary but still attractive to musicians and listeners. Norwegian composer Aagaard-Nilsen has failed in a special way to add new elements to the contemporary wind music. Original exciting rhythms and contrasting harmonies make this composition enjoyable and challenging together. Interrupted by a slow middle section New Waves may be seen as five minutes jazz, rock and funk optima forma! New Waves is een bijzondere compositie. Weliswaar eigentijds maar toch aantrekkelijk voor muzikanten en luisteraars. De Noorse componist Aagaard-Nilsen is er op bijzondere wijze in geslaagd nieuwe elementen toe te voegen aan dehedendaagse blaasmuziek. Oorspronkelijke ritmes en spannende contrastrijke samenklanken maken het spelen van dit werk plezierig en uitdagend tegelijk. Onderbroken door een langzaam middendeel kan New Waves beschouwd worden als vijf minuten jazz, rock en funk optima forma!
Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days