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  • £10.00

    Land Under Wave

    DescriptionLand Under Wavewas inspired by the character Tiffany Aching, in the "Wee Free Men" series of books by Terry Pratchett. In the books, Tiffany discovers not only that she is a witch, but that her name in the language of the Wee Free Men means "land under wave". This name signifies her ties to the land of her birth, the chalk downlands of Pratchett's Discworld, because chalk is formed from the beds of prehistoric seas.Listen to an audio preview while following the music below:

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £25.00

    Ring'd with the Azure World

    DescriptionRing'd with the Azure World was commissioned by the Harmonia Brass quintet for their final recital at the University of Huddersfield in 2016.He clasps the crag with crooked hands;Close to the sun in lonely lands,Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;He watches from his mountain walls,And like a thunderbolt he falls.- The Eagle by Alfred, Lord TennysonThe music was inspired by Tennyson's poem reproduced above; it seeks simply to reflect the spirit of the poem. It opens in sparse, lonely mood as the eagle surveys the world beneath. The work quickens in three bursts using metrical modulation to disguise the actual moment of acceleration, reflecting the lazy energy stored in the circling raptor before concluding dramatically in a fall 'like a thunderbolt'. Tennyson's poem, although brief, has inspired much analysis and writing, and is notable for being written in the (then somewhat unfashionable) iambic tetrameter, indicating a foursquare emphasis reflected in the main theme of the music. This is heard first in an octatonic version and later in a purely tonal (if somewhat modal) version. The instrumentation reflects that of Harmonia Brass, a quintet composed of brass band instruments (two B flat cornets, an E flat tenor horn, tenor trombone and E flat tuba). However the music is also available for the more conventional brass quintet of two trumpets, french horn, trombone and tuba.To listen to an audio export preview and follow the music, click play on the video below!Performance Notes1st cornet/trumpet requires a cup mute, ideally with an adjustable cup (the marking "tight" denotes that the cup should be adjusted closer to the bell), and a harmon mute with the tube removed (denoted by "TR" in the score). 2nd cornet/trumpet requires a fibre straight mute and a harmon mute with the tube removed. Tenor horn require a fibre straight mute and a practice mute (any sort) - in the orchestral brass version the french horn requires a stop mute. Trombone requires a cup mute (only). Tuba requires a fibre straight mute and a practice mute (of any sort).Metronome marks should be closely observed - starting either too fast or too slow will have a disproportionate effect on the tempi later in the piece due to the metrically controlled tempo changes.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £45.00


    Descriptionf/m was inspired by the internet cartoon 'frequency' by the artist Randall Munroe, which can be seen atxkcd.'Frequency' displays a grid of randomly chosen statistical events which flash at the frequency of their real-time occurrence; an outwardly banal idea with surprisingly profound results. f/m (which - predictably - is short for frequency/modulation) takes a similarly random set of time/duration statistics and uses them to generate the note lengths for each instrument. The first four statistics (and the first brass instrument entries) are derived from physical science. The next eight are all related to the natural world. The final ten, for which the cornets are used, represent contemporary human activity. The percussion instruments maintain a "tick and chime" throughout the work. To view a PDF preview of the score click here.The statistics used are as follows, indicated by numbers in brackets in the score at the first iteration of each one:Lightning strikes the earth 100 times per secondThe first pulsar ever discovered, PSR1919+21, pulses once every 1.337 secondsThere are approximately 10 supernovae every 0.95 secondsEvery 0.6 seconds the entire solar system moves 100 miles around the galactic centreEvery 4.1 seconds a 70 kg human emits 1000 gamma rays due to naturally occurring potassiumA blue whale's heart beats once every 6.67 secondsA hedgehog's heart beats 300/min or 5 times a secondEvery 2 seconds the net population of the world increases by 5There is one birth every 0.24 secondsThere is one death 0.56 seconds5.14 people die of malaria every minute ( one every 11.67 seconds)10 kilotonnes of polar ice are lost on average every 1.4 seconds.Walmart's takes in sales revenue of $10,000 every 1.4 secondsEvery 3 seconds there are 60,000 plastic bags used in US supermarketsEvery 0.72 seconds the world uses 500 tonnes of paperEvery 7.65 seconds, South Korea builds a carEvery 1.75 seconds, China builds a carEvery 5.8 seconds, Germany builds a carEvery 4.7 seconds, the USA builds a truckTwo commercial airline flights take off every 1.86 secondsMacdonalds serves 300 burgers every 4 seconds and feeds 787 people per secondStarbucks uses 3 gallons of milk every secondPerformance Notes:All entries are cued by the conductor at his/her discretion. There is no specified minimum or maximum time between entries and no specified overall duration; the times between each new entry do not have to be consistent unless the conductor wishes them to be so. However each player should be allowed time to complete at least one iteration of their note, and preferably to become comfortable with their place in the overall texture - one of the aims of the work is try present dissonant sounds through the medium of the brass band outside the normal performance context, allowing players to find their place in a non-diatonic harmonic matrix without regard for linear motion or developmental activity. Entries should not coincide unless they align vertically on the score. While it is accepted that absolute accuracy is not possible, players should attempt to get as close as they can the the printed duration of their note, and do their best to keep that duration consistent during repetitions. Rests are indicated by empty staves. A continuous line indicates a repetition in progress.Soprano cornet will require a harmon mute. Cornet 1 and Trombone 2 require metal straight mutes. Cornets 5,7,8 and 9 require cup mutes. The work requires three percussionists, playing tubular bells, vibraphone and and egg shaker.Approximate duration 6'00" - 9'00"

