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  • £29.95

    SOLDIERS OF CHRIST (Brass Band Set) - George Marshall

    This march was the second of Marshall's marches to be published and contained the note 'Revised by the Editor', who at the time was Lt. Colonel Richard Slater. Marshall maintained correspondence with the Colonel as his composing skills developed although this early work already demonstrates melodic charm and effective scoring.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    CROWN OF CONQUEST (Brass Band Set) - Ray Steadman-Allen

    This march was written as a tribute to Bandmaster Arthur Gullidge and his company of Australian Salvationist musicians who perished during World War Two. The composer deliberately reproduced the general characteristics of Gullidge's own distinctive style of march writing.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    TRAILBLAZERS (Brass Band Set) - Andrew Mackereth

    This overture draws its inspiration from the story of the first Household Troops Band. It tells the story of the 1887 band, the subsequent lull of nearly a hundred years and the re-awakening of the Troops phenomenon in 1985. It was originally written in 1995 and featured prominently by the band on its North American tour of 2002. Given the history of the Household Troops Band, it is fitting that this composition is preoccupied with marching. It begins with a marching song played by a solitary muted cornet, symbolic not only of the call to bandsmen to join the evangelical effort but also a muso-dramatic device to indicate the steady increase in members and technical ability! The music quickly develops into stirring versions of 'A robe of white' and 'Storm the forts of darkness' with two early day Salvation Army tunes crucially adding to the narrative; 'Marching on in the light of God' and 'Soldiers of our God, arise!' The second section is a reflective setting of the Herbert Booth song, 'The penitent's plea'. This song serves to represent the many people who were 'saved' during those early day campaigns. The expressive music transports the listener through a period of uncertainty and angst until finally reaching the song, 'There is a message, a simple message, and it's a message for us all'. The final section deals first with the emergence from the annals of history with the muted cornet figure again before, symbolically, the present day band bursts forth with an emphatic statement of 'Would you be free from your burden of sin? There's power in the blood'. The stirring climax represents a fitting tribute to those gallant pioneering musicians and their equally impressive and dedicated contemporaries.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    LIFESTREAM (Brass Band Set) - Ralph Pearce

    This march is modelled on the well-known American quick march called Midwest by J.J. Richards. The melody of the second subject is by the Danish hymn-writer, Sophie Hedvig Dedakam and is associated with words by Major Clara Vint who helped to establish En Evant, the French War Cry. The title of the march is derived from the text of the song.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    MY STRENGTH, MY TOWER Rhapsodic Variations (Brass Band Set) - Dean Goffin

    This music consists of a theme followed by five extensive variations. The theme is the composer's own tune set to the words, 'Thee will I love, my strength, my tower', a hymn by Johann Scheffler translated by John Wesley. A strong modal flavour is characteristic of the theme. Variation 1: This is a light and graceful variation with a good deal of imitative writing. It leads, without a break, into the next variation. Variation 2: Fire and ferocity are asked for in the course of this variation. Variation 3: This variation demonstrates the original approach of the composer. Solo lines for cornet and euphonium are included with their arabesques and arpeggii. Variation 4: Taking the form of a passacaglia, the 'ground' is given out at once by the basses. Fragments of the 'ground', plain or decorated, are combined and used in a number of ways, revealing the composer's mastery of counterpoint. Variation 5: The briskly moving and scintillating final variation abounds in sudden variations of dynamic. The tempo remains constant until an increase is called for in the coda. This 'contest' version has been prepared by Brian Bowen who was asked to re-work the percussion part and introduce a repiano cornet part (Salvation Army band publications do not, in general, have a part for repiano cornet).

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    LIFE ABUNDANT (Cornet Solo with Brass Band Set) - Robert Redhead

    Life Abundant is a cornet solo written as a musical biography of the search of soul to find the meaning of life. The music begins with the dawning of life, then the abundant joy of childhood ('My cup is full and running over'), followed by the uncertainty of the youth who longs to say 'I want to live right' but doesn't know how. The answer comes in a meditative setting of the composer's own song 'One life to live, O may I live for Thee', after which the music confidently builds to a climax which expresses the joy of abundant life found in Jesus".

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    SUPREMACY (Brass Band Set) - Dean Jones

    This challenging work leads us to contemplate the need we have to acknowledge Christ as supreme in our lives. The three tunes contained are all strongly associated with words which speak of supremacy with the finale, based on the hymn tune 'Pembroke', outlining words penned by William Booth 'My Lord who reigns supreme'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £69.95

    ISAIAH 40 (Brass Band Set) - Robert Redhead

    Commissioned for the final of the 1996 National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. The timeless truths contained in Isaiah 40 were written to encourage a people facing very intimidating circumstances. The Jewish people of the 5th Century BC were preparing to make an arduous journey though the desert to return to their ravaged homeland after a lengthy exile in the sophisticated society of Babylon. Both Scripture and music sound out a message of hope, as they view life from an eternal perspective, thus placing change in its proper context. Because 'the Lord is the everlasting God' his word 'stands forever' and 'those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength'. They will not merely get through somehow but 'they will soar on wings like eagles'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    PILGRIM WAY, The (Brass Band Set) - Eric Ball

    Attempting to recreate the atmosphere of mediaeval pilgrims, this suite comprises three separate, yet linked movements. I. Based on John Bunyan's poem 'He Who Would Valiant Be', the music reminds us of the words 'No foes shall stay his might, though he with giants fight, he will make good his right to be a pilgrim'. II. A transcription of the composer's own setting of 'God be in my head'. III. The original themes in this movement express feelings of joy and excitement of present day pilgrims journeying on the Christian path.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £34.95

    DANIEL (Brass Band Set) - Barrie Gott

    This up-beat arrangement of the well-loved children's hymn is a favourite of all bands who have played it. Aspiring kit drummers will enjoy the 8 bar drum break.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days