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  • £54.99

    X-mas for Three - David Well

    David Well composed 'X-mas for Three' for three young pupils of his, who wished to give a Christmas concert. He arranged six well-known Christmas songs for them, and their first performance was a great success. This was reason for the composer to adapt the piece for 'orchestra' by adding percussion. The title has stayed the same, and the work can still be played by as few as three musicians, but as the saying goes: "The more, the merrier"! 'X-mas for Three' consists of the following parts : 1. Oh du frohliche 2. Kling, Glockchen, kling 3. Gloria in excelsis deo 4. Joy to the world! 5. The first Noel 6. We wish you a MerryChristmas

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £89.99

    Gate 11 - John Emerson Blackstone

    'Music' by John Miles was one of Blackstone's favourite numbers. With completely different notes, but holding on to the same form and atmosphere the latter has tried to write an attractive composition for both young and old.Gate 11 refers to the ever agitated and noisy scenes at an airport, especially during check-in. Yet there are also passengers who wait patiently, letting their thoughts range at will, looking forward to meeting a loved one at the end of their journey.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £54.99

    Jamaica - Timothy Travis

    Jamaica is an island in the Caribbean. In 1494 it was discovered by Christopher Columbus, who used it as private property until 1509. After some skirmishes it fell under British rule and the sugar trade on the island flourished. After the abolition of slavery in 1834 it was only granted Home Rule in 1944, but it remained a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Whereas the export of cane sugar used to be Jamaica's main export product for many years, nowadays music has taken over this role. At first American music used to be very popular on the island. Later, however, Jamaican musicians started to experiment and thus in the end created their ownmusical style called Reggae. Well-known Reggae musicians are Bob Marley and Peter Tosh. The most important instruments used in Reggae are the bass and the drums. Together they form the base for the style: the riddim. A bass drum accent on the second and fourth beat are characteristic of a typically reggae drum beat. To this syncopic patterns are often added. The rhythm guitarist plays chords in a characteristic Reggae rhythm, not on, but between the beats.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £54.99

    Soldiers Song - Patrick Millstone

    As long as we can remember, trumpets and percussion have been the instruments most closely associated with the army and its soldiers. Just think of the medieval herald who publicly proclaimed all the king's important announcements. This work opens with a festive fanfare which immediately calls for your attention. No tidings of disaster, but a festive parade of soldiers passing by while whistling merrily. This idea was the composer's starting point when writing this cheerful little piece.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £53.50

    Step Aside - David Well

    Excuse me, may I play along? Could you step aside, please? 'Step Aside' is a pleasant competition both between two tempi and among the different parts. After a short, slow introduction it is the drummer who, without asking the questions above, sets the high pace. As soon as this rapid movement has been established, 'part 1' takes the lead, but the other parts obviously don't want to miss a thing and follow in rapid succession. At the end of the composition the various parts 'compete' in order to be able to play solo for a while, but soon others join in again, asking 'Excuse me, may I play along?'

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £54.99

    The Irish Dancemaster - William Vean

    During the eighteenth century a person called 'the Dance Master' made his appearance in Ireland. He was a travelling dance-teacher, who moved from one village to another to teach the people there how to dance. They were often flamboyant personalities, gorgeously dressed and holding a staff in one hand. In order to teach their pupils the difference between their right and left leg, the dance master used to tie a small bunch of straw or hay to their leg and then would order them to either lift their 'hay-leg' or their 'straw-leg'. The dancing masters used to stay in one particular village for about six weeks (if they were not claimed by a neighbouringvillage), after which they continued their journey. Having a famous dance master gave a village a certain distinction and did not seldom lead to boasting and pride. Also on account of the popularity of Celtic music in general at the moment, William Vean was inspired to writing 'The Irish Dance Master'. He 'teaches' you two dances, the Reel and the Jig. In between these two dances there is a short breathing space, during which a traditional Irish rhythm can be enjoyed.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £53.50

    Strong Coffee - Ron Gilmore

    It is true that tastes differ. Coffee has known a long history : it has been drunk since the 17th century. On one hand people drink coffee for relaxation, on the other hand it is drunk to ward off tiredness or sleepiness. 'Strong Coffee' composed by Ron Gilmore works both ways. There will be people who will be able to relax during 'Strong Coffee', whereas others will experience it as a real boost. Is it a bit too strong after all, such a funky Soul Beat? Then adding a little milk might help. As said before, tastes differ!

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £54.99

    Discovery March - Patrick Millstone

    Patrick Millstone composed his 'Discovery March' for Gobelin Music Publications' 'Discovery Series' : The music in this series is meant to be a journey of discovery for incipient musicians who have started playing in an ensemble. 'Discovery March' is a cheerful march in which the melody part is not only played by the lead instrument, but rather by all instruments in turn.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £104.99

    Scottish Dances - Peter Martin

    Scottish Dances is based on three Scottish traditionals: Cock of the North, The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond and Marie's Wedding. I. Cock of the North's name is used for multiple things or events. For example for a locomotive to a famous, it seems, delicious liqueur, and rallies to snowboard competitions. Furthermore is "Cock O' the North " a nickname of a famous Duke. (The 4th Duke of Gordon). In this composition Cock of the North (a Jig) is a traditional Scottish bagpipe tune, regularly played on tattoos by Pipe Bands. Not infrequently the drummers sing the text. Auntie Mary, had a canary, Up the leg of her trousers While she was sleeping Iwas peeping Up the leg of her trousers. II. " The Bonnie Bank's O'Loch Lomond " is about a sad story that took place during an revolt against the British. In 1745 Bonnie Prince Charlie had to retreat. Two of his men were captured. One was convicted and executed, while the other was released. The spirit of the executed soldier would arrive in Scotland via the 'low road' (underworld) before his companion, who had still a long way to go. You'll take the high road And I'll take the low road And I'll be in Scotland afore ye But me and my true love will never meet again On the Bonnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond III. In a Scottish wedding, after the official ceremonies, there is often danced. This is called a ceilidh. For this we use traditional Scottish music such as "Marie's Wedding '. Mid dance we go back to the church, where a lovely song in honor of the couple sounds. Marie's Wedding has been recorded by Van Morrison (among many others). Step we gaely, on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe Arm and arm and on we go, all for Marie's wedding

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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  • £119.99

    Trimbeka - Carl Wittrock

    Trimbeka is a composition which owes its existence to the anniversary of music society "de Vlecke" in Gorredijk. The name Gorredijk originates from "goor" or "gor", which means : bog. Along the marshy peat ran a "dijk" (the Dutch word for dike), called the Gordijk. The name of the village resembles that of the home town of the composer himself, who comes from a town in Twente called Goor. Three streams used to run through the area around Gorredijk. the historical name Trimbeets (Trimbeka), meaning three brooks, recalls this to mind. Gorredijk was a flourishing "Vlecke", i.e. large village, which was situated on an intersection of important connecting roads.The liveliness which this entailed is one of the distinctive elements in Trimbeka. Furthermore, ominous sounds possibly refer to the dangers of the bog, while the resonance of the merriment during the annual fair can also be heard. The slow middle movement is an ode to the beautiful landscape surrounding the village.

    Estimated dispatch 5-14 working days

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