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days

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  • £44.95

    Wall of Sound - Paul Lovatt-Cooper

    A real 'feel-good' piece that mixes the genres of dance, jazz, rock and funk that is an ideal showcase for band and soloists. Commissioned by Dr Nicholas Childs and Philip Biggs for the National Children's Band of Great Britain 2010. Circa 7'20".

    Estimated Delivery 20th Sept
  • £34.95

    Skylines - Paul Lovatt-Cooper - Christian Jenkins

    Skylines is composed in a funk style with a rigid bass line allowing various soloists to shine. It is composed in a style that many brass band traditionalists won't find stereotypical. That doesn't mean it won't challenge the youth bands...

    Estimated dispatch 4-7 working days
  • £69.95

    TRANSFORMATION (Brass Band Set) - Kenneth Downie

    I believe in transformation, God can change the hearts of men, And refine the evil nature, till it glows with grace again'. So wrote John Gowans in the second verse of his great hymn, 'I believe that God the Father, can be seen in God the Son', written specifically to affirm Salvationists' beliefs. It is sung to the tune Bethany and in seeking to explore this great subject at the heart of the Christian gospel in musical terms, the composer has used this fine tune as the basis. Although it never appears in its entirety, it is seldom out of the picture and much of the work is derived from it. The other main source of material is the lovely, simple chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him, changed to heavenly beauty, when his face I see'. This chorus is especially prominent in the middle section but there are important references to it throughout. There are also brief references to Charles Wesley's hymn, 'Love Divine' and, in particular, the telling lines, 'Changed from glory into glory, till in Heaven we take our place'. The work suggests that, at times, the process of being transformed is a struggle, portrayed with many passages of fraught and demanding music. Considerable reserves of stamina and technique are required while, in contrast, the chorus, 'Some day I shall be like him' provides the warm, gentle centre of the work. The premiere of the work was given by The International Staff Band of The Salvation Army in Cadogan Hall on Friday 3rd June 2011, as part of the band's 120th anniversary celebrations.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £59.95

    ELLACOMBE CHRONICLES, The (Brass Band Set) - James Curnow

    This piece was commissioned by Brass Band of Columbus for the occasion of the band's 25th anniversary in 2009. It is dedicated to current and former members of the band and its founding Director, Dr Paul Droste. The hymns of Isaac Watts (1674 - 1748) have been a source of inspiration for musical thought and development by composers for over 200 years. His glorious hymn 'I sing the mighty power of God' has been coupled with the hymn tune 'Ellacombe' in many hymnals over these two centuries. This work was created and inspired by Isaac Watts's text and chronicles the three verses of the hymn through a set of diverse variations on the hymn tune 'Ellacombe'. The opening fanfare is intended to capture the joy and exuberance of the first phrase of the first verse, 'I sing the mighty power of God that made the mountains rise'. The developmental material following the fanfare gives a hint of the three large variations that are extracted from the tune.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    TURRIS FORTISSIMA (Brass Band Set) - Steven Ponsford

    The geographical position of Plymouth (the composer's home city) means that, at various times in history, the city has been the United Kingdom's first line of defence. A series of forts around the coast bears testimony to this and forts have featured on the city's coat of arms ever since. However, the city's forefathers believed that physical security was worthless without a faith in God's protection and this is reflected in the city motto; Turris fortissima est nomen Jehovah (The name of Jehovah is our strongest tower) (Proverbs 18:10). Written for Enfield Citadel Band's tour of the USA in 2007, the music attempts to portray this assurance with the use of the tune Ein' Fest Burg (A mighty fortress is our God) along with the more contemporary Blessed be the Name of the Lord and Shout to the Lord. There is also an apt reference to Dean Goffin's My Strength, My Tower as the music builds to its dramatic final bars.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £29.95

    DEEP HARMONY (Brass Band Set) - Stuart Pullin

    Stuart Pullin unfortunately passed away at a very early age, just 32, but leaves a wonderful legacy of compositions. It was his wish that this moving arrangement of 'Deep Harmony' be donated to The Salvation Army for publication so that it can now be played and appreciated by all.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days
  • £44.95

    CHRIST-HYMN (Brass Band Set) - Robert Redhead

    Christ-Hymn is an expression of response to the ancient Christian hymn quoted by Paul in his letter to the Philippian church (Philippians 2:5-11). After an opening which creates a tone of sadness and quiet suffering, the following music is a joyous expression of the truth that 'He is exalted', 'His name is above all names' and 'Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord'.

    Estimated dispatch 7-14 working